Tuesday 14 December 2021

 'Nano' particles in Covid 'vaccines': Far-fetched or not, an answer from government is required.

GCSE Chemistry - Nanoparticles #60
214K subscribers
This video covers:
- What nanoparticles are and why they're useful
- The uses of nanoparticles e.g. as catalysts, in nano-medicine, and in electrical circuits
- The risks of nanoparticles
- How silver particles are used in suncreams and the possible health risks

Exam board specific info:
AQA - This video is only for the separate/triple science course
IGCSE Edexcel - Not in your course
Edexcel - This video is only for the separate/triple science course
OCR 21st Century - Everything is relevant to your course!
OCR Gateway - This video is only for the separate/triple science course.

(Veaterecosan does not necesarily endorse the claims in the following letter to Gerald Jones MP)

(Spelling and grammatical mistakes corrected)

Richard D Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (news@richplanet.net)To:you DetailsGreetings,

Scientists have recently published information about the nano-technology they have observed inside COVID vaccines. This is very disturbing.

I have written to my MP about this, and the information is summarised in this email.

Dear Gerald Jones (MP),

I have done a great deal of research into the injection programme and the
possible true reason for it.

It is clear that the injections do not do what the makers claim, i.e. protect
people from some imaginary virus.

Many scientists have now examined the contents of the vaccines under
powerful electron microscopes, and studies conclude that Graphene Oxide (or Hydroxide) is present within the vaccines. Graphene Oxide is a man made 'nano' material and is toxic to the human body. It is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the 1.3 million UK adverse reactions. You can find details of the adverse vaccine reactions from the governments own data here ...

Multliple studies have shown that the vaccines contain 'nano' technology (of which graphene oxide is a building block) including damning evidence of self-assembling wireless nano-sensor networks using graphene quantum dots, nano-routers and nano-antennas. These findings have recently been published by Dr. Pablo Campra who found nano materials in 4 different makes of COVID Vaccines.

Details of his study can be found here ...

I am sending this email to formally inform you that evidence from respected scientists shows that the injections are implanting innocent people, against their wishes, with nano communication type technology, effectively installing some kind of system into their bodies. The components of this system are demonstrably toxic and are what has caused the reactions and deaths people have so far suffered with and continue to suffer.

I am making a formal request to you as my parliamentary representative to
express my concerns to the UK government, to the police and to the UK
parliament, and to highlight to them all the findings of Dr. Pablo Campra
and researcher Mik Anderson set out in the link above. The only sensible
action from now is to halt the vaccination programme and demand a criminal investigation and prosecution into those who have been involved in this most heinous crime against humanity.

What is happening now in the UK (and the world) makes past genocide and holocausts throughout history look like children's parties. Now that you
have been informed and shown the evidence, if you fail to act on this
request, you would be party to the ongoing genocide, and would hopefully
end up in prison.

You'll understand now why asking me to wear a mask, carry a Covid pass or lock myself in my house are the most insulting ridiculous things you could expect anyone to do. Do not insult our intelligence by supporting ANY of these types of measures - millions of people now KNOW it is a global scam.

Were you elected to seek truth and represent and protect your constituents?

Or were you elected to role over and play your part in the rape and
genocide of your fellow humans ?

Please take action, please see what is going on. You have been monumentally duped. My words are not conspiracy theories, what I am setting out is backed by solid scientifically published evidence.

Act now.


(to reply please use richard@richplanet.net. do not reply to this email)

There are multiple rebuttals to the claims made in this letter. 

The allegations are based on an analysis by a professor in Spain which has been rejected by experts. He obtained what he himself described as non-conclusive results after studying one vial. He said the vial was purported to contain a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine but said it had come to him by a messenger service and acknowledged that the vial’s origin was unknown.

Pfizer told Reuters its vaccines do not contain the material. This material is also not listed in any of the widely available COVID-19 vaccines worldwide.

The incredible world of viruses:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tryg5UCp6fI  Politicians really don't have a clue.  They are just plain STUPID.


Richard D Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (news@richplanet.net)To:you Details

You may be aware that I have recently posted material from the
investigations of Dr Pablo Campra.

Dr Campra has examined various COVID-19 vaccination vials, and found very
disturbing microscopic items within the vaccines.

His images have been examined by another person or group, who are posting
their findings on the following blog website

I am not sure whether Mik andersen is a real person, or a pseudonym for a
group of scientists working together. I have read many of the scientific
papers that the blog refers to and I cannot see anything nefarious or
obviously erroneous in the claims being made.

I've posted this video which gives a VERY brief summary of what it all
COULD BE pointing to (according to the evidence within the blog).

One very intriguing claim that has been made is that the nano technology
within the bodies of jabbed people, can give off an identifiable Bluetooth
signal !

If this is true, it means we have a smoking gun, that anyone can test and
verify themselves.

At this point in time I do NOT know whether this is true.

Can people who have been jabbed give off a Bluetooth signal?

It sounds ridiculous, but it is being claimed by various parties who say
they have carried out their own tests.

It is a little more tricky than you might think to verify this. Firstly,
you need to download a Bluetooth scanning app onto your phone. You then
need to find a willing volunteer who has been vaccinated. You then need to
go to a remote location where there are no Bluetooth signals. A scan of the
vaccinated person can then be performed. If the person DOES give off a
Bluetooth signal, you can then verify this by asking them to walk some
distance away and check if the signal disappears, then ask them to walk
back and check that it re-appears. Obviously all phones (and other devices)
need to be switched off apart from the one being used to do the scanning.

I have personally scanned 3 volunteers in this way.

I did not detect a Bluetooth signal in any of the three tests, so I have
not been able to confirm whether this is happening (at the time of

Two of the subjects had had both jabs but no booster jab. And one had had
both jabs and the booster jab.

It's very tricky getting people to agree to this test, for obvious reasons.

The purpose of this email is to ask people to perform their own test on
people who they know, record it on camera and post me the results or share
them online.

Note that if you are in a town location, you will typically detect more
than 20 Bluetooth signals, so it is essential to travel somewhere remote.

This is the Bluetooth App I used,

although there are many more Apps that can be used.

As I said I don't know if the Bluetooth claim is true, but in order to know
either way, we need to provide proof beyond doubt, which is where I need

PLEASE help out if you can persuade people to be tested.

EMAIL : richard@richplanet.net if you have any results to show.

Happy New (Strange and Worrying) Year

Richard D. Hall

(Note : Do not reply to this email address, email : richard@richplanet.net
if you want to get in touch)

The following from: https://thefreedomarticles.com/vaccine-mac-address-bluetooth-more-evidence/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=More+Evidence+the+COVID+Fake-Vaccine+is+Embedding+MAC+Addresses

Spanish Doctor Discusses His Own Experience Measuring Vaccine MAC Addresses

In this video, physician Luis Benito explains the steps he took, and the observations he made, to record Bluetooth MAC addresses showing up on his mobile phone when patients (many of whom had had COVID jabs) came for appointments. This is what he says:

“Why so much interest in jabbing? What’s the reason? I’m going to tell you. The international organizations that are also investigating this matter asked me for a brief report on what I had done during the summer … now, what we’re going to is a recognition of a desire, on the part of the authorities, to take away freedoms from human beings … I’ve written it, and I have already sent it to the teams that are studying this subject in different parts of the world.

If from the medical point of view there’s no need to administer any preventative measure for a disease with a lethality of 2 per 1000, why so much insistence that everyone should be inoculated? … This experiment arose from this reflection.


He goes on to describe his experiment, stating he was the only operative (worker) in the building apart from his patients:


“Although there are many consultations, during the summer of 2021, in the afternoons, I was the only operative. There wasn’t even administrative staff in the afternoons in that building. Under my office, I occasionally parked an ambulance from SUMA, from the emergency service, because they have a base there. Those were the only “interferences” I detected. Most of the observations were carried out without that artifact. I started the consultation at 15:00 and had patients listed every 20 minutes. 


Due to COVID measures, it was recommended that they come alone and, if possible, at the appointed time. Not before or after. Before starting the consultation, I’d connect the Bluetooth application on my cell phone and invariably check that there was no device available to contact. There was no electronic device in range to connect to. When a patient appeared, often already up the stairs or at the beginning of the corridor, about 20 meters away from the practice, on my cell phone, I could see if one or two devices to connect to with Bluetooth appeared. One or two or none. 

On my phone, I could check to see if the Bluetooth was detecting something or nothing. And if it was something, it was a device with a MAC Address (Media Access Control) code. This is a unique identifier that electronic device manufacturers assign to a card or item that can be networked. 

After attending to the patient’s medical requirements, I’d ask him whether or not he had been vaccinated for COVID. If the answer was affirmative, it was usually quick and without hesitation. And if it was negative, it was often accompanied by a certain wariness, if not anger at the question. A reaction that explained to me that, in general, those who hadn’t wanted to be vaccinated had been subjected to some kind of adverse social situation. After reassuring the patient, whatever his response, I’d write down on a sheet of paper the answer he gave me. 

None of the 137 patients I asked refused to answer. If the answer was affirmative, I’d ask them what type of vaccine they had received, when, and if they had had any adverse reactions. I’d then ask them if they had any cell phones or electronic devices such as wireless headsets or tablets on them, and if so, I’d ask them to turn it off for a moment. When they turned it off, on my cell phone, usually, one of the devices that registered to Bluetooth would disappear. 

Out of hundreds … here are the results. 

Of the 137 patients questioned, 112 said they had been vaccinated, and 25 said they hadn’t been vaccinated. None of the patients who said they hadn’t been vaccinated registered on my cell phone any device available for Bluetooth connection, having ensured the disconnection of their cell phone, if they had one. In 96 patients of the 112 who said they had been vaccinated, 96 of the 112 having switched off their electronic devices if they were carrying them, a MAC code remained on the screen of my cell phone, which I had already noted in my notes next to the patient’s medical history. 

I interpreted that it was a code that the patient himself was carrying and that, in fact, when he left the office, leaving the building, it disappeared from my cell phone. With this simple observation throughout July and August, I’ve been able to verify that 100% of the patients who say they aren’t vaccinated don’t raise any contact device with my cell phone via Bluetooth. But 86% of those who said they were vaccinated generated a MAC address on my cell phone. These are the observations made, and many doubts and questions arise from them.”

This doctor’s results are interesting, showing a very clear pattern. It also suggests that not all vaccines are the same. Thanks to the work of researches such as Craig Paardekooper who exposed that 90% or more of the injuries, adverse events, side effects, disabilities, hospitalizations and deaths from the COVID fake-vaccine came from just 5% of the batches, we can speculate that some but not all of the non-vaccines contain Bluetooth capable nanochips with MAC addresses.


  1. GCSE Chemistry - Nanoparticles #60
    214K subscribers
    This video covers:
    - What nanoparticles are and why they're useful
    - The uses of nanoparticles e.g. as catalysts, in nano-medicine, and in electrical circuits
    - The risks of nanoparticles
    - How silver particles are used in suncreams and the possible health risks

    Exam board specific info:
    AQA - This video is only for the separate/triple science course
    IGCSE Edexcel - Not in your course
    Edexcel - This video is only for the separate/triple science course
    OCR 21st Century - Everything is relevant to your course!
    OCR Gateway - This video is only for the separate/triple science course.

  2. For further extensive academic discussion of the microscopic findings see:

  3. Living 'particles' in the Pfizer 'vaccine'!!!! https://bnt-cdn.b-cdn.net/upload/videos/2021/10/Gm2G2HQZCRHUsrSW8hQc_11_40cae4079d59a3b6066c6a1d6c846a82_video_720p_converted.mp4

  4. SYDNEY (Reuters) -New Zealand authorities on Monday said they had linked a 26-year-old man’s death to Pfizer Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine after the person suffered myocarditis, a rare inflammation of the heart muscle, after taking his first dose.
    The death is New Zealand’s second linked to a known but rare side effect from the vaccine after health authorities in August reported a woman had died after taking her doses.

  5. The interpretation of the data has been fundamentally flawed from the beginning. The first death peak was primarily caused by government edicts NOT Covid. The second peak was caused by the dangerous adverse effects of the vaccine roll out. The current non dangerous Omicron 'variant' is also a result of biological reaction to the 'vaccines'. However these academic views are never allowed the light of day because they are diametrically opposed to the political narrative as are the proven devastating adverse health effects of the experimental 'vaccines' themselves. The policies adopted are not health policies, they are mass psychological and behavioural ones that can only be explained by sinister political objectives. The claimed 'science' needs to be challenged by scientists, but what scientists can afford to do so within the current totalitarian climate. All have been bribed or coerced into saprophytic, soporific conformity and compliance. Today even The Times gave over its front page to the government appeal to 'get boosted', despite this is proof positive of the ineffectiveness of the two-jab programme. Welcome to Stalinist propagandist Britain.


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