Sunday, 30 June 2019

Climate Change?

'Global warming/Climate Change' is a distraction. It is global destruction we should be worried about, a much BIGGER issue. Take for example the topic of nuclear explosions and their environmental consequences. Plutonium is man made and one of the most toxic to life forms known. The US testing in the Pacific between 47 and 58 was equivalent of 1.6 Hiroshima bombs every day for 12 years! (Source: The Times) And that's just one nation at one site and the dump is currently leaking. As we all know even after 10,000 years plutonium has lost half of its radioactive potency and none of its separate poisonous potential. Meanwhile Fukushima continues to leak like a sieve. Shouldn't we all be talking about THIS?

Hi Julie, Climate and weather have always been issues for humanity. An ice age ending ten thousand years, a cataclimic flood buried in ancient legend with lots of minor versions since. In the 1970's I remember the great fear was a cooling planet, now it is the opposite. What we need to be wary of is narratives that are intentionally circulated by government agencies for various indefinate objectives and not always good ones. This particular meme relates to a warming planet which it is suggested is down to man-made CO2 production. Is it coincidence that the one chemical chosen is probably one of the least dangerous contaminants put out by man. Its contribution to the atmosphere is only 405.0 parts per million - about 0.0395%. It has always fluctuated slightly throughout the ages although it has only been identified or measured by humans in the last 'few seconds' of recorded time. This obsession has fuelled the whole largely secret, technology of weather modification, such as cloud seeding, that probably does far more damage than it helps. The proliferation of aircraft movements continually pollutes the aatmosphere at 30.000 feet. But don't get me wrong, I am not in favour of human pollution, particularly since the Industrial Revolution, of the atmosphere, just that this Global Warming/Climate Change obsession is a fabricated story-line, based on very flimsy evidence, designed to deflect attention and effort away from much more serious 20th Century pollutants, that are largely ignored and unaddressed, pollutants developed and deployed by the military/industrial complex, anxious to avoid responsibility, blame or commercial implications. The materials deployed in war, or abandoned after it, often with long term consequences such as 'Agent Orange' and depleted uranium, are hardly referred to. I have mentioned the devastating short and long term effects of the nuclear weapons programme that still continues and may be ramped up, of which the explosions themselves are just a tiny part of the problem. Fukushima still pollutes the Pacific and everything in it. The pollutants - phenyls and di phenyls, nitrous oxides, additives etc from billions of motor vehicles. About 3,000,000,000 tons of pesticide spread on the earth annually. In comparison with these and other pollutants, CO2 where all the attention is directed is a relative puppy dog. In 1970 I drew attention to one poison - lead - that was added to petrol and distributed everywhere vehicles moved. It took about 30 years before it was finally removed in the UK. The diesel engines that largely replaced petrol ones, are said to cause 40,000 deaths annually from the particulates produced. Humans need to get wise to the way their behaviour, both direct and indirect, impinges on all other life on the planet. Without knowledge nothing will change. Nice to chat to you.

On the death of a Jay and a Passing Train - Anon.

"See you soon", he said as he flew away,
Parted by a level crossing, we'd had the sun-filled day.
Nor has he yet, though yet he may. 
I cannot quite prove or bet on it.
For even as I write, perhaps,
He has tried to get through on some device
Or some pretence. A pretext contrived,
To keep a promise made in jest, 
At flashing light on mountain bikes.
But since when, we haven't met,
Despite the deafening roar of passing train.

"Take this", he said,
Pulling a 'hoody' top from out his back-pack.
The night was coming on and with it chill.
The sacrifice was sweet
And I succumbed without demur.
Indeed it did the job, smelling of him, 
A heady perfumed mix of smoke and sweat.
When I got home I hung it on a chair
And quite forgot that it was there,
On back of both, where it remained,
Not yet retrieved but sacrificial, lent.

"Keep the top!" in anger said.
What made him change his mind isn't clear,
But something isn't right.
Oh how without a word, or with just one,
The wind can change,
From balmy south to bitter east.
And back again: "No rush" he said,
When later trying to be kind.
But which is better, which is worse,
It's really very hard to say,
When trains rush by and love has died.

He "may call in when passing"
Or failing that "will see me soon",
If time and tide allow. "So busy now."
"So many things to see and do."
Meanwhile, whilst setting out on bike,
There in the Long Lane road,
The remains of a freshly squashed Jay
That lately was a favoured friend,
Daily flying in to peck, eager yet wary,
Now just blue white feathers, soaked in red,
What once was always round, now is flat.

It's hard to define 
What divides the living from the dead,
What vital spirit keeps alive,
Essential hope to banish dread.
Was something said that broke the spell,
Before the level crossing barrier fell?
Whilst Virgin trains headlong rush by, 
Jays crushed by cars no longer fly.
His passing shot, "I'll see you soon"
But may not yet, for this is June,
And Summer Solstice marks the fading sky.

"Best not speak in riddles" he said in chat,
But how to speak of life and love and loss,
Without precisely that?

Monday, 24 June 2019

  • Private squabbles; Public Brawls.

  • Image result for boris johnson images

The new face of Brexit Britain?

  • Tim Veater Brexit is such a big constitutional issue, only a General Election is equal to it. It is being blocked by a divided Conservative Party because it is terrified it would let in a Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party Government - at least that is what they claim. The argument is used to keep Conservative MPs on side. In reality the pollsters know that such an election would turn on only one issue - Brexit - and be between parties that support it or are 'agin' it. So it is likely it would primarily be between the new Nigel Farage Brexit Party (if they can stump up the cash) and Brexit-leaning Conservatives v. committed remain Liberal/Democrats and remain-supporting Labour MPs. This would of course be divisive but at least it would decide the issue and create a totally realigned Parliament reflecting the public will in the fairest way we know how. And this is also why neither Conservative or Labour Parties will support the idea because it would likely destroy the bicameral hegemony (and tyranny) of the past hundred years. veaterecosan
  • Tim Veater there are dark forces determined to keep Boris out of Number !0. It's the 'dirty tricks' department. However the silly man should have sussed up to a domestic quarrel, said they had kissed and made up, and all would have been well. Either that or moved to a detached property! Refusing to comment on his private life just makes him look shady and damages his chances of the top job.
  • Tim Veater Prime Ministers do deserve a private life but equally the electorate is entitled to make its judgement on the character of the person steering the ship of state through perilous waters. We don't expect our Prime Ministers to be saints but we do expect them to demonstrate a certain degree of honesty, probity and alignment between their public persona and private behaviour when out of the spotlight, particularly if the police have been called.

This anti-war sentiment needs to channelled so that it has force. Politicians are in jam (literally as it happens) between Europe and America, both wanting to control and extort poor old Britain, whilst it is tearing itself apart. As in Syria, war is being carried commercially to try and provoke internal economic and social chaos, led by the 'axis of evil' - America, Israel and Saudi-Arabia - in which train the British poodle meekly yaps behind. Does Johnson and a new team have the balls to chart an independent moral course, that recognises other states' right to exist and resists the Zionist/Neo-Con plan for the Middle East, or will it just dishonourably fall into step and repeat further war massacres, as are currently being executed in the Yemen - but on a far wider scale and much, much worse?

Friday, 14 June 2019

In God we trust (because when it comes to 'terrorism' and war, we sure can't trust our governments)

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Deceit and Cover-up. The two pillars of government.

It is seventy years since the publication of George Orwell's '1984'.

It came a few years after the most destructive war in the history of the world. It marked a nadir in human civilisation, proving that there was no cruelty or evil, to which nations and individuals would not stoop, to gain ascendancy. Paradoxically of course, all combatants claimed to have 'right' on their side and to be fighting for the highest motives. It was ethical aspirations that fired the various political initiatives when hostilities finally came to an end in 1945. 

The First World War which lasted from 1914 to 1918, was meant to be 'the war to end all wars', but within twenty years the nations of the world were prosecuting an even bigger one. They haven't stopped since. About 250 killing fifty million people it is estimate. 

The first conflict spawned the League of Nations which failed to stop Mussolini bombing Abyssinia or Hitler invading Czechoslovakia or Poland. The second world war engendered the United Nations, which many regard as equally impotent. As long as nation states are opposed to one another and prepared to use their enormous military might to get their own way, continuing conflict seems inevitable.

The Nuremberg trials and the International Court of Justice established in its wake, held out the promise that evil doers would be held to account whoever they were. This was perhaps a simplistic aspiration. More realistically it seems only the defeated are pursued and the powerful victors of military conflict can still get away with anything. No one has been charged with the events of 9/11 or the illegal wars that followed them.

Relief and optimism reigned after the devastation and terror of war but almost immediately this crumbled in the face of the epic stand-off between the east and west and their differing political and economic systems. In this context, a new nation was born in the Middle East called Israel that has dominated the international stage ever since, causing a continuing risk of war, that threatens to envelop the whole world yet again. There is every reason to believe events are being fabricated to provide the pretext for war against Iran at this very moment!

The late 1940's was also the time that Orwell formulated his dystopian view of the future, which to greater or lesser extent we now experience, even it took rather longer to materialise. Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' (1932) pre-dated him in the futuristic genre by seventeen years but together they created something of a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I suggested at the beginning of this piece that deceit and cover-up had become the principle characteristics of modern government throughout the world and that western democracies are not exempt. The world is too big a stage, so let us just concentrate on Britain, currently flailing in the quick-sand of 'Brexit'. However the quick-sand of deceit and cover-up is, I would argue, far more corrosive and dangerous. The corollary is widespread hypocrisy and denial of the reality. Mr Johnson it would seem is ideally qualified to head up the government.

Orwell, real name Eric Blair,  portrayed in '1984' - a society that was one in which social control was exercised through disinformation and surveillance. How can we not conclude that these have indeed become the watchwords of our current government, and increasingly so? The process is camouflaged and gilded but inexorable. It is inevitable only if we allow it to be. Only truth facilitated by transparency can stop it. Both are in short supply when it comes to terrorism and war.

One of the events that proved the authenticity of the prediction and the devastating impact of it, was the notorious 'dodgy dossier', used to justify two disastrous and illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both pursued on a criminally false prospectus. It notoriously 'sexed up' the the non-existent threat of chemical and biological weapon attack. Neither the materials or delivery weapons existed except in the possession of those nations that laid claim to the charge. In another little twist of fate, it was not Eric Blair but Tony Blair who was ultimately responsible. Well I never! I doubt if Eric saw that one coming.

But the even greater deceit and cover-up which still continues to this day - a knowing denial that implicates all governments that are party to it - were the events of 9/11 in New York and Washington, that have been proved time and time again not to be as officially described. We may be assured the British Government has known this for a long time - it may even have known it at the time - yet it has chosen to perpetuate the lie. This fact alone must prove my assertion that deceit and cover-up are endemic; that our own government has betrayed our trust; that it cannot be trusted on any issue, particularly where terrorism or military threats are alleged.

For anyone new to the topic - can there be such an animal? - the free-falling twin towers were not brought down by planes but by carefully controlled demolition. Building Seven, not hit by any plane, could only have been brought down by the same method. Microscopic particles prove specialist military explosives were used. Radiation and asbestos made claims of safety ludicrously reckless as subsequent deaths have proved. 

Throughout, both Israeli and Jewish interests were uniquely and critically involved in concert with leading American political figures. The alleged perpetrators could not have flown the planes as alleged and many have subsequently been proved to be still living in various locations. A missile not a plane flew into the Pentagon and was knowingly allowed to do so. The target was the only unit investigating a missing 2.3 trillion from the Pentagon budget, announced only the day before by Donald Rumsfeld, but never heard of again. The  inquiry - as with the JFK assassination - 
was carefully orchestrated whitewash and cover-up.

The British Government is fully aware of ALL of this, yet it remains silent, compliant, in fact complicit in perhaps the biggest and most outrageous criminal fabrication known in the history of mankind. If it were to challenge the story, we would still have to ask why it has taken so long?  Nor is it likely it would improve diplomatic relations between Britain and the United States at this precarious time. Indeed it would be likely to rupture them just so long as the American political establishment maintains the lie. How likely is it that the presumptive PM elect, Boris Johnson, would take such a precipitous risk when trade between the two countries take on 'convoy' proportions?

So we are unlikely to be faced with truth or transparency any time soon. Worse, we must treat all information emanating from government with the greatest suspicion, particularly when it has terrorist or military connotations. The perspicuous and courageous - you have to be if you challenge the government narrative - Richard D Hall opines, that most terrorist events that have affected western  democracies, and no doubt many other states, are planned and executed not by the people who are blamed, but by secret elements of those governments themselves - and I agree with him. 

Others such as Webster Tarpley, David Ray Griffin, James Corbett, Michel Chossudovsky,  Christopher Bollyn and Ole Dammegard (to name but a few) based on their detailed and extensive independent research, have come to the same conclusion. Significantly utilizing regular search engines such as 'Google', it is very hard to find these authors listed. For example the Guardian's 'Twenty Best Books on 9/11' doesn't mention one. In other words the cover-up extends right across the media.

Orwell suggested an increasing invasive state, 'Thought Police' and 'big brother is watching you.' Increasingly we are being coerced into acceptable speech, so as not to offend some sensitivity or other and a subtle form of thought policing is in process. A popular TV programme was based on the 'Big Brother' idea. Apparently we have an endless fascination with watching one another, especially if intimacy is involved, despite its corrosive effect on both participant and voyeur. We also discover we are all being monitored now, not only by a plethora of street cameras - which incidentally never seem to work when they are actually needed - but by the computers we use which can be interrogated by the police and can be accessed by the government departments, such as the NSA and GCHQ but every nation has one, with their huge monitoring resources.

Huxley portrayed a world in which humans were engineered and stratified according to intelligence and wealth, where survival increasing depended on indoctrination and mind control using chemicals - so-called 'Soma'. In a country and world where the rich few own an ever bigger percentage of the wealth and where the gap between rich and poor widens, not least by government policy, it is hard not to see the truth of his prediction.

On last night's Question Time - mind control dressed as discussion - four out of five panellists were forced to admit to taking banned substances. Similarly six out of seven candidates for the PM post have now admitted doing the same. Ministers such as Michael Gove in charge of a system which incarcerated and harassed pot smokers, indulged in much stronger stuff. 

Much like the scandal of child abuse in high places, the deceit and cover-up to protect the system has been rife. Maybe it is unavoidable given human nature and a clear distinction should be drawn between private and public life. However when it comes to fabricating terror as an excuse to go to war, we need to demand honesty and transparency, and always be sceptical of the official account, because we know we have been consistently lied to in the past. Who really believes, as Mrs May apparently did, the Novichok story? 

We are no doubt pleased to note, as was HM the Queen, to honour both the head of MI5 and MI6 (Andrew Parker and Alex Younger)
with knighthoods in the birthday honours list. They no doubt deserve it. After all they are charged with maintaining the sophisticated system of deceit and cover-up, by which we are all allegedly kept safe.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Penlee House Gallery + Museum in Penzance, West Cornwall

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The Rain it Raineth by Tim Veater

To whom the dogs belong?
Whose shadows stain the shiny prom?

And who the woman, who the man,
In brown and black, passing their time
Walking into their future, into our past,
Before the threatening wave at last?

Never to break, Never to move.
Stuck fast to canvas with oily shoes.
A little girl and little maid,
A brolley up but not for shade.

Policeman walks with sodden cape,
Arrested by the artist's swipe.
An empty road, an empty street,
Echoing to those passing feet.

And cries of laughter borne on wind;
Where go they? What destination firm in mind?
Somewhere sure, 'praps' warm and sweet?
In distant houses white and neat?

The hearth; a weeping mother's hug?
A steaming tea in favourite mug?
Or grumpy sergeant at the door?
"Come on man What's thee waitin' for?"

White horses whipped towards the strand,
Flip drenching manes all over land.
Whilst loyal kind in shanks stands still,
Head lowered to the greater will.

(And all things wise and wonderful)
Like time, ethereal time, caught in the lull.
Janus progeny, when we like he,
Looking forwards, backwards see.

What we view now, the passing scene, 
As we are here, they once have been;
Is set in paint in winter's land,
By magic wave of artist's hand.

So may we gaze and gasp and say
"It truly was a rainy day!"

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

MH17 Stitch-Up?

Following from:

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on MH17 5 years later

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on MH17 5 years later
“You need strong evidence to show it was fired by the Russians,” Mahathir commented. “It could be by the rebels in Ukraine, it could be Ukrainian government because they too have the same missile…We don’t know why we are excluded from the examination but from the very beginning, we see too much politics in it and the idea was not to find out how this happened but seems to be concentrated on trying to pin it to the Russians. This is not a neutral kind of examination.”
Late last year the Russian Defence Ministry provided evidence that the missile which had exploded to destroy the Malaysian passenger jet had been manufactured in a Russian plant in 1986, and then shipping to the Ukraine. Its last recorded location was at a Ukrainian military base; for more details, read this.
The Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, has announced in a new documentary film on the shooting-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that the claim the Russians were responsible was invented from the start. He emphasized that Malaysian officials have been stopped from reviewing the evidence.

Greece vs Rome, with Boris Johnson and Mary Beard

Boris Johnson and what the Romans didn't do for us.

Watching this debate between two titans of the public arena, it is hard not to be reminded of the sketch from the Monty Python sketch from 'The Life of Bryan', nick-named "What did the Romans do for us?" If you are unfamiliar with it, it can be viewed here, perhaps rather fittingly on a site called 'Science/Business  Just on this site, it has been seen over 300,000 times. 

In reality since the Python skit was first performed exactly forty years ago, it must have been viewed by literally hundreds of millions of the world's human population and no doubt by millions of a non-human ones too, though presumably with a less sophisticated understanding of the subtle - or not so subtle point - it was making. Which was, we may ask ourselves?

On the superficial level it is about a group on Middle Eastern Jews questioning the value to them of their foreign occupiers and masters, and oh what parallels and paradoxes are embedded there!

But at a deeper level it satirises the human mental condition in all matters of opinion, for what are humans without their beliefs and attitudes to any question? And where is debate, or progress or conflict without it? 

With certain obvious exceptions, every mature person in the world views the rest of humanity in a certain way that is both congruent and antipathetic to different degrees. It results from all those cultural, religious and educational influences on the 'blank slate', as Locke coined it, of the infant's mind. 

That the world view so created should clash and be incongruent in certain situations is only to be expected. We talk of being 'narrow' or 'broad' minded, largely a 'Western' notion resulting from the relatively recent 'enlightenment'- a scientific empiricism and freedom from religious dogma. 

Yet this neo-liberal view of the world and the individual's place in it is not without its own trap of intellectual superiority and arrogance. In the panorama of  arguably the hundred thousand years of human history, less than ten thousand years of civilised urban settlement is relatively recent, let alone to our current scientific, atheistic view of the universe, seeded perhaps a few hundred years ago but coming to its inevitable Nietzschean 'God is Dead' nihilistic philosophical and social consequences in the last fifty years or so.

In the Greeks v. Romans debate, Boris Johnson draws attention to the change that is apparent in Greek sculpture and pottery in the British Museum - the only art to survive besides the literature rescued by Manuel Chrysoloras (1355 - 1415) and other monks when Constantinople came under concerted attack by French crusaders, disease and the Turks culminating in its fall in 1453. 

The realism and centrality of the human form is clear to see. The panoply of Greek gods and the myths surrounding them, are well known but arguably for the first time they were all in the image of man, not the other way around. Protagoras (c.550 - 420) statement that "Man is the measure of all things", reinvented and re imagined in 14th Century Italy 'renaissance', encapsulates the prevailing ethos of the Greek civilisation, which was to some extent remained intact and outlived the Roman Empire by a thousand years.

Given the intellectual preeminence in classical history of the two combatants (Johnson and Beard) it is perhaps surprising that neither refer to the fact that the very existence of the debate and the education that has enabled it to be undertaken and understood by the audience, not to mention the means by which it is amplified and transmitted, are down to education and science - not the Socratic idea of questions and answers - as a logical route to truth. Even though this was more biased rhetoric than objective logic, we were hopefully both educated and entertained in the process, as well as impressed. 

The well known analogy with the cultural relationship between Britain and the United States of America was drawn. One cannot help but wonder how Donald Trump as leader of that adolescent but powerful nation would have fared in such a debate?
(to be continued) 

Friday, 7 June 2019

Boris Johnson The Irresistible Rise


(Dedicated to ALL the terrified but determined people who fought and died to rescue Europe from Fascism and Tyranny)

"What did D-Day stand for?"
I wondered it aloud.
Was it for Departure
Or was it for the crowd?

Was it for Destruction,
Everywhere it went?
Despite the Disagreement,
Did it signal firm intent?

It could have been that 'Damned Day'
That could not be Denied,
When early Death came calling
Or luck was on your side.

Or was it for Debarkation
From all those landing craft?
Smelling of sweat and vomit
Into a blood-red surf?

Was it for the Destroyers
Steaming o'er the Deep,
Targets for the Stukas
To rake the grimy Decks?

Or was it for the Dakotas
Packed with bodies for the jump?
Young men Drone-Drowned,
Cast out into a Dreaded night.

It could be for Determined,
To advance Despite the odds.
Or Dedication to ideals,
That trumped the awful cost.

Or a Destiny that Decided
Whether I should live or Die;
Whether bathed in glory
Or ingloriously Defeated lie.

The biggest naval operation,
Now seventy five years have passed,
Leaves Britain undefended,
And weakened by the past.

We stand in admiration
Of those that went before,
Who sacrificed themselves
For principles of yore.

For Democracy and Justice,
For impartial rule of law,
For humanity and freedom,
Distributed to one and all

So to conclude this little Ditty
Unequal to the task,
We should honour all the heroes
And humbly aim at last,
To be worthy of their sacrifice
And Dedicate ourselves again,
To a 'resilient generation'
Of eternal D-Day fame.

Tim Veater.

One fine day on the Isles of Scilly!
'Caught on camera?'
(via Facebook)

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

The Darwin Shooting

In this image made from video, police proceed to apprehend a suspect on the ground next to a white truck, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, in Darwin Australia. Media reports say a gunman has killed at least four people in the Australian city of Darwin. Northern Territory Police Duty Superintendent Lee Morgan says a 45-year-old man was in custody following Tuesday's shooting. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation via AP)

It should be noted that the arresting officers appear to be in fatigues in contrast to police uniforms. It raises a question as to whether these are police or army personnel? If army how were they on scene so quickly and who called them in? The vehicle appears not to be damaged and its path is not blocked. How was it stopped and driver apprehended? The driver's door is closed but he is on the floor outside it. Was he dragged out or did he get out and then fall down, first closing the driver's door behind him? Strangely he has one leg in the air - why? Has he been caught in the process of falling or is it an act of self defence? Both legs and one arm appear to be covered in blood, which seems to have run in rivulets either up or down from the assumed wounds. As there is no suggestion of bullets being fired, how were these apparent injuries caused? It is reported he was tasered but there is no evidence tasers, only of army-type rifles. Comparison with the Stephanie Zillman twitter video ( reveal a number of minor differences. This wider shot also fails to show any military-type vehicles on scene despite the men in fatigues.

As has come to be expected, there are some strange and familiar features to the Darwin Shooting on 4th June, 2019. Even if they are purely coincidental, they are worth noting.

Timing:  The news breaks on the same day President Trump started his State Visit to Britain and two days before the high profile and emotional commemoration of the D-Day Landings in Europe. Both of these events would be of major interest to Australians and Australian media. An unusual and violent event in Darwin might also be expected to have considerable attention from Australian media.

Remembering the saying, "A good time to bury bad news" coined by a British press secretary, we might pose the question, was there an Australian 'bad news' story that hidden powers might wish to be distracted from, we discover that at precisely the same time a government raid was being carried out on the offices of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) to investigate a leaked story of unlawful killings by Australian service personnel in Afghanistan. (See below for details)

Is it feasible that the raid could have been timed under cover of these other high profile events or even that a shooting could have been organised for this very purpose?

Journalist on the Scene:  As can be seen below, one of the primary sources of the story was as it happens an ABC reporter in Darwin, by the name of Stephanie Zillman. We learn she had opted to move to the Norther Territory. In a taped speech she described herself when in Sydney as a "moral puritan back then, deeply disgusted at his capitalist profession, but I soon got over that... and before long I was sold." "He did the 'houdini' and disappeared," before she related her move to Katherine, Darwin and other romantic encounters.

From this recording she sounds a very pleasant and down to earth person who takes her professional role seriously. 

The Incident:  There are certain similarities to other 'terrorist event', although police say this isn't classified as one. It is claimed that the attacker used a sawn-off shotgun. That he entered several premises including the Palm Motel shouting "Alex". We are used in Australia and elsewhere, attackers shouting "Alla Akbar" but not "Alex", although the shouting of something appears to bear the same organisational 'signature'. Of course this  raises a question as to who or what the significance of 'Alex' is.

Stephanie Zillman reports the incident as follows: "

Northern Territory Police arrest gunman in Darwin after woman injured — Northern Territory Police say up to five people have died in a shooting at a Darwin city hotel. The suspected gunman, 45, has been arrested. Witness John Rose told the ABC he saw the gunman walk into Palms Motel on Darwin’s Esplanade with “a sawn-off shotgun”. “He shot up all the rooms and he went to every room looking for somebody and he shot them all up, then we saw him rush out, jump into his Toyota pick-up, and rush off.”“Once he left we went in and found one gentleman. He’s over there.

WIKI has this: "Witnesses say the gunman entered the Palms Motel on McMinn Street, Darwin and used a pump-action shotgun to shoot through a guestroom door.[7] According to sources, around 20 shots were fired by the suspect. Witnesses also noted that while in the motel the gunman went from “room-to-room” while screaming out “Alex”.

The victims:  

Four (or now five) people are said to have been killed but only one seems to have had immediate and detailed coverage. This always raises questions as to why and how photographs and biographical information is supplied and transmitted so soon after the event?

WIKI: "The victims of the crime were all male: one man was reportedly killed at the motel, one at Buff Club, one at Gardens Hill Crescent, and one at Jolly Street."

Again Stephanie Zillman is the source of the following:

Taxi driver 33-year-old Hassan Baydoun is the first of four victims in last night’s Darwin shooting to be officially identified. He was on his meal break. His employer Blue Taxi Company says Mr Baydoun was a beloved member of staff.

Hassan Baydoun is described as an IT graduate. His occupation in Darwin is not given. As we have noted so often with circulated images, he wears a T-shirt with a logo printed on it - in this case "UNKNOWN". Does this have any significance?

Rather incredibly, despite being in remote Darwin, it is a Lebanese person who is killed. Other reports state that he had been in Australia for a decade and was staying at the Palm Motel. Note he is recorded here as being 33 (of course 33 is a significant number in Masonic circles) but other reports put his age as 32.

It is stated that his Facebook page immediately reported his death. However his is not obvious from his page  here: .  From the photographs this is clearly the same person. It states he was married on the 13th September, 2018. Note reports do not mention this of his bereaved wife. 

Further the last entry appears to be from 
Hassan Baydoun is with Noor H Ismail and 9 others.
November 11, 2018

Image may contain: 1 person, beard, outdoor and water

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, mountain, shorts, sky, outdoor and nature

Or are these two Hassan Baydoun individuals and their respective FB sites amazingly similar but different. In fact a sort of alter ego, doppelganger or double?

The Perpatrator:

Wikipedia has this at

"After the motel shooting, the suspect fled in a Toyota utility and remained at large for about an hour before being detained[2] after notifying police of his location at the intersection of McMinn and Daly Streets.[5] At the time of his arrest, the man, a suspected member of a motorcycle gang who had been released from prison in January, was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet.[5][13] The suspect was also taken to Royal Darwin Hospital after being tasered.[5]
The suspect has been identified by the media as Benjamin Glenn Hoffman, age 45. Kershaw, said that Hoffman had been released from prison on parole in January 2019. He had been serving a 6-year prison sentence, eligible for parole after 4 years. After this he committed a minor violation of his parole conditions, breaking curfew by less than an hour, and as a result he was imprisoned again for two weeks, being released in early May. During his parole he had been drug tested, with all results negative.
As of 5 June 2019, no charges had yet been laid. The suspect's motivation remains unclear, but Kershaw said the suspect may have been looking for certain individuals. One of the individuals may have been called "Alex". Police believe "Alex" was in another state at the time of the attack.[5]

Nevertheless it is stated that police had interviewed 'Alex' so they must have been able to locate him very quickly. Obviously there is a big question over the identity of 'Alex' and why if he was for some reason the target of Hoffman, why he shot and killed four or five others?

Yet again the perpetrator was known to police, had a criminal record, was on parole, yet able to access a deadly weapon with ammunition. It is said he was arrested using a 'taser'. Given that he was suspected or known to have murdered four or five, the absence of any mention of police firearms, indeed that he was not shot, seems to be somewhat surprising. How he was located and apprehended is not altogether clear, but again Stephanie Zillman was apparently on scene at the time to record images of the arrest. Was she following the police cars or was otherwise notified? Surely it is too much to imagine she just came upon the scene by accident?

Dramatic arrest if possible shooter in Darwin CBD

Slogans:  We are all now familiar with the way in which terrorist events are manipulated for their emotional effect following them, including flowers, mass gatherings, political statements, legal changes and not least the use of slogans that appear already prepared and available to circulate. Their emergence is yet another tell-tale sign of contrivance and planning by those other than the accused. In this case yet again we have evidence of it as follows: 

Territorians are banding together in the wake of last night's deadly shootings under the rallying cry of:
"This is not Darwin." From:

PHOTO: In the early hours of the morning, Darwin locals begun to lay flowers outside the Palms Motel where one of the shootings occured. (ABC News: Matthew Garrick)

Darwin community bands together in wake of deadly CBD shootings

St John Ambulance operations manager Craig Garraway said his team had been overwhelmed by the community response in one of the city's darkest hours.
"Hospital staff offered pizza to all our staff and paramedics — everyone wants to help," Mr Garraway said.

St John Ambulance NT

"As Darwin wakes up to a new sunrise, our thoughts are with those who lost loved ones in yesterday’s shooting and with those who are affected by it.
Our thoughts are with all front line emergency services workers who dealt with the horrific incident first hand.
We know our community has been changed forever. But now, together, we will be strong. And most importantly - let’s be kind. Be kind to each other, and hug your loved ones a bit tighter this morning.
If you are affected by yesterday’s tragedy, please speak out - to support services, a family member, a trusted friend or one of our staff members here at St John. Remember, we are here for you. ðŸ’•

Stephanie Zillman:!steph-zilman/ku9e7

The perks and perils of single life in a small town...
Steph Zillman
Journalist Steph Zillman packed up her life and belongings and moved from Sydney to Katherine. Chasing adventure, a change of pace and opportunity, Steph discovered the perks and perils of being single in a small town.

This story was told at SPUN in Katherine on 9 July 2016.

Australian raid on ABC offices to discover leak of secret information:

AFP arriving at to execute a search warrant over the stories which revealed allegations of unlawful killings and misconduct by Australia Special Forces in Afghanistan.

Please take a look at the outstanding journalism now the target of today’s Federal Police raid on the ABC HQ: The Afghan Files: Defence leak exposes deadly secrets of Australia's special forces.

Hundreds of pages of secret defence force documents leaked to the ABC give an unprecedented insight into the clandestine operations of Australia’s elite special forces in Afghanistan, including incidents of troops killing unarmed men and children.
The ABC can reveal that some of the cases detailed in the documents are being investigated as possible unlawful killings.
The documents, many marked AUSTEO — Australian Eyes Only — suggest a growing unease at the highest levels of Defence about the culture of Australia’s special forces as they prosecuted a bloody, secretive war against insurgents across a swathe of southern Afghanistan.

Map of berlin Darwin
The Lyon shooting interviewee T - shirt:


Image result for berlin east side gallery t shirt images