Press-Gang Vaccination on the Way?
At a time when NHS waiting lists are at an all-time high (more than two million waiting more than 16 weeks for operations and 86,000 for more than a year) largely as a result of the unnecessary Covid-19 fabricated panic, the Government is obviously fixated on rolling out a vaccine that has not met standard approval protocols. It is clearly intending to also relax all existing controls on promoting and delivering it, enabling un-medically qualified personnel to administer it. It may also make it obligatory in certain circumstances, resulting in further restrictions on personal freedom without a 'vaccination passport'. Not only are these intentions potentially dangerous, they also have ominous civil liberty implications. As such they should be strenuously opposed.
From Claude Baesens:
Please don’t IGNORE THIS!
"After 18th Sept, The Government are going to say they consulted the public and because there were no objections, we all want and consent to the roll out of unlicensed #vaccines, and that we are happy for non-medical staff to administer them and happy to accept we will not have the ability to ask for compensation if we face damage to our health.
"They are going to say, you agreed to it (because no one saw this #Consultation request to share their opinion of course), this request is not being seen by many and has not been promoted widely enough.
"Please don’t fall into apathy and then complain when it’s too late.
"NB: click on the photo and then look for the blue ‘respond on line’, click on the words to go to the right place to share your views on each aspect of the potentially harmful new law they want to pass.
"Please re-share this and make sure you contribute!"
Open consultation
Distributing vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and flu
Published 28 August 2020
We want your views on proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations to help with the safe and efficient distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine and expanded flu vaccine programme in the UK, along with treatments for COVID-19 and any other diseases that become pandemic.
This consultation closes at
11:59pm 18th September, 2020 on 18 September 2020
1. Vaccines can be as dangerous as the medical conditions they seek to remedy. They should never be authorised if unlicensed under existing protocols to ensure their safety.
2. The present situation where manufacturers of vaccine products are protected and indemnified by law, results in recklessness on the part of pharmaceutical companies. Profits are privatised but damage becomes a public liability. This imbalance puts people's lives and health at risk. If civil liability is to be limited, it should only relate to the period of trials to assess safety, after which normal compensatory civil law rules should apply.
3. Any attempt to expand vaccination procedures beyond the medically qualified should be resisted, particularly if, as in the case of Covid-19 the risk to individuals other than the very old or ill, is negligible. Vaccination carries its own significant risks that should not be underestimated, or inferred to be so, by making the process blasé and no different from eating a sweet. No vaccination should be given in the absence of a more general medical assessment, only available to a qualified doctor or nurse. This should not be relaxed.
4. Great care should be exercised in the promotion of any medical procedure or material, and only allowed for those proved to be beneficial and without adverse side effects. An overwhelming case needs to be made before any vaccine is generally promoted by government or industry, invoking all the wiles of the 'hidden persuaders'. This case has definitively NOT been made for Covid-19.
5. Vaccines are potentially very dangerous and therefore should be treated as a 'controlled drug' for the purposes of distribution. Any attempt therefore to relax the controls under which they are used, should be regarded as unacceptable and reckless with the public health. A government wishing to do so, should be regarded with deep suspicion as regards its motive.
See also:
Oh right. I stand corrected then. It certainly seems very complicated from serological angle as just this little WIKI extract exemplifies: "There are no vaccines against these viruses as there is little-to-no cross-protection between serotypes. At least 99 serotypes of human rhinoviruses affecting humans have been sequenced" However in Britain at least, Coronavirus has always been identified as one of the causative organism of winter flu. How we classify these micro organisms and their outcomes is I think open to all sorts of unknown variables, and distinguishing one from another a very iffy process. For example there is a huge amount of doubt how the hundreds of different viruses that give rise to colds can also protect against more specific strains of flu. All of them in certain circumstances can give rise to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that gives its name to SARS Cov-2 so for all intents and purposes the distinctions may be largely theoretical. This SARS Cov-2, from experts in the field, seems to be a laboratory-manipulated, immensely complicated chain of RNA, that is now fully documented. It has at least four new inserts 'sliced' in at critical points to make it more amenable or aggressive to the human cell, at least one of which has HIV homology. However the way it reacts to the whole body, can only be observed and understood clinically and epidemiologically. Thus a disease is distinguished by its symptoms and distribution often before the causative organism and actual process is understood, or indeed a cure or treatment created. Frequently treatments and procedures are settled on prior to knowing how they work, if indeed they do. This still remains true of a whole range of diseases and conditions to which humans succumb. This was certainly the case with Covid-19, where novel adverse reactions to red blood cells affecting oxygen take up were noted; as were age, sex, race, obesity, diet as factors affecting outcome, none of which have been fully explained. Sorry if this is all bread and butter stuff to you actually in the driving seat but once started I couldn't stop!
ReplyDeleteVery important considerations for Covid treatment:
ReplyDeleteIf I'm correct, the paradox here is that by the time symptoms become apparent, anti-viral treatment has already become redundant? Remdesivir is ineffective and pointless!
One of the logical implications (if this is reliable): By the time symptoms become apparent, the victim is no longer infectious! This has profound implications for public health policy.
"Newly unearthed documents from Moderna Pharmaceuticals Covid patent application (in March, 2019) includes a claim of concern about a “deliberate release of SARS coronavirus” 9 months before the official emergence of Covid-19. In addition, it turns out that Moderna may not have the legal right to even release its vaccine in the next few weeks because the company appears to be infringing on an existing patent for the core technology. Is this why Moderna’s executives are selling their stock?"
Central to crime and policing, is DRUGS. Until this issue is addressed across the board, crime and violence will continue to be fuelled. Despite all the bold sound-bites coming from government, it's policy and implementation has been an abject failure. The hypocrisy is mind boggling. The criminalisation of Cannabis has not stopped its use but instead merely provided an excuse for prosecution and filling the prisons. It should certainly not be encouraged but nor should it be treated as criminal. Cocaine has been widely used for decades by the very social class that has pretended to oppose it, whilst at the same time facilitating the multi-billion industry. Very strangely the leading lights in its import and distribution never seem to be caught or prosecuted, despite the exceptional powers of the state to monitor and intervene. There must be a reason for this and the explanation cannot be good. In this context the deployment of police resources to enforce mask wearing and the social distancing rules, is a measure not only of stupidity but of a fundamental misunderstanding of the policing role. The police are in danger of relinquishing their 'good guy' status and becoming merely the operative arm of a criminal state.