Monday 12 June 2023

 Covid Vaccine Adverse Effects


Sources of Information

Just one case study:

Sutton Hohensee, 16 yrs old.

First Dose of Pfizer on 06/2021
Second Dose of Pfizer in 07/2021
Booster Dose of Pfizer in 01/2022
Lot #330258D


"Monday, January 10, I went to school not feeling well. On the tennis courts was when my body shut down. I was served a ball and in a second, my body wouldn’t “go”. I had a sharp pain in my chest, and my breathing changed. I took my rescue inhaler, thinking it might be my exercise-induced asthma, and finished my match. By the end of the match, I was hyperventilating, had a sharp chest pain and my vision was blurry.
"My parents came and picked me up, got me home and from there my symptoms spiraled. I was checked for myocarditis and labs were drawn. My Dr. dismissed my symptoms and sent me home. I never went back to school, and new symptoms kept coming. "The head pain became unbearable, orthostatic hypotension made my body want to pass out constantly. On January 23, I woke up and could not hold my head up. My mom took me me Texas Children’s. I was admitted under the care of a neurologist. MRI, lumbar puncture, migraine cocktail, labs, 8 rounds of DHE thinking I had a migraine, seeing the eye Dr. in the hospital, possibly getting a blood patch thinking I had a CFS leak. I just wanted to go home, and I did. I left Texas Children’s just the way I went in, nothing changed.

"Since then, I have seen 23 different Drs., every MD you can imagine, had numerous blood draws, nerve blocks, myelogram, a second MRI with and without contrast, ketamine. I am refractory to all medications, the list is long, that I have tried for head pain and brain fog. I do have one I take to keep my blood pressure and heart rate under control. I have worked with a virologist and my local Dr., in hopes of some symptom improvement with specialized medication, but nothing has changed. Not one symptom, some are even worse. I am currently in the process of getting approved for IVIG. I have labs showing elevated auto antigens, high VEGF and SCD40L.

"I never went back to school after January 10. I finished and graduated with online courses Dec. ‘22. College and work are both on hold. My symptom list is lengthy…chronic, all day 10/10 head pain and it gets worse with any stimulation, awful brain fog, I’m not even sure I can attend college class, malaise, I’m tired before I even get out of bed, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, tachycardia, tinnitus, blurriness/my vision cuts out often, dizziness, body temp dis-regulation, vasodilatation, GI issues, neuropathy in hands and feet, my breathing has never been the same since my episode on the tennis court.

"I’m not sure what the future holds, my mom is my biggest advocate always researching what’s next, talking to Drs., taking me to appointments. I stay positive, knowing this is happening to me for a greater cause. I want to encourage and help other people through this…you are not alone. Stay strong!"

To find this on the internet, please go here: 

I. Websites and channels dedicated to vaccination damage 

Along with preventing future crimes to humanity, we want justice for our loved ones that have suffered and died at the hands of greed and evil: 

1. The faces of the vaccine injured: 

2. Covid vaccine victims sharing their stories: 

3. a77fb203022e300aae8846b968b80e36b52fb27a108dfee299ccbafe321d99b 

4. 7¬if_t=group_r2j_approved&ref=notif 


6. Artsen voor Vrijheid: (Dutch) 

7. Onze Gemiste Dierbaren (Our Missed Loved Ones) (in Dutch) 

8. 8080 


10. (Dutch) 

II. Humanity’s leading voices in the fields of science, healthcare, law and journalism are speaking out. 

Listen to these heroes of humanity, who risk everything to inform you about what is truly happening in the world today: 0d92b8b75168d98a0b8cac0e9c09 

III. (Possible) Antidotes 03022e300aae8846b968b80e36b52fb27a108dfee299ccbafe321d99b 

World renowned biophysicist Andreas Kalcker saved millions of covid patients, and works with thousands of physicians, scientists and lawyers. His cure for covid could end the pandemic. But his books were removed from Amazon, his PayPal account was canceled, his scientific studies were deleted by ResearchGate, and Facebook and Twitter censored him:

Never has more money been poured into the NHS, Social Services, the police etc. yet the outcomes invariably appear to fall short. I wonder if it isn't because organisations are centrally managed and follow theoretical programmes and ideas, rather than starting from a position of what is needed on the ground, so to speak. Just witness the BILLIONS of pounds totally wasted on a mythical disease threat, that actually created disease and ill health, whilst basic medical and dental care gets ever more costly and remote. Of course the Covid bill was never complained about because it was hidden. The government footed the bill and lots of people, including doctors, got rich on the proceeds. But it was/is a form of mass delusion to believe the bill will not have to be paid. But the event did manage to wipe out tens of thousands of elderly and infirm which has also saved the state billions in care costs and pensions, besides cashing in on inheritance tax. Similarly with policing and the current wave of knife crime. When this happens in places like Bath and Bristol and Midsomer Norton and replicated everywhere else, you know you have a generalised societal problem with mainly teenaged boys. It is a generational phenomenom that points to family, education, popular culture and technology for the mental and behavioural change. All these issues require urgent consideration and remedy, before society as a whole disintegrates further.

A recently published, peer reviewed US study found that patients with Covid and treated with REMDESIVIR (recommended by many TV set doctors who still DARE to bring it back! ) had about 5 times higher risk of death than those treated with IVERMECTIN or HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE.
However, the situation could get worse, as the crude numbers are surprisingly not adjusted to account for the drop in mortality rate over time, nor age groups differences.
Nevertheless, the crude data indicates that banning the use of Iermat and HCQ while promoting Remdesivir was an act of blatant criminal incompetence that cost thousands of lives.


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