Sunday 23 October 2022

Johnson Backs Out - "For Unity"

(We don't as yet know who Unity is)

CNN think Rishi Sunak is a shoe-in for the job of British PM. If that isn't worrying enough, so do a lot of other people. But not necessarily the voting members of the Conservative Party. Even at this late stage they may bulk at the first Prime Minister with a distinctly foreign pedigree and the one credited with getting rid of Boris. 

More important if they are canny enough, they may get wise to what may well be yet another financial scandal waiting in the wings, if the information below is even remotely reliable. Rishi's hand appear to be clean but I am not sure the same can be said of his wife. Akshata, for that is she, seems to have been involved in some very murky business dealings, owing large sums both to creditors and the Inland Revenue. 

Her tax avoidance is now well known, but the more important point is did her husband know it? If he did, why didn't he declare it? The likely deceit put's Johnsons brush with the truth rather in perspective doesn't it? To be a Chancellor of the Exchequer avoiding tax is hardly the best CV for the job of Prime Minister surely?  If he does get the job, he is likely to be open to ridicule from the word go, something the Conservative Party must surely wish to avoid after the last debacle. In addition there is the thorny problem of possible conflict of interest, insofar as whilst he was in control of the British Treasury, his wife appears to have directly benefitted from the financial decisions he made.

Mr and Mrs Sunak make Johnson look like a pauper. 

"While studying at Stanford, he met his future wife Akshata Murty, the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murthy, the Indian billionaire businessman who founded Infosys. Sunak and Murty are the 222nd richest people in Britain, with a combined fortune of £730m as of 2022.[4]" (WIKI) 


As to his wife's financial dealings, the following comes from the 'Parallax View'

In Friday’s Times, there was a quote of the French philosopher Jean Rostand (from 1962) that struck home. “Science had better not free the minds of men too much, before it has tamed their instincts.” It was presumably written about the time of the mighty clash of ideologies over Cuba and a year before JFK was shot, about which the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was invented. This bowdlerising obloquy shares much in common with ‘anti-Semitic’ to which you refer. Both act as shields behind which Rostand’s quasi-sexual instincts of violent domination and subjugation are allowed to exist. Another of his famous sayings was, “”Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a God”, which appears particularly pertinent at the present time. Interestingly, in the light of your piece, it is claimed he was the main inspiration for Robert Ettinger’s pursuit of cryogenics and eternal life. Ettinger of course, was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants.

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