Lawyers expose alleged COVID-19 fraud and vaccine danger
Dr Reiner Fuellmich, head of the Corona Investigation Committee.
A long-awaited peer-reviewed report by the Berlin-based Corona Investigation Committee has just been released alleging what many have feared, that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, the virus man-made, with the aim to funnel people towards taking an experimental and potentially deadly vaccine.
German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published a video on 15 September on behalf of the group of lawyers and medical experts on the Corona Investigation Committee, set up in July 2020, that has spent over a year investigating the origins of the pandemic, the restrictions put in place, and the vaccine rollout.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer licensed to practice in Germany and California with 27 years of practice who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank on behalf of the public. His worldwide network of lawyers under the Corona Investigation Committee has listened to hundreds of experts from every field of science. They have collected what they claim is undeniable evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic is in fact a planned criminal operation. According to Dr Fuellmich, a second Nuremberg trial may be needed, to prosecute all who are complicit in this unprecedented crime against humanity.
The summary of the committee’s findings may be shocking to the majority of people around the world who follow the government and media narrative on the pandemic. Not surprisingly, given Dr Fuellmich’s high profile and the work he is doing, efforts have been made to discredit him and claim he is a conspiracy theorist, as has happened with many other professionals attempting to expose the alleged fraud.
Dr Fuellmich’s team is working to prepare injunctions and court cases to charge people in government and the health authority in Germany and around the world with fraud and crimes against humanity.
His team is not alone. Thousands of health professionals, lawyers, researchers and journalists in a range of countries have been investigating the controversy and suspicions surrounding the pandemic and are working to prepare lawsuits to take government and health authority leaders to court and to halt the vaccine rollout.
These moves have a sense of urgency as the USA and governments around the world build up pressure on people to accept the vaccines.
The Corona Investigation Committee’s finding are both ground-breaking and shocking, particularly for those who believe the “official COVID-19 narrative” – the story governments promote that the virus occurred naturally and that the authorities have been working hard to rein in the pandemic and protect their people.
Months of investigations, research and interviews by the Attorney Fuellmich’s committee put forward the allegation that the “official COVID-19 narrative” is a lie and the people have been criminally misled to the point where they are eagerly lining up for an experimental vaccine that has a high probability of injuring or killing the recipient.
In his 40-minute video released on 15 September to announce the findings, Dr Fuellmich walks through the results of the Corona Investigation Committee’s work.
As he notes, this narrative has never been about health.
A number of core allegations stand out that are arguably startling in their implications concerning how governments have handled COVID-19 and the restrictions and mandates they are putting in place.
As Dr Fuellmich explains in reading out the findings of the committee’s report, “governments and mainstream media have deliberately spread panic. There are several leaked documents from interior ministries in many countries that prove this targeted fear-mongering.”
This has been planned and “war-gamed” over more than a decade as seen in a number of reports and the pandemic simulation exercise of Event 201 held in New York, USA, in October 2019, just prior to the emergence of a novel virus in Wuhan, China. As the report notes, COVID-19 is man-made and may have accidently or deliberately released in China to spark the crisis.
Over the last year and a half, governments have been “continuously blasting out the danger” in a propaganda push, using the PCR Test as the monitor of the SARS-CoV-2 virus “cases” around the world.
But, as over 20 scientists have revealed to the committee, the PCR Test invented in haste in January 2020 by German virologist Professor Doctor Christian Drosten has no ability to detect an infection, and produces a high percentage of “false positives”. This claim that the test is “not fit for purpose” in looking for viruses is also backed up by the late Dr Kary Mullis, who helped invent it.
Governments and health authorities around the world have been using a test that does not test whether a person has COVID-19 or not. As the committee’s report explains - reiterating the warnings of Dr Mullis - if the test is run at too high a cycle threshold, over 90 percent of the results will provide false positives.
“Anything will test positive at a high cycle threshold,” warns Dr Mullis in a video discussing the issue, prior to his death.
What this means is that anything over the 24-cycle threshold it likely to provide a false positive, according to the committee’s report. Yet the PCT Test has been typically run at as high as 40 or 45 cycles, ensuring a high percentage of false positives.
Even the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted the failings of the PCR Test, calling in January 2021 for health authorities to reduce the cycle threshold being used – up to then 40-45 cycles. In August, the CDC announced the use of the PCR Test would end in December 2021.
Yet most health authorities around the world continue to use the test at a high threshold, typically testing seemingly healthy people with no symptoms.
As Dr Fuellmich explains, the failure of the PCR Test to identify SARS-CoV-2 means the COVID-19 pandemic numbers – both COVID-19 “cases” and deaths – are a sham. This is not to suggest there is no virus or pathogen infecting and killing people, particularly a problem for those who do not get early treatment. But what it does suggest is the case and death numbers are heavily inflated.
Although the official register of COVID-19 deaths worldwide is now at over 4 million, this may be a grossly inflated figure, according to the report.
A court of appeal in Portugal and an administrative court in Austria have both ruled that the PCR Test is not approved for diagnostic purposes. At the same time, governments around the world have failed to prove the actual existence of SARS-CoV-2 when challenged in Freedom of Information requests.
The failure of the PCR Test indicates that the majority of people labelled COVID-19 may have died from other conditions and diseases – a substantial proportion of whom may have been misdiagnosed and wrongly treated – a scandal in itself.
Muddying the water, many health authorities label COVID-19 deaths as a death “with COVID-19” rather than a death “from COVID-19”. In addition, in several countries including the USA and UK, health professionals and hospitals are financially incentivized to label a patient with COVID-19, and an atmosphere of fear pervades many hospitals preventing doctors and nurses speaking out both about the treatment of COVID-19 patients and the rising number of patients with vaccine adverse events reactions.
In simple terms, while there is a health threat that needs to be taken seriously, the real numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths could be far smaller than the official figures indicating that according to a correct interpretation of the term, there is no pandemic.
The “second lie”, as Dr Fuellmich explains, is that asymptomatic carriers can spread the COVID-19 virus. As scientists have testified, this is a myth but one that appears to have been used by governments to ratchet up the fear surrounding the virus. The reality is that only those with symptoms can potentially spread the virus.
Health authorities around the world have been baulking normal health practice, where the focus is on people with symptoms of a disease or condition, and mass testing healthy individuals with no symptoms – efforts that have often led to healthy people being quarantined for a virus they do not have, all due to a false positive from the PCR Test.
As the committee notes, the lie that asymptomatic carriers spread COVID-19 is part of a drive to increase the fear and divide society in handling this health threat, leading people towards what is being presented as the only protection – a vaccine.
As the committee found out in its investigations into how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, in the early weeks of 2020, governments and health authorities provided mixed and confusing messages about the new virus, its likely origins, the potential danger posed, and how to deal with it. Initially the mortality rate appeared to be close to the flu or less.
Despite a rather chaotic response from US President Donald Trump’s administration and its medical health guide Dr Anthony Fauci, the world began to focus on how the USA and the World Health Organization were responding to the health threat, particularly to the elderly, deemed at particular risk.
What happened next in the USA is what Dr Fuellmich describes as “massive medical malpractice.” Elderly sick patients including those with flu were transferred from hospitals to care homes in New York, leading to panic as the number of patients dying in these homes rose dramatically. What appeared to be happening was the sick infected other residents in the care homes, and the wrong health protocols were being used on patients including intubation, instead of normal oxygen masks, far too high doses of Hydroxychloroquine, or they were treated with a dangerous medicine such as Remdesivir, the latter often leading to kidney failure and death. Many died with other diseases and conditions. During that period, as many as 95 percent of patients in New York registered as COVID-19 patients under the PCR Test died from completely different diseases, according to the investigation.
As the same time, in the Spring of 2020, doctors in the USA were told to only use the drug Remdesivir – a drug not approved by the FDA - on COVID-19 patients and were threatened with dismissal if they treated patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, both approved and long-tested drugs with a good safety record, repurposed to tackle COVID-19. This threat to doctors still holds today, though doctors in small practices are having a high level of success in treating patients and preventing death using these “alternative” drugs – despite the misinformation propagated by the media.
As the committee notes, the fear-mongering and restrictions were ramped up with the aim to funnel people towards a vaccine with the stress being on an “emergency”. Typically, vaccines take 8-10 years to develop, yet four main manufacturers were able to develop so-called “vaccines” within months that could only be rolled out under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) – only possible is there are no other tried and tested treatment options. With alternative treatment options suppressed – and a media actively vilifying and making fun of the alternatives – the propaganda picked up pace for a situation where “every man and woman on the planet is vaccinated,” as Bill Gates put it.
As Dr Fuellmich notes, the vaccines are not backed by any medical or scientific study, and are not in fact vaccines but gene therapies, as the manufacturers admit. The vaccines are “completely ineffective” as seen in the example of the crisis in Israel, where it was recently registered that 86 percent of the COVID-19 patients in hospitals are double-vaccinated. They do no prevent a person catching or passing on the virus.
Shockingly, the FDA knew in October 2020 of the two dozen possible adverse effects including death from the vaccines but chose when the vaccine programme was launched in December to keep this secret.
The vaccines are “highly dangerous” and according to the committee’s investigations 500,000 people may have died from adverse effects over the last eight months, which, they say, is a conservative estimate. In addition, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have had other adverse reactions to the shots, including teenagers. Of particular concern to doctors are the cases in children of Myocarditis and Multisystem inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), the latter a new disease. Experts expect serious problems for the vaccinated in the fall and winter should recipients come in
contact with wild viruses such as colds and the flu. The drive for vaccine boosters could cause more damage to recipients’ immune systems.
The numbers of cases of people suffering from adverse events from the vaccines continue to rise. In the USA, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) showed 14,000 deaths as of August, but appears to have been blocked as of 2 September, according to media reports. As a MIT study in 2010 indicated, the VAERS system typically shows less than one percent of adverse events. Few members of the public or doctors fill out a report, in part due to its complexity and because doctors have busy schedules and may not want to admit to an adverse event happening to their patient, according to health professionals.
Health professionals, lawyers, researchers, journalists and many other members of the public have been waiting to hear the outcome of Dr Fuellmich’s Corona Investigation Committee report and are looking to the court cases that could follow. But there is little doubt that news of the committee’s findings will be censored and suppressed, given the government and media-led drive to promote propaganda supporting the vaccines – subjecting the world’s population to the biggest and most dangerous medical experiment in history.
The COVID-19 pandemic and how it has been handled has polarized society around the world, often ending up pitting family and friends against each. The publication of the findings comes late, over twenty months after COVID-19 first reared its head, and over eight months since the vaccine rollout commenced, with well over 2 billion people subject to the vaccine programme.
The Corona Investigation Committee’s process and findings seek to reveal the alleged COVID-19 fraud and provide a pathway towards bringing those responsible to justice, call a halt to the unnecessary and dangerous vaccine programme, and prompt a more level-headed approach to dealing with this health threat – an approach that does not destroy society and its people in the process.
Rich Planet on the 'Scamdemic'
Continuing our reports into the global covid scam, characterised as a despicable attack on the human race. The 'vaccination' programme has now been in place for almost a year and we are starting to get a picture of the immense damage and death it is causing. Examination of the contents of the injections by numerous independent scientific groups has revealed that graphene oxide is inside many of the 'vaccines'. What could this mean? Also, a fundamental change to the monetary system is now being championed, the consequences of which if implemented the way they want, will mark the end of human freedom. Wake up and get active. We are in a very important time period for mankind and must recognise the assault on our freedom and take action to oppose all the changes being proposed by unelected global forces.
The tax payer has run up a bill of literally hundreds of billions at the behest of the government on the pretext of a deadly disease, based on exaggerated projections, fraudulent figures and the misrepresented interpretation of them. Dying people were classified as dying from covid when it was actually other chronic and acute conditions. Positive PCR tests have been confused with illness and given a completely unreliable picture that has none the less fuelled the hysteria. The twin peaks that did occur in the death rate, significantly followed the first lock-down and the first roll-out of the 'vaccine' programme. Deaths in these two peaks were largely confined to the very old or the very ill, both in an institutional setting. The lessons from this are clear. Since then the back-log in diagnosis and treatment has caused some increase in deaths, as has the side-effects of the vaccine itself, particularly in relation to coronary and circulation problems. These were foreseen and predicted by experts in the field. The vaccines themselves have proved to have little or no protective effect either to the subject or others. Indeed there is evidence that more people end up in hospital post-jab than those who have refused it. Natural resistance has been found to be widespread but has been ludicrously denigrated. Again figures have been manipulated by only recognising the 'vaccinated' after fourteen days, whilst a positive PCR test within 28 days of death was sufficient to classify the death accordingly. As to the financial fraud, it is admitted by government that AT LEAST five billion pounds went to firms and individuals who made fraudulent claims. But this figure is completely dwarfed by the 37+ billion completely wasted on 'track and trace' and all the other pointless alterations and disruptions. In practice the whole farrago of lies facilitated a huge transfer of money from government coffers to private companies and individuals, principally but not exclusively the pharmaceutical firms which miraculously produced the experimental vaccines, that have not only proved ineffective but actually harmful to health, without liability. Share prices have sky-rocketed and individuals have become millionaires on the back of it. Meanwhile the tax payer and average worker have been lumbered with the bill for decades to come. In other words a huge transfer of capital from effectively the poor to the rich. And all this without reference to the huge amount of social and emotional pain resulting from isolation, even in death. If this does not constitute an unprecedented fraud and scam on the British people, I don't know what is.
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