Ending free speech in the West.
No-one allowed to speak? No-one allowed to listen?
In the USA:
Draconian US Intelligence Authorization Act (1)
Anti-Semitism Awareness Act criminalises criticism of Israel (2)
In the UK:
In the UK:
Jewish leaders call for Europe-wide legislation outlawing antisemitism (3)
'Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper (4)
Justice and Security Act, 2013 and Court Secrecy (5)
In France:
State of Emergency, disproportionately targeting Muslims, introduced on 13 November 2015, immediately following a series of terrorist attacks in Paris. After four extensions, it is due to expire in April or May 2017. (6)
This doesn't come from nowhere! Ideas first get 'floated' - to 'test the water' - by leading 'mouth-piece' politicians, who even if chucked out by the electorate, are generously rewarded by institutional bodies whose task they have performed. The above measures have clearly all been in the 'pipeline' for some time.
Take this excerpt of David Cameron's 25.9.2014 speech at the United Nations, for example:
"We know this world view. The peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged. The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy. The concept of an inevitable clash of civilisations.
Take this excerpt of David Cameron's 25.9.2014 speech at the United Nations, for example:
"We know this world view. The peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged. The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy. The concept of an inevitable clash of civilisations.
We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism.
For governments, there are some obvious ways we can do this. We must ban preachers of hate from coming to our countries. We must proscribe organisations that incite terrorism against people at home and abroad. We must work together to take down illegal online material like the recent videos of ISIL murdering hostages. And we must stop the so called non-violent extremists from inciting hatred and intolerance in our schools, our universities and yes, even our prisons." (7)
The USA clearly is, and has been for many years, in hock to fundamentally anti-democratic forces within the state, prepared to carry out acts of sabotage, or anything else, if it believes it will further its agenda. Outrageously we saw it on 9/11 and yet still the American people have failed to demand a proper investigation, let alone any semblance of culpability for those that master-minded it.
It was predicated on, and provided justification for, an unprecedented tide of anti-Muslim propaganda that still continues, whilst engineering the supposed threat itself - thus compounding the devilish deceit.
The formula has been repeated in the form of "terrorist events" over the intervening decade and a half, invariably blamed on the wrong people and organisations, in moves that would make David Blaine blush.
Now we have this proven lie regarding Russian interference in the election and 'Pizzagate' revelations, that even President-elect-Trump has ridiculed, to justify a measure at odds with the very foundational principles of the American Constitution, to which apparently the people's representatives give scant regard.
Are they so easily duped or is the explanation far darker? Have they become so petrified of the truth and the ability of the citizen to express their opinions, that they are prepared to be traitors to their own constitution and their vow to uphold it?
The following are recent posts on the Facebook web site that may become subject to these repressive measures in time.
Carol Garnier Dutra
MY COMMENT: You may be interested in this. HR 6393 in the U.S. Congress appears to me to be the 'beginning of the end of 'shared' news on FB' or on any other Internet site. Without any other reliable source of news, (6 groups of people in the U.S. control all 'mainstream media' including TV), we the people will be unable to protest what the government is doing to us. Even reporting information on the Internet on the 'Dakota Pipeline', under the provisions of HR 6393, could be construed, by our government, to be 'Media manipulation' and a 'Terrorists act' ' and illegal. All web sites reporting news on the 'Dakota Pipeline' would then be legally shut down by our government. This is truly what George Orwell warned us all about in his novel '1984'. If HR 6393 passes the Senate and becomes 'law', all peoples in the United States will lose their 'voice' on the Internet when they want to protest anything our government wants to do to us that is against the governments or big corporations interest. Please, for your own sake, read both the article from 'Zero Hedge', and please read HR 6393 that I have included inside this post. Please SHARE this post so more people become aware of what is going on, right now, to 'censor' the Internet.
..."House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting "Russian Propaganda" Websites
by Tyler Durden
Dec 3, 2016 11:55 AM "...
MY COMMENT: Tyler Durden is a pseudonym for a group of writers, who produce the Internet web site called Zero Hedge. Colin Lokey, who was one of the main writers, has left this group. The avatar (logo) that this group uses is of Brad Pitt in the movie 'The Fight Club'.
..." On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against "Russian propaganda fake news", with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017", sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on "offenders."
A quick skim of the bill reveals "Title V—Matters relating to foreign countries", whose Section 501 calls for the government to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.”
The section lists the following definitions of media manipulation:
..."House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting "Russian Propaganda" Websites
by Tyler Durden
Dec 3, 2016 11:55 AM "...
MY COMMENT: Tyler Durden is a pseudonym for a group of writers, who produce the Internet web site called Zero Hedge. Colin Lokey, who was one of the main writers, has left this group. The avatar (logo) that this group uses is of Brad Pitt in the movie 'The Fight Club'.
..." On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against "Russian propaganda fake news", with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017", sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on "offenders."
A quick skim of the bill reveals "Title V—Matters relating to foreign countries", whose Section 501 calls for the government to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.”
The section lists the following definitions of media manipulation:
Establishment or funding of a front group.
Covert broadcasting.
Media manipulation.
Disinformation and forgeries.
Funding agents of influence.
Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.
Terrorist acts
As ActivistPost correctly notes, it is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called “fake news” websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media's proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.
Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing "experts" who claim Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected.
As we reported last week, in an article that has been widely blasted, the WaPo wrote that "two teams of independent researchers found that the Russians exploited American-made technology platforms to attack U.S. democracy at a particularly vulnerable moment, as an insurgent candidate harnessed a wide range of grievances to claim the White House. The sophistication of the Russian tactics may complicate efforts by Facebook and Google to crack down on “fake news,” as they have vowed to do after widespread complaints about the problem."
The newspaper cited PropOrNot, an anonymous website that posted a hit list of alternative media websites, including Zero Hedge, Drudge Report, Activist Post, Blacklisted News, the Ron Paul Report, and many others. Glenn Greenwald penned an appropriate response two days later in "Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group."
PropOrNot has pushed a conspiratorial thesis, without any actual proof, that the listed websites have been either used directly or covertly by the Russians to spread propaganda.
While the bill passed the House with a sweeping majority, it is unknown if and when the bill will work its way through the Senate and be passed into law, although one would think that it has far higher chances of passing under president Obama than the President-Elect. It is also unclear if it will be used to shut down websites anonymously characterized as "useful idiots" or subversive elements used in disseminating supposed Russian propaganda.
Those interested can read the full "H.R. 6393: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017" at the following location" bill that may soon proclaim much of the internet to be criminal "Russian propaganda" at the following link.
Covert broadcasting.
Media manipulation.
Disinformation and forgeries.
Funding agents of influence.
Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.
Terrorist acts
As ActivistPost correctly notes, it is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called “fake news” websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media's proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.
Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing "experts" who claim Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected.
As we reported last week, in an article that has been widely blasted, the WaPo wrote that "two teams of independent researchers found that the Russians exploited American-made technology platforms to attack U.S. democracy at a particularly vulnerable moment, as an insurgent candidate harnessed a wide range of grievances to claim the White House. The sophistication of the Russian tactics may complicate efforts by Facebook and Google to crack down on “fake news,” as they have vowed to do after widespread complaints about the problem."
The newspaper cited PropOrNot, an anonymous website that posted a hit list of alternative media websites, including Zero Hedge, Drudge Report, Activist Post, Blacklisted News, the Ron Paul Report, and many others. Glenn Greenwald penned an appropriate response two days later in "Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group."
PropOrNot has pushed a conspiratorial thesis, without any actual proof, that the listed websites have been either used directly or covertly by the Russians to spread propaganda.
While the bill passed the House with a sweeping majority, it is unknown if and when the bill will work its way through the Senate and be passed into law, although one would think that it has far higher chances of passing under president Obama than the President-Elect. It is also unclear if it will be used to shut down websites anonymously characterized as "useful idiots" or subversive elements used in disseminating supposed Russian propaganda.
Those interested can read the full "H.R. 6393: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017" at the following location" bill that may soon proclaim much of the internet to be criminal "Russian propaganda" at the following link.
..." H.R.6393 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017114th Congress (2015-2016) | Get alerts "...
MY COMMENT: Text on this page.
..." Sponsor: Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-22] (Introduced 11/22/2016) Committees: House - Intelligence (Permanent) Latest Action: 12/01/2016 Received in the Senate. (All Actions) Roll Call Votes: There has been 1 roll call vote "...
Colin Lokey has left 'Zero Hedge'.
6 groups control all of our mainstream media.
Billionaire George Soros controls much of mainstream media. This site goes into his background.
I think this is the desperate act of a panicking Totalitarian kleptocracy. As ever the law makers, propagandists and oppressors are simply legislating to create a minor hurdle that will be easily overcome.
Servers can and will be located beyond their jurisdiction, blockchain social media platforms (such as Steemit) will rise and censored, controlled platforms will only be used by those interested in kitten pictures and the latest celebrity gossip. But those people still think Al Qaeda were behind 9/11 so who cares what they think?
Those of us interested in investigative journalism will simply abandon the mainstream platforms like FB and Twitter for better, more secure alternatives.
It is too late for the State to put the Genie back in the bottle. The days of governments controlling the flow of information are over. Technology develops and adapts faster than any legislature can respond. The technology to render utterly meaningless H.R 6393 and similar draconian legislation, such as the UK's investigatory powers act, already exists.
If we need to use encrypted proxy connections on blockchain secure node networks we will.
Open source investigations and the hive mind logic of the swarm exist. The only way for them to stop it now us to switch off the Internet. I wouldn't put it past them but if they do it will end modern civilisation and a few blogging hobbyists will be the very least of their problems.
1. http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2016/12/03/draconian-us-intelligence-authorization-act.html
2. http://reason.com/blog/2016/12/01/proposed-anti-semitism-awareness-act-is;
https://antisemitism.uk/us-senate-passes-antisemitism-awareness-act-adopting- international-definition-of antisemitism/; http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/12/09/anti-semitism-awareness-act-senate-bill-criminalizes-criticism-of-israel/
3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/25/jewish-leaders-europe-legislation-outlawing-antisemitism
4. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/19/extreme-surveillance-becomes-uk-law-with-barely-a-whimper
5. https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/jo-shaw/secret-courts-8-nightmare-scenarios-now-possible-in-britain-0;
6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_emergency_in_France
7. https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-speech-at-the-un-general-assembly-2014
7. https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-speech-at-the-un-general-assembly-2014
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