Saturday 16 March 2024

A New Infectious Health Scare?

The Guardian newspaper reports on a worrying new new infectious disease in Japan. (Here: ) 

Apparently "Provisional figures released by the NIID recorded 941 cases of 'streptococcal toxic shock syndrome', or 'STSS', were reported last year. In the first two months of 2024, 378 cases have already been recorded, with infections identified in all but two of Japan’s 47 prefectures.While older people are considered at greater risk, the group A strain is leading to more deaths among patients under 50, according to NIID. Of the 65 people under 50 who were diagnosed with STSS between July and December in 2023, about a third, or 21, died." 

If I remember correctly from fifty years ago, we were familiar with S. pyogenes, causing pus-filled abscesses or 'pyaemia' in pigs! Of course the roll-out of the Corona virus vaccine does not feature as a possible causative factor in this latest Japanese outbreak, despite the fact that: "As of February 27, 2023, around 77.5 percent of the population in Japan received the second dose of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination. At the same time, approximately 68.4 percent of the population had a booster shot." As always, every cause but the obvious one!

What we do know from the reporting of adverse affects following application of one or other of the proprietary Covid vaccines, is that the medical responses are many and varied. In other words there is not one specific reaction or illness profile but a whole range of differing ones, that may even appear unconnected. Despite government denial, the picture of excess deaths, uniformly across nation states, following the introduction of the vaccine programme, can only be interpretted as causative. Note the deaths are predominantly not flu-related. The potential od the vaccine to promote other infections by reducing the body's immune response mechanism, is obviously a possibility that should be considered. Following the roll-out there was a parallel outbreak of Monkey Pox world wide that was highly suspicious.

What we have here is multiple, apparently unrelated, disease processes as a reaction to a single cause - i.e. the injection into the body of an artificial, man made, gene-integrating molecule, with the capacity to irrevocably alter the body's exquisity delicate protection systems, evidencing in a variety of ways, be they interference with muscle and particularly the heart, the process of blood clotting, immunological and allergic reactions to other pathogens or substances referred to as septic or anaphylactic shock. Given this diverse landscape, longer-term conditions such as cancer in all its manifestations cannot be ruled out, despite the causative link being unproven. I suggest it is a reasonable assumption.

There is a basic societal misunderstanding about the human relationship with bugs generally. Both for good and ill. We owe it to the discoveries of Pasteur, Cohn, Semmelweis, Koch and other pioneers of the 19th C. Cohn's system of classifying micro-organisms on the basis of their shape under the microscope, is still used to this day: thus 'cocci' - round, as distinct from 'bacilli' or rod shaped. Progressively lab identified microscopic organisms were linked with specific bodily signs, symptoms and outcome, labelled with 'disease' names.

The discoveries were helpful in a new approach to the causation and treatment of illness, but also contain within it a serious axiomatic flaw, related to our present attitude to bugs and the regime governments promote to control them. Fundamentally and adversely affected by the enormous commercial enterprise that has built up around them, vaccination, including its latest experimental entity, has become the uncontestable medical orthodoxy, which anyone challenges at their peril. Government and profession minds are closed to possible adverse effects or in seeking to understand them. It was demonstrated in the disgraceful treatment of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and even more apparent to those who warned about the Covid vaccines.

Modern approaches to disease control is an orthodoxy built on essentially three or four strands: protection from stressors; hygiene; vaccination; and antibiotics. All have a place in the modern approach to disease generally and infections in particular. All require interventions of one sort or another, either to the outer world or to the inner one of the human body. There is an on-going and dynamic relationship between the two. The more you load the human being with stressors, be they chemical, biological, physical or psycho-social, the more likely it is that 'dis-ease' or disease will result. Conversely, the healthier the body is and the less it is subject to foreign or injurious materials inserted into it, the less likely a disease will result.

This is essentially a philosophical position, but it has practical application that should inform both government policy and personal attitudes and choices. Some of the latter are within the individual's control but of course many are not, and are imposed on them whether they like it or not. Living in a war zone, as many currently are in Ukraine and Gaza is the ultimate example of this. It is a living and current illustration in its worst iteration of all I have said above. It is the ultimate manifestation of detrimental environmental health.

But returning to the headline story, the point I wish to make, is that although the bacerial and viral origin of disease has its place in the modern world, the philosophical approach to it requires modification. We need to accept that although certain bugs, such as those that cause anthrax, smallpox, typhoid and TB, just for example, are potentially very dangerous and life-threatening, they should never be considered in isolation from the multiplicity of other factors that are involved in the disease process and that there should be a more nuanced approach should be adopted to their control.

Vaccination of everyone, as a 'one fits all' solution, needs to be modified, to vaccination 'as or when required'. Much more care needs to be taken into the pros and cons of vaccination, based on properly funded research into any apparent relationships between the various jabs and any ill-health out comes. There is currently a huge ideological barrier to such in the medical establishment, which urgently needs to be dismantled and expunged.

We need a much realistic view of micro-organisms and the the way they inter-react with human beings. There is a huge fascination with creating sterile conditions, continually being pushed by a huge industry that relies on it, but it is misplaced. We have to live with bugs. Indeed our lives and the whole biosphere relies for its existance on it. The last hundred years has seen the explosion in chemicals of one sort or another, designed to exterminate them, and we have witnessed the results both in nature and in life forms, including human ones.

In this context it is perhaps worth noting in a pinch of garden soil, about a gram in weight, live millions of bacteria, representing several thousand species and  most of them are still unknown to science!  Similarly only a tiny fraction of micro-organisms are pathogenic to man but that conversely some bugs that live happily in the human body, can if circumstances change, become dangerous. 

The animal gut is a veritable hive of beneficial bacterial activity that we disrupt at our peril. Anti-biotics were a discovery with near miraculous life saving properties, but they also disrupt natural gut flora and other regulatory systems. Their over prescription and use in both humans and animals has led to the well known problems of reduced efficacy. Outbreaks, such as the one above, take on a much more dangerous aura, if effective anti-biotics are unavailable.

The post scientific and microbiological era has undoubtedly borne benefits, particularly in the developed world of health and longevity. But it is not wholly or even mainly responsible for the improvements which lie in the arena of social and environmental areas. Work has become far less arduous and intrinsicly dangerous. Some unhealthy habis, such as smoking have decline. Cleanliness has become easier and more prevalent. Water, food and air generally less threatening. Medical interventions more successful. Even so illness still persists, and if NHS waiting lists are any indicator, the demand for treatment never longer. Something is obviously wrong here. For all our knowledge and investment, we don't appear to be getting any healthier. Or is it that we now demand remedies for the ills that were once seen as inevitable? Is the reason one of more ill health or expecting a cure for more trivial conditions? Perhaps it is a bit of both?

However in adopting the medical model of disease causation, specific causes for specific illnesses, we risk losing sight of the fact that combinations of circumstances may evidence themselves in a range of different out comes. For example obesity results from a range of physical and mental causes, and result in increased risk of a range of pathologies. Similarly individual and community health profiles result from a multi-factoral environment, all playing a part. We should start from the premise of recognising the body's innate ability to adapt to its environment and to regulate itself with a minimum of invasive techniques and procedures. From an early age, children should be taught these principles, so that they become habitual.  

We should do all within our power to reduce and irradicate harmful stressors, legal and illegal drugs being just one example and in every case of a bug-specific outbreak, in addition to identifying the bug, we should enquire what triggered it? In the Japanese case I have highlighted the foregoing vaccine rollout as a possibility, but the population has also been subject to enhanced radiation levels in air and food. Nor should intentional infection, either by default or design - apropos Wuhan - be ruled out.

But we should also be ever mindful of how health threats can be used by ill-defined controlling entities, referred to elsewhere on this blog as THE BLOB! , to induce fear and compliance. It joins all the others of 'global warming', 'net zero', 'Russian or Chinese threat'. The economic, social and health consequences of the covid madness should act as a warning. Infectious disease, such as the Streptococcal outbreak in Japan, should be responded to logically and sensibly, but never again in a mode of irrational panic.,in%20500%2C000%20deaths%20each%20year.

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