Saturday 29 June 2024



Claude Baesens

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observer:
"Israel" deliberately targets shelters for displaced people in Gaza and kills them under UN flag.
We have documented the intensification of "Israeli" bombardment of shelters on the heads of internally displaced people and targeting areas declared humanitarian zones, emphasizing the imposition of forced displacement and the destruction of all essential goods.
"Israeli" forces are stepping up their operations to bomb civilian property and massacre civilians, targeting UN refugee centers and committing massacres in those locations.
The scheme of "Israeli" bombing indicates a clear policy to deprive Gaza of any sense of security and deprive Palestinians of shelter or even momentary stability by continuing bombing across the strip, focusing on UN school shelters.
We have counted four strikes since dawn Tuesday against shelters, in addition to the destruction of several residents' homes, leaving dozens dead and injured, mostly women and children.
Among the "Israeli" airstrikes, the Abdel Fattah Hamoud school housing displaced people in central Gaza was targeted, killing eight displaced people, all from the Al-Jarou family: an elderly woman, her son, wife and their five children.
On the same morning, "Israeli" planes bombarded the UNRWA-owned "Asmaa J" school, housing displaced people in Al-Shati camp in western Gaza, killing 11 displaced people, including five women and four children.
"Israeli" planes also bombarded UNRWA's "Industry" site, targeting two rooms at the western entrance of the building, killing four workers of the humanitarian aid security committee.
In addition to anti-aircraft shelters, "Israeli" planes bombarded at least 12 homes across the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, killing dozens and injured, some of which are still under rubble.
The growing circle of attacks on shelters and displaced people waving UN flags indicates the falseness of "Israeli" justifications, and the bombings violate the principles of distinction, necessity, proportionality and necessary precautions.
Repeated attacks on UN buildings, killing, destroying and setting them on fire, are a blatant challenge to international humanitarian law and constitute war crimes in itself.
We renew our call to all countries to assume their international responsibilities by imposing effective sanctions on “Israel” and ending any form of political, financial and military support and cooperation provided to it.
We urge the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into all crimes committed by "Israel" in Gaza and to expand the investigation into individual criminal liability for these crimes to include all those responsible and to issue warrants against them.

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