Friday 1 April 2022

What a fool!

On the 1'st April, gullible people don't even realise they are! In fact it can last all year. Anyway why stop at only one? I manage to have one virtually EVERY day of the year. It keeps me on my toes. In fact I had several today. First I went into town with the sole purpose of getting a Times and carton of milk and came back with neither. Then collecting one of my bikes from the repair shop for new brakes the back wheel was binding as if the pads were rubbing the discs, so I called into a garage I pass and two really nice mechanics couldn't have been more helpful. I adjusted the calliper but still it jammed and I had to push it up the hill. Not until I got to the top did I discover it wasn't the brake at all but the mudguard (we have a lot of mud around here) rubbing on the tyre. Rather like when I assumed I had lost my keys, locked myself out, had to smash a window to get in, only to find the keys still on the inside of the door - I hadn't taken them out. The moral of these stories is how easy to jump to conclusions, to the exclusion of much simpler ones. There been a lot of that about.

Well I never. I have very fond memories of that place. For some reason when I was about eight I suppose, Sally decided to come to Pensford on her horse and take me back on it. I remember sitting at a large farm kitchen table and joining them for a meal - either breakfast or lunch I can't remember. The thing that impressed me most was the large double size Aga. Mr Maxwell took me for a ride on the tractor or trailer across the fields. The thing that stuck in my memory most about that, was a large Horse Chestnut in full bloom, covered in white flower. It was the first time I had ever witnessed such beauty. That was sixty five years ago. I wonder if it is still there? I assume the Maxwells, such welcoming host to that little gob-smacked boy, in what seemed like a foreign land, are long since gone too?

Does anyone else detect a sophisticated under-cover operation going on to denigrate Charles - swift on the heels of his brother - and big-up William? It's been going on for some time and probably linked to our secret service American cousins. There have been numerous little give-aways. Clearly the Harry and Megan initiative rather back-fired. The co v id experiment had some unforeseen outcomes and the Caribbean tour didn't quite work out as planned either. The most recent arrow: tarring Charles' reputation with Savile correspondence. (The rumour mill has been at it for years) And then of course there's the secret love-child story rumbling on and Hollywood based dramas and comedies. Charles is the longest heir in waiting. His reign may be one of the shortest. But he certainly deserves credit - and in this he takes after his father, if not in other aspects - for being ahead of his time in several cultural spheres and for surviving what only can be described as a quite extraordinary and artificial life of privilege and wealth, without exhibiting the arrogant personality flaws so easily adopted. William and Kate have plenty of time to take centre stage, as the sun sets on the remnants of a lost empire and a lost monarchic magic.

Oh poor Ros. The Yellow Brick Road will never seem the same again. Tinsel Town is not what it seems. It is a lesson well learned and applied to all walks of life. My day started, after a troublesome night, with a THRILLER. I was in it and only just survived. Sadly the longer I was awake the more it faded so I doubt my commission for film rights will amount to much. The air was sweet when I breathed it in, heavy with the scent of fading daffodils and bright blue Hyacinths, the grass fresh from recent showers. How lucky I was to be greeted by a flock of Goldfinches on a flying visit, one perched on the gutter close to my head. I felt benighted. Where did they come from? Where are they gone?

Shouldn't you have put the draft terms of reference on this page so that we could view them?
Topics that should be covered:
1. Where the 400 billion went, to whom and why?
2. What checks and balances were there to ensure it was spent wisely and fraud was kept to a minimum?
3. What was the necessity to replace long established epidemic protocols?
4. Why were the opinions of unreliable sources at Imperial College given such prominence?
5. Why was free and fair discussion controlled and silenced?
6.  What steps were taken to objectively balance the risks of the policies imposed?
7. Why were systems and rules, known to be irrelevant, such as the wearing of masks and sterilisation, introduced?
8. Why was the policy not adapted to the reality of danger, applying to all cohorts, irrespective of whether they were at any real risk?
9. Why was the education and psychology of children so disregarded when they were never at risk?
10. Why were the risks and ill effects of vaccine roll out so poorly monitored and communicated?
11. Why was the statistical information on disease incidence and health consequences so inaccurate and misleading?
12. To what extent was the policy driven by panic or political considerations rather than a rational, balanced approach to the realities of the 'disease'?

Anecdotal evidence may be helpful to illustrate the failings of the policy but they should not be allowed to skew the objectivity of the enquiry. Some of us knew the ideas were crazy from the beginning. Why didn't so called Government 'experts'? The Inquiry needs to include people, both on the panel and as witnesses, those who disagreed with the policy but were silenced in various ways.


  1. Have several books on the go at the moment. An intriguing one I discovered in charity shop that could have come fresh from the 2004 print (hardback complete wit spotless dust cover) takes as its topic 'lost things'. In fact everything concerned with 'entropy' and the second law of thermo-dynamics, namely EVERYTHING is passing and running down, including of course ourselves, though we have problems coming to terms with it. It is a modern psychosis that skews everything. Maybe we have been conditioned 1. to think we are indestructible and 2. everything is temporal and material. Maybe previous generations, whilst having a more realistic view of life expectancy and the reality of death, also fostered a greater confidence in the after life, which changed the perspective of living. In the absence of the latter, there really is no philosophical reason not to "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow (like everyone before us) we die" - and leave the entropic earth without hardly a trace or a memory. Grave stones not only remind us of a temporary life but also how little of it remains. Seems I found myself a bargain. Book:

  2. Following on from Richplanet show no. 295 "Brain Jabbed", which looked at various studies that have attempted to find out what is really inside the COVID jabs and discover what the true purpose may be. I have added two videos featuring Dr. Robin Wakeling, who has, independently, been trying to figure out the jabs purpose.

    He too has found rectangular and right angled structures and 'wires', which he shows are not normal crystals. A self assembly process is occurring after the material is injected into the individual. Disturbing effects on blood cells observed by Dr. Wakeling accounts for the many adverse reactions that have been observed. We must not lose sight of the importance of this issue, because according to the official figures, two thirds of the world's population now have this technology inside their bodies.

    If anyone has details of further studies and analysis, please send it to It is imperative that we discover and inform on what the exact function and purpose of the global jabbing agenda is.


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