Friday 4 November 2022

 Wells Cathedral Clock

"Let nothing perish."

How close are we to perishing again?

Belfield of course has been silenced by the police in concert with the BBC using the harassment legislation. He is only one of many. The charge of harassment is now being used far beyond what it was intended for (the jilted lover, the creepy snoop) to cover anyone who fixates on public or private figures for whatever purpose, be it good or bad. I'm sure I do not need to tell you. As to your suspicions of Rich Planet and the man behind it, I do not share your view, and believe he is genuine and his opinion pretty close to accurate on the subjects he investigates or airs with others. They all seem pretty sound to me. If you have seen his latest, unsurprisingly he is being targeted now by the BBC with the same charge of harassing victims, a charge I think he effectively rebuts. He has also been blocked by YouTube. He must be aware of the dangers posed by this increasingly anti-libertarian state, wishing to cover up heinous crimes and deceptions, whilst pretending to honesty and transparency. The basic rule is the state will allow individuals free expression as long as nobody listens but watch out should you ever get a regular following as of course Belfield and Hall have done.

From the above Tom Rawstorne article in the Daily Mail:

"Lisa Bridgett was chatting on her mobile while waiting to pick up her daughter from an Ariana Grande concert when a shrapnel-packed bomb exploded. ‘It was a large blast from the left-hand side,’ she recalls. ‘Everything was so quick, but everything was in slow motion.’

The blast at 10.31pm on May 22, 2017, broke her right ankle, severed the middle finger on her left hand and inflicted lacerations to her legs and face. The phone, held to her ear, prevented even more serious injury, diverting a steel bolt packed inside the bomb.

Despite her horrific injuries and multiple operations, Mrs Bridgett knows she is one of the ‘lucky ones’."

Yet again in a claimed terrorist event a remarkable miraculous account of a mobile phone saving a person from much more serious injury. Apart from the unlikelihood of the claim it replicates exactly an incident in the Paris bombings, also highly suspect.

Note how Rawstorne's article sets the scene for less freedom of expression, with the following:

"There is a growing call for a law to prevent people from denying ‘historical events’.

‘We have a law of libel that protects people, and in the same way there should be a law that prevents people on social media from spreading false information that can harm people who have already been seriously harmed,’ the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, said last week.

‘Victims should be prevented from being retraumatised by denying the historical facts of what happened to them. They should have their right to the facts about what happened protected.’

A statement of the obvious. But one that, in the modern world, no longer goes without saying."

Needless to say the issue turns around what are 'historical events'.  Are they descriptions of what really happened or only those accounts put out by the government and approved by them?  We have noted on multiple occasions how the latter cannot be trusted when high politics or military operations are involved. That should act as a warning to us all when even tighter controls are being proposed. Following on from the gaoling of Alex Belfield, I am in no doubt that Richard T Hall is now in the cross hairs of the deep state, using the MSM and particularly the BBC, to prepare the ground. Even the official inquiry threw up enough suspicious issues to raise serious questions over the validity of the official account.  It is notable that Rawstorne does not engage with Hall's factual assertions but just seeks to denigrate his character and misrepresent them, a sure sign of evil powers and intentions.

"Time waits for no man."

All I do is read and write and most days go out on my bike.

I sometimes do the chores both inside the house and out of doors.

Several times a day I feed the cat. She's very choosy what is what;

Only the best chicken does she eat, with biscuit sprinkled to replete.

The Rayburn also must be fed, to keep it burning hot and red,

For which to bunker I must go, to fill the coal hod bending low.

The washing up too must be done, on daily basis or very soon

It fills the sink with grease and grime, that quickly tends to undermine,

A well ordered kitchen, meals on time.

Occasionally I get the vacuum cleaner out and swear at Henry - such a clumsy lout.

Though dumb, he makes an awful noise, sucking up, the dust destroys

My cob webbed mind and cob webbed gloom, as with what angst I sweep the room.

Yet still despite my best designs, I never seem to clear my mind

Of all the bric-a-brac and jumble gathered there, on floors and shelves and on the stairs.

A cornucopia of things to think, to write, to say, recurring themes that come what may,

Persist, to tantalise the head, a constant irritant instead,

Observing this short life is one big pointless chore, you either learn to love, 

Or what is more - it will surely take you down.

A socialist state makes everyone dependant on it. The individual becomes reliant and enfeebled. Personal autonomy is subsumed to the primacy of the state and must bow to its will in everything, even if it means loss of income to tax, loss of job, curfew and restraints of freedom of movement and expression, damaging health or even death and not even just in wars. The individual must concur with the official narrative and instruction or lose job, home and means of survival. The state is supreme, autocratic and infallible, just like the Pope, Stalin or President Xi. It doesn't matter which political party is in power, the same agenda and policies are pursued, the same ruses and deceits employed to achieve them. Whilst creating inflation and poverty on the one hand, it hands out gifts on the other to assuage the anger and prevent the mob from rising. Meanwhile those responsible for the policies, benefit directly and indirectly from the largesse to the private sector from the public chest, which is thinly disguised fraud and financial chicanery. The rich get richer at the expense of the poor as was ever so. The public wealth and resource built up over generations with sweat and taxes, is stolen and transferred to private interests and slush funds. The essential assets of the nation are placed in the hands of foreign entities whose loyalties rest elsewhere. All the pomp and circumstance cannot camouflage the precarious nature of the economy, the illusionary nature of a South Sea Bubble City of London or the fundamental flaw in the political system that perpetuates it all. In 2008 it all came crashing down and might well do again. Assumed wealth can disappear in an instant. It is a nightmare that stalks the corridors of powers and the mighty institutions. The mad reaction to a fabricated Covid threat has bankrupted the nation. Now the twin evils of inflation and interest rates threaten to bankrupt the people. A change of government will do nothing to solve it. There may be no solution other than a corporate will to fundamental change of direction and a characteristic stoicism. But it may help if people became alive to the present predicament and threat and demanded a greater degree of truth and honesty from government and media, perfectly parodied by ex-Health Minister Matt Hancock getting into a jungle he claims to want to get out of, for a fee of £400,000. We actually watch and applaud the architects of our plight, without being aware of the irony.

 @Granny Annie  It cannot be coincidence that Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have followed identical paths, to a large extent aping America, in wars abroad, terrorist events at home, covid panic and lock-downs to name but a few. Of course all of these have justified and facilitated repressive laws that remove historic and fundamental freedoms, almost without a word of dissent from representative bodies. Public reservations and opposition has been supressed and labelled 'right wing extremism and conspiracy theory. Sovereign states thousands of miles apart do not replicate the same phenomena without a 'controlling mind' and central planning. These are not isolated events with arbitrary responses, but coordinated and purposeful, inherently deceitful, but for what purpose and by whom is still in the realms of conjecture. Certainly as in the criminal fraud of 9/11, certain names are obvious suspects. Inevitably they have to be in positions of power and influence, are probably but not necessarily extremely wealthy, but must be part of a network, which by it very nature must be secretive.

To A P-D: The Hampstead case (again!)  It was a can of worms, which if allowed to be opened, threatened the reputation of the state, involving as it did both State controlled education and religion. At an even deeper level I feel sure this was an entrapment and/or espionage operation of individuals in the Hampstead catchment area known to the SS. We all know how the '33rds' were woven into the mix. To keep up appearances there had to be an element of investigation but carried out in such peremptory fashion that it could be closed down within weeks. The children had to be removed from the mother, not that they were then in any danger, but because it was essential to shut them up and to that end they were skilfully guided towards retractions - even if partial. Anything they said that supported their account was discredited or ignored; anything that undermined it readily accepted. All normal protocols for dealing with such a case were abandoned (for example the accused was immediately informed of the allegations, no attempt was made to seize electronic equipment, the children were interviewed without an adult representative present, verbal allegations were intentionally not pursued) and the subsequent Family Court hearings were a travesty of justice. None of this would have been possible without directives from the highest levels of the police and Home Office. The secret government's reaction to the story breaking on the internet confirms this was not a little local difficulty, but a full-scale damage limitation exercise and cover-up. Just as the reaction to the McCann case and the 14 million spent on it proves Government complicity, so the reaction to Hampstead proves something much deeper and darker.

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