Sunday 9 June 2024

 Dramatic political developments world-wide!

(What's that nasty smell America?)

Those were a really thoughtful and helpful replies Mike. Thanks for sharing. Elections are a theatrical charade, intended to give the masses the illusion of control, when power never has or does rest there. The delusion of 'democracy' that distinguishes us from all those other evil states. The delusion of power and policy. The delusion od 'change', when the political competition makes a virtue of the fact that there will be none. What greater con-trick could there be than that? Then there is the Conservative's desperate attempt to buy votes, by offering tax cuts, whilst admitting there is no spare cash. Meanwhile the underlying realities are never discussed. A century of post empire decline. Wholesale destruction of manufacturing industry and the northern economies that rely on them. British commerce bought out by American and other countries ensuring that we have become a vassal state at the beck and call of others. Social deterioration making us more violent and brutal. Huge influx of foreign nationals changing the nature of particularly our towns and cities - for better or worse is debatable. Our secret involvement in foreign wars, killing as we speak hundreds of thousands of the young and innocent and causing untold misery. Notice only George Galloway refers to Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq and now Ukraine and Gaza, and he is demonised and excluded by the media. The NHS is a mess. Our essential services are a mess. Our local government is in a mess, but hey ho, let's enjoy the public spectacle and argy bargy of an 'election'.

Our duplicitous, unrepresentative, suspended UK government, pretends it is trying to stop the mass killing in Palestine, whilst actively supporting it militarily and diplomatically. How Sunak and Cameron can sleep at night with the death, maiming and intentional starvation of tens of thousands of children, I don't know. Meanwhile, according to the Times Court Circular, both King and Queen attended the memorial service of Jacob Rothschild OM this Thursday, whilst the Prince of Wales was briefed by the Secret Service (MI6) See how deeply big finance and the American/jewish lobby has corrupted our moral outlook.

Tories forced to deny Sunak poised to quit after wild rumours spread!

EUROPE DECIDES - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 35

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