"Vegas wounds a fake."

The following is the letter sent to Paul Craig Roberts and published on his web site here: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/10/09/military-surgeon-says-videos-las-vegas-gunshot-victims-fake/
“As a patriotic American, I must say I was, like most people here, initially totally shocked by the Las Vegas shooting and I hate to admit naively believed the media. However, after receiving disturbing emails about it, with references to others with doubts, I began to look at the media reports with more suspicion, and from a medical point of view primarily the almost complete absence of blood on site from the around 550 victims apparently shot was an immediate give away.
“I am a retired general surgeon, and when younger served in a number of military hospitals in Asia and the Middle East, and I can assure you, few would have had such extensive experience in treating bullet wounds as I. Unless you’ve actually seen bullet wounds from a clinical perspective from high powered weapons they claim were used in the shooting, it is hard to appreciate the extent that the mainstream media are plainly lying.
“Most of these military style weapons now shoot high velocity bullets above 3000 f.p.s. muzzle velocity and when these bullets strike a human body they often cause the bullet to yaw (or tumble) and fragment into about a dozen pieces of various sizes thus creating wounds way out of proportion to the calibre size. Often these wounds are so devastating many have considered the modern M16 type assault rifle rounds (and other similar type of rounds) to be inhuman. Most media sources claim the victims were hit at a range of about 500 meters. To use the U.S military M16 assault rifle as an example. It uses 5.56 x 45 mm high velocity, flat trajectory cartridges giving it an effective range of about 200 meters, but with now more common M855 cartridges and heavier projectiles this is increased to 600 meters, with the bullet being lethal to over 3000 yards or 2700 meters. The M855 round produces massive wounding effects. After about 200 yards, as the velocity declines the projectile is less likely to fragment when it strikes the target, but it still does a huge amount of damage, way above wounds delivered from a regular hand gun for example.
“So with this knowledge in mind, I have now viewed most of the mainstream media reports on YouTube of the victims in hospital and I can assure you they are all actors and not one of these people is a legitimate patient. Being shot with a high-powered weapon and struck with a high velocity bullet is a very trumatic experience and indeed more patients routinely die from the trauma rather than the wound itself. Yet all these patients being interviewed in bed are not surrounded with emergency care diagnostic equipment at all, are looking completely normal, relaxed and comfortable. This is not how patients feel one or two days after being shot with a high-powered assault weapon I can assure you and even if its only in the leg it is still serious. Here is a short YouTube video of what many typical gunshot wounds to the leg of a patient actually looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cDIjCwl3n0
“Here is possibly some of the greatest government/mainstream media/propaganda yet about the Las Vegas shooting, showing President Trump actually visiting a patient in a Las Vegas hospital who apparently was shot through the leg. I can assure you, if he had genuinely been shot through the leg with a high velocity bullet as they claim, he would not, so soon after the event, be able to stand up, neither would he have the desire to do so. This is a disgrace, and one finds it impossible to accept President Trump does not know it is all a completely staged event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ucMWOatho
Las Vegas shooting victim Thomas Gunderson rises from his hospital bed to shake President Donald Trump&

“Here are a couple more videos of these supposed victims in hospital that have been shot. Every one of them are not legitimate patients at all, but are plainly actors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gySdhRhWGVE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_LFKvz3W2w Note: in this video the girl patients are almost uncontrollably laughing, knowing that they are lying. During one or two days after getting shot through the hip with a high powered assault weapon and after having been operated on, I can assure you no patient is ever laughing or looking like this!
“Lastly, in the past material has been ‘censored’ off the Internet, and in relation to this recent Las Vegas shooting, links have been blocked over the last 2 or 3 days as well. You might like know that you are not on your own. Because both Facebook and YouTube are working together to censor everything they and the government doesn’t like and don’t want the public to know.
“YouTube has just changed its search algorithms from Thursday night 5th October 2017, to block and censor all the most persuasive videos making claims that the Las Vegas shooting event is a hoax, designing them conspiracy theories, especially videos exposing the crisis actors involved portraying themselves as victims in hospital. These are not wild allegations. It is from their own public admissions. Here is a report showing, “YouTube takes action against offensive conspiracy videos that claim Las Vegas massacre was a hoax.” The arrogance of it all! This is the resurrection of Nazi Germany all over again.
“Therefore, my conclusion is that the whole event was staged, there were no real shooters at all, and probably even Stephen Paddock’s brother is a crisis actor as well. When a handful of powerful wicked men like this control the banks, the global mainstream media and the government, no one can effectively now speak up to criticize, because when they do their words will never be published or heard. I think the real reason why they are using actors and staged events like this at this early stage, is that when they use real, bigger more serious events in the future, those patriots who have previously exposed these earlier events as not being real, will be made to appear stupid. Hopefully I have helped clarify this medical aspect at least.
Yours truly.
Dr K.S.
Dr K.S.
Gunshot Wound To The Leg Surgery At Shock Trauma
Surgery for a gunshot wound to the leg at the University of Maryland’s Shock trauma Center.
Gunshot Wound To The Leg Surgery At Shock Trauma
Surgery for a gunshot wound to the leg at the University of Maryland’s Shock trauma Center.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on PaulCraigRoberts.org (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/contact/)
In this image, can anyone make out the nature of the tattoo on the man's chest? Again no ambulance personnel shown and no real indication of the true state of the injured party.

"Shooting On Las Vegas Strip Kills 59, Wounds 527"

The article also poses the question: "If no less than 527 people were injured by live rounds, why is it that at least a small proportion of them did not later succumb to their wounds, as might be expected?"
There appears to be no rational explanation.
It is in fact exceedingly difficult to find any images of the injured, fatally or otherwise. This next image appears to show three such, yet despite the area behind them being quite clear, no one seems to be in attendance or affording them the least attention. It is hard to explain how the blood (if that is what it is) has travelled without obvious sign of injury.Why three persons should be lying together in the way they are as a result of random firing from a distance, is hard to explain.
"A victim lies on the ground covered with blood at the Route 91 Harvest country music"

This is another puzzling image. The covered head could only indicate this victim had died, yet it is located outside the shooting area. The obvious question is raised where she was shot - if indeed she was, and how she was transported over the fence shown? Clearly there is no obvious sign of blood loss in the picture and if fatally injured wouldn't she have remained in the arena?
ABC NEWS PHOTO: "People tend to the wounded outside the festival grounds, Oct. 1,"

This next image purports to show at least three shrouded bodies being loaded into trucks but note the attached description. "Investigators"? Would this not be the job of ambulance personnel or undertakers but only after the police had completed their forensic investigation of the crime scene?
"Investigators load a truck next to a body from the scene of a mass shooting at a music festival near the Mandalay Bay resort and casino on the Las Vegas ..."

Despite a fairly extensive Google search, I have to conclude, there is not one verifiable or reliable image of a dead or injured person at the scene, despite multiple cameras and hundreds who are alleged to have been killed or injured!
Latest Sherriff?/FBI Rep? Press Conference. Spot the non-verbals!
Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid
ReplyDeleteOctober 9, 2017
"Mossad finger prints all over it": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ8SWS4OBJE