Monday 25 March 2024

What are banks up to? 

(I think we should be told.)

I was told a bank (different) employee they had been told not to go behind the counter, and instead let the queue grow so that people will be forced to use machines. A different employee refused to enter a cheque and could only help me use the machine. Someone else said there was a rumour a cashier would only be available in future to deal with amounts of more than £800 . When I suggested to the employee that this would involve redundances, she replied they would still be needed to service the machines and help people use them! This is a coordinated trend across the whole sector (so much for competition) to close branches and force people on-line and to rely on machines (if available) It is only a small step to not being able to access your money at all and if cash is is withdrawn altogether we shall be utterly controlled by a card and the bankers behind it. Trudeau and Canada have already demonstrated how this can be used for social and behavioural control. Roll on the NWO and modern slavery. It is not old statues that need to be pulled down but new ones.

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