Holocaust Day.
On #HolocaustMemorialDay
portraits of seven Holocaust survivors, commissioned by The Prince of Wales, will go on public display at The Queen’s Gallery.
These remarkable portraits will act as a lasting memorial to those who lost their lives and whose stories will never be told. Observation:
Why can't we have a 'Nakba Memorial Day' to follow 'Holocaust Memorial Day'?
That would be a start in correcting public perceptions about the situation in Israel and Palestine.
And why can't the objectional building on Parliament Green - if it HAS to be constructed - be dedicated to all historical genocides (there have been so many) and not just to the Jewish race and/or religion?
Holocaust facts that don't see the light of day: https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=holocaust
My sympathies are with those that suffered from the fascist German regime as they are with every example of totalitarian or internecine outrage. Up to 1.2 Armenian Christians were wiped out. Stalin killed how many Ukrainians and others? (6 - 9 million is the estimate if you didn't know) Mao tse tung in a 'Great Leap Forward' (oh the irony) killed off 15–55 million in only four years. Up to 1.1 million deaths in the Rwanda conflict when the world looked on. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship seems positively humane with only 4000 deaths to his credit. How about the 125 million (est) who died as result of two world wars. And so we could go on. People are still suffering and dying around the world from oppressive regimes, not least the people in Palestine. Objectivity requires we detach personal experience from the wider perspective and any tribal affiliations if we want to take a moral stand. Nor is a refusal to face up to objective evidence excused by a genuine and understandable sympathy for those caught up in these events. Rather we should look to causes and solutions, always on the guard against those whose only interest is in using them for current political purposes. As always, when a subject is said to be beyond investigation and rational debate, you know you have a much bigger problem of mass mind manipulation.
From a year ago:
Holocaust Revisited:
I have the greatest sympathy for ALL the people that suffered in both the First and Second World Wars. The German campaign to target specific groups, of which Jews were but one - others included the mentally and physically disabled, Communists, political opponents, homosexuals and classified 'deviants' and gypsies - was deplorable and despicable. Nor should time lessen our abhorrence of it or commitment to preventing it happening again, but we should also be very wary of giving precedence to any one racial or religious group to the exclusion of others, particularly if the intention is, to use it for party political or propaganda purposes, as the Holocaust remembrances clearly are. As we have seen, Israel, itself responsible for both terrorism and genocide, besides on-going persecution, apartheid, bombing and ghettoising of Gaza closely akin to what happened in Warsaw, has made great play of the events of 75 years ago, and used it to great effect to influence European and American nations in its favour. Some would see this as the height of hypocrisy and duplicity. As to the story of the Concentration Camps themselves, there has until comparatively recently been only one narrative in town, that of Gas Chambers and Six Million Jews murdered in them. This has been shown by academics of the highest order, not only to be unreliable but also factually inaccurate in several respects. I noticed that even today's BBC News only referred to "more than a million" deaths, which was a significant shift, though of course still deplorable. In 'Breaking the Spell - The Holocaust, Myth and Reality', Professor Nicholas Kollerstrom argues that the many deaths that did occur, resulted not from gas chambers but from starvation and disease - mainly typhus - no less tragic, but certainly not as the story has been presented to the world. He claims using contemporary documentation and other scientific evidence, there is nothing to support the claim of Gas Chambers. In fact they do the precise opposite. We now find ourselves in a situation where the barbarism of the Second World War, enacted and suffered by all sides, has become the aphorism of just one group, to be used to brow beat old enemies and justify creating new ones. Its practical manifestation has been the way it has been used to mendaciously influence liberal democracies to curtail free-speech and academic rigour in relation not only to criticism of the Jewish religion but to the activities, including war crimes, of the State of Israel itself, using a pretext of 'anti-semitism'. For anyone committed to preventing a repeat of an holocaust, a reality which of course is not limited to Jews, this is quite intolerable. We witness daily that those most vocal in seeking sympathy for historic mistreatment, are actively engaged in meting it out to others and arguing for violent aggression against its neighbours. Let us start by re-investigating the received story and subjecting recent current events to the same rigorous and balanced examination before we all become victims of a new repressive regime, of which Hitler's Nazi Germany was the epitome.
Now when even Boris refers to 'False Flags' in his Ukraine Statement in Parliament (were my ears deceiving me?) it must be official. I thought I would repost this little conversation from a few years back. Yes indeed, "My enemy's enemy is my friend"! And of course only the Russians would employ such repugnant tactics.
My sympathies are with those that suffered from the fascist German regime as they are with every example of totalitarian or internecine outrage. Up to 1.2 Armenian Christians were wiped out. Stalin killed how many Ukrainians and others? (6 - 9 million is the estimate if you didn't know) Mao tse tung in a 'Great Leap Forward' (oh the irony) killed off 15–55 million in only four years. Up to 1.1 million deaths in the Rwanda conflict when the world looked on. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship seems positively humane with only 4000 deaths to his credit. How about the 125 million (est) who died as result of two world wars. And so we could go on. People are still suffering and dying around the world from oppressive regimes, not least the people in Palestine. Objectivity requires we detach personal experience from the wider perspective and any tribal affiliations if we want to take a moral stand. Nor is a refusal to face up to objective evidence excused by a genuine and understandable sympathy for those caught up in these events. Rather we should look to causes and solutions, always on the guard against those whose only interest is in using them for current political purposes. As always, when a subject is said to be beyond investigation and rational debate, you know you have a much bigger problem of mass mind manipulation.
ReplyDeleteParliamentary Debate, the Gray Report: The lock-down rules were medically bollox. They were the result of government panic. Boris found himself between a rock and a hard place and understandably yielded to the doom merchants that he was surrounded by. Who could have resisted such wildly pessimistic prognostications and inaccurate interpretation? People were persuaded by blanket propaganda. Now making political capital out of misinformation and a huge scam, is little more that rhetorical hum bug. Perhaps time and history would be better served if attention was rather devoted to how and why this catalogue mistakes was hoisted upon the British people, resulting in billions of pounds of unnecessary expenditure, corrupt payments and fraud on a scale never before seen. That is a much bigger issue than illegitimate parties by a privileged few when the rest of the nation was told to comply with ridiculous rules.
ReplyDeleteBill Gates and overpopulation: https://www.bitchute.com/video/F2LlITjr7bcP/