Monday 24 June 2019

  • Private squabbles; Public Brawls.

  • Image result for boris johnson images

The new face of Brexit Britain?

  • Tim Veater Brexit is such a big constitutional issue, only a General Election is equal to it. It is being blocked by a divided Conservative Party because it is terrified it would let in a Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party Government - at least that is what they claim. The argument is used to keep Conservative MPs on side. In reality the pollsters know that such an election would turn on only one issue - Brexit - and be between parties that support it or are 'agin' it. So it is likely it would primarily be between the new Nigel Farage Brexit Party (if they can stump up the cash) and Brexit-leaning Conservatives v. committed remain Liberal/Democrats and remain-supporting Labour MPs. This would of course be divisive but at least it would decide the issue and create a totally realigned Parliament reflecting the public will in the fairest way we know how. And this is also why neither Conservative or Labour Parties will support the idea because it would likely destroy the bicameral hegemony (and tyranny) of the past hundred years. veaterecosan
  • Tim Veater there are dark forces determined to keep Boris out of Number !0. It's the 'dirty tricks' department. However the silly man should have sussed up to a domestic quarrel, said they had kissed and made up, and all would have been well. Either that or moved to a detached property! Refusing to comment on his private life just makes him look shady and damages his chances of the top job.
  • Tim Veater Prime Ministers do deserve a private life but equally the electorate is entitled to make its judgement on the character of the person steering the ship of state through perilous waters. We don't expect our Prime Ministers to be saints but we do expect them to demonstrate a certain degree of honesty, probity and alignment between their public persona and private behaviour when out of the spotlight, particularly if the police have been called.

This anti-war sentiment needs to channelled so that it has force. Politicians are in jam (literally as it happens) between Europe and America, both wanting to control and extort poor old Britain, whilst it is tearing itself apart. As in Syria, war is being carried commercially to try and provoke internal economic and social chaos, led by the 'axis of evil' - America, Israel and Saudi-Arabia - in which train the British poodle meekly yaps behind. Does Johnson and a new team have the balls to chart an independent moral course, that recognises other states' right to exist and resists the Zionist/Neo-Con plan for the Middle East, or will it just dishonourably fall into step and repeat further war massacres, as are currently being executed in the Yemen - but on a far wider scale and much, much worse?

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