Tuesday, 29 September 2015

A Modern 'Holy Maid of Kent' (or Hampstead)?

I have every sympathy with Neelu's situation and empathise with her in what must be a very stressful and trying time. I believe organs of the state have assumed a confrontational position in order to disrupt and neutralize those that have attempted, not always in the most tactful and effective manner it must be said, to highlight the crimes reported by the children and the unprofessional (to say the least) way it has been handled by police, crown prosecution service, courts and other organisations charged with upholding justice and the rule of law.

The treatment of Neelu is yet another layer of incomprehensible over-reaction and heavy-handedness that we have come to associate with totalitarian regimes behind the 'Iron Curtain' and elsewhere. Indeed the behaviour of the authorities in response to the original allegations, and subsequently to anyone who has pleaded that they should be treated with the seriousness and gravity they deserve, is sufficient to make any fair-minded British subject, raised on the belief that freedom and justice prevailed in this land at least; and that innocent victims would be protected by the law; reassess their position. So many opportunities to recognise and correct the errors have been afforded and yet ignored or denied, that it is difficult to conclude any other than the system in this instance has, for some undisclosed reason, been incorrigibly and irretrievably, corrupted and that Neelu Berry has been chosen as a convenient scape-goat and warning to others.

Those in charge of the process should be advised that the world is still watching and the ramifications go far wider than one individual, as they strike at the heart of British justice and international standards of decency. The action taken by the police and prosecution authorities in this case appear to be out of all proportion to the initial alleged misdemeanor, that is there for all to see on video recording. I believe the action taken at Christ Church Hampstead was somewhat misguided and counter-productive, and particularly what can only be described as the offensive rabble rousing by the somewhat mysterious and dubious Christine Anne Sands outside the Church to parishioners and passers by. She has been dealt with leniently and expeditiously by the courts, and some might think rather suspiciously.

However Neelu Berry's involvement from what we can observe, although perhaps akin to the street preacher or Jehovah's Witness arriving at the door, somewhat unwelcomed and embarrassing, yet falling far short of offensive or criminal behaviour. This view was supported it would seem by no less a person than District Judge McPhee on 06 April 2015, who stated he was “not seeing a criminal charge”. Why then was the case not thrown out at that stage? Subsequently we see it being inflated, with nothing to support it, through "harassment" to the very serious one of "perverting the course of justice" that must have had the support of high level Crown Prosecution officials (DPP) to be even considered. (We cannot forget the contrasting decision of Alison Saunders not to proceed against Lord Greville Janner) Then the added fundamental failure to provide her lawyers in good time with their case called 'disclosure' required in all criminal cases, and particularly in potentially serious one.

We are faced incontrovertibly with a situation where the DPP appears to be reluctant to prosecute high profile persons for serious crimes yet 'throws the book' at relatively insignificant persons for little or nothing even constituting a 'crime'. It is hard to find explanations for this other than the obvious and disreputable ones. Make no mistake, the reputation of the DPP is at stake here.

It is an example of the State bearing down on an individual, with all the limitless resources at its disposal of men and material, to achieve an wholly contemptible, even sordid, end, namely the silencing of a 'troublesome priest'; the suppression of an inconvenient truth. The charges have been inflated despite an absence of evidence to support the initial lesser ones. The courts have failed their primary role of independent arbiter of the facts and guarantor of basic intrinsic freedoms of all UK citizens.

Englishmen generally abhor bullies, and there is sufficient evidence here to an elderly and disabled woman (handcuffs, forced entry and removal of property without warrant, incarceration in cells for many hours etc) the police on behalf of the state, are acting as such, and they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for so doing. It can only be described as thinly veiled and unlawful intimidation.

In fact it rather reminds me of the action taken by Henry VIII against Elizabeth Barton, the so-called "Holy Maid of Kent" and similar titles, who despite a popular following and royal support, in 1533 was forced to confess that she had fabricated her revelations and was subsequently hanged at Tyburn, suffering other singular indignities. Interestingly she was condemned by an attainder permitted by an act of Parliament, authorising punishment without trial. She may have said unpalatable things, 'speaking truth unto power' but her offence was much exaggerated. She was dealt with harshly and disproportionately because she challenged authority and the ego's of a few powerful men. The police and courts unfortunately still retail that aversion to being challenged, even when it is incontrovertibly justified.

We now look back on such things in horror believing we have moved on and would never allow such things to happen again. The case of Neelu Berry should be regarded as a cautionary tale: we may not have advanced as much as we thought!


  1. The prosecution of Neelu is unjust. But there is a lesson to be learned as well. Neelu was not afraid of a woman who had a reputation well known and had an elaborate RV that takes lots of money to keep, transport, and maintain. In videos, this woman was always seen hanging around the police. I have a book back at my mother's place written on Business and it warned of never dealing with psychopaths and get rid of them as soon as you discover them. Neelu believed that with her intelligence, she was in no danger. If she were dealing with a normal average human being, she would be right, But if she is dealing with a psychopath, which many government agents are, then she should have stayed as far away as possible and stay that way. psychopaths look for any opportunity to do as much harm as possible and governments do the same. AS much as possible, one should never give them the chance to do so. Neelu got too close to the rattle snake and she got bit. Brains can not save you when someone only intends you harm. Being framed is a well known tactic. I hope she escapes to learn a lesson from all this. Do not go anywhere near dangerous people, of which anyone in government is. Be innocent as doves but cautious as serpents!

  2. what a brilliant piece of writing by Tim Veater. I'm not too sure about apollo's comment though. Neelu is being persecuted by the police and our courts. Apollo seems to think it is all Christine Anne Sand's doing. Whether or not CAS is a government agent is immaterial because it is the police and the courts who are abusing their power and corrupting the law by this evil persecution of Neelu. Neelu needs all the support and help that we can all give her. I hope that many, many people stand with Neelu, by her side.

  3. Thanks for your compliment 'unknown'. Hopefully the word will be spread and Neelu will get at least the moral support she deserves for taking the obvious risks of challenging the powers that be and supporting a crucial campaign.

  4. I'm not sure why I came up as 'unknown', as I commented as frances inglis.

  5. There are many people in mental hospitals, prisons and State care who are held hostages without cause, law or warrant based on frauds and perjury by impostor public servants embezzling public money- in fact the majority, if not all. The fact that the real criminals are somehow immune to prosecution, above laws and the whistleblowers are persecuted is evidence that the structure is controlled by secret societies such as Freemasons, satanically, i.e criminals get top jobs in public service, whistleblowers are criminals. The impostors in public service are satanists, and they side-step all good public servants or keep them at a low level of seniority. As long as the satanic rituals continue against babies, we have no public service...we have criminal service! The structure in the UK funded by counterfeit money is the terrorist on the planet, enslaving humanity, trafficking babies, children, women, destroying families. The truths will be realised globally, by all Governments whilst the Western mainstream media denial and delusional card pops the illusional bubble. The East always knew there was something very dark and deep about the charities and churches, but could never put their finger on it until the Russian Embassy in the UK failed to get remedy. The biggest concern is the millions of babies being cannibalised daily and the millions of children being raped by priests, teachers, Police, social workers and so called foster parents daily. No-one seems to be concerned about the most vulnerable innocents! The East will bring the remedy and rescue the babies. First stop all unregistered babies from Africa, China, Asia, USA Europe coming to the UK through the back door. Second arrest and hang all human traffickers for the porn, sex and cannibalism industries. Thirdly return all hostages to their loving families. Then we can declare the end of satanity and the start of our divinity with our divine families. Neelu Berry

    1. If this is you Neelu, all the best for your forthcoming hearing. My only advice would be to concentrate on the actual charge and countering it. Obviously they have to PROVE it! (That's the theory anyways) Hopefully your legal representative has his head screwed on. Regards, TimV

    2. Which forthcoming hearing do you mean?

  6. Lotus, It's hard to comment not being sure who you are. As I understand it Neelu (you?) has been ordered to reappear to answer a charge of 'perverting the course of justice'. No doubt if I under a misapprehension, you will correct me.

  7. Correct Tim, there was a forthcoming hearing on 7th October 2015 for vexing a priest in Highbury Magistrates Court, which I knew nothing about in writing only hearsay from my solicitors, (who received nothing from CPS or the court - only phone calls from the Hampstead Police!) - so I thought you perhaps telepathically picked up the vibes for that - I got spooked...anyways I went along to see if there really was a trial being held (which was impossible in law as Judge Miller had already transferred the matter to the Blackfriars CROWN COURT for the hearing on 02 December 2015)...and it was legal ambush by CPS all the way! Luckily for me there was a divine plan which has back-fired on them! http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/crime-court/woman_cleared_of_vexing_hampstead_priest_during_anti_satanic_protest_1_4264103 Anyway, the original trial was listed for 04 August 2015 in the Tottenham Magistrates Court so DDJ Jacobs RIGHTLY attended there on 7th October trial (which was the RIGHT COURT) but he was made to come to the WRONG COURT where the satanists operate from!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Full details on https://www.facebook.com/victor.pc.589

  10. Thanks for this clarification 'lotus'. Unfortunately I don't really do 'telepathy', though I too can get 'spooked'. I was thinking of the reported warning issued by the Judge to "require an appearance or an arrest warrant would be issued". You may be right about the 'divine plan' (and perhaps we all need divine guidance and protection) but in the meantime I hope Neelu will concentrate on the evidence being submitted to support the charge, and her legal representative's refutation of it. My feeling is that the 'satanic defence' is unlikely to be of much use if she wishes to see the serious charge of 'perverting the course of justice' (if so it is) thrown out. It would appear Neelu (you?) is/are convinced of a netherworld of opposing forces engaged a spiritual battle. This of course may be true but lesser mortals such as me prefer to go for the more prosaic and mundane explanations, such as human frailty, wickedness and deceit, to avoid the reality being revealed. If I were involved in the defence of the charge, I would prefer to stick exclusively to these and a very rational requirement that the prosecution PROVE their allegation the stated crime was carried out with intent (the so-called 'mens rea') and 'beyond all reasonable doubt', which of course is still the constitutional requirement.


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