Saturday 8 June 2024

Missing Michael Mosley


Whilst on holiday on the Greek island of Symi on 5 June 2024, the doctor and TV journalist, Michael Mosley set off for a walk on his own at 13:30. He did not take his phone with him. That afternoon, the temperature reached 40 °C (104 °F). Shortly before 14:00, he was captured on CCTV in the nearby coastal village of Pedi, and later entering a mountainous path that led inland.To date (8.6.2024) he has still not been located despite strenuous local search efforts.

Although the TV doctor Michael Mosley shares a name with a son of the famous 'Black Shirt' British National Socialist leader Oswald Moseley, apparently the two are not related. It is perhaps reasonable to assume that if they were the former would not be over-anxious to publicise the fact. Oswald's son Michael died in 2012. There are however some interesting coincidental alignments which I always find fascinating.

The current Michael Mosley was born in Calcutta in 1957. It is stated his father was a banker but no more. There was clearly money because from age seven he was privately educated at a British boarding school, followed by three years at Oxford, we assume from 1975 to 1978 reading PPE at New College.

It is well known that such a background of family separation at such an early age, commonly leaves long-lasting psychological scars and the ability to bury them. After university he spent two years as a banker in the City of London, no doubt drawing on the example and contacts his father had made.

Why he was born in Calcutta is not explained other than that his father was a banker there. However in the case of Sir Oswald there are some interesting connections with India and specifically Calcutta in former times. Of course I wonder if these are wholly extraneous?

First Sir Oswald in 1920 married Lady Cynthia Curzon who was the second daughter of the 1st Earl Curzon of Keddleston, who happened to be the Viceroy of India from 1899 - 1905 and later Foreign Secretary. Four years later in 1924, husband and wife did a tour of India where they stopped in Calcutta, where Lord Lytton was then Viceroy.

Oswald had been elected youngest MP for Harrow in 1918, and in the next two subsequent elections in 1921 and 1922, narrowly missing to Neville Chamberlaine in Birmingham Ladywood (by77 votes) in 1924. When in 1933 his first wife died of peritonitis, he married Diana Guinness (nee Mitford) in Germany with Adolph Hitler and other leading National Socialists attending as principle guests. He organised anti-semitic marches in the East End in 1936, which resulted in riots labelled the 'Battle of Cable Street'.

Unbeknownst to Mosley he was closely monitored by MI5 and Special Branch from 1936 onwards. (From Wikipaedia) "His agitation was officially tolerated until the events of the Battle of France in May 1940 made the government consider him too dangerous. Mosley, who at that time was focused on pleading for the British to accept Hitler's peace offer of March, was detained on 23 May 1940, less than a fortnight after Winston Churchill became Prime Minister.[1] Mosley was interrogated for 16 hours by Lord Birkett[55] but never formally charged with a crime, and was instead interned under Defence Regulation 18B."

Leaving aside the step-children from his second marriage, Oswald had four from his first. These were:

  • Vivien Mosley
  • Nicholas Mosley 
  • Michael Mosley
  • Alexander Mosley
  • Max Mosley

Max Mosley who had a life-long involvement in motor racing, created considerable notoriety in 2008 regarding leaked pictures and story of him in a military themed orgy that was claimed to be facist but ruled not. He thereafter pursued several cases with the aim of limiting press freedom in personal matters. If the currently missing 67 year old Michael Mosley is unrelated to Oswald Mosley, it follows neither is he related to Max.

Last image. Shaded from the sun - not the rain.

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