Thursday 2 December 2021

 Forced jabs?  A two tier society? Second class citizens? Bigger Pfizer profits.

Are we being 'Omicromed'?

Ursula von der Leyen "Mandatary vaccination." 

Jacinda Arden "Two-class citizens"

Germany:  Vaccine mandatory from Feb. 2022.

Greece. Austria. Australia....

This is what comes from orchestrated unbalanced focus on just one of millions of bugs and organisms that constitute the terrestrial and biological environment that have been with us for ever. It is being used for an unrelated agenda totally unconnected to health or the survival of the planet. It is a monitoring and control exercise and in this it has been incredibly successful. Oversimplification of an issue, using exaggerated, unnecessary and irrational fear as the psychological motivating factor has been exceptionally successful.

People have been persuaded to subject themselves to a procedure of which they have absolutely no idea. They have been mislead to think it is the same as historic vaccination to which they have been conditioned to think is desirable and safe, despite evidence to the contrary. But the covid 'vaccines' are essentially experimental gene-adapting therapies that proved dangerous owing to particularly its effect on the clotting mechanism of cells. 

The subject of the injection has no idea what is in the substance being injected into them. There are suggestions that they may not be all the same; that some batches may be harmless placebos or even contain carbon particles reactive to magnetism and microwaves. Was it coincidental that the major 5G infrastructure was rolled out across the country at the very time the majority of the population was subject to unprecedented 'lock-down' - actually a form of imprisonment, curfew and conditional parole in the absence of any crime. 

The population was flagrantly misled to implement it, both as to risk and duration, yet such was the intensity of the propaganda, ironically paid for by the tax-paying victims, reminiscent of the convict paying for his execution expenses that once prevailed, it conformed and complied. Now there is the subtle but sinister suggestion that those that refuse must be forced by exorbitant fines and other measures. Why when they effectively, objectively pose no risk to those who have been jabbed? It necessitates never ending new strains or 'variants' to maintain a debunked justification. 

Clearly the policy makers have an agenda unconnected with health risk that necessitates everyone being jabbed and repeatedly jabbed with substances over which they have absolutely no control. Those that do not comply must accept a second class citizen status, unable to travel, work, socialize, worship or buy, yet people have been mesmerised, hypnotised into a mass blindness as to the true awfulness of this scenario. 

 We do not need to be reminded of the numerous times this has happened in the past or of its devastating consequences, yet we countenance the continuance of them. No one should be in any doubt as to the moral, existential and practical peril in which we find ourselves when even healthy people who pose no risk to others are treated as criminals and threatened with forced medication against there will. This is not Christian democracy, it is Communistic tyranny. 

Dear Friends,


From the depth of our hearts, a belated thank you for signing the Great Barrington Declaration. With over 850,000 signatures, together we opened up the pandemic debate. While many governments continued with their failed lockdown and other restrictive policies, things have moved in the right direction. For example, most schools have re-opened, most countries prioritized older people for vaccination and Florida rejected restrictions in favor of focused protection without the negative consequences that lockdowners predicted.


While occasionally censored, we have not been silenced. Since authoring the Declaration in October 2020, the three of us have actively advocated for focused protection through social media, op-eds and interviews on, for example, vaccine passports and natural immunity.


We have also launched Collateral Global, a charity staffed with academics from across the world to document and disseminate information about the collateral damage of the restrictive measures so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of this pandemic and are able to inform future policy with evidence and analysis. Collateral Global is crowdfunding so that this work can be done to the highest possible standards. You are welcome to join us and help us in those efforts at, as well as follow us on Twitter, etc. We are also planning an initiative on scientific freedom soon.



With enormous gratitude,


Jay Bhattacharya    Sunetra Gupta    Martin Kulldorff


Twitter: @gbdeclaration@collateralglbl,


Facebook: GreatBarringtonDeclaration

LinkedIn: Jay BhattacharyaMartin Kulldorff

From 'Cornwalllive'

For two years I have attempted to outline these underlying causes on my VEATERECOSAN blog. (Unfortunately this thread does not allow me to post a link)  The corona virus 'epidemic' (which never has been) was flagged up well in advance because it was planned to promote certain objectives. The USA was behind 'gain of function' research, which when stopped there, transferred to Wuhan. Fauci claims this was because it was 'safer'. His denial have been proved to be lies. It is now generally agreed the bug escaped from the Wuhan lab, whether accidentally or intentionally cannot be proved but it happened immediately prior to the World Military Games there which provided the perfect vehicle for dissemination around the globe. This might be regarded as somewhat more than coincidence. Mortality statistics have been heavily manipulated and misinterpreted to infer greater potency and cover alternative explanations. This in turn has propelled the international obsession with 'vaccination' even for groups not at risk. The jabs themselves are experimental and have caused unprecedented illness and adverse effects, a second wave and probably the 'variants' now justify further repressive measures across Europe and elsewhere. This is a vicious circle run in parallel with a hypocritical  'global warming' meme and moves towards radical financial and communication (5 G) roll out.  That all countries appear to be following a common narrative, suggests some sort of supra-control. Populations have been mislead and mistreated but have generally been taken in by the blanket, one-side propaganda. Those that have seen through it and resisted, are now it seems to be coerced to conform or be ostracised.  I doubt humanity and ethical standards have ever been under such threat in the Western World.

Tim Veater
David Revell Absolutely. 'They' want us to believe it's an 'epidemic' and a 'pandemic'. It clearly isn't. Nor is it as dangerous or equally dangerous as they tell us. The whole thing is an exaggerated con. Mind you that does not mean it was not a planned and orchestrated exercise, or indeed (as Gates - an unqualified medical or public health man - predicted) other more dangerous ones are not in the pipeline. There has always been a problem of extrapolating the claimed covid deaths from other primary causes. Now the problem is extrapolating covid 'infection' deaths and variants from those caused by the vaccines themselves. The way in which the millions of officially reported adverse effects have been positively ignored by the MSM proves this was a biased misinformation campaign from the start. Mass events without infection, disprove the infectivity drivel. Everyone knows that mask wearing is unnecessary and pointless but required purely for psychological conditioning and it has worked for all to see. There is no doubt that the lunatics have taken over the mad house and we only the sane are in line for persecution and blame!

"As of 17 November 2021, there have been 432 reports of myocarditis and 332 reports of pericarditis following the use of the Pfizer vaccine. There have been 101 reports of myocarditis and 57 reports of pericarditis following the use of the Moderna vaccine. Some cases have been reported following the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but given the extensive use of AstraZeneca in the UK, these are thought to reflect the expected background incidence rate of myocarditis and pericarditis conditions."

Do you GET IT yet?

This is in the Oct / Nov issue of Airline Pilot Magazine, US publication " (ALPA)
Pilot deaths in the USA:
2019 - 1,
2020 - 6,
2021 - 111 in 9 months ...

The tax payer has run up a bill of literally hundreds of billions at the behest of the government on the pretext of a deadly disease, based on exaggerated projections, fraudulent figures and the misrepresented interpretation of them. Dying people were classified as dying from covid when it was actually other chronic and acute conditions. Positive PCR tests have been confused with illness and given a completely unreliable picture that has none the less fuelled the hysteria. The twin peaks that did occur in the death rate, significantly followed the first lock-down and the first roll-out of the 'vaccine' programme. Deaths in these two peaks were largely confined to the very old or the very ill, both in an institutional setting. The lessons from this are clear. Since then the back-log in diagnosis and treatment has caused some increase in deaths, as has the side-effects of the vaccine itself, particularly in relation to coronary and circulation problems. These were foreseen and predicted by experts in the field. The vaccines themselves have proved to have little or no protective effect either to the subject or others. Indeed there is evidence that more people end up in hospital post-jab than those who have refused it. Natural resistance has been found to be widespread but has been ludicrously denigrated. Again figures have been manipulated by only recognising the 'vaccinated' after fourteen days, whilst a positive PCR test within 28 days of death was sufficient to classify the death accordingly. As to the financial fraud, it is admitted by government that AT LEAST five billion pounds went to firms and individuals who made fraudulent claims. But this figure is completely dwarfed by the 37+ billion completely wasted on 'track and trace' and all the other pointless alterations and disruptions. In practice the whole farrago of lies facilitated a huge transfer of money from government coffers to private companies and individuals, principally but not exclusively the pharmaceutical firms which miraculously produced the experimental vaccines, that have not only proved ineffective but actually harmful to health, without liability. Share prices have sky-rocketed and individuals have become millionaires on the back of it. Meanwhile the tax payer and average worker have been lumbered with the bill for decades to come. In other words a huge transfer of capital from effectively the poor to the rich. And all this without reference to the huge amount of social and emotional pain resulting from isolation, even in death. If this does not constitute an unprecedented fraud and scam on the British people, I don't know what is.

'Nano' particles in Covid 'vaccines': Far-fetched or not, an answer from government is required. (Veaterecosan does not necesarily endorse its claims)
(Spelling and grammatical mistakes corrected)

Richard D Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (news@richplanet.netTo:you DetailsGreetings,

Scientists have recently published information about the nano-technology they have observed inside COVID vaccines. This is very disturbing.

I have written to my MP about this, and the information is summarised in this email.

Dear Gerald Jones (MP),

I have done a great deal of research into the injection programme and the
possible true reason for it.

It is clear that the injections do not do what the makers claim, i.e. protect
people from some imaginary virus.

Many scientists have now examined the contents of the vaccines under
powerful electron microscopes, and studies conclude that Graphene Oxide (or Hydroxide) is present within the vaccines. Graphene Oxide is a man made 'nano' material and is toxic to the human body. It is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the 1.3 million UK adverse reactions. You can find details of the adverse vaccine reactions from the governments own data here ...

Multliple studies have shown that the vaccines contain 'nano' technology (of which graphene oxide is a building block) including damning evidence of self-assembling wireless nano-sensor networks using graphene quantum dots, nano-routers and nano-antennas. These findings have recently been published by Dr. Pablo Campra who found nano materials in 4 different makes of COVID Vaccines.

Details of his study can be found here ...

I am sending this email to formally inform you that evidence from respected scientists shows that the injections are implanting innocent people, against their wishes, with nano communication type technology, effectively installing some kind of system into their bodies. The components of this system are demonstrably toxic and are what has caused the reactions and deaths people have so far suffered with and continue to suffer.

I am making a formal request to you as my parliamentary representative to
express my concerns to the UK government, to the police and to the UK
parliament, and to highlight to them all the findings of Dr. Pablo Campra
and researcher Mik Anderson set out in the link above. The only sensible
action from now is to halt the vaccination programme and demand a criminal investigation and prosecution into those who have been involved in this most heinous crime against humanity.

What is happening now in the UK (and the world) makes past genocide and holocausts throughout history look like children's parties. Now that you
have been informed and shown the evidence, if you fail to act on this
request, you would be party to the ongoing genocide, and would hopefully
end up in prison.

You'll understand now why asking me to wear a mask, carry a Covid pass or lock myself in my house are the most insulting ridiculous things you could expect anyone to do. Do not insult our intelligence by supporting ANY of these types of measures - millions of people now KNOW it is a global scam.

Were you elected to seek truth and represent and protect your constituents?

Or were you elected to role over and play your part in the rape and
genocide of your fellow humans ?

Please take action, please see what is going on. You have been monumentally duped. My words are not conspiracy theories, what I am setting out is backed by solid scientifically published evidence.

Act now.


(to reply please use do not reply to this email)


  1. Tim Veater
    2 months ago
    Thank you for confirming that my thinking process is still my own and not subject to government control. That is reassuring but it also proves how insidious has been the process of mind control and manipulation. The covid scamdemic proved how susceptible the public was to a central, unjustified, one-sided, scare-mongering, propaganda exercise, that has known no equal since the Second World War. It proved the effectiveness of innate fear as a psychological tool and people were prepared to sacrifice their freedom lightly. Those are ominous lessons the government has taken on board. The lock-down policy is and always has been flawed at every level. The interpretation of statistics has been manipulated both as it related to projected seriousness and actual effects. More have died from government policy than an infective agent if such exists. (Note how the two so-called 'peaks' follow first the lock-down and then the initial 'vaccination' programme mainly of the elderly in institutional settings) Billions of pounds have been thrown away on 'track and trace' and testing, that proved nothing and prevents nothing, equalled only by a stupid reliance of face nappies and 'social distancing'. Now there are over five million people awaiting treatment for REAL illnesses, many of whom will suffer premature death because of it and the neo-natal death rate nearly doubled. Meanwhile the adverse effects of the jab are unreported and ignored and children are to be coerced into taking it against the government's own scientific advice. In all the circumstances, genocide may not be far off an accurate descriptor.

  2. Tim Veater
    Jane Blagg Weather and Omnicom - the perfect storm. Not one but two reasons not to go out. So stay in and die from cold, hunger and loneliness instead.

  3. All they can come up with is more PUNISHMENT. Do we really believe government has tried to stop the drug economy? When was the last time the controllers of it and the laundering operation, got prosecuted? It is a multi-billion pound black economy winked at by government that refuses to have a sensible policy of legalising and taxing substances used by millions including the prosecution-free upper classes. As always hypocrisy and dual standards by government I'm afraid.

  4. Lee Zaslofsky One, I don't have it. Two, I'm unlikely to get it. Three, If I do I rely on my natural immunity. Four, if infected my natural immunity is superior to the jab. Five, if I have the jab it does not stop me getting flu like symptoms or passing the infection on Six, by not having foreign experimental gene changing substances in my arm, I avoid the very real, dangerous and unquantified adverse side effects. So who are you to tell me I should conform and comply with this hysterical nonsense? Not talking to you is a small price to pay for my freedom of choice as to what goes into my body.

    Here we go again! Taking an extremely rare and serious case to promote a general policy, with probably much greater risks attached. The 'flu' is mentioned here but no reference to Coronavirus of any variant, yet it will be used to push a covid 'vaccine' to a largely not-at-risk group. We had the same scare-mongering in March 2020 when the unfortunate sudden death of a young woman was quite inaccurately blamed on the bug, but it never-the-less did the psychological trick. I am very pleased Henry recovered and it must have been a very worrying time for the family but please spare us the vaccine and fear propaganda on the back of it. I'm pleased he's NOT wearing a mask even though infected with a virus. Strange when it's been stated as so essential for everybody else. Perhaps it's not so important in real cases after all?

  6. Any one sceptical about dark conspiracy theory at the heart of government, needs only to look at this woman. Intimately connected to 7/7; in charge of the subsequent assassination of de Menezes; (previous year promoted to Deputy Assistant Commissioner Security and Protection - you couldn't make it up!); cushy unidentified job (MI6) at the Foreign Office; then shoe horned back into the Met as Commissioner; in charge during multiple fishy 'terrorist events'; then even despite the Everard scandal, contract renewed. Needless to say she directed the brutal lock-down tactics. Presumably she knows too much to sack.

  7. The real agenda behind mad dash to get every child on the planet injected against a virus that won't affect them
    Leo Hohmann
    Fri, 03 Dec 2021


  9. The interpretation of the data has been fundamentally flawed from the beginning. The first death peak was primarily caused by government edicts NOT Covid. The second peak was caused by the dangerous adverse effects of the vaccine roll out. The current non dangerous Omicron 'variant' is also a result of biological reaction to the 'vaccines'. However these academic views are never allowed the light of day because they are diametrically opposed to the political narrative as are the proven devastating adverse health effects of the experimental 'vaccines' themselves. The policies adopted are not health policies, they are mass psychological and behavioural ones that can only be explained by sinister political objectives. The claimed 'science' needs to be challenged by scientists, but what scientists can afford to do so within the current totalitarian climate. All have been bribed or coerced into saprophytic, soporific conformity and compliance. Today even The Times gave over its front page to the government appeal to 'get boosted', despite this is proof positive of the ineffectiveness of the two-jab programme. Welcome to Stalinist propagandist Britain.





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