Saturday 3 July 2021

Al Hilly/Mollier, Chevaline Murders. Have the latest revelations supported my concerns?

Anyone with a passing knowledge of this blog will realise the author has developed a healthy scepticism of the purpose and accuracy of official interpretations of certain high-profile violent events. 

This is because a close examination of them often reveals significant disparities which can only be explained by intentional deception on the part of official sources.  

Where this is apparent, it has much wider significance. In effect the credibility of the whole narrative is trashed.

State Involvement in 'Terrorist Events' 

Often the way the issue is handled subsequently confirms a high level of cover-up and corruption. Once government chooses to take this course, it is a hell's own job to challenge or get it to acknowledge the deceit. 

Often official enquiries act merely as an administrative method of procrastination and obfuscation to effectively protect those, where responsibility, civil or criminal, might rest. 

There is an unwritten rule, now enshrined in statute, that the State can do no wrong, even if by every other ethical and legal standard, it would be regarded as illegal. (See:

This assertion might be regarded as pure polemic, were it not for catalogue of examples. Where to start? How about starting with the event that effectively signalled the end of the British Empire and global power: Suez. The lie - the collusion between Britain, France and Israel - was blown only because America was not in tow.

Yet only seven years later the assassination of President Kennedy proved that that USA was quite capable of the most heinous of conspiracies and cover-ups that even the most (in theory) democratic of societies failed to unravel. 

The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty is a case study in Government ability to deceive even when American lives were lost. Let's admit it, lives despite all the remembrance and ritual, count for little when strategic alliances are at stake.

The events of 9/11 in New York and Washington and on 7/7 in London provide overwhelming proof that the official governmental version of events does not tally with observable facts leading to the inevitable conclusion of government complicity in, and cover-up of, them.

Can we trust our own governments?

This of course cuts to the roots of whether we can trust our own governments in this or any other terrorist matter. The twenty-first century has been full of violent events abroad perpetrated predominantly by America, Britain and France, causing immeasurable death and destruction, yet the domestic populations were persuaded it was in fact us under attack, fearful of extremist Muslim terror. 

The fact that these very groups were financed and organised by western aligned countries, did not seem to register on those who promoted the narrative that the attacks were all inspired and carried out by agents of foreign countries and organisations, when in fact it was orchestrated by covert agencies of the 'victim' nations themselves.  When 'Al Qaeda' affiliates were said to be defeated, Russia took its place and became the big threat, with assassinations and biological attacks, such as that in Salisbury, ascribed to it. 

To maintain the fear, we were also told there was a real danger from 'right wing extremism', conveniently supported by the murder of Jo Cox in Batley, her constituency. The official story has been effectively de-bunked by Richard D Hall, yet not one MP is prepared to challenge the official narrative, based on his evidence of deceit. (See:

Terrorist events to promote fear and other objectives?

The last ten years have seen a plethora of violent events, mainly in those countries deeply involved in the policies affecting Israel and the Middle East, from where the terror threats were said to have come. Alleged attacks by Muslims with knife or bomb or vehicle, predominate. The parallels of not only method but of subsequent media treatment are obvious, revealing unmistakeable western choreography and involvement. 

For these reasons the official version of very specific events, often tied to wider political developments, can never be taken at face value. Of course any challenge to the official version of events is dismissed as 'conspiracy theory', as if conspiracy did not exist in the formulation and execution of crime - a 'non-sequitur' if ever I saw one! It is clearly a device to neutralise any logical examination of facts that prove the lie and prevent them being properly discussed. The irony is that 'conspiracy', as in 9/11 and 7/7 is central tenet of the official story, but just not by government. We would be naïve indeed if taken in by such a ruse.

Common features of events.

I have examined many of these 'terrorist events' on my blog - Paris, Nice, Brussels, Berlin, London, Manchester, Batley, Boston, USA, to name but a few, and time and again, the same suspicious circumstances arise: 

Actors known to the security services; inexplicable failures in security or acting on information; demonstrable untruths in the official account; identifying perpetrators immediately or utter failure in this regard; event serving wider political purpose; parallel 'exercises'; Israeli involvement; inexplicable responses by emergency services; what appears to be well planned and coordinated media and public response.

I have discussed many of these previously. I believe in many cases, the wrong persons have been accused, convicted or killed on the back of a fraudulent event, either in whole or in part. This is not to say that people have not died as a consequence, but neither the numbers or the cause can be relied upon explicitly without firm, unimpeachable, corroborative evidence. 

Consistently western governments have proved that secrecy and protecting the official narrative is far more important that protecting the truth because the latter undermines the credibility of the former. Those that expose the truth or are considered a threat to the lie, are pursued relentlessly and 'neutralised' by fair means or foul. Strangely during the 'Covid Pandemic', classical terrorism appears to have disappeared from the news agenda. Is it yet another 'false flag' operation?

Martyrs to the truth? 

Just a few well known names are sufficient to prove the point: Julian Assange: Edward Snowden; Craig Murray; even seventy-four year old Sabine McNeill. Suspicious deaths are too numerous to mention, most not afforded the attention paid to that of Oswald, Lennon, Williams, Epstein, McAfee, to name but a few. One wonders if there is really so great a difference the western powers treat their dissident threats to that of Russia, accused of murdering or attempting to murder Markov, Gorbuntsov, Perepilichnyy, Berezovsky, Nemtsov, Navalny, Litvinenko, Skripal and others, just a matter of style and panache. In comparison the Israeli state makes no attempt to hide the fact that it uses assassination as a policy tool. The examples are legion. It competes well with any country you can name, east or west! (See:

Other recent suspicious events

Several events of the many have recently been the subject of new revelations that generally I believe, support my contention that states are up to their eyes in murderous events and the cover-up that goes with them. This may apply in some degree to the Manchester Ariana Grande concert explosion, in which it is claimed twenty two persons were killed; the London Fishmonger's Hall attack which resulted in three deaths including the attacker, shot by police; and circumstances surrounding the deaths of four people in the French Alps, near Annecy, which up to now, despite two huge investigative teams in both France and the UK, failed to discover motive or attacker. All three events now reveal clear secret service failures if not actual involvement. Let us look a little closer at just one of those about which I wrote many thousands of words at the time.

Al Hilli Killings

By now everyone must surely be familiar with the events that took place on the 5th September, 2012 at a remote carpark near Chevaline in the French Alps. 

For those that are not, a British family of Iraqi descent was attacked by an unknown killer or killers, shooting dead three family members plus a French national on a bicycle. Saad al-Hilli, 50; his wife Iqbal, 47; her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, who held a Swedish passport; and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45. Two Al Hilli daughters Zeena (4) and Zainab (7)  survived the attack, the elder injured by a bullet and/or blow to the head, the younger by hiding under her dead mother's skirt in the back of the car, for an incredible eight hours, even when the police were on site.

Many millions of words were written at the time and subsequently regarding this most bizarre and tragic of events. I was no exception, devoting much time and energy trying to unravel a tantalizing mystery of a crime, overflowing with coincidences, contradictions and suggestions of political intrigue. One of the coincidences was that on the same day the French President was meeting the British Prime Minister in London. 

Political coincidences.

The following day both David Cameron and  Francois Hollande pledged at a public news conference, that the authorities would get to the bottom of the tragedy. Despite two huge investigative teams in both Britain and France, all lines of enquiry appeared to get nowhere. In fact worse than that, they appeared to be working at cross purposes, particularly as it related to Saad's brother, Zaid Al-Hilli, who the French regarded as a suspect. The British police arrested him on their behalf, but he was never extradited to France and was later wholly exonerated.

Extraordinary recent revelations

Now in extraordinary revelations, a gang which includes past and present members of the French Secret Service, are implicated in the murders, tending to validate to some extent, my predictions at the time. Rather than the suggested explanations put forward by the Annecy Prosecutor that this was a nondescript criminal act with no obvious motivation and the victims were just unlucky, a much more sinister picture is beginning to unravel.  

Besides the circumstantial  evidence of other killings by the gang, the most substantive link appears to be ammunition compatible with the Luger weapon used at the scene. (I never understood why there was such conflicting information over the number of bullets and why the information provided by them was not conclusive as to the weapon used, scoring on cases being one of the oldest tried and tested methods of identification. Nor has it been properly explained how 25 bullets could have been so easily fired from one ancient weapon)

However we should caution ourselves there have been false trails before and this could be another.

From an early stage, I took a sceptical view of the official version of events. This was leaving aside all the extraneous circumstantial evidence of intrigue and secret service involvement, including a long Al Hilli link with the British and American secret services. Saad's father and uncle had both been tortured by Iraq's President, Saddam Hussein, and escaped to Britain in the early 1970's.  Saad himself had probably assisted MI 5/6 during the second Iraq War, it being undisputed that he was under constant surveillance at the time. Only those services know his exact role or involvement, and they arn't saying. With amazing coincidence, Saad's wife's first husband (not initially revealed) died of 'natural causes' in his car on the same day!

The central emergency call lie. 

One important central fact in the official murder account put out by the authorities immediately after the event, proved to be a lie. I highlighted this in my articles but I did not see it replicated in any of the other media output. It was the 'Canary in the Coalmine' as to the reliability of the rest of the official account.

The crime was reported to the French emergency services by what was described as an "hero Englishman cyclist", who arrived on scene almost immediately after the attack had taken place. This call was timed at 15:48 and must have been recorded but has never entered the public domain. It is a definite point in the time-line, from which others can be deduced. The initial news report emanating from official sources, stated this was made by the Englishman, later revealed to be ex-RAF pilot Brett Martin.  

However he later made clear he did not make the call. Indeed he said he tried but that he had no reception for his mobile phone. Not until, by his account, he had left the scene and raced down the mountain access road and met an approaching car, were they able to contact the emergency services. 

This raises a number of intriguing questions that have never been satisfactorily answered.

How and why did the French authorities immediately announce it was an Englishman who made the call if he didn't?  It suggests they already knew he was there and they were following a script they did not expect would be contradicted. If Brett Martin did not make the call, who did? This was later stated to be a French person initially named as Philippe D. whose real name was ....  

"The witness, known as , recalled realising something terrible had happened when their car was approached by a panicked cyclist – the British former RAF serviceman who had discovered the crime scene.

"The man was coming down the road. He was clearly panicked and emotional. He tried to explain to me in broken French that something had happened further up the road," Philippe D said.

"He was trying to alert the emergency services, but either he did not have a phone or had no coverage."

Philippe D and his two friends then followed the cyclist back up the road where they found Saad al-Hilli, 50, his wife Ikbal, 47, and her 74 year-old mother shot dead in their car. Sylvain Mollier, a French cyclist who had also been gunned down, was lying metres away. It is believed Mollier, a father of three, was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Details of emergency call cannot be made to fit the time-line.

This fundamentally changed account of the initial report, means that the very precise time of 15:48 cannot be made to fit the circumstances of the case. There are only two options: either the time is wrong or someone other than those mentioned made that initial call. If it was not made by an Englishman what was the nationality of the caller? Was it made in English, French or some other language? If it was not made by the Englishman or Frenchman, ruled out respectively by a denial and by time, who did and could it have been by the killer(s) themselves in accordance with a pre-conceived plan?

Note the subtle changes to the account to try and make it fit the initial one here:

All these basic questions could have been quickly answered at the time by reference to the recorded emergency call. As far as I am aware, not only was it not answered at the time, it never has been. 

Obvious suspects and explanations avoided

So central to the case is this omission, that it renders all other parts of the official account subject to doubt. Having previously discussed these at length I will not go over old ground. Suffice it to say that although denied by official French sources, this had the hall marks of a professional hit squad, acting either on behalf of crime syndicates or even more likely state or states, secret service elements, most obviously but not exclusively Israeli, well known for its 'Kidron' assassination activity.  

The USS Liberty and much more recent events prove that western states are prepared to cover up these murderous activities if it thinks it expedient to do so. It is more than likely that both Britain and France knew and know far more about the Al Hilli murders than they were prepared to divulge to protect secret international relationships, not unlike the USS Liberty case. In such circumstances the much publicised police investigations would in fact assume the role of a smoke screen to hide the truth.

Inexplicable investigation enigmas

What other likely explanation can explain the way the investigation was mishandled from start to finish: the way in which the primary witness, 'Brett Martin' was treated and interviewed immediately after the event (He was flown back to Britain at public expense and hidden from view until a very strange BBC interview was arranged); how the story and time-line was amended to incorporate the French witnesses; how the younger daughter remained undiscovered in the car for eight hours; how the public was allowed to contaminate the crime scene; how conflicting reports on the number of bullets and injuries were put out; how the position of bodies and vehicles was distorted; how DNA results three years later were bungled and retracted; how Frenchman Mollier was protected from scrutiny; how information on the interviewed mystery motorcyclist was with-held for over a year; how the involvement of two teams of forestry workers was not revealed; how the timeline of events was confused and vehicles on scene disputed; how the news conferences gave out no substantive information; how the surviving children were treated; how Saad's brother Zaid(54) was afforded armed protection in England and treated by both sides; and so it goes on. 

Only the Met Police's investigation into the alleged abduction of Madeleine McCann or perhaps the search for the 'Yorkshire Ripper' can compete for so little result in return for so extensive and expensive a British police enquiry. Amazingly on the official Surrey Police web site, a search for Al Hilli and other key words reveals nothing, despite one of the biggest investigations in its history!

(As a twist in the on-going McCann story, one of many it has to be said, in January 2018 Kevin Halligen, the  private detective accused of squandering hundreds of thousands of pounds which he was given for the Madeleine search, was found dead 'in a pool of blood' at his Normandy, Surrey address.  First described as 'unexplained' by police, a Coroner later found that he had died from a fall.)

As far as I am aware there has been nothing to show for the huge Surrey police investigative team that was set up, despite a year later having claimed to have "taken 560 statements, seized more than 5,000 documents 1,600 exhibits and carried out more than 2,000 actions." This like the McCann case must have cost the public over a million pounds with very little to show for it.

Five years on from the murders Mr al-Hilli's brother Zaid claimed:

"There hasn't been any progress in the case. The initial investigation [by French investigators] has been a total failure. I don't think the French authorities were honest and we don't trust them and we don't have faith in them."  

In response Surrey police stated they were following up two 'new' leads of a motor cyclist at the scene and the suicide of a French Legionnaire who lived in the region, both of which had been known about for some years. Nothing seems to have come of it. Yet again more obfuscation!

At that time the French lead prosecutor, Veronique Dizot, told the BBC

"Work was being carried out to identify the previous owners of the guns used in the attack, but there were no potential suspects in the case. We have certain technical information about the weapons, but we have not yet identified the previous owner or owners of the weapons. It was the most complex case she had worked on but there had been no progress in solving it." 

Meanwhile the Surrey police were quoted as saying 

"It was continuing to provide support to the French investigation as part of the joint investigation team (JIT) established following the deaths. Officers had worked closely with the French authorities to progress a number of lines of enquiry in the UK. This is a complex inquiry. However, Surrey Police remains committed to helping find answers to what happened."

All the circumstances point to secret service involvement

I argued that only a State (or States) - backed covert operation, could explain the obscuration and lack of progress. I have argued that the Al Hilli murders marked the start of a terrorist campaign that plagued European cities for the rest of the decade and may well be related.  It is a recognised fact that all states train and employ secret units capable of targeted assassination and what could be termed 'terrorist acts'. The question remains was such responsible for Chevaline and if so what country or countries are implicated? 

Now startling official revelations from France appear to validate my derided position that all these events were likely organised and carried out by organs embedded within national government itself - what is commonly termed  the "Deep State". Of course it is always possible that this latest story is yet another 'red herring' to deflect from the true perpetrators and reasons, but it is nevertheless interesting that it suggests links to the French equivalent of the British MI6, the DGSE, and to a Paris Masonic Lodge.

The 'hit squad' currently under arrest in Paris, is primarily accused of the murder of Laurent Pasquali, 43, whose body was found in September 2019. Also of a frustrated planned assassination attack Marie-Helene Dini, a therapist and business coach. 

Two guards from the DGSE, France's MI6, were allegedly hired to kill her, but were arrested in a car at her home in July 2020, armed with knives and a gun. 

Nine people, including former and serving French intelligence agents and a man called Vaglio, are in custody over the alleged contract on her life. If true, it is unlikely that such a 'gang' would not have been involved in more killings or attempted killings but the links to the Chevaline/Al Hilli ones are more substantial than just that.

The Mail on Sunday (MoS) reports (as follows)  that the arrest of the gang last year could provide a breakthrough in the Al Hilli/Mollier case. 

"Members of the gang are said to have confessed to spying on, intimidating or assaulting victims. Some reportedly admitted being involved in the killing of a racing driver near Lyons and a plot to murder a business coach in Paris.

"In February, it emerged that bullets compatible with the Luger P06 pistol used in the Alps murders had been found at the home of one of the alleged gang – a former senior member of the Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, a French spy agency.

"The MoS can reveal that Frederick Vaglio, 50, another alleged gang member, was born in Annecy and had business links there before and after the killings. Company records show he set up a PR firm in the town in 2009, but it was wound up a few days before the Alps murders. He then formed a security and corporate intelligence firm called Meliora in 2016, registered to his parents' address in Annecy. He also ran a firm called Naberat Events, which organised a classic car rally.

"A neighbour at his last known address in Paris told the MoS he saw 'a lot of cars coming and going – often with military types in them', adding: 'Gunshots were heard around the house. It's said the owner of the house used to test his weapons in the grounds.'

"Vaglio's mother, Christiane, said: 'You have to be careful of gossip and not believe everything.' French media claims he was offered €75,000 by a fellow Freemason to set up an attack on Marie-Helene Dini, a therapist and business coach. 

"Two guards from the DGSE, France's MI6, were allegedly hired to kill her, but were arrested in a car at her home last July armed with knives and a gun. Nine people, including Vaglio, are in custody over the alleged contract on her life.

"Vaglio reportedly accepted a €12,000 contract to target racing driver Laurent Pasquali, 43, whose body was found in September 2019. Radio France claims Vaglio has admitted involvement, but denied ordering his killing.

"Referring to the 2012 Alps murders, a police source said: 'There are potentially comparisons. The operation in the Alps is likely to have involved more than one assassin and it is likely that they had formal military training. 

The clues are there. In the Alps case, the assassins have a great deal of luck because nobody sees them. They know how to use a weapon, and they know how to get away.' A second source confirmed police had not ruled out a connection with the al-Hilli killings.


It should be noted the observation that, "It was likely to have involved more than one assassin",  directly contradicts what has been a long-held assertion by the French prosecutors that this was the work of a lone killer, acting alone. It was a view I disagreed with at the time based on Martin's evidence of a 4x4 passing him on his way up the valley and returning a few minutes later. 

Needless the time window for the killings is very narrow and determined by the time the Al Hillis arrived at the car park stated to be 3:35 pm, the time Mollier could have arrived after that, and the time of the first emergency call said to be at 3:48 pm. We are therefore dealing with a 'window' of at the most ten minutes and probably less. 

Nor can the official version of a lone gunman hiding in advance with no means of transport be made to fit. 'Occam's razor' suggests, that if the 4x4 report is reliable, the person or persons in it were the murders. 

Yet this obvious possible explanation has never been suggested by the authorities. Why?  And whilst we are at it, neither has the role of the motor cyclist, interviewed by the government's forestry rangers ever been fully explained either.  These are quite inexplicable omissions.  


So it would seem there is a possibility that a gang of at least nine currently in French detention and subject to investigation for murder and attempted murder and linked to the French secret services and masonic organisations, may also, by virtue of ammunition and location, be linked to the unsolved Al Hilli/Mollier killings. We shall have to wait and see whether, like other leads, this one comes to nothing or provides much needed insight into a notorious brutal event, which yet again poses some searching questions regarding the effectiveness of police methods in both France and Britain.

See also:

French businessman is 'leader of hit squad' investigated over murder of British family (

From Sky report

The alleged leader of a gang of contract killers being investigated over links to the murder of a British family is a businessman from Annecy in the French Alps - close to where they were shot dead.

Detectives suspect the hit squad may have been involved in the killing of Saad al Hilli, 50, his wife Iqbal, 47, and mother-in-law Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, as well as French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45, on a mountain road in 2012.

The arrest of the gang last year, whose members include former and serving French intelligence agents, could provide a breakthrough in a case that has baffled French and British police for almost a decade.

The al-Hillis, from Claygate in Surrey, were shot at point-blank range in their BMW in a woodland layby. Mr Mollier was shot five times and his corpse was found nearby.

Mr and Mrs al Hillis' young daughters survived. Zeena, four, hid in the footwell, while her sister, Zainab, seven, was shot and beatenment

Police do not know whether the al Hillis or Mr Mollier, who worked in the nuclear industry, was the target.

In 2013, Eric Maillaud, then prosecutor on the case, concluded: "We are dealing with a very experienced gunman."

Now speculation is growing that criminals linked to a Paris Freemasons lodge may be involved.

Members of the gang are said to have confessed to spying on, intimidating or assaulting victims.

Some admitted being involved in the killing of a racing driver near Lyon, in eastern France, and a plot to murder a business coach in Paris.

In February, it emerged that bullets compatible with the Luger P06 pistol used in the Alps murders had been found at the home of one of the alleged gang - a former senior member of the Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, a French spy agency.

Frederick Vaglio, 50, another alleged gang member, was born in Annecy and had business links there before and after the killings.

Company records show he set up a PR firm in the town in 2009, but it was wound up a few days before the Alps murders.

Vaglio then formed a security and corporate intelligence firm called Meliora in 2016, registered to his parents' address in Annecy. He also ran a firm called Naberat Events, which organised a classic car rally.

A neighbour at his last known address in Paris said he saw "a lot of cars coming and going - often with military types in them", adding: "Gunshots were heard around the house. It's said the owner of the house used to test his weapons in the grounds."

According to prosecution documents, Vaglio was offered €75,000 by a fellow Freemason to set up an attack on Marie-Helene Dini, a therapist and business coach.

Two guards from the DGSE, France's MI6, were allegedly hired to kill her, but were arrested in a car at her home last July armed with knives and a gun.

Nine people, including Vaglio, are in custody over the alleged contract on her life, said a spokesman for Paris prosecutors.

Vaglio reportedly accepted a €12,000 contract to target racing driver Laurent Pasquali, 43, whose body was found in September 2019. Radio France claims Vaglio has admitted involvement, but denied ordering his killing.

Referring to the 2012 Alps murders, a police source said: "There are potentially comparisons. The operation in the Alps is likely to have involved more than one assassin and it is likely that they had formal military training.

"The clues are there. In the Alps case, the assassins have a great deal of luck because nobody sees them. They know how to use a weapon, and they know how to get away."

A second source confirmed police had not ruled out a connection with the al Hilli killings.


  1. Man arrested with facial similarity to the 'biker', once a policeman.

  2. Early Channel 4 report:

  3. Sept. 2020: Surrey police are quoted as saying, "We continue to work closely with the French authorities, in order to solve the crime." Yet not a mention of it on their official web site using the 'search' facility. Strange.

  4. L'inexplicable tuerie de Chevaline
    On September 5, 2012, the bodies of the Al-Hilli family and a cyclist were found in an isolated parking lot in a forest in Chevaline, near Lake Annecy. According to the autopsy, they all received at least two Luger pistol bullets in the head. In their car, their youngest is found alive ... The violence of this extraordinary crime scene upsets France.
    Sponsored crime linked to the affairs of this Iraqi resident in England or the work of a madman? Did the shooter act alone? Did he have any accomplices? Despite the publication in 2013 of a composite, followed by various twists, the investigation stalled and then bogged down. Even today, the mystery remains unsolved.

  5. Compelling evidence that the virus originated in the (Wuhan?) lab:

  6. A good summary of false trails and range of suspects:

  7. 54. France – The Chevaline Killings (aka The Alps Murders)


    Solving the Perfect Murders of L’Affaire de Chevaline (Parts1-6)

    Alps murder victims pasts probed by cops

    Alps murders: Family of French cyclist Sylvain Mollier speak out for the first time

    Alps murder: Truth about Saad al-Hilli’s ‘family feud’

    The Alps Murders

    Tom Parry (2015): The Perfect Crime. Mirror Books.

    Created & Produced by Sonya Lowe

    Narrated by Noel Vinson

    Researched by Two Red Romans Productions

    Music: “Nordic Medieval” by Marcus Bressler

    Background track: Doblado Studios:

    This True Crime Podcast was researched using open source or archive materials.

  8. And not far away the assassination of another DGSE officer, Daniel Forestier in similar circumstances, in March, 2019.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. RELATED ARTICLES. (Oldest first)


  12. Comments on:
    There are a few factual errors in this documentary particularly in the reconstruction at the start. It does not include the reported 4x4 and motorbike both of which passed Brett Martin. If a telephone call was made at 3:48 pm, it WASN'T made by Brett Martin. If it was made by Philip Didierjean/Bossy it could not have been made at 3:48 unless the shooting took place at 3:30 and Martin was on scene almost immediately. If so it is inconceivable he could not have heard the shots, which were heard much further away. Although a virtual witness, Martin was spared meaning either he was protected or the victims were not shot for being witnesses. Two forestry vehicles were in the vicinity at the time but it was more than a year before this fact was revealed. One interviewed the biker and we assume both of these returned down past Martinet. The other went past at a critical time and confirmed the presence of a 4x4 and motor bike there. The times and places of these vehicles must have been known to the police almost immediately afterwards yet was kept secret and does not appear to have formed the focus of the investigation. Instead Maillaud projected a range of implausible 'hypotheses' that led nowhere. In fact from start to finish the French investigation suggests either 'cock-up' or cover-up.
    At 17:48 there is an image of the deceased Mollier lying on his back. Is this a reconstruction or original? If the latter, what is the long horizontal object behind him and how does this relate to the location where nonesuch appears?
    The image at 17:56 cannot be reconciled with the actual scene. Note the location of the road is all wrong as is the suggested position of the body. If reconstructions are used they should be accurate or they become misleading and there has been enough of that already! Then at 18:34 you suggest the position of Mollier's £4,000 racing bike. Martin reported it was the first thing he saw, but if it was thrown on the ground (unlikely in any event) it does not accord with a photograph where it can be seen leaning against a fence on the opposite side of the lane. At a crime scene, it would not have been moved and in addition it is difficult to see how this would fit with the theory that the BMW reversed to its final location. 'Occam's razor' would suggest an unidentified 4x4 and one or two motor bikes were central to the operation, yet from the beginning they were virtually ignored. It is natural to wonder why?
    The true image at 26:52 shows shows the Al Hilli BMW on the back of the low loader before it is transported away. The layby at the bottom of the picture shows clear evidence of the spinning wheels (not as was reported stuck on soft ground but in reverse against the bank) and what matches to blood stains on the gravel. The bodies and bicycles have been removed prior to the aerial photo being taken. Maillaud's description of finding Mollier's body "to the right and in front of the car" does not accord to the blood staining, nor is it easy to reconcile it with Martin's account that he moved both recumbent bodies away from the front of the car to the side. And incidentally no one has explained the missing roof rack, surely not just fallen off somewhere. Saad was meticulous about his car.


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