Wednesday 5 October 2022

 How 'Jewishness' and 'Anti-semitism' have been misapplied.

Genetic studies prove that Israeli Jews are predominantly not 'Semites' and that resident Palestinians largely are.  Ergo it is the Israeli Jews that have proved themselves to be 'anti-semitic', not vice versa.

Riaz CarimCelebrities For Palestine(CFP)

Riaz Carim  
Thought the group would like this
May be an image of map, sky and text
Yunus Elias is with Charlie Berberian and 
4 others
Dr. Areilla Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, conducted the first comprehensive DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians in 2001. He concluded that the emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became Israel were of Mongolian 40% and Turkish 40% genome. There was no Semitic blood connecting them to the original Middle Eastern Hebrews of 4,000 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory.
This was confirmed by another DNA project from Dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine at the John Hopkins University of School of Medicine, in 2012. His conclusions were the same!
The so-called Jews of Ashkenanzi never emigrated from the Middle East.
At the same time, extensive DNA evidence showed that the Palestinians had 80% more or less Semitic blood in their ancestors, who were therefore determined to be the real Semites.
The white Jews whose ancestors boarded ships to Palestine in 1882 before it was called Israel are not Israelites.
These white Eastern European descendants of German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, Georgian, etc., are not original Hebrews but converts from Turkey, Russia, Europe who claim to be chosen by God, but are descendants of the ancient Khazars of the Khazarian Caucus (Scythians), they denied this scientific evidence because they have made up myths of their own history, which many people in the West believed for a whole century, i.e. the Schofield Bible.
Because the real history of the newly founded "Israel in 1947" is no longer a secret today.
Since Palestinians have been found to be more or at least 80% Semitic, many politicians and supporters of Israel are on the wrong side of history.
This information was confirmed by Shlomo Sand, a history teacher at Tel Aviv University, who wrote a book about it.

The following polemic posted by Amr Zaid and


  1. See also:

  2. Monday, 27 January 2020
    Holocaust Revisited

    This book, a linguist's reassessment of early European Jewish history, will be of interest to anyone who has ever wondered how the Jewish people, lacking their own territorial base and living as a minority among often hostile non-Jewish peoples over the four corners of the globe, succeeded in preserving a separate identity for close to two thousand years. The book makes a number of innovative and controversial claims about the relationship of the contemporary Jews to the Old Palestinian Jews.

  4. The above:
    "The Ashkenazic Jews: A Slavo-Turkic People In Search Of A Jewish Identity"
    Paul Wexler

  5. The Non-Semitic Origins of Contemporary Jews

  6. Claude Baesens
    In his book ‘The Invention of the Jewish people’, Israeli history Professor Shlomo Sand indeed explains exactly that (not by genetics): there was no exodus of Jews after Masada, they stayed in Palestine but later converted to Christianisme then Islam, basically for practical reasons. Sand also explains that there was a lot of Jewish proselytism and this is how Judaism appeared in North Africa and in Europe. So the Jews who in the 20th century came to populate Israel have no racial connections with those living there in the 1st century.
    Tim Veater
    Claude Baesens "Anti-Semitism" has been used as a universal and powerful barrier to any rational criticism of either the Jewish religion or perhaps more importantly the creation, rationale and actions of the State of Israel. The holocaust has been used inaccurately as its moral justification. The majority Israeli Jewish population is not Semitic, whereas the Palestinian population predominantly is. There is a certain satisfaction in the solecistic and paradoxical realisation that all this time, the perpetrators of anti-Semitism were in fact the Israeli nationals, and its victims, the much abused Palestinians. Of course I have made this point many times in the past and hope that its truth will eventually negate its pernicious influence on free speech.


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