So the Strasbourg incident has come and gone, leaving several dead in its wake, including the alleged perpetrator after a shoot-out, it is claimed. The facts may well be exactly as reported by the authorities and media, but recent events (and is it legitimate to stretch the term 'recent' to the last fifty years or so?) have taught us to treat such critically, if not cynically.
Can we always trust government accounts on terror attacks?
The modern scene was set by the killing of President Kennedy, proving that even a democratic government was capable of a sophisticated conspiracy to promote an objective, that blamed an innocent man, organisation and philosophy, to deflect from those truly responsible and was then able to continue the pretence and cover-up for decades, because the truth was too painful and corrosive to admit.
In that instance Government was not only prepared to assassinate a leader who threatened the Deep State and its activities, to blame and facilitate the murder of an innocent man, but continue a policy of clandestine assassination of anyone that threatened to undermine the official narrative - more than one hundred carefully enumerated according to Craig Roberts in 2014. (JFK - The Dead Witnesses)
Of course the Kennedy assassination is but one of numerous examples, that elements of Government are quite capable of setting up fraudulent events and that it is our duty to treat every one with a critical eye before necessarily accepting every element of it as if it was gospel truth.
The Wider Political Situation
It comes at a time of unprecedented 'yellow vest' demonstrations and violence in France, that have encouraged local sources to suggest that the shooting could have been organised to distract from them and unify the nation against an external Muslim threat. Choosing a location of a Christmas Market with all its religious connotations to ram home the message cannot be over-stated.
Then it was also timed to coincide with a sitting nearby of the EU Parliament resulting in a 'lock down' of the institution and building. Do we need to be reminded that this exactly replicates the circumstances of the Westminster attack on the 22nd March, 2017. Such events and their official explanation wonderfully concentrates the minds of legislators to a specific narrative and agenda, both domestic and foreign. Of course when the perpetrator is not Muslim it most surely be Russian in the current global climate.
Are there any anomalies in the Strasbourg shooting?
So returning to the Strasbourg event, even if details of the shooting and the victims is accurate (and of course they may not be) there is no guarantee that the person shot dead in the final confrontation, identified as the terrorist, indeed was, even if, as is stated, he had an incriminatory criminal record. Or that the over-arching hypothesis and rationalisation - namely that this was a Muslim inspired act of irrational terrorism, of which we should all be in constant fear and preparedness - may not in fact be accurate.
When trying to work out whether an incident is genuine, and I use the word to mean if it is exactly as the authorities and media report it as distinct from its true character and purpose, we must first consider in overview its timing, location and effect. Yet again in the Strasbourg case these features give rise to concerns.
We are led to believe that the killings were carried out by a disaffected Muslim with a serious criminal record, with both personal and political motivation, presumably out of hatred for French and Western values and actions, against himself and others of his faith, both in France and abroad. The accused, later shot dead by police on the 13th December 2018, named as 29 year old Cherif Chekatt, was French born but of Algerian heritage.

This image was published in the media on the 13th December, which proves he must have been identified for the shooting almost immediately after the event on the night of the 11th. In fact I have also found web sites dated the same day as the attack (11th) that not only publish this image but also state clearly he was the shooter! This speed of identification in itself raises a question of importance - how?
Of course the fact that he was already being sought for a pre-dating but unspecified 'murder' may have helped, particularly if one or more had recognised him but we must also be wary of the immediately announced perpetrator. Time and again in such incidents - do I need to list all the examples? - this is a sure sign of an innocent person being framed as part of the operation!
One of the reasons for this observation is the untypical nature of the speed with which the perpetrator is with confidence identified as compared with more normal murder enquiries that commonly take much much longer, if indeed ever.
In this regard it may be worth comparing and contrasting just one example, that of the fatal shooting of Mr and Mrs Al Hilli, Suhaila al-Allaf and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier at Chevaline in the French Alps on the 5th September, 2012, which despite two huge investigation teams, one French and one British, has failed to apprehend, let alone convict, the shooter after six years!

Before the image and assertion can be published on Internet web sites, it must be created and circulated to them by the authorities. Again contrast this with the whole year it took them to circulate an image of the motor cyclist suspected of murder at Chevaline. The fact that the image and details were out there the same day - and remember the shooting took place at 8 pm must mean it was done in less than four hours!
Not only is is this quite a-typical of the speed at which the French police work but must also increase the likelihood to almost certainty, that the action was already planned in advance of the shooting!
And yet again we find an Israeli connection! 'Wikistrike' here http://www.wikistrike.com/2018/12/qui-est-cherif-chekatt-l-auteur-de-l-attentat-de-strasbourg.html claims the Israeli media published the following only two hours after the attack, making sure the blame was firmly placed on a Moslem with the obligatory 'Allahu Akbar':
"Tuesday evening at 19:50, a man opened fire by screaming Allahu Akbar (the god of Islam is the largest) near the Christmas market in Strasbourg, leaving 2 dead and 12 wounded, 7 in a very serious state of which one in brain death."
Confusion and alteration over the number killed and injured was apparent throughout:
"The prefecture has withdrawn her message to the only two dead. It remains with three casualties. Previously, the regional administration had revised the number of victims down and talked about two fatalities."
It may be noted in passing that Christkindelsmärik (Christmas market) has an eerie resemblance to Kristallnacht or Reichskristallnacht also referred to as the Night of Broken Glass that coincidence would have it occurred almost exactly eighty years prior (November 9th - 13th, 1938) not a stone throw away. How strange these events keep resonating with historic ones important to Jews.
The alleged killer
The authorities say Cherif Chekatt was 'radicalised' in prison but this was denied by neighbours and his German lawyer who claimed he was "he was just an ordinary criminal and it was no special case. We didn't notice any radicalisation." Both descriptions cannot be true.
A damning portrait of him is painted by the police, who rather coincidentally had tried to arrest him that very morning for an alleged murder without success. Rather surprisingly and suspiciously, no details are provided of this alleged murder.
This could have been the trigger for his violent outburst but equally in such cases it also serves the purpose of demonising the character of someone chosen to fulfil the role of a 'patsy' in a fabricated scenario.
"According to Laurent Nuñez, Secretary of State to the Minister of the Interior, Chekatt is "an individual known in common law for many crimes other than related to terrorism, he has never even been known for crimes related to terrorism. He was followed by the intelligence services after the detection of a radicalization in his religious practice but had never [given] a sign of passage to the act."
So it would seem even the authorities accept that Chekatt - if it was Chekatt - was acting out of character and this outburst could not have been predicted. It is claimed he was radicalised in prison, but in common with other alleged fundamental Muslim terrorists such as the only Paris survivor Salah Abdeslam, his life and activities demonstrate no religious conviction at all.
Even his name raises suspicions, phonetically sounding very similar to "Sherrif" and "Checkout" or even "Cheek at" that has a theatrical and western ring to it. Without here giving examples, the frequency with which these foreign names seem to have incorporated adverse European meanings in such events has been previously noted. Is this by accident or design?
Now with reference to the report that his premises were visited that very morning, I find a report that he was in fact in residence at the time. This diametrically contradicts earlier reports that he was not there and thereby excaped arrest!
The following excerpt is taken from here:
"The “Bild” newspaper (here the link, behind the payment barrier) reports a new detail to the alleged Strasbourg assassin Cherif C. It's about a police operation on Tuesday morning, so a few hours before the assassination, in which C. and three other people should have been arrested – for attempted murder. According to the paper, C. and his accomplices were at home, contrary to earlier accounts. So far, they had said they had not been there. C. but could have escaped, writes the “image” now and relies on information from security circles."
If reliable it throws serious doubt on the whole story because if as stated he was the suspect in a burglary/murder he would have been arrested there and then, which in turn would have prevented the later outrage.
We have become inured to hearing post-event that the accused was well known to the police and security services and that they had had recent contact. This element to the story alone constitutes a red flag. The fact that a different account alleges he was at home that morning intensifies it, to the extent we should question the circumstances described and the purpose of it.
Was the visit for a different purpose entirely, for example to give Chekatt where he should be later in the day or what he should do? If nothing else the diametrically different account makes us treat it with suspicion.
Signs of Deep State Involvement?
How are we expected to distinguish between the two? Only by a detailed examination of the reported facts in order to discern problems with the story, and they do appear to be a feature of this case as with other 'terrorist events' ascribed to Muslims in France and elsewhere, sufficient to make us question all such.
So let us first consider the general features that might hypothetically point to 'Deep State' involvement in preference to a radicalised Muslim terrorist agenda.
Familiar Features
We note first that the attack demonstrates very familiar features that suggest the adoption of a standard 'blue print' far more akin to Deep State than isolated terror.
It took place on the 11th of December, 2018. These numbers are familiar and possibly significant. Eleven, twenty-two and thirty three - besides the 12 and 18 - are well known masonic enumerators that have appeared repeatedly on terrorist outrages. They are not significant for the Muslim community. The frequency of their appearance cannot be explained away by chance alone.
Video Filming of Street Scene
It will be remembered that in virtually every previous French terrorist attack, a video cameraman or woman were conveniently on scene to record aspects of it, invariably from an elevated position. This applies to the Paris, Nice, Brussels and Berlin attacks to name just four. More sinister in each the camera person had clear links to Israeli intelligence or military. That cannot be coincidental and points at least to fore knowledge if not involvement in the incidents themselves.
In sharp contrast, although there is video of the scene immediately after he was shot dead by police two days later, (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGoPHcmoc5c ) there is a complete absence of any street video of him on his alleged rampage on the route shown above. As usual in these events, all the You tube footage is post-event. Why? Particularly at Christmas and given the fact that Strasbourg has been targeted before, all the streets taken must be covered by CCTV, so why did this not find its way onto the Internet when others did?
We can only conclude that the published footage is controlled and selected both for what it shows and what it doesn't. We are reminded that in Nice the authorities sought to seize and hide all the street footage. That in the Westminster attack we were told street cameras were out of action. (The subsequent Inquest proved this incorrect) And notoriously when the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11, all cameras were turned off. (It goes without saying that the claim the building was hit by a jet plane was a bare faced lie)
The absence of dependable street video is not proof of criminal fraud but it is suggestive of it, it having occurred almost invariably on every claimed ISIS terrorist attack.
Similarities to Previous Events
Then again it closely resembles the Christmas Market outrage in Berlin one year before. If nothing else this suggests co-ordination repetition and a coordinating controlling mind rather than an idiosyncratic outburst. The authorities clearly wish us to believe this was a religiously motivated attack.
Unfortunately with the defeat and demise of 'ISIS' it is not easy to pin it on that organisation, though we do have the report of the obligatory 'Alluah akbar' chant preceding it, without of course any firm or reliable attribution. In this context the claim appears more as window dressing than factual. If untrue of course it undermines the credibility of the rest of the story. We have already noted that it seems to first appear on Israeli outlets almost immediately. What was their source?
And it is not being pedantic to ask to ask would he have only said it once on his rampage through presumably crowded streets. Wouldn't he have kept saying it every time he pulled the trigger or pointed his gun?
Street Video on the Internet
Immediately following the event, within literally minutes, video of the street scene, apparently showing a pool of blood but no bodies, was up-loaded to the Internet via You tube and other outlets. It was taken apparently from an upper story very reminiscent of Paris, Nice, Brussels and Berlin, that have been proved to use Israeli assets. In this case they were taken by a French journalist - Bruno Poussard - who just happened to be on scene at the time. Poussard may be a totally uninvolved party but the repetition of just this aspect is highly suspicious for anyone with the slightest knowledge of previous incidents.

In total 15 images are posted with relevant text either from above or at street level such as the one above and below. The above image has this text attached: "The situation remains very confused but at 19:55, there were more than a dozen # shots in my little street in the city center of # Strasbourg . Two or three first, then bursts". It appears to show a round wet area. Are we supposed to assume this is blood? There is certainly no evidence of bodies in any of the images, yet as can be seen he claims that numerous shots which we are told killed or injured upwards of twelve people, happened in that very street. This is hard to explain as apparently he took the images immediately after he heard the sound of the shots.
The following image shows a quite normal street scene with no evidence of injured people or even emergency personnel, yet a bike is left in a strange position and location with what appears to be a red marker or some such next to it. There is also what appears to be an upset cigarette butt container next to the outside table. He describes it as follows: "
In the neighboring bar Les Savons d'Hélène, there are two wounded, one on the outside and one on the inside. A bike is still in the middle of the street." and "
At the bottom of my building, a policeman collects the testimonies of the inhabitants after the casings found in my street in # Strasbourg"

So we must accept that despite there being shots fired in this street and people either injured or killed, none of the images reveal either the gunman or the aftermath. In fact beside the pool of liquid and the bike left on its side, there is no evidence of anything remotely connected to a gun attack or injured persons. No explanation is advanced for this strange state of affairs.
Witness Bruno Poussard's Account
Bruno Poussard's Twitter account can be viewed here: https://twitter.com/poussardbruno?lang=en He appears not to have tweeted since the 12th December - the day following the attack which is rather strange. Why has he stopped?
His account, that dates from 2009, is mainly concerned with sport - football and cycling - although there is one reference to high benzene levels from traffic at one location. It appears that he had only recently moved and settled in the Alsace area. He states (Wiki trans.): "Ex-nomadic (just) became sedentary in Alsace at @ 20minutesstras . But in the heart remained (a bit) oval and west." I will return to his account later.
Writing for the news site "Twenty Minutes" here: https://www.20minutes.fr/faits_divers/2393867-20181212-attentat-strasbourg-etudiant-garagiste-journalistes-strasbourgeois-thailandais-sait-victimes#xtor=RSS-149 he describes in greater jouralistic detail what happened. Writing the next day (the 12th) he reports the death and injury toll as follows: "two deaths, a person brain dead, and twelve wounded, including six in a state of absolute urgency. The day after the shootings in the streets of Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), the latter has evolved again, with the death of a third person. According to our information, this is a mechanic of the district of Meinau. The first details of the 16 victims were unveiled as early as this Wednesday. "We have to wait for the prosecutor to speak," said Robert Herrmann, president of Eurométropole. Contacted by 20 Minutes , the parquet of Paris has not communicated more. But the murderous course of the shooter in the streets of the Alsatian capital is refined over evidence . It was around 19:45 that the dramatic event began, for ten minutes of horror on the Big Island. After leaving the Rue des Orfèvres on foot and entering the Place du Temple-Neuf, according to a shopkeeper, the attacker took the direction of the Rue des Grandes-Arcades, a large pedestrian shopping street, just a stone's throw from the market. Christmas. It is here that a caretaker of Afghan origin, faithful to the Mosque Eyyûb Sultan who spoke via social networks , was touched before members of his family, according to two witnesses. The assailant joined shortly after the rue du Saumon, where he killed a father of Strasbourg family over 50 who was waiting for his wife and son gone to the bathroom at the exit of the restaurant Stub where they had a drink, according to the manager's testimony to Franceinfo . Then taking the direction of the west of the Big Island, the suspect had to turn around four soldiers of Sentinel. During this exchange of fire recounted by a reporter of 20 Minutes , St. Helena Street was the fourth theater of his attack, at 19:53. On the side and in the bar Les Savons d'Hélène, two people were wounded, including a Vosges musician according to L'Est Républicain . Then running towards the Saint Martin Bridge via the rue du Savon, the man on the run killed a Thai tourist - 45 years old according to the Bangkok Post - four minutes later. At the exit of the Big Island a little further, the author of the shootings, he would have probably taken a taxi on the docks. At this time, he remains on the run ."
He also tweeted that "there had been a dozen shots fired on his street in the city centre – one or two to begin with, then in bursts."
The weapons Used
It is said Chekatt used a revolver and a knife. Two days after the attack, Chekatt's gun was revealed to be a Modèle 1892 revolver.

This immediately raises a very serious problem, which in my limited reading hasn't been addressed. The gun dates from the 19th Century and hundreds of thousands were issued for French military side arm. However importantly it can only fire six shots. This has to be reconciled with the reported number of dead and injured. Although these figures have suspiciously kept changing, the final version seems to be five killed and eleven injured it is said at three locations. In addition(?) it is claimed a soldier was injured by a bullet in the arm in an exchange of fire.
Despite the difficulties in this particular account and leaving aside the fact that there was heavy armed security for the area and Chekatt was able to move virtually unchallenged and unmolested for about fifteen minutes, we still have the problem of explaining how with a six chamber gun he was able to injure or kill at least sixteen people?
Indeed Poussard above reports shell casing all over just one street which comes well into the attack. Obviously this sounds much more like an semi-automatic weapon with magazines but even so if the ancient revolver was used it raises a whole series of practical difficulties.
It would have required at the very least three re loadings but in practice many more. This would mean carrying the ammunition on him somehow besides stopping and reloading after six shots. Significantly no witnesses appear to report this distinctive activity which would of course have made him very vulnerable to police challenge.
Then we have a further logistical problem if as was reported he also carried a knife, presumably in the other hand, as this would definitely have been required to carry out the reloading. How would he have done it? Put the knife down as he stumbled to find bullets and place them in the chamber? This really does not make sense.
The gun and knife were apparently found on his body after he was shot dead - hopefully this can be relied upon - but even were this the case it does not prove he used these weapons in the attack, if indeed he, and not another individual was responsible for it.
Taxi Ride
We are told, injured he escaped from the scene in a taxi. Escaping in a taxi is familiar from the the Boston Bombing fraud isn't it? Again a possible clue. Implausibly we are told the taxi driver identified him because he was armed and wounded and bragged about killing people and that he had a grenade at home!
I am not sure this sounds like a committed terrorist escaping from the scene. What terrorist does not plan for his escape as carefully as the attack itself? And do not taxi drivers have a recognised drill for such eventuality to raise an alarm not just casually deliver the killer to his required destination? No mention is made of this but clearly he was crucial to the police identifying the suspect. Perhaps Chekatt gave his full name and address to the driver when he hailed the cab????
The victims as reported by the BBC

Who are the victims? (From: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46535862 )
"A Thai tourist was one of the victims, named as Anupong Suebsamarn, 45, by Thai media reports. He had recently arrived in the country on holiday, they say. He was killed with a bullet in the head on rue des Moulins, according to local TV.
"Another victim was a retired bank worker, aged 61, from Strasbourg. He died on rue des Chandelles, local TV reported.
"The third victim was Kamal Naghchband, a garage mechanic and father of three originally from Afghanistan. He had been visiting the market with his family and was shot in the head, his cousin told the AFP news agency.
"The fourth victim was 29-year-old Italian journalist Antonio Megalizzi. He was critically injured and later succumbed to his wounds. His death was announced three days after the attack.
"Polish national Barto Pedro Orent-Niedzielski, 35, has been named as the fifth victim by French media. He was in a deep coma for five days after being hit in the head before succumbing to his wounds on Sunday, Le Monde reported."
In contrast Wikipedia has it that FIVE were killed and that the Thai tourist was shot "multiple times" as was his wife who survived.
Very strangely, using the usual search engines, it is proving extremely difficult to pin down precise details of the dead and injured or the circumstances even after ten days have elapsed. Why would that be. Again such details that are available are not congruent with the claimed revolver employed. This needs to be explained but will it be? I doubt it. As usual the News outlets do not question the official narrative or pose awkward questions that may make the public doubt it.
Chekatt Shot Dead by Police
At the time of the Paris atrocity the Minister of the Interior announced Government policy would heretofore be to "neutralise" those engaged in violent acts and this policy has been put into effect since. Of course some might argue that this is justified and necessary in the circumstances but what if the wrong persons are eliminated either accidentally or on purpose?
It is not hard to see how shooting dead the alleged suspect can have a lot of advantages, particularly if the whole thing is fraudulent. A dead man cannot defend himself. The crime is neatly solved, allowing the true perpetrators - if indeed there are such - to escape completely unmolested. The purpose of the operation can go unchallenged with no awkward questions raised.
The one and only chosen narrative can be pressed on the public with hopefully the desired psychological outcome which in this case would be another cruel Muslim attack on the very core of European Christian culture. We may ask which ethnic, religious or political grouping might benefit from such an understanding?
This policy of replacing arrest and trial with summary execution has surreptitiously been introduced on the back of 'terrorist event' that may or may not have had fraudulent elements to them. We have seen the same policy in Britain spilling over into demands that all policemen should now be armed and empowered to replace arrest with shoot-to-kill on the flimsiest of reasons. This is a very sinister development that affects all citizens yet it has attracted little criticism on the back of a widespread and inculcated fear.
So returning to Chekatt's killing two days later, we only have the police word that he shot at them which justified him being shot dead. No information is given how he was located on the street by just a few officers despite the fact that 850 personnel were said to be looking for him.
From the BBC here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-46535862 we have this account:
"At 21:00, Chekatt was spotted in rue du Lazaret by officers in a police car, Mr Heitz said on Friday.
"The suspect noticed the police car and tried to enter a building at number 74, but could not get in. The officers identified themselves, and he turned around, pointing a gun - similar to the one used in Tuesday's attack - and fired in their direction, hitting their car, Mr Heitz said.
"Two of the three officers fired back several times and killed the suspect. He was identified through his fingerprints and declared dead at 21:05.
"The officers found an old gun, still loaded, some ammunition and a knife on his body."
The rather obvious question I would wish to pose is, if after his death his gun, presumably the same one as detailed above, was still loaded - remember it held a maximum of six bullets - how can the police account that he fired at them first, be accurate? Or indeed fired at all? Clearly the one contradicts the other.
We must also reconcile the fact that he was apparently identified and shot dead before he was actually positively identified by finger prints. Of course even in this day and age it takes time to take and then compare finger prints so it is misleading to suggest the finger prints added certainty to the action of shooting him dead.
The parallels with other denouements in France and elsewhere is obvious. In particular the similarities with Anis Amri, the claimed assailant in the Berlin Christmas Market exactly two years before are quite remarkable. Amri was also 'spotted' wandering the streets in Northern Italy, and spotted just by luck by patrolling policemen - Cristian Movio, 36, and Luca Scatà, 29 - (those names again!) in a car. He too was shot dead after pulling out a gun and firing it. They of course were rightly hailed as heroes. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/23/world/europe/italy-lauds-2-officers-as-heroes-in-fatal-shooting-of-fugitive.html?action=click&module=RelatedCoverage&pgtype=Article®ion=Footer
However rather interestingly both seem to have spoiled their image with unfortunate fascist instagram posts and were transferred to a secret location. 'The Local' (here: https://www.thelocal.it/20170206/italy-transfers-officers-who-shot-berlin-attacker-to-secret-location ) has this on them:
"The two Italian policemen who became instant heroes after they stopped and killed the Berlin Christmas market attacker have been transferred to new posts, Italian media reported on Sunday.
What we can say for sure is that the video that is claimed to show his body here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGoPHcmoc5c does not show the exchange of fire. That in itself raises suspicions that the police account may be unreliable. How would we know what actually transpired? In any event who will shed a tear over such a dangerous individual engaged in continuous anti social behaviour from five upwards. Society is clearly better off without him. And what is more there is absolutely no need to go enquiring into the possibility of any other extraneous deep or dark conspiracy within the state or outside it.
The official version of events at Strasbourg on the evening of the 11th December, 2018 may be accurate in every detail, but given the miriad features that either replicate earlier dubious cases, throw doubt on the stated facts or display common features of 'false flags' (see below), it should be treated with considerable caution.

Video of fatal shooting of Chekatt here:
"Neutralised": French interior minister Christophe Castaner says the suspected gunman who killed three people in Strasbourg has been shot dead by police following a two-day manhunt
Anti-Brexit heroes:
ReplyDeleteFive people died in the Strasbourg attack. Among them was a Polish musician who had spoken out in favor of a Europe without borders. Many people view him as a hero, others have criticized his liberal views on migration.
It happened on December 11, in the middle of the Christmas season in downtown Strasbourg. The gunman opened fire and, according to French investigators, yelled out "Allahu akbar" ("God is great" in Arabic).
Polish musician, journalist and European Parliament tour guide Barto Pedro Orent-Niedzielski stood together with several friends, among them Italian journalist Antonio Megalizzi, in front of the music club Les Savons d'Helene, near the Christmas market.
According to Polish media, citing witness accounts, the two men stepped into the way of the armed shooter and blocked the door to the club. This act of heroism may have prevented a much greater bloodbath. Both of the men were wounded in the attack and died a few days later.
His friends, who called him Bartek, spoke of his great enthusiasm for the idea of an open Europe. He was also committed to supporting the LGBT movement, Jewish culture and solidarity with the Palestinian people. Orent-Niedzielski's plan was to open a linguistic cafe in Strasbourg where people of different languages and cultures could meet.
"Always full of ideas, an energy volcano, always with a smile on his face," recalls Dariusz Zalega from Katowice. "When we talked about the terrorist attack in Paris in 2015, he didn't look for the culprits where fanatics, racists and know-it-alls were looking for them. He believed responsibility laid with those who cause wars, sell arms and spread hatred. His message was: 'Everyone is my brother.'"
A little over a year before his death, in July 2017, Orent-Niedzielski wrote enthusiastically on Facebook about his new job as a tour guide at the European Parliament. While working for Europhonica, a European Parliament-focused radio station, he tried to convince his listeners of the advantages of a multicultural continent.
From: https://www.dw.com/en/the-strasbourg-shooter-and-the-polish-musician-who-tried-to-stop-him/a-46793825
Vienna shooting: Armed police storm famous Austria restaurant after shots fired
ReplyDeleteSHOTS have been fired at one of Vienna’s most famous restaurants, with armed police rushing to the scene.
PUBLISHED: 13:12, Fri, Dec 21, 2018
At about 1.30 pm local time, at least two person are believed to have been shot at Figlmüller, in the heart of the Austrian capital. Local media have confirmed police armed with machine guns are at the scene. A police spokesman told Heute newspaper: “Two people are seriously injured, one person is on the run.”
Evidence of drug dealing. Very sincere religious believer then?
ReplyDeleteFrom: http://newagetech.net/strasbourg-after-terrorist-attack-death-toll-rises-to-three/
"The alleged assassin of Strasbourg Chérif C. was called immediately before the act from Germany. The rbb has learned that according to own data from security circles. He did not answer the phone. It is unclear who has called him and whether the call is related to the attack on the Strasbourg Christmas market. German investigators are now intensively investigating this question. The call is another indication that Cherif C. has connections to Germany. In 2016, he was sentenced to a prison sentence in Germany by the District Court of Singen, after he had broken into a pharmacy in Engen in Baden-Württemberg and a dental practice in Mainz. In 2017 he was expelled to France by the German authorities and given a re-entry ban."
Three suspects in another taxi?
ReplyDeleteFrom: http://newagetech.net/strasbourg-after-terrorist-attack-death-toll-rises-to-three/
"The police stopped a taxi with a French license plate on the A1 near Bremen and temporarily detained three people. The reference to the taxi had come from citizens who had been alarmed by the news of the attack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg, as a police spokesman in Delmenhorst on Wednesday announced. “The people were unrelated to the assassination in Strasbourg and are on the loose again,” said the spokesman. Even a thorough search of the taxi by forensics officers revealed no evidence of suspicion.
According to witnesses, one of the taxi inmates is said to have worn a mask. “None of the three men was masked,” the police spokesman now clarified. All three are resident in France, two of which have French and one Moroccan citizenship. The goal of the trip was Bremen. The police did not know why the men were traveling in a taxi."
Used to progress EU political aims.
ReplyDeleteFrom: http://newagetech.net/strasbourg-after-terrorist-attack-death-toll-rises-to-three/
"The CDU interior politician Armin Schuster (CDU) calls as a consequence of the attack of Strasbourg a European counter-terrorism center on the German model. “Terror is not limited to one country,” said the chairman of the Amri Investigation Committee the newspapers of the editorial network Germany. “It's at least a European problem, and Strasbourg is a prime example.”
Therefore, in addition to the common German anti-terrorism center, a European needed, said Schuster. The CDU politician therefore proposed to convert Europol into a European Criminal Police Office and to expand its terrorist powers. “Then the intelligence services would have to come in.” He also warned to continue to invest in the federal police."
Incidentally..... "The Council of Europe was founded on 5 May 1949 by the Treaty of London. The Statute was signed in London on that day by ten states: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Three months later, on 10 August 1949, 100 members of the Council's Consultative Assembly, parliamentarians drawn from twelve nations (Turkey and Greece had by then joined the original ten founding members), met in STRASBOURG for its first plenary session, held over 18 sittings and lasting nearly a month. " WIKIPEDIA