Friday 8 April 2022


(Or "Going out in the cold")

Image: U.S. Marine Corps.  NATO Exercise Norway.

Nuclear War Is On The Horizon

Nuclear War Is On The Horizon

As Facts Cannot Be Acknowledged, the Insane Drive into Nuclear War Cannot be Stopped

Paul Craig Roberts

Some readers have asked why Russia regards Finland’s membership in NATO as a provocation. For the same reason that Ukraine’s membership is a provocation: US missile bases on Russia’s border. The US does not currently have hypersonic missiles, but will sooner or later. Such missiles on Russia’s borders could reach Moscow in 3 or 4 minutes, clearly an existential threat. Along with Finland, Washington wants the bases in Sweden and the Baltic states, and already has missile bases in Poland and Romania.

Whereas Washington intends Finland’s NATO membership as a new provocation, we must not forget two other existing provocations that the Kremlin has declared to be unacceptable: the existing missile bases in Poland and Romania. It makes no sense for Russia to pre-emptively prevent missile bases in Ukraine and Finland while permitting existing bases to remain in Poland and Romania. Russian intervention against these two bases are likely the next self-defensive actions the Russians will take.

The West’s whore media has done its best to create worldwide indignation against Russia. People worked up into indignation do not perceive the irresponsibility of Western governments in gratuitously threatening Russia with missile bases on her borders. Instead of properly perceiving the placement of the bases as aggression against Russia, the indoctrinated people see Russia’s response to existential threats as aggression.

I have emphasized for years that these provocations of Russia will eventually cross a red line and result in nuclear war. I have long been critical of the Kremlin for not having stopped these provocations by putting down a strong foot. Russia had that opportunity in Ukraine, but the Kremlin chose a course that failed to make the necessary impression that countries that accommodate US aggression against Russia will experience devastation. It is less risky to make this demonstration in a non-NATO country than in a NATO one. Additionally, the Kremlin waited far too long before intervening in Ukraine, thereby giving the US 8 years to arm and train Ukrainian forces. 

By pussy-footing around in Ukraine, Russia will again be confronted with the same problem in Finland or elsewhere in addition to the two existing bases in two NATO members on Russia’s border. There is no doubt whatsoever that US/NATO have set a path that leads straight to nuclear war. As nothing that is outside the narrative can be published or discussed in the Western world, nothing can be done to stop this insane drive into nuclear war. It is not even possible to discuss this threat in Western foreign policy circles. Again the world is sleepwalking into war, but this war will be nuclear and the final war.

All that the Kremlin has achieved with its restraint and reliance on negotiation with the West is to intensify the pace and level of provocations. NATO’s Stoltenberg is courting both Finland and Sweden for NATO membership promising their membership would be fast-tracked, and likely other benefits including full bags of money. This report should wake people up to the real situation, which is expanding conflict. At some point existential considerations will force Russia to take the initiative and cease responding to Washington’s agenda. 



Following from:

Truth … Always the First Casualty in War

Gil emailed me this: “Western journalists filmed the serial number of Tochka-U that exploded at the train station in Kramatorsk.  According to it, the ownership of the missile belongs to Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

One would have to find a way to verify this, but it seems logical in the “propaganda war” that NATO-Ukraine might very well attack its own people to blame Russia.

So is this photo a piece of counter-propaganda? I quote from the email:

“It would appear we should not be supporting this war, there are too many reports of Ukraine snipers killing civilians to blame the Russians, of setting a battlefield of missiles from an area near residential housing known the Russians would return fire and there would be civilian casualties to show the press.

“The CIA have been funding the Biolabs for a long time to allow gain-of-function Chimeric Bio-weapons that are banned in the US and the West to be manufactured in Ukraine, reports also indicate it is a major world base for paedophilia, child sexual torture, and bizarre experimentation in deep underground bunkers the Russian have already found…

“… you have been conned by false media reporting, a fire in a fuel depot in Edmonton Canada, saying it is in Ukraine claiming it is Russia bombing Ukraine, and a Hamas missiles strike photo in Israel decades old.”


  1. A Soviet Reunion: Michael McFaul On Putin | GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution
    64,312 views5 Apr 2022

  2. Veli Atıcı
    I am Israel. I came to a land without a people for a people without a land. Those people who happened to be here, had no right to be here, and my people showed them they had to leave or die, razing 400 Palestinian villages to the ground, erasing their history.
    I am Israel. Some of my people committed massacres and later became Prime Ministers to represent me. In 1948, Menachem Begin was in charge of the unit that slaughtered the inhabitants of Deir Yassin, including 100 women and children. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led the slaughter of the inhabitants of Qibya, and in 1982 arranged for our allies to butcher around 2,000 in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila.
    I am Israel. Carved in 1948 out of 78% of the land of Palestine, dispossessing its inhabitants and replacing them with Jews from Europe and other parts of the world. While the natives whose families lived on this land for thousands of years are not allowed to return, Jews from all over the world are welcome to instant citizenship.
    I am Israel. In 1967, I swallowed the remaining lands of Palestine – East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza – and placed their inhabitants under an oppressive military rule, controlling and humiliating every aspect of their daily lives. Eventually, they should get the message that they are not welcome to stay, and join the millions of Palestinian refugees in the shanty camps of Lebanon and Jordan
    I am Israel. I have the power to control American policy. My American Israel Public Affairs Committee can make or break any politician of its choosing, and as you see, they all compete to please me. All the forces of the world are powerless against me, including the UN as I have the American veto to block any condemnation of my war crimes. As Sharon so eloquently phrased it, “We control America”.
    I am Israel. I influence American mainstream media too, and you will always find the news tailored to my favor. I have invested millions of dollars into PR representation, and CNN, New York Times, and others have been doing an excellent job of promoting my propaganda. Look at other international news sources and you will see the difference.I am Israel. You Palestinians want to negotiate “peace!?” But you are not as smart as me; I will negotiate, but will only let you have your municipalities while I control your borders, your water, your airspace and anything else of importance. While we “negotiate,” I will swallow your hilltops and fill them with settlements, populated by the most extremist of my extremists, armed to the teeth. These settlements will be connected with roads you cannot use, and you will be imprisoned in your little Bantustans between them, surrounded by checkpoints in every direction.
    I am Israel. I have the fourth strongest army in the world, possessing nuclear weapons. How dare your children confront my oppression with stones, don’t you know my soldiers won’t hesitate to blow their heads off? In 17 months, I have killed 900 of you and injured 17,000, mostly civilians, and have the mandate to continue since the international community remains silent. Ignore, as I do, the hundreds of Israeli reserve officers who are now refusing to carry out my control over your lands and people; their voices of conscience will not protect you.
    I am Israel. You want freedom? I have bullets, tanks, missiles, Apaches and F-16s to obliterate you. I have placed your towns under siege, confiscated your lands, uprooted your trees, demolished your homes, and you still demand freedom? Don’t you get the message? You will never have peace or freedom, because I am Israel.

  3. Ukraine War. This was a conflict engineered years ago in Washington. It's purpose obvious: to gain control of Ukrainian assets and punish Russia for obstructing western plans in Syria. As always it has little or nothing to do with 'freedom' and 'self determination' although of course these are the buzz words used to sell the plan.


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