Friday 10 March 2023

It is never too late to be reminded of the Boston False Flag Event


"At the Boston Marathon in 2013, behind the barriers where spectators were standing, two 'explosions' went off - 210 yards and 14 seconds apart. The event was reported in the media as a terrorist attack allegedly killing three people, injuring hundreds of others, including 17 who allegedly lost limbs. This film provides proof that the entire event was a carefully planned hoax using crisis actors and various other operatives. The film exposes how such hoaxes are ran and managed. In relation to terrorism events globally, it is important because from around the 2012/2013 time period, fabricated terror incidents switched from real deaths to incidents using hoaxed deaths, sometimes known as 'phantom' terror. Subsequent hoaxed terror attacks, ie after 2013, have been carried out in places with poor oversight, such as on bridges, within controlled areas inside buildings, or in more remote locations. This is why this film is so important because it comprehensively captured the event, and shows how these kind of attacks are staged. It is essential to carry the knowledge gained from this attack when considering all subsequent terror attacks. NOTE : When watching this film, I found that I needed to use the pause button regularly when still images of the 'action' were being displayed in order to fully understand what was going on. Keep your finger over the pause button and spend time taking in the images."

Also see:

Seven years on 'Death Row' for something you didn't do!

A blatant example of the American IN-justice system and the inherent corruption of the State.

In my small way, I have endeavoured to champion the case of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who was clearly framed by the FBI and American prosecuting authorities, to take the blame for the Boston Bombing - a classic example of a 'False Flag' if ever there was one. The injustice of the proceedings and the conviction of a teenager for a terrorist act that he clearly did not commit, and for which he has spent seven years incommunicado and unrepresented on 'Death Row', cries out to the heavens for justice and reprieve.  No doubt there are many innocent persons incarcerated in American gaols, but this must be one of the most notorious and excoriating. Mary W Maxwell deserves plaudits for her campaign, firmly routed in jurisprudence, even though to date it has hammered against a bolted and implacable door. Here goes again!

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