Thursday, 8 August 2024

Admitting the Immigration Mistakes?

Owen Jones on one side, Matt Goodwin on the other. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.  "my truth. Your tuth. THE truth" perhaps? 

Is it possible to retain an essentially white, vaguely christian, British culture, whilst integrating a multi-race and religion society? 

Britain has had a long and troubled history of invasion by 'foreign' cultures, which by definition, has continually to be redefined. 

Pre-Roman, the influxes are little understood, though they surely happened continuously over the preceding eons. After the Romans ("What did they do for us?") with their military organisation, construction and language, augmenting and not totally suplanting what went before, we had the waves of Germans, Danes and Scandinavians. 

This was followed by the essentially Viking Normans who with merciless ferocity, subjugated the Anglo/Saxon society that had been established, replacing it with a 'foreign' French and Latin one. The remnant of it can be seen across the land in all the archetypal 'Anglican' churches, whilst we ignore all the multi-layered paradoxes they represent, emblematic as they are of invasion, subjection, schism, excommunication, intrigue and more latterly of the redundancy of Christian belief. 

As the centuries passed, Spain, France and Germany attempted take-overs, at great cost and loss of life but none succeeded.  However the invasion of foreigners of different colour and religion that has happened in the last century, has been more subtle and in some ways more profound. Had it been hostile it would have been resisted. Instead it was positively promoted by our political leaders, partly out of self interest, partly out of guilt, partly out of necessity. 

Each influx had different parameters. It also was a two-way street, leaving as well as arriving – the early American colonists from the 16th Century onwards; to the other colonies from the 18th ; to Canada, South Africa and Australia the 19th, either for punishment or reward. 

Conversely waves of Hugenots, Jews and anyone escaping persecution, came the other way, retaining to greater or lesser extent their own distinctive beliefs and customs. 

However, even during war, when Jews were being discriminated and targeted by the Nazi regime, the British government strictly controlled the numbers entering for fear of being swamped. 

Only since the War have barriers been progressively relaxed in respect of the West Indies, the African (Uganda in particular) and Indian sub-continents and Eastern Europe with significant economic and social consequences, not all of them bad. 

However it would be untrue to say they were not unsettling for the indigenous white English population, who having fought a war to defeat despotism and the threat of invasion, saw their towns and communities being infiltrated and replaced by essentially foreigners with a distinct and alien culture. 

The fear and apprehension though expressed, sometimes violently, as in Notting Hill in 1958, did not effectively impinge on politicians and policy makers, probably because they operated in a different cultural and economic milieu, still apparent today. Those who spoke out as Enoch Powell famously did in 1968, lost their position. 

Racial integration or lack of it, can be viewed as a working class problem and issue. Only recently has it been seen to threaten the middle and upper classes, hence its increased media and political profile. 

It is gradually dawning on people that no invasion, whether aggressive of pacific, imposed or agreed, is not without its implications for supplanting and sublimating the pre-existing culture and norms. 

When viewing white rampaging thugs throwing bricks and setting fire to buildings, we may reasonably question whether that is a culture worth extolling or protecting. But equally mobs of masked, chanting, machette-waving Muslims are hardly indicative of a safe and integrated community. 

The fact that the former is actively confronted by police, whilst the latter appears to go unchallenged also raises important questions of so called 'two tier' police response. 

The very real consequences of demographic cultural differences cannot be ignored but neither should the proclivity of certain individuals, groups and interests to promote division and discord along religious, ethnic or cultural lines. 

 Tommy Robinson obviously comes to mind. There is no gainsaying that a great deal of his arguments have found fertile ground amongst those most directly affected and he has become something of an heroic figure, speaking 'truth' to power and being constantly harassed, some might say persecuted, for doing so. But there are darker forces at work. 

Matt Goodwin comes from a different background. His is a more measured and cogent argument. He is an academic and probably speaks to a different audience. Robinson cannot escape the image of a rabble-rouser, whilst Goodwin's reason is hard to dispute. In historical terms perhaps Wat Tyler is to Thomas More? 

But even so Goodwin quotes the well established myths of the stated Muslims behind 9/11 and 7/7, long disproved, and although highlighting the Rotherham Muslim rape gangs, deftly ignores all the rapes, largely unprosecuted, by white Englishmen. This subtle and misleading bias is deceptive and largely goes unchallenged.

There is no doubt that in the geopolitics of the world, where America and Europe have over two or three decades, aligned itself with Israel against Arabs and Muslims, it has been seen to be profitable to cast all Muslims in the terrorist mould and to encourage the domestic audience to view them with suspicion as an esoteric threat. 

That is what I believe both 9/11 and 7/7 were for, and many other instances of so called 'Muslim' or 'ISIS' terror events. 

 The Israeli genocide in Palestine and the West's support of it, can only be viewed as confirmatory. 

Thus we should be very sanguine about the current siren voices and the way violent events and the reaction to them are created and treated by the media. We are where are as a result of historical decisions and actions. What is needed is level-headed and fair-minded treatment of the subject free of prejudice and tribalism, whilst accepting grave errors have and are being made, that are undermining the stability and cohesion of this peculiar nation.

For two sides of the issue see: 

How Our Elites INCITED Far Right Uprising In England: Don't Let Them Get Away With It.

MATT GOODWIN: REALITY CHECK: What I Told the BBC About the Immigration RIOTS

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