Depressing December
A profound silence descends upon us
Because it is December.
The bare branches all turn fawn,
Shorn of their dying leaves;
The muslin sky betrays a faded light,
The morning air hangs heavy -
The remnant of a frost-filled night.
No morning movement is discerned.
At the dog-end of the calendar,
Or summit of the year;
Yet also at its gutter point,
Suffuced with doubt and fear,
No bird, no song, no cheer,
Just morbid silent atmosphere.
So to compensate we make a noise
And substitute with fun and toys;
Make up the lack of warming sun,
With brandy tots and blazing fires
And fill the absence with our greed,
Our best and worst desires.
Pretending all is well, sending
Goodwill to every man and woman too,
Whilst at the same time
Bombing all to hell and back!
A thousand infants in their numbered sacks
Point tiny fingers at us from their graves,
In high-pitched voices pose the question,
“Why, why were we not good enough to save?”
Even sans a foot, a hand, a leg,
Without even arms to beg,
Not yet aware the cruel irony
That awaits the innocent
At end of year and distributed fates.
So very apt this dark and dismal
December-tide, so lacking hope
It cannot be denied.
The brutal works of man
Are there for all to see in Gaza;
Pity and compassion are all amiss,
Hang limply from the Christmas tree
And hollow is the rotten stump
Of our claimed, much vaunted, humanity.
Buried the remnants of a Christian past,
In acrid smoke of lies of 'self defense',
We miserably fail the acid test
And all the angels wail amidst the dust.
Our so called values evaporating like mist,
Dispelled by swish of devil's tail.
Old shuffling Andrew Porter used to say,
We shouldn't celebrate but rather pray
And seek forgiveness for our sins.
As children we thought him silly, strange,
But now much older I agree and vote with him.
Sack cloth, ashes and hair shirt
Are more December di rigueur than paper hats.
Funereal garb should be the 'Order of the Day'.
"The Prince of the Power of the Air?"
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