Friday 23 July 2021


The Evidence Is In: The Covid “Pandemic” Is Not Real But the Vaccine Pandemic Is

The Evidence Is In: The Covid “Pandemic” Is Not Real But the Vaccine Pandemic Is

Every Word of the Official Covid Narrative Is a Lie.  There is a vast amount of hard empirical evidence disproving the orchestrated narrative, but the presstitute scum censors it instead of reporting it.  

Covid deaths are associated with co-morbidities, impaired immune systems, and deficiency of Vitamin D and Zinc. There have been known safe cures for the virus since the beginning, and the cures were blocked from use in order to have a market for the vaccines.

The question is: What interest is served by this mass deception of humanity?  Is it only the profit interest of Big Pharma and the power interest of government?  Or is a darker agenda afoot? 


The Medical Evidence and Scientific Facts Do Not Support the Official Narrative

“We must expect that the vaccines will increase rather than decrease lethality of COVID-19.” — Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics

“The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear, the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous.  Urging vaccination to ‘protect others’ therefore has no basis in fact.” — Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics

“Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.” — Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics 


Indian Doctors for Truth Demand that the overzealous universal vaccination drive against COVID-19 be stopped.  The risks of the vaccine exceed the benefits. 


UK Medical Group Calls for “an immediate and urgent audit of deaths that have occurred since the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout”

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance Warned on November 2020 about the high risks of injecting people with an untested experimental technology.  The astonishingly high rate of injuries and deaths associated with the inoculations has caused the medical organization to call for “an immediate and urgent audit of deaths that have occurred since the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, to ascertain if Covid-19 vaccines (in general or any one brand in particular) are leading to an increased number of deaths (Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 related).” 


Vaccination campaigns are followed by dramatic rises in mortality

“Since this period, vaccination campaigns have spread worldwide even to countries where covid was not present. And everywhere they have been followed by a dramatic rise in new infections and mortality for several weeks or months.”  — Dr. Gerard Delepine— The detailed evidence is provided here: 


Video: How COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots and Death by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Doctors for COVID Ethics have been warning about the potential for gene-based COVID-19 “vaccines” to cause blood clots, cerebral vein thrombosis and sudden death.

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets. The subsequent activation of the platelets can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), i.e., a pathological overstimulation of your coagulation system resulting in abnormal blood clotting, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and hemorrhaging.

Research shows deaths are 14.6 times more frequent during the first 14 days after the first COVID injection among people over the age of 60, compared to those who aren’t vaccinated. Other data also show that after COVID-19 vaccines were implemented, overall death rates have, with few exceptions, increased.

A key problem with all of these gene-based COVID-19 vaccines is that the spike protein itself appears toxic, and your body is now a spike protein-producing factory

Its inherent toxicity may be due to it being a prion protein. If so, we can expect these injections to cause all manner of prion diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). 


“We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action 


Can the truth get out? 


In Israel most of the population has had the Covid shots. Mysteriously, there is a large outbreak of new Covid cases among the inoculated. With the assurances from the CDC and the rest of the Western World’s public health bureaucracies that the inoculations are 100% effective even for the Delta variant how can this be? Here for example is the director of the CDC, “If you are fully vaccinated you are protected against severe COVID, hospitalization and death, and are even protected against the known variants, including the delta variant, circulating in this country.”

The most likely explanation is that the new cases are the results of inoculations. The vaccines inject into the body the spike protein which is toxic. It causes Covid symptoms and more serious life-threatening illnesses.

Is there really a Delta variant or is it the cover story for the illnesses caused by the vaccines?

Added 25.1.2022. Statistical proof this was never an epidemic as claimed:


  1. G&B Lawyers
    tfSgSponsor8hed ·
    The CDC has withdrawn emergency approval for PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2.
    "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses."
    Is this an admission that the COVID-19 tests used in Australia can't tell the difference between COVID-19 and influenza? Or that they are the same thing? Or the tests just don't work at all? Maybe all of the above.
    This has huge implications. People's businesses have been shut down and lives have been destroyed on the basis of a test that the CDC now says it no longer supports.

  2. Did an increase in inoculation in the '40's contribute to epidemics of poliomyelitis?
    The authors estimate that
    probably most children in Chicago had had one subclinical attack of poliomyelitis
    by their sixth birthday-either different strains or reinfections-and that among
    Chicago children paralysis was a condition that occurred less than once in 200 cases.
    We know that trauma can, at least sometimes, affect the course of the disease, for
    McCloskey (1950) found in Victoria, Australia, that a relation existed in a number
    of cases between an injection of an immunizing agent and the subsequent development of paralytic poliomyelitis. Hill and Knowelden (1950) found that the
    distribution of the bodily sites of paralysis was quite abnormal in children who had
    been inoculated within the month preceding the onset of their illness. In children
    recently inoculated, the injected limb (arm or leg) was much more frequently a site
    of paralysis than in children not recently inoculated. Hill and Knowelden concluded " that there may be present in the poliomyelitis group cases which would not
    have been clinically diagnosed as poliomyelitis at all if their inoculation had not
    brought them into the paralytic group ". The finding of Casey and his co-workers
    that poliomyelitis is generally a non-clinical condition from which clinical cases
    only rarely develop, is in agreement with many of the observed features of the trend
    of the disease. This would explain the rarity of multiple cases in a family, which
    has been generally noted in former epidemics, and the larger incidence in the better
    residential districts, which has been occasionally observed in some local outbreaks.
    It is well known that with infectious diseases of childhood the age of attack is
    correlated with density, i.e. children living in overcrowded conditions contract
    infectious diseases, on the average, at younger ages than their more fortunate
    brethren living in a better environment. This may well be the case with poliomyelitis; children living in the less congested district of an area may have been
    subjected to a much smaller risk of a subclinical attack than the remainder, and are
    consequently much more likely to develop a clinical attack during an outbreak.

  3. The factors which determine whether paralysis develops or not have not been
    found. The evidence that inoculation can have this effect is fairly conclusive, but
    this factor can account for only an exceedingly small proportion of the total cases.
    Exercise in the pre-paralytic stage also appears to be of importance.

  4. Jim Jordan Resumes Attacks On Dr. Fauci Over COVID-19 Origins, Mask Guidance
    451,873 views28 Jul 2021


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