Saturday 8 October 2022

Amish building move!

What the World needs more of...

An Amish lesson for us all! Cooperation not conflict.

If the populous countries follow the same course as the developed ones the earth is in for even bigger trouble. Oh the fatuous nature of much of the 'global warming' debate.

1 comment:

  1. To Russel Brand: What do people 'want'? What do they 'need'? The two are not the same. 'Wants' are created by the organisations offering to supply them., the motivation ultimately wealth, and a lifestyle wealth can provide. Of course, that in large part is an illusion and not what we NEED. Those that supply the wants, both create and encourage them. How else would they survive? It is the basis of all advertising and propaganda. Human wants and their fulfilment are the cause of pollution and environmental degradation. 'Progress', 'growth', 'standard of living', all involve supplying more wants. The problems associated with these set of circumstances, increases exponentially, as all nations seek the same goals. That is the nature of the problem. Only if humans change their philosophical view of the planet, and their part in it - in brief moderate their 'wants' - will the future be assured.


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