(Be warned! Includes shocking images)
Far away shots and close up shots recorded by this on-scene taxi driver. Proof I would say of more than one gun man and more than one gun position! Listen for yourself. More than five minutes of intermittant fire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNiRr763gJA
Multiple shooting locations = multiple shooters. Recorded police communications here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwD2pypWu-E&feature=youtu.be
Here's evidence of at least one shooter NOT on the 32nd floor: https://www.facebook.com/mrskellyguy/posts/10155780117754850
Now the video here and witness statement purport to show a man dressed as a security guard assuming a kneeling position and shooting directly into the crowd from the perimeter. This is corroborative of the referenced videos above. http://www.neon-nettle.com/news/2873-las-vegas-shooting-video-shows-security-guard-gunman-shoot-into-crowd
FIG. 1. A man lays on top of a woman as people flee a mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP) Published by Jerusalem Post
Channel 8 News has this including an alleged audio recording of their entry into the room: (http://wfla.com/2017/10/02/audio-police-breech-stephen-paddocks-mandalay-bay-hotel-room/)
" Police released the audio from the moments leading up to the explosive breach of his hotel room. They didn’t know what they would find inside; how many people or how many weapons.
They have since said that Paddock killed himself before they entered. They did find a cache of weapons inside. Police said at least 10 rifles were found, along with several dozen magazines and an arsenal of ammunition.
“What happened was is that the officers that were actually at that concert could actually hear where the rounds were coming from. It’s very difficult for them to pinpoint that because it was up on the 32nd floor,” said Undersheriff Kevin McMahill with the Las Vegas Police.
“They could see that the rounds were coming from that particular location as heavy fire, automatic fire at times. And so they were corralling all of the people that were actually at the concert into … behind a block wall. And so a number of other officers as the information came out then went immediately to the Mandalay Bay and began to ascend up to that 32nd floor. What we know is that once we arrived up there we had isolated this individual to the two rooms and then our SWAT team used the explosive breaching to go in and confront the individual.”
"Police told Paddock’s brother, Eric, who lives in Orlando, that they found his identification in his wallet. Eric told NBC that he often went to Las Vegas and was familiar with the big hotels there. Police said he had been staying at the hotel since Thursday Sept. 28. He likely had a large suite or more than one room. Two windows were seen blow out of the hotel."
In fact when you listen to the recording it provides very little information and in fact is suspect. Why? Because there appears to be no background noise at all, of the sort one would expect from multiple men and a forced entry with explosives. Nothing of this is included. All that remains is the calm voice of the officer and the controller receiving and confirming the message that, "One suspect is down." Really?
There is no doubt that there are many parallels between the events in Las Vegas and which occurred at the Bataclan, in Paris in 13th December, 2015. The question is, do these similarities indicate a common plan and mind or are they purely coincidental?The most obvious is that in both these were youth orientated music concerts. There is a spookily parallel video of the artist playing whilst the sound of automatic fire can be heard, and the music comes to an end. There are identical witness reports indicating that the shots were mistaken for "firecrackers" despite it hardly being a French expression. Both happen at the weekend (Friday and Saturday respectively) at approximately the same time with about half an hour of each other (9:45 and 10:10 pm respectively) Shooter(s) die - now it seem the Las Vegas shooter "shot himself".
Very similar panic images and stories of hiding. Close parallels in how the story is handled by all main news outlets. Unconvincing biographical details of claimed shooter(s). Contradictory and inexplicable elements to the police response. Extraordinary speed with which the alleged perpatrators were identified. The likely way in which the event will handled politically. In both cases ISIS claimed responsibility, even more incredulously in the latter case.

Convincing image?

Certainly amazing likenesses if not.
22:08 Monday, Pacific Time (PT) is
05:08 Tuesday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
BST 06:08
by 2 OCTOBER 2017 • 1:44PM Danny Boyle's
article for the Telegraph appears on its web page here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/02/las-vegas-strip-shooting-multiple-casualties-reported-near-mandalay/
Also by 12.45 BST the main facts have appeared on a Wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_Strip_shooting
The Jerusalem Post article here: http://www.jpost.com/International/IN-PICTURES-Shooting-kills-at-least-20-injures-over-100-in-Las-Vegas-506505 is time stamped
OCTOBER 2, 2017 13:16
13:16 Monday, Israel (GMT+3) is
03:16 Monday, Pacific Time (PT)
So it took the Jerusalem post just five hours and eight minutes to be supplied with all the photographs and significant incident details and have them published on its web page.
FIG. 2. Las Vegas police stand guard along the streets of Las Vegas after a mass shooting (DAVID BECKER / GETTY IMAGES / AFP) As published by Jerusalem Post
That indicates an incredible level of speed and efficiency on the part of the Las Vegas police and Jerusalem Post journalists.
It involved:
- the shooting starting and continuing;
- the police being called and units arriving;
- locating where the shots were coming from and the actual room;
- getting officers to the hotel and coordinating a plan;
- finding the room and gaining access with explosives; engaging the gunman;
- identifying him as part of a crime scene investigation; confirming his identity and that he was the shooter, confident enough of this and that no one else was involved ("a 'lone wolf' with no connections to any radical group")
- to release this information to the press, so that it could all be published five hours later on the other side of the earth.
Oh the wonders of police speed and efficiency and modern communication!
See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBWhXce5mms (this is copy. the original was banned by you Tube as breaching
See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBWhXce5mms (this is copy. the original was banned by you Tube as breaching
Not only was this the worst killing spree in America, it also appears to have been the quickest solved ever (excluding perhaps that of JFK which has long been proved to be a fraud, a conspiracy and a miscarriage of justice) Following on from Orlando, you may appreciate why everyone should retain a certain degree of caution when reacting to official accounts.
FIG. 3. A pair of cowboy boots in the street outside the concert venue after a mass shooting in Las Vegas (STEVE MARCUS / REUTERS) Published by Jerusalem Post
So posed! What is it with feet and shoes in incidents of this sort, leaving aside the issues of how and why they were abandoned.
Fig. 3a. PR alarm bells ringing? (Image discovered 6.10.17)
It contains all of the following information:
Fig. 3a. PR alarm bells ringing? (Image discovered 6.10.17)

It contains all of the following information:
- the number killed and injured (50+ and 200+)
- who did the shooting (64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite Nevada)
- from where (a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel
- what happened to him (shot by police)
- the event (2017 Route 91 Harvest festival was a three day country music festival held from September 29 to October 1, 2017, at Las Vegas Village, a 15-acre (6.1 ha) lot on the Las Vegas Strip[6][1] across from the Luxor and Mandalay Bay hotels)
- Who was performing (Jason Aldean, Eric Church and Sam Hunt, with Aldean as the closing act)
416K views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7ixInjs0C47 hours ago at 3 pm BST - that would have been 8 am BST. Note that is less than two hours after the actual event taking place.
We do not know who "yx0ify 3,365 subscribers" is but he appears to get around and is particularly interested in social disorder events and hurricanes. Although attending the event and being able to film it, he does not appear to get hit or injured.
The other rather interesting detail is that although facing the Mandalay Bay Hotel from where the alleged gun fire is said to have originated, there is no sign of a light source commensurate with a firing machine gun or automatic weapon.
Yet the police have been reported as saying this is how they located the room. See for yourself by watching the video confidently promoted by the the Jerusalem Post and probably other outlets. (Since writing this the two images below (FIGS. 4 & 5) purporting to indicate the two broken windows where the shots came from.) There is no indication on video or stills that this where the gun was fired from.
On FIG. 2 there is a strange source of light at the top of the tower in the middle of the two wings with something looking remarkably like sparks cascading down the front of the building. Not evidence of the shooter surely? If so it is clearly in a completely different location to that identified as the gunman's room.

Note: the Telegraph video is ' bookended' by advert for David Gilmour "Live in Pompei". Good taste or bad taste? "31 May 2017 - David Gilmour's 'Live at Pompeii' movie is scheduled for a one-night-only theatrical screening on September 13, 2017." "1 Jun 2017 - Over 2000 cinemas across the globe will be showing the concert film David Gilmour LiveAt Pompeii this September."

Fig.21. An earlier shooting incident. This normal Las Vegas police response?

Convincing video of the aftermath here: https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=956_1507066205
ReplyDeleteGood article here: https://gumshoenews.com/2017/10/05/questions-gunfire-sounds-silent-hour-stephen-paddocks-actions/
ReplyDeletePaddock the Mystery Man: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/06/us/unknowable-stephen-paddock-and-the-mystery-motive/index.html
ReplyDeleteWhere did he get a million dollars a year to spend on gambling?
Israel (as in 9/11) riding the sympathy wave. Never to a miss a trick, the Jewish Las Vegas mayor says, ‘Israel lives with this every day’. Of course not something Palestinians or members of other Arab nations have lived with. Immediately suspicious I would say.
"Las Vegas is absolutely a 'false flag' event, whether people died or not. This has been concocted by the Zio-Cons." Robert David Steele Interview.
Ex-CIA employee talks about Vegas: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?app_id=87741124305&href=https%3A//www.youtube.com/attribution_link%3Fa%3DEf8p_rsIrqQ%26u%3D%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DmoIAjMjty90%2526feature%253Dshare&display=popup&redirect_uri=https://www.youtube.com/facebook_redirect
ReplyDeletePaul Craig Roberts: "Las Vegas Final Comment
ReplyDeleteOctober 7, 2017 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article
Las Vegas Final Comment
Dear Readers, some of you keep pushing me for an explanation of the Las Vegas event. I have no contacts with people who might be involved in US covert operations. Some of you think that since I “was there with Reagan,” I know everything about what goes on in government. This is not the case for anyone in government.
Those of you who are so interested in Las Vegas must figure it out on your own. Keep in mind that there can be just as much fake news on the Internet as on CNN, etc.
I can offer some guidance as to the sort of things you could examine to help you to come to a conclusion. Unless normal police investigation was not undertaken, there will be crime scene photos that should show blood trails and blood pools. The kill area should coordinate with the alleged position of the shooter. Bullets that entered the ground should show the trajectory and direction that the bullet traveled.
If none of this evidence is available, turn to the available evidence. Do the videos of the people crouching and running show any one who is hit? Do you hear voices crying out, “I’ve been hit, help me!”? If not, why not? 573 casualties is a large number.
Consult medics on how the wounded are handled and compare what you learn with this video that purports to be a video of the wounded brought to a hospital. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki__BdeRIjc Note the absence of medics and medical personnel. Note the incorrect ways that the alleged injured are being carried by people in street clothes who clearly are not professionals. Note the absence of blood. None on the stretchers, none on the victims, none on the people carrying the victims, none on the hospital floor. No signs of trauma.
Ask yourself how the injured came into the hands of concert goers who had fled the scene. Did concert goers return to the scene in order to recover the wounded? Why would they take this risk or be allowed to? It was an hour before police made it to the hotel room from which the shooting allegedly took place? Why would police, ambulances, medical personnel permit untrained people to handle the wounded?
I remember years ago that it became a personal liability matter for a good samaritan to help an injured person. There were cases where people attempting to help someone injured in an accident or shooting who did not know how to recognize injuries and the correct procedures for moving an injured person actually brought about the paralysis or death of the person they were attempting to help. The alleged injured bodies in the video are being manhandled. If there were a bullet close to the spine, for example, the consequence could be paralysis. I really do not believe that ordinary people would be permitted to lug the injured into a hospital. The video looks to me like crisis actors participating in a drill. There are reports that there were advertisements for crisis actors for a Las Vegas drill prior to the event. And here is a report allegedly from the hospital chief saying that after the shooting or alleged shooting, the hospital activated a “mass casualty incident disaster drill.” https://www.intellihub.com/chief-m-d-vegas-hospital-says-mass-casualty-incident-disaster-drill-was-initiated-after-massacre-took-place/ If so, how did the hospital assemble the crisis actors so quickly?
ReplyDeleteIs the hospital chief’s claim a way to explain away the absence of blood and inappropriate handling of the wounded by declaring it to be a drill, not evidence of the shooting? If so, then where is the evidence of injured people taken to hospital?
Responsible public authorities aware of the public’s growing suspicion and recourse to conspiracy theories would go out of their way to provide clear hard evidence to back the official story. With 573 casualties, there has to be an abundance of evidence. Where is it?
I cannot sort out these issues for you. I am far more concerned about the conflict with Russia, Iran, and China toward which the neoconservatives, the military/security complex, and the presstitutes are driving us. If such a conflict materializes, the casualties will be a million or many millions larger than the alleged 573 dead and wounded in Las Vegas. I wish I could get
Americans as concerned about this as they are about Las Vegas."
The British Constitution has classically been described as "Unwritten and flexible." It undoubtedly exists and is both its strength and weakness. May's recent behaviour that apparently enraged the Palace, proved that. However it consists of both documents AND precedent over hundreds of years and with time is manipulated by tri-cameral Parliament, which is legislatively supreme and cannot be bound by earlier ones. Philosophical and theological principles have always underpinned the British Constitution and the decisions of Parliamentarians and Judges. Sadly as these weaken, the autocratic and anti-democratic forces strengthen, prepared even to impose self-inflicted terrorism to pursue its selfish ambitions. Only an educated and aware public can frustrate the evil plans of a small but influential ill-defined international conspiracy.
ReplyDeleteReal Paddock still alive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1VLeSUP2ls