Wednesday 20 January 2021

 Is Britain's nation Covid neurotic or psychotic?

The only difference between a Neurotic and a Psychotic they say, is that a "Neurotic builds castles in the sky but a Psychotic lives in them."  It is hard to tell whether the British Nation, leaving aside all the others, has gone neurotic or psychotic over Covid 19 ad nauseam.

The neurosis is everywhere to see. The detour of pedestrians. The wearing of masks in the open air. The wearing of two masks. The masks on children. The excessive use of anti-biotic hand sprays (notice anti-BIOTIC useless against viruses) The fear of going out, of shaking hands. etc. etc.

How about the Psychotic? Well the introduction of "Do not resuscitate" may well fall into that category, as might the refusal to allow family members to visit dying relatives or critically ill children. Or perhaps that should just be categorised as utterly insensitive bureaucratic mania?

How can we regard the devastating consequences of Government policy on the economy, on business, on people's lives, or the very real consequences on physical and mental health other than Psychotic? The number of people waiting more than twelve months for medical and surgical interventions has apparently grown from a little over a thousand to more than a hundred and thirty thousand. Those diagnosed with life threatening cancers are having to wait longer than they should when speed of treatment is fundamental to outcome.

This is not only psychotic, it is positively criminally insane as the inordinate numbers of care home deaths proved.  This was not the result of a virus, but of administrative policy that withdrew care and treatment from the vulnerable.

And what of crime and punishment? Was the response by police and courts neurotic or psychotic? Whilst losing 150,000 records of criminals, and unable to quell the mounting numbers of crimes and frauds, including an epidemic of street crimes and murders, it was nevertheless able to mount operations with huge numbers of police to prevent peaceful demonstrations, often demonstrating a level of aggression and violence against even the elderly. If this was not psychotic, what is? 

Arresting people in Supermarkets for not wearing a mask, although the law allows it; bursting into people's homes to check on whether there was a party going on; arresting people for going for a walk or sitting on a park bench too long, how can you classify these actions other than psychotic besides being an infringement of basic human freedoms. Significantly both Home Secretary and Minister of Heath support these outrageous and insane actions by the police. Do you need to be insane to support insanity? Is Government itself suffering from individual and corporate Neurosis or Psychosis. Should it by rights be Certified?


A WHO team is currently in China with the objective of discovering the source of the SARS Cov-2 outbreak in Wuhan. Should be classify this as Neurotic or Psychotic, given that the genesis of the RNA entity is already clear? Is it just another example of 'Distraction' from the documented reality: that this was a laboratory developed and copyrighted formula in the United States Fort Detrick in Maryland, USA, before legislation required it to transfer to Wuhan, still funded by the American CDC. 

There is little doubt that it was developed as a biological weapon and deployed just in time for the run-up to the American Presidential election, where it was a critical factor in the defeat of President Trump. Fauci, who holds the copyright to the virus, was an obvious actor in this Deep State operation, that has had the desired effect in a much wider political and economic 'reframing'.

Sceptics of this story line should note that Fort Kendrick figured large in the anthrax contaminated parcel scare following 9/11, itself a criminal fraud of the highest and most psychotic order. Britain's equivalent is of course Porton Down in Wiltshire. It is interesting to speculate how much is known in that establishment or what part it has played in the identification of the SARS Cov-2 agent and the policy that has flowed from it. No doubt it is up to speed. It is noteworthy that the quarantined-at-Windsor Queen of England's first official visits was to Porton Down to check out progress, nor that Porton Down figured large in the alleged Novichok poisoning incident in Salisbury.

Interestingly, MI6's agent, Christopher Steele links both the Russia gate allegations against Trump and the Salisbury Novichok incident. Some might think this pushes a coincidence explanation to breaking point.

We are all aware that using fear to ensure compliance is a psychotic trait, as is the inability to feel the suffering of others. Yes 'fear' was the stated objective of government to ensure compliance with its crazy 'lock-down' rules, accompanied with a lack of empathy for the personal suffering and anxiety they would cause. Old people isolated, the sick dying alone, children terrified, families separated.

The government claimed it was all 'science led', yet the body reputedly setting the agenda and stoking the fear, got it hopelessly wrong. So called SAGE or the "Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies" has lots of people attending its meetings but rather strangely "Permission to publish names was requested from all participants. Those who did not give permission have not been named."  Why would someone not wish to be named on such a body?

At the meeting of the 22nd January, 2020 the following attended: 

Attendees Scientific experts: Patrick Vallance (GCSA), Chris Whitty (CMO), Charlotte Watts (CSA DfID), Jonathan Van Tam (Deputy CMO), Neil Ferguson (Imperial), Carole Mundell (CSA FCO), Peter Horby (Oxford), Christine Middlemiss (CVO DEFRA), James Rubin (King's College), Cathy Roth (DFID), Jeremy Farrar (Wellcome), Phil Blythe (CSA DfT), Pasi Penttinen (ECDC), David Lalloo (LSHTM), Maria Zambon (PHE), Ben Killingley (UCL), John Edmunds (LSTHM), Jim McMenamin (Health Protection Scotland). Observers and Government officials: Rupert Shute (dCSA HO), Kavitha Kishen (DfT), Stuart Wainwright (GoS), Tasha Grant (CCS), Samantha Harris (GoS).

It should be noted that the Imperial College projection of deaths proved wildly overstated and Neil Furguson its representative, was sacked in consequence. He appears to have been subsequently reinstated into the government fold of advisors.

It can readily be acknowledged that behaviour is a product of mental activity. It is the summation of knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired by virtue of genetic make-up, environmental influences and personal choice from cognitive reasoning. It follows therefore the way to change any of these attributes, the mind is the focus and target, whether individually or en masse.

Both human behaviour and mental activity have been studied thoroughly in the last one hundred years. Both psychology and psychiatry have received enormous attention, not least by secret agencies of the state. The early work on 'brain washing', using Lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD or 'Acid' by the CIA and no doubt others, has become notorious. But experiments with animals came earlier. Pavlov's dog and Skinner's rats have become notorious. By virtue of psychoanalysis, the study of damaged brains, increasingly sophisticated experiments and cerebral diagnostic machines, the effects of different chemical compounds, besides neurosurgery itself, gradually revealed more and more secrets of this incredible organ and with it the power to influence and control it.

Make no mistake, what we are witnessing in this 'international covid crisis', is not only the engineering of a biologic threat, but also a mass psychological operation to make its intended purpose complete. All the knowledge gained from the relatively new sciences of psychology and psychiatry, of all the social surveys, statistics and understanding of social networks and factor influencing persuasion, have been put to use to obvious effect.

The concept of 'carrot and stick' in human motivation and attitude is well known. In common with all animals, humans yearn for praise, reward - both practical and psychological - and acceptance. It is said to love and be loved is the chief human goal whether genuine or contrived. Conversely animals avoid pain, disappointment and failure and humans are no exception to the general rule. Peer group pressure is enormously power to ensure compliance even if it conflicts with firmly held moral principles. There is of course a huge amount of research material to support these assertions. 

However the important point is that the well understood arsenal of techniques have been applied during the Covid episode to ensure compliance with predetermined behavioural objects, totally disconnected from those stated. As such, either wittingly or unwittingly, Governments have been complicit in a fraudulent propaganda exercise to change patterns of behaviour and thought, that have practically no relationship to the sated objective of preventing disease or even 'protecting the NHS'. These are merely the powerful tools of mass mind and behavioural  manipulation. As has been long stated, there is a thin line between 'Health Education' and 'Societal Propaganda'.

The 'Carrot and Stick' approach is not difficult to recognise but it is amazing how little awareness people have of being subject to it. The NHS has an almost mythical place in the hearts of the British public. Some say it has taken the place of religion and the Church of England. Politicians know this, so it is no surprise that 'protecting the NHS' was adopted as a major slogan, however ludicrous it is on examination. Protecting a person's health is one thing; protecting an organisation is quite another. At no point has the NHS been in danger of collapse. In any event, given the huge sums thrown at utterly failed 'track and trace', testing, masks, advertising and yes even vaccination, the resources were obviously available to meet any demand placed upon it. The whole point of a national health service is that it is capable to meet the demands placed on it. If there was a shortage of hospitals, beds, staff or equipment, it is because government planned it, not that there was a flu virus going around.

So the powerful 'love' of the NHS was deployed to get the behavioural objectives identified. But it was also linked to another powerful behavioural influencer, namely the Thursday night banging event - for want of a better description - when everybody up and down the land was encouraged to bang the drum for nation health staff. Peer group pressure in operation, making people feel good, a classic 'carrot' device to get people to accept a draconian 'stay ay home' curfew. Having achieved its purpose, it notably hasn't been repeated which rather ays it all.

Other hugely expensive 'carrots' have been employed. Paying 80% of wages; VAT and other tax breaks; subsidised meals; payments to business for loss of trade, etc etc.  This is obviously unsustainable in the short term and will have to be paid for in the long, but again it undoubtedly helped to ensure compliance.  No doubt 'SAGE' will have advised the government, that once 'norms of behaviour' AKA 'habits' have been established, you can withdraw the measures that created them. People wear masks outside, although this is not required, and will probably continue to do so even when the threat is officially removed (should that day ever arrive) as with other behavioural changes like standing apart and not shaking hands, for example.

I am told there are more people with a psychology background on SAGE than medical or statistical. I haven't checked out whether this is true but I could certainly believe it. Sage hase been the principle element in leading government and nation down a fundamentally erroneous and deadly path.

So having briefly considered the 'carrots', how about the 'sticks'?

And there's more....
FROM THE CDC; 3,150 people vaccinated in ONE DAY are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work" after vaccination.
This is a massive 2.7% of people who can no longer work after having the Pfizer vaccine.
Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine as her father says he 'wants answers'
Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid-19 after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
Wife of 'perfectly healthy' Miami doctor, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is certain it was triggered by the jab, as drug giant investigates first death with a suspected link to shot.
75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine.
Death of Swiss man after Pfizer vaccine.
88-year-old collapses and dies several hours after being vaccinated.
Thousands negatively affected after getting Covid-19 vaccine.
Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer Covid vaccine.
4 volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid-19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend ‘surveillance for cases’.
Investigation launched as 2 people die in Norway nursing home days after receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine.
Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
U.S. officials report more severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.
NHS told not to give Covid vaccine to those with history of allergic reactions.
COVID-19: Single vaccine dose leads to 'greater risk' from new coronavirus variants, South African experts warn
CDC reveals at least 21 Americans have suffered life threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer's COVID vaccine
Woman experiences side effects of COVID-19 vaccine
COVID Vaccine Side Effects More Common After 2nd Dose.
Bulgaria Reports 4 Cases Of Side Effects From Pfizer Covid Vaccine.
Two NHS workers suffer allergic reaction to Pfizer vaccine.
~forwarded from Dr Tenpenny





  2. See also: Adverse Reactions and Deaths From Covid Vaccines. What About Long-Term?
    January 15, 2021 EXTRACTS:
    "“Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, told the New York Times Tuesday that he believes ‘it is a medical certainty’ that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine caused the death of Dr. Gregory Michael.
    "Now a tragic video has surfaced — a video by Shawn Skelton. Since having the vaccine her body is in a state of permanent convulsions. In one of her Facebook posts, she writes (extract):

    “First of all… Very disturbing. I darn love each and every one of you and you best believe I would spend a whole day hugging all of you! This evening my shakes, tremors, dance moves…. whatever we wanna call them have slowed down a lot!! I’m still detoxing, CBD ultra cell has I think helped me soooo much. Thank you… Today I’m very fatigued. I just feel sick but in a way I can’t really explain! Your messages and support are overwhelming…”
    "Reuters reports the case of a Mexican doctor:

    “Mexican authorities said they are studying the case of a 32-year-old female doctor who was hospitalized after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The doctor, whose name has not been released, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a public hospital in the northern state of Nuevo Leon after she experienced seizures, difficulty breathing and a skin rash. ‘The initial diagnosis is encephalomyelitis,’ the Health Ministry said in a statement released on Friday night. Encephalomyelitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.”
    "The CDC revealed (7 January 2021) that at least 21 Americans have suffered life-threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine – “but officials beg people to get the shot and say problems are ‘rare’.” Daily Mail UK reports:

    A new report from the CDC revealed 21 out of 1.9 million suffered anaphylaxis after getting the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine, with 71% occurred within 15 minutes of vaccination
    The CDC says the rate of the life-threatening allergic reaction is 11.1 cases of per million doses compared with one case per million for the flu."

  3. It is getting increasingly difficult to obtain food, travel on public transport or other services without a mask, despite the adverse health consequences and total irrelevance of masks to the incidence or severity of the flu. Yesterday I was unable to find anywhere to photocopy a document and then told I couldn't access the Post Office - situated in a WH Smith outlet - unless I wore a mask. Needless to say the counter clerk sat behind a screen AND wore a mask herself, so presumably had little confidence in their ability to protect her. A similar nonsense is portrayed by those wearing two masks. Having it seems, persuaded a gullible public that these measures are necessary and gaining its agreement to them, the way is clear for similar rules regarding vaccination, that is that access to basic services will be conditional on proof of the vaccination. Thus fundamental freedoms and essential services are being denied, whilst conditioning the public into believing it is acceptable. I heard a woman on the street say as I passed, "Oh well what can we do about it? We have to do as we are told don't we?" The Government has not only made it obvious that we are now all slaves with few rights or privileges, but proved it was relatively easy to do it.

  4. Please tell how the Government KNOWS the new variant is associated with higher mortality. Where is the science? Where is the epidemiological evidence? The material on the 'original' virus is unreliable let alone a new one. Yet more polemic from the master of the art to maintain the fear and prolong the impotent restrictions for ever.


    Highlighted reply
    11 hours ago
    @Tim Veater Hey Tim, good hearing from you.I haven't had to use Hydroxychloroquine as of late since the Ivermectin is my heavy hitter in the mix, along with Azithromycin or Doxycycline plus Baloxavir if I catch them in the first 3 days of illness. Vitamin D 5000 IU's is preferred dose for most. Quercetin is an ionophore for Zinc, just like Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin is found in various vegetables & Spices, such as Horse Radish leaf.I have used Ivermectin with Hydroxychloroquine but it's not that easy to prescribe , where some pharmacists won't fill it unless patient has Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis.

  6. An article Pravda would be proud of. Will the population and media outlets like yours, be satisfied only when everyone is fined or in prison and any vestige of liberty is extinguished? The country is already under semi-permanent curfew and breathing without a face nappy criminalised. And all built up on a largely fictitious 'plague-fear' and pseudo-science. Sadly the government has delegated the enforcement of pointless rules to businesses and shop workers and it is quite clear why: to distract from political responsibility. The whole policy is the psychological conditioning of the British people to accept control and compliance, of which this article is just yet another example.


  8. John Ødemark
    In answer to the question, what do I say to a person who has lost a loved one whilst still saying it's a scam :
    The scam is to fudge the numbers mate, they need scary numbers to keep people at home, the majority of the deaths are no more than the seasonal flu, national statistics support this fact, they have consolidated everyone who tested positive for a cough or a cold with a tainted testing system which has been denounced by its creator, also verifiable. The sad matter of living on this planet is people die as well as being born and we here have been taught to associate negative thoughts to the passing on from this life. Everyone is taught to feel loss when a loved one dies, yet other places they celebrate with remembrance and respect, we can do both, when we cry, it is with tears of joy of how loved they are, forever carried with you in your heart, never tears of unhappiness, the love will always be there, death can't take it away, again easily understood. The manner in which we pass on is governed by our environment with or without our willing participation. We can choose to never lose our loved ones or we can carry on feeling bad whenever we think of them. In the last thirty one years in England and Wales the population increased from approx fifty million to sixty million the number of deaths per day stayed a constant average of 1506, this is just a fact, it didn't increase with the population increase, we we're getting better at living. We are not taught this at schools or in our news yet they are now throwing horrifying figures at folk who can only associate a negative emotion to, when it's been par for the course here. When the television is the only instrument of news you have ever trusted tells you to believe an issue of great importance, you understandably believe everything they say without a doubt. Here in life you have to question everything, especially when it comes to governance and health, when they start telling you, you're all on voluntary house arrest, don't go out for two weeks but to be on the safe side we'll make it three months but be rest assured it will all go back to normal, it's not like we can keep paying you lot to stay at home forever, so we'll borrow loads of cash. then every three months combine the numbers and throw them at folk and let them see a huge increase of seasonal death which happens every year, scare tactics, frightening little old ladies to death and separating families and because people still saw increases in deaths for the first time, in a ploy to purposely overwhelm the NHS so they can sell it, that deal was done pre 2017, also verifiable. Who would have thought what we always took as being an impartial viewpoint was crooked as the lobbyists paying them, you might struggle getting that verified but it's there if you look, sorry mate I digress, so to recap death is but a door through which we all must travel to pass on, life is a lesson, a lesson in everything, it isn't over until you pass on, let them rest in love and peace, treasure forever in our hearts

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. To help with the topic of shopping safely in Supermarkets I wrote to the government suggesting that supermarket shoppers should be required to wear lights front (white) and back (red) to show which way they are pointing, with stop lights and indicators so that those following have plenty of time to react and avoid. Of course each shopper should also carry an audible warning device to inform others of their presence and enable them to blast careless wheelers when they obstruct their path or get in their way. Rear view mirrors on each shoulder might also be desirable. No trolley should be used without a relevant MoT certificate and no shopper should be allowed to use one without a Pushing Licence. No trolley should be engaged without full breathing apparatus, goggles and crash helmet in case of collision, low flying fruit or any other microscopic particle that may be suspended in the air. Of course shoppers should strictly comply with all one-way systems and other signage and be subject to heavy fines or imprisonment for non-observance and dangerous pushing. I haven't heard back yet from the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Environment and the Heath and Safety Executive but I am confident of a positive response. This is the least they should do to mitigate the very real dangers posed by a trip to the supermarket these days. More sensible suggestions on improving the safety of shoppers to reduce fear, stress and PTSD are of course welcomed.

  11. The very safe vaccine. "Pfizer, too, says it is “actively seeking follow-up.” A statement emailed to Science noted it already recommends that “appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available” in case a vaccinee develops anaphylaxis."

  12. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act is one of our most important laws.

    It’s helped journalists break major stories on secret political lobbying, plans for NHS reform – and much more.

    Without it, the MPs’ expenses scandal would never have come to light, and our taxes would still be paying for duck houses and moat cleaning. But now, just when we need it to scrutinise the COVID response, it’s being fatally undermined.

    The UK government is running a secretive unit inside Michael Gove’s Cabinet Office that’s been accused of ‘blacklisting’ journalists and blocking the release of ‘sensitive’ information. Experts say they’re breaking the law – and it’s an assault on our right to know what our government is doing.

    We’re not going to let it stand. We’re launching a legal battle – but we also need a huge public outcry, showing that thousands back our call for transparency. Will you add your name?


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