Tuesday, 25 May 2021

 Factual challenge to the Jewish narrative of Palestine as an exclusive ancestral land.


Shibli Zaman

"I wrote this after hours and hours of reading and research. At least tagging me when posting it is a small courtesy. Plagiarism is unnecessary and compromises credibility. Thank you."

"I’ve seen a number of Muslims, good Muslims, subtly duped by the falsity that the Jews have an “ancestral right” over Jerusalem. So it is absolutely necessary that I share some important history about Jerusalem and Palestine as a whole.

One of the oldest Zionist apologetic arguments you'll hear is that the Jews were somehow "the original inhabitants" or Palestine and, thereby, Jerusalem. But, historically, the Jews never held Jerusalem for any significant amount of time compared to all the other nations that lived and ruled there.
For roughly 3500 years --Yes, say that figure out loud: THREE THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS-- in what is called the Proto-Canaanite period, Jerusalem belonged to the Canaanites who worshipped many gods and godesses. It wasn't until 2000BC do scholars find a reference that debatably refers to Jerusalem. The word is "Rusalimum" in texts of Egypt's Middle Kingdom. Scholars believe that the name is a consecration to "Shalim" a Canaanite deity of the netherworld from Ugaritic scriptures.
The territory passed from the Canaanites to the Egyptians, ultimately. So here we have Egyptians and Canaanites being the original inhabitants of Jerusalem for 3,500 years before the Jews ever conquered it.
Jerusalem was taken by King David in 1010BC and lost to the Egyptians in 925BC. Jehoash of Israel briefly recaptured it in 786BC but then lost it to the Assyrians in 740BC. That's just 131 years, just about as long as the Crusaders' rule of Jerusalem in the Middle Ages.
The Jewish Hasmoneans re-took it in 140BC under Simon Thassi but then lost it to the Persian Seleucides in 134. That's 6 more years of Jewish rule. Due to a Seleucid civil war, Judeah incidentally became independent in the chaos in 116BC. In 87BC the Jewish Hasmonean king executed 800 Jews for sedition. In 47BC they lost Jerusalem again, this time to the Romans. That's 69 years of rule.
In total, off and on the Jews ruled Jerusalem for MAYBE 206 years.
The Pre-Constantine Romans ruled it for 250 years.
The Christian Byzantines ruled it for 304 years.
The Muslims ruled it under the Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Empires for 332 years.
The Muslim Fatimids ruled it for 129 years.
The Crusaders took it from the Muslims and held it for 88 years.
The Muslim ruler Saladin conquered it in 1187 and his descendents held it for 63 years.
The Muslim Mamluk Empire ruled it for 236 years.
The Ottomans ruled it for 401 years.
That's 206 years of Jewish rule.
392 years of Christian rule.
And over EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS of Muslim rule.
And before any of them, the Canaanites and the Egyptians lived and ruled there for 3,500 years.
Longer than anyone.
So since the common Israeli argument that the Jews "deserve" Palestine because they are the “original" inhabitants has been proven a bold faced lie, based on this argument should we give Palestine away in this order?
Canaanites? Oops. The Bible says God ordered them exterminated to extinction in a genocide that included many other unfortunate nations:
"Completely destroy them--the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites--as the LORD your God has commanded you." [Deuteronomy 20:17]
But, all was not lost. Some Canaanites apparently survived the Israelite genocide. Where are they?
"We show that present-day Lebanese derive most of their ancestry from a Canaanite-related population, which therefore implies substantial genetic continuity in the Levant since at least the
So the Lebanese are the people who scientifically and genetically are proven to be the original dwellers of not only Jerusalem but all of Palestine (so-called "Israel"). The argument should pretty much completely end there." END OF ARTICLE
Actual history tells us that Jews ruled Palestine for barely over 2 centuries. The Christians ruled it for nearly 4 centuries, double that time. the Muslims ruled it for over 8 centuries, more than doubling the time the Christians ruled and QUADRUPLING the time that the Jews ruled. And as the Palestinian people are a religious confederation of Christians and Muslims, both consistently at peace with each other, that puts their birthright to it at 1200 combined years. Nearly a thousand years longer than Jews ever reigned over Jerusalem.
And like it always has been throughout Islamic history, the Jews are welcome to stay there, but as co-inhabitants with their Christian and Muslim neighbors. No barbwired walls, no soldiers shooting little kids, no stealing people’s homes like bandits, no apartheid separating Palestinians from Jews."

Sunday, 23 May 2021

 51:18 - Where Is the Pandemic?

(apart from in the hysterical, irrational and coercive Government reaction that is)

From:  https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-21st-may-2021?fbclid=IwAR1kVPDyQaQ1-h70xfpDX0GeemQXy5B04G9Hf4yiY6EWYiQXQpzSyEleEPY


ONS FoI Response: - https://bit.ly/2QHNbim

ONS Mortality Data: - https://bit.ly/3v8KLYN

Nick Milner's FoI: - https://bit.ly/3bJP8lu

In short, local government burial and cremation statistics, show NO fatal epidemic to justify the Government's 'lock-down' or other neurotic behavioural manipulation, such as use of masks, disinfecting hands and surfaces, or 'social distancing', none of which have been proved to have any effect on the number of people affected by adverse flu-like symptoms! 

Explanations required!

"Well said angel harte
If the "tin foil hatters" are so nuts, how about the rule followers give some answers for once.
Explain how the flu disappeared but has been replaced with something which has the EXACT same symptoms.
Explain how the only proof that Covid exists is a computer modelled genome with zero physical proof.
Explain how you prove something into existence without going through an isolation or purification process.
Explain why no government agency has any quantifiable proof that "it" even exists.
Explain why they downgraded "Covid 19" to a non consequential infectious disease days before they declared a pandemic.
Explain how they pulled the coronavirus Act 2020 legislation out of their bottoms in a matter of days, despite the act being several hundred pages long.
Explain why they have to use bullshit criteria like "deaths for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test".
Explain why they banned autopsies.
Explain why they changed the law to allow any practitioner to diagnose covid through observation alone, even if it is done through video consultation.
Explain why undertakers have seen no difference in custom.
Explain how all cause mortality is at an all time low.
Explain how millions of protesters across the globe aren't getting sick with "Covid."
Explain how this is the only crisis that needs an advertising campaign paired with a constant barrage of repetitive brainwashing propoganda on the TV and in the streets.
Explain how tens of thousands of people stood on the streets of London last Saturday but it wasn't once shown on ANY TV channel.
Explain how thousands were yelling "shame on you" outside the BBC HQ in both London, Manchester and Cardiff but it wasn't shown on the TV?
Explain how the people who are wearing the masks and following the rules are the only ones who are catching "COVID".
Explain how the creator of the PCR amplification tool is on record for stating that the PCR was not designed as a test for infectious diseases.
Explain why they are using the PCR to diagnose an infectius disease.
Explain why it's been changed from Covid deaths, to covid infections to covid "cases" .
Explain how the "anti- vaxxers" are being blamed for the rise in "cases" when the only people who could possibly be contributing to the statistics are the people who are getting the "test" in the first place.
Explain why the hospitals were empty during the height of the "pandemic."
Explain why 1000s of nurses are getting fired for saying that their hospitals were empty.
Explain why the hospitals are now filling up with vaccine adverse reactions but the MSM aren't reporting it.
Explain why kids need to be vaccinated when, by your own definitions, covid isn't dangerous to children.
Explain, if all the vulnerable people have already been vaccinated, why do all the healthy people need to get vaccinated if you're already protected and the recovery rate was already 99.96% without the vaccine.
Explain why the average age of death with "Covid" is higher than the average age of death without.
Explain how you can get banned from Facebook and Twitter for sharing official government links.
Explain why there are several class actions in progress, taking governments across the globe to court for crimes against humanity, but there is zero MSM coverage.
Explain why most government leaders are reading from the same script.
Explain how all the things that you were laughing at us for talking about last year are now becoming a reality this year.
Explain why we have all the answers but you have nothing."

Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board's annual 2019 report and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005-which 194/or 196 countries signed off on-which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors.

Please share this video widely. People in office have failed their oaths to protect the people, and We the People need to wake up and do something definitive about it. Every government has been complicit in the destruction of their own country's economy, the vast suffering of their people brought on by these massive shutdowns and house-arrest assaults-on-the-psyche as people lost jobs, livelihood, purpose in life, social life, and were held back from any normalcy in going outdoors, even to sanctuaries in Nature but forced to wear masks in public instead and submit to police tyranny. Meanwhile, small and large businesses have crashed, families have been prevented from seeing their elderly relatives in hospice, many have died alone. Hospitals are cooking up numbers for COVID deaths, MSM plays out strings of new cases and new deaths.

A World at Risk, 2019, Annual Report GPMB

International Health Regulations (2005)

Are you getting the message yet coming from these global elites? Fear is the international currency of tyrannical control by government!

So the chances of dying from the so-called virus is twice as high if you have been 'vaccinated'? Right. Let that sink in.

Sorry the image will not upload now.  See 'Cat Flap' for the Department of Health table.

Of 19,573 unvaccinated cases the death rate was 0.117%
For 9,344 vaccinated cases the death rate was 0.203%

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

 Running Orders

They call us now,
before they drop the bombs.
The phone rings
and someone who knows my first name
calls and says in perfect Arabic
“This is David.”
And in my stupor of sonic booms and glass-shattering symphonies
still smashing around in my head
I think, Do I know any Davids in Gaza?
They call us now to say
You have 58 seconds from the end of this message.
Your house is next.
They think of it as some kind of
war-time courtesy.
It doesn’t matter that
there is nowhere to run to.
It means nothing that the borders are closed
and your papers are worthless
and mark you only for a life sentence
in this prison by the sea
and the alleyways are narrow
and there are more human lives
packed one against the other
more than any other place on earth
Just run.
We aren’t trying to kill you.
It doesn’t matter that
you can’t call us back to tell us
the people we claim to want aren’t in your house
that there’s no one here
except you and your children
who were cheering for Argentina
sharing the last loaf of bread for this week
counting candles left in case the power goes out.
It doesn’t matter that you have children.
You live in the wrong place
and now is your chance to run
to nowhere.
It doesn’t matter
that 58 seconds isn’t long enough
to find your wedding album
or your son’s favorite blanket
or your daughter’s almost completed college application
or your shoes
or to gather everyone in the house.
It doesn’t matter what you had planned.
It doesn’t matter who you are.
Prove you’re human.
Prove you stand on two legs.