Saturday 9 May 2020

Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PhD EXPOSES Anthony Fauci,Dr Birx & ...


  1. What is essential travel? Who determines what it is? My view is that prior to this corona farce, a great deal of travel was unnecessary. The roads are packed with cars going nowhere in particular, but that is the society that has been developed and encouraged with all of its pollution downside. There is no doubt this infection twaddle has certainly made people reconsider their life-style choices in a big way. Will we ever be the same again? Will people ever stand close again? Never before has an infection been so manipulated to influence attitudes. It is an exercise in mass mind control and that is the scary aspect to it. It seems to me that IS the agenda here: Extinction Rebellion by another route. It has definitely perverted the role of the police and done great damage to its reputation, no longer fighting crime and criminals but enforcing quite stupid rules of 'isolation', 'distancing' and domestic incarceration. A whole nation has been locked-down for what? Just to prove people will accept it without protest? Quite incredible. Meanwhile the effects of the policy are themselves deadly to say nothing of the fact that it has bankrupted the country. Can you imagine the financial consequences for everyone, once, if ever, the supposed threat disappears?

  2. I'm all for a bit of fun Dom, and in that sense this knob event is probably just that but we are in very strange media times and the BBC is central to that, continually pushing government the government agenda, never challenging it. As we have seen MSM across the western world reads from an identical script. The BBC in the case of Syria has been proved to convey falsified information. I'm sure after a diet of doom and gloom, the BBC always ends on a light hearted story. This falls into that category. It falls into the category of "we are all about to die, but hell we can still have fun and eat knobs to our heart's content as long as we do it on video." The whole country has been mesmerised not by a real threat but by the propaganda surrounding it making seventy million people afraid of one another. Meanwhile the BBC fails completely to address the topic of unhealthy eating that kills far more than this virus and threatens to bankrupt the NHS from diabetes alone. Eating as many 'knobs' as possible, and I'm sure there is no need for me to explore the subliminal messaging here, may be just fun, but it also does nothing to address the very real issue of obesity, in fact might be seen as encouraging it whilst distracting from the sinister agenda we are witnessing. Who would ever guess the British people would accept police violently arresting people for merely innocently talking to one another? We have certainly entered a new and very dangerous era when a whole population can be forced to remain in their homes and not go out on pain of fine or imprisonment.

  3. People are blissfully unaware of how they have been brainwashed to view the world and its threats in a particular way. There is no rational basis for the way in which we are told to respond to one issue, whilst ignoring another. How is it for example, 5G could be rolled out nationally with absolutely no assessment of its possible/likely damage to health and nature? Is it coincidence that the two are running parallel? Spot on Susan. We could draw similar parallels with TB, AIDS, gastrointestinal and other diseases that apparently no one gives a damn about.

  4. Of course Tim, and it's good to hear the opinions of others.
    I just try to keep my general outlook and FB posts positive and/or interesting for others to see and read.
    I get infomation from several news sources and will always see the Beeb as a good middle-ground deliverer, I do get drawn into discussions on certain subjects but you know my thoughts on conspiracies and brainwashing, it just doesn't interest me sorry

    No problem Dom. Ideas are free. I have never had a problem with people expressing a different opinion to me. Everyone has the right to accept or reject whatever idea is floated. This principle of 'freedom of speech' that in theory we all extol, is definitely being attacked which should alarm us, as is the right to gather peacefully to protest unjust laws or actions. We have become so accustomed to having these freedoms from harassment and arrest for just doing ordinary things, let alone challenging ones, that we have become blasé about them. This Corona fraud, for fraud is what it is, has proved basic rights and freedoms can be removed by edict of the Executive and no one bats an eyelid. What if the restrictions become a permanent feature on the pretext some bug or other might re emerge? What if more and more protesters or even just people trying to exercise their right to move and work freely are arrested and imprisoned for doing so? What if people are Sectioned under Mental Health Acts (you might have noticed the required doctors has been reduced to one) for taking a different view? What happens when the national debt and inflation plus three million unemployed becomes unsupportable, causing civil unrest. All these things are in the pipeline and have been created by an insane, irrational reaction to a bug that was intentionally put out there. I'm glad you don't agree with me. It might adversely affect your admirable positive approach to life if you did. lol


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