Friday 25 March 2022

"The Great Wen."

(Of course this is the disparaging term William Cobbett applied to London in the 1820's - likening it to a cheesy or purulent cyst. The obvious interpretation related to the physical expansion of the metropolis, consuming as it went everything of natural beauty. But he was also referring to the sentimental loss of 'old England' in the all-consuming obsession with commerce and industry that he felt was destroying everything he held dear. Some may feel nothing much has changed as it has changed.)

I think I tend to agree with you Anthony. If you have ever read any of my Blog (and there are some interesting articles on there) you will have seen I was against what I regard as a monumental deception from the beginning. I haven't changed my opinion and I believe everything has borne me out. The government claims it had no choice. If so the level of intelligence in government and the confidence it inspires should horrify everyone. It is one of the biggest financial frauds ever committed on the British public (over 400 billion) and now we have to pay for it with effectively a devalued currency and a monumental increase in the cost of living, which as always will hit the poorest worst. The rank hypocrisy shown by the political elite, whilst no one was safe from police bullying, fines and curfew, has been exposed, but of course the invasion of, or civil war in, Ukraine couldn't have come at a better time to deflect it. In fact in Britain on the self same day! What sort of coincidence is that? The Prime Minister who only a few weeks ago was uniformly accused of being a cheat and liar, has been transformed into the 'Bulldog Brit', not least because he is determined to emulate his hero Churchill. It was Harold Wilson who remodelled Joseph Chamberlain's catch phrase with, "A week is a long time in politics". It was his predecessor Harold Macmillan who when asked what was the greatest challenge for a politician replied, "Events my dear boy, events!" What he did not go on to say was often those very events are intentionally manipulated for political ends. There is no doubt in my mind that both Covid and Ukraine fit that pattern, as did all the terrorist events and foreign interventions, with a death toll running into literally millions, that went before it!

1 comment:

  1. There is a psychological phenomenon called 'cognitive dissonance'. You are probably aware of it. It arises in people's heads when two held positions conflict. Similarly when people have to abandon one strongly held view for another. The government panicked in 2020 and was influenced by what Lord Sumption has called 'quite sinister forces', spending huge tax payer funds on a misleading propaganda and censorship campaign that has known no equal, except in war time. The population was coerced into totally unnecessary attitudes and behaviours that had no scientific basis, remnants of which, in the NHS for example, still persist. It has had HUGE adverse consequences both for health, society and economy. The under sixty-fives were NEVER at serious risk, unless extraneous factors/illnesses applied. The measures adopted NEVER had any beneficial effect, in fact quite the opposite as recent studies are showing. Recognise the cognitive dissonance, confront it head-on and free yourself from the hype. Accept you and the whole nation were deceived and defrauded and importantly, never let it happen again.


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