Thursday 6 June 2024

 Chevaline Massacre - the plot thickens.

Could we hear from the Sapeurs who were first on scene at the Chevaline massacre? You can generally trust Firemen to tell the truth. Then there are the first Ambulance and Police attenders. Also we haven't heard a first hand account from the Forestry workers either! None of those statements were ever made public as far as I know despite them being pivotal. What time did the Sapeurs arrive precisely? Who did they meet or pass on the way up? In particular Martin and Didierjean? Was there any other person or persons on site? Where exactly were the three bodies outside the car lying and pointing? Was there any sign they had moved or been moved? Where was Mollier's bike? Where were the bullet shells scattered? How many car windows shattered or showing bullet holes? What photo images (if any) were taken by the first responders? Who, where and by whom were the gun parts found? Did any of the first responders check for vital signs in the victims inside and outside the car? Who opened the back door of the estate or was it open when they got there? Was the engine running or silent? How was the event notified to the three responders, exactly at what time, by whom and with what facts? These are all crucial details that have never been revealed.

French police have been quoted as saying,  

"There are potentially comparisons. The operation in the Alps is likely to have involved more than one assassin and it is likely that they had formal military training.The clues are there. In the Alps case, the assassins have a great deal of luck because nobody sees them. They know how to use a weapon, and they know how to get away."

Of course this is not strictly true. 

I very much doubt the 'success' of the operation was down to 'luck' but rather as a result of careful planning and some degree of official support in the getaway and subsequent cover-up. 

Further it is not accurate to say no one saw them. The victims saw them - obviously - before they died. Zainab saw them. Employees of the Office National des Forets (ONF) passing by said they saw them. Others may have seen them - but lied or not told the whole truth.

Note also the police also now appear to believe that more than one person was involved i.e. a 'conspiracy'. As I have always thought and suggested. The question is why on all these points did the French Prosecutor M. Eric Maillaud, wish you to believe the opposite was the case: namely a single, amateur, fortuitous, killer with links to Britain and family, not implicating M. Mollier in any way? 

Contrary to everything claimed by the French prosecuting authorities at the time and subsequently, it appears I have been proved right in a number of my assertions. 

1. It is now accepted the killer was most likely a professional with a military background, not as was claimed a 'common or garden' psychopath. 

2. This was a well-planned military style targeted operation by professionals not as was suggested just accidental 'wrong time/wrong place' murders. 

3. That it must have involved elements of secret agencies to plan and carry it out, including a necessary cover-up, not an unfortunate amateur and serendipitous occurance.

4. By virtue of the modus operandi, highly coincidental circumstaces (It was forty years (forty being a very significant Jewish number) to the day since the Munich Olympic Massacre in June 1972 for which Operation Wrath of God was launched which lasted for at least the next twenty years or more)  and track record, Israeli involvement (with or without the active cooperation of French Intelligence) was a stark possibility.

5. Notwithstanding these points, it is possible the motivation was personal to one or more of the victims, for which large money transfers would have been required. Professional commercial assassins don't work for peanuts.

6. Sometimes commercial and political objectives merge and are difficult to separate. 

What is still not clear is whom of the four killed was the primary target or if all were targets or if any were shot merely because they were witnesses. Nor has the motive for the killings been revealed, but if the former assumptions are correct, and this was a State Intelligence assassination operation, we may take it the reason would not be local or trivial in nature, but be regarded as threatening national security or interests, or in the Zionist case as retribution for former 'terrorist' acts.

Alternatively that corrupt elements of the French spy organistion - DGSE - and members of a secretive Masonic Lodge, conspired with or on behalf of others, possibly for financial gain, to carry out the murders. I have reported elsewhere on MOSSAD infiltration and collaboration with French security. 

A very recent Le Monde investigation revealed extensive cooperation in return for money between French and Israeli spy agencies at the critical time (2010 - 2012) in relation to events in Syria and no doubt by implication, Lebanon and Iran.  (See: )

I quote:  "According to the newspaper, between 2010 and 2012, French and Israeli intelligence agencies carried out a joint operation, codenamed “Ratafia.”

Several Mossad agents operating under false names were sent to Paris to recruit a Syrian engineer who had vital information about the chemical weapons arsenal of Syrian President Bashar al Assad's regime.

According to Le Monde, the Mossad managed to recruit the Syrian engineer. The latter provided Israel with the information it needed to demonstrate that the Syrians were exploiting its scientific cooperation with the European Union (EU) to further develop its chemical weapons program. The operation was a success and led the EU to cancel its cooperation agreement with Syria in 2011.

Ratafia's main target had focused mainly on the Syrian chemical weapons engineer, who after several years of work was convinced to travel to France to expand his chemistry studies, recruit other specialists and take them with him back to Syria. Once in that country, Israel and France gained his trust, slowly extracting information about the Syrian regime's chemical weapons.

Operation Ratafia was conducted by the Mossad station chief in Paris, identified by Le Monde only by the initials DK.

The French internal intelligence agency known as the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) claimed that DK abused his daily contacts with French agents to establish close relationships with them, while one of the agents was photographed arriving at DK's home to Shabbat dinner.

That same agent told his superiors that he was going to Dubai on vacation with his family; but instead, he traveled to Jerusalem to meet with Mossad agents."

You may think the parallels with the al Hilli case are too obvious to highlight. Recruiting a foreign engineer. Links to the Middle East. Links and travel to Dubai. Weapons expertise.

All these assumptions and theories have been to a certain extent substantiated by a byzarre series of events in France in 2019 as reported here: - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions

In a foiled plot to murder corporate coach and hypnosis expert Marie Helene DINI.  

The case is still awaiting trial, but the relevance of it to the Chevaline killings, is that the bullets are said to match a Luger pistol in the latter case. Police say 7.65mm cartridges, like those used in the 2012 attack, were discovered at the property of a man arrested after hit men turned up outside 55-year-old Ms Dini's home in the Parisian suburbs last year. 

It is not altogether clear who that person is but it seems probable that it is someone named only as 'Jean Luc B, 64' They do not say whether there is damage to the gun that matches the remnants at the murder scene which would tend to make the association conclusive. 

If they have gun and bullet cases, they must surely be able forensically to settle the matter conclusively?

(For various reasons, I have always had reservations regarding the claimed weapon used. It would have required at least two reloadings. Also whether the much publicised damage left at the scene was an intentional decoy?)

On the 24th July 2020, the said Madame Dini whilst leaving her house noticed two men in a car parked outside, being arrested by police. They told officers they were DGSE, the equivalent to MI6, and claimed they were on an official mission to kill Ms Dini because of something to do with Mossad, the Israeli secret service.

It appears they were agents of the French security service - guard at a DGSG camp under orders to assassinate Dini, it was said, for being a Mossad spy. They were carrying automatic weapons with which to do it and were part of a secret Masonic group associated with a whole series of murders or attempted ones, along the lines of the Mafia for intimidation, control or removal of targeted individuals. One of them Frederick Vaglio had rather too-convenient links to Annecy! It appears he carried out his nefarious operations for large amounts of money. The question is, did he do the same for the Mollier/al Hilli killings?

"Frederick Vaglio, 50, another alleged gang member, was born in Annecy and had business links there before and after the killings.

"Company records show he set up a PR firm in the town in 2009, but it was wound up a few days before the Alps murders.

"Vaglio then formed a security and corporate intelligence firm called Meliora in 2016, registered to his parents' address in Annecy. He also ran a firm called Naberat Events, which organised a classic car rally.

"A neighbour at his last known address in Paris said he saw "a lot of cars coming and going - often with military types in them", adding: "Gunshots were heard around the house. It's said the owner of the house used to test his weapons in the grounds."

"According to prosecution documents, Vaglio was offered €75,000 by a fellow Freemason to set up an attack on Marie-Helene Dini, a therapist and business coach."

Nine people are now indicted, including seven imprisoned in this case. With the confession of Jean-Luc B., the investigators believe they have put an end to this story which mixes naive and manipulated DGSE soldiers , unscrupulous former internal intelligence police officers and private security specialists experienced in execution. of deadly contracts. A complex structure, linked by business and freemasonry. 

The people so far arrested all appear to belong to the same Masonic Lodge,  in Hauts-de-Seine named “Athanor”  the medieval name of the alchemists ' furnace ) rather significantly set up in the Spring of 2012 and closed in February, 2021. All have been officially distanced from the French security services, but perhaps we should take that with the reservations it deserves. 

The two in the car are named only as called Pierre B. and Carl E. and work for the DGSE. They do not belong to the action department of the DGSE, but are simply guards of the specialized paratrooper training center (CPES) of the DGSE in Cercottes ( Loiret ), under the pseudonyms of Dagomar and Adelard .

A private security agent, thinking he was working for a French intelligence service, is suspected of the murder of Laurent Pasquali 8 . These various perpetrators appear to have acted under the direction of a duo formed by a former DCRI police officer and a communications specialist, the latter with no apparent direct link with the intelligence services. (Above taken from:

 These various perpetrators appear to have acted under the direction of a duo formed by a former DCRI police officer and a communications specialist, the latter with no apparent direct link with the intelligence services

The name of former DGSE agent Daniel Forestier is cited in the investigation report 18 . Retrained in private security, notably in the service of one of the daughters of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaïev , Daniel Forestier was assassinated in 2019 in the town of Ballaison ( Haute-Savoie ), on the shores of Lake Geneva, while he was involved in an assassination attempt against Ferdinand Mbaou in 2018 (Above taken from:

After four days in police custody, Jean-Luc B., 64, has just made a terrible confession to the police officers of the Paris criminal brigade. He is indeed the man who sponsored “the neutralization” of Marie-Hélène Dini , his main competitor in business coaching. He criticizes his rival, targeted by an assassination attempt, on July 24, 2020 in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), by two soldiers from the DGSE, of wanting to regulate the profession, which would be synonymous with loss of financial figures. business for him. “I was in a state of extreme mental load, worn out by my work. Completely consumed,” explains Jean-Luc B., between two regrets. (Source: )

Suhaila al-Allaf, 74 (Saad's mother-in-law)

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