From the Independent
"Asylum seeker convicted of attempted murder in Greece was released before raping and killing German student"
"German police say suspect's fingerprints match those of migrant jailed for attempted murder"

Maria Ladenburger was raped and murdered while cycling home from a student party in Freiburg, Germany Facebook
"An Afghan asylum seeker arrested on suspicion of raping and murdering a student in Germany had previously tried to kill another woman in Greece, but reportedly slipped through security checks after being freed from prison.
"Police in Freiburg said the suspect’s fingerprints were “identical” to those of the convict, who absconded from Greece while on parole.
"A Greek lawyer, Maria-Eleni Nikopoulou, said she had “no doubt” she was looking at the same man she defended when presented with a photo of the man arrested in Germany."
See more of report at:

Maria Ladenburger was raped and murdered while cycling home from a student party in Freiburg, Germany (Facebook)
The following is not attributable to the Independent:
Maria Ladenburger is or was the daughter of a German high official of the EU, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, a lawyer who works as the right hand man to the legal director of the European Commission. There is a certain familiarity in the context of the presentation of the crime.
A word of caution:
This dastardly deed has understandably caused deep resentment in Germany and fuelled anti-immigrant sentiment. It might therefore be considered a desireable project by any covert group that wished to provoke such a response. Yet again we have an accused well known to law enforcement within the EU. A person allegedly sentenced to ten years incarceration at age 17, for the death of a young woman, yet contrary to Greek rules, released after two and allowed to travel to Germany and remain there without raising any concern. It can be seen from his public Facebook photo images, that he appears to be a very fashion/image conscious young man who also posts some rather disturbing images that might suggest violence to young women and even support the idea of a "Lone Wolf", much promoted by intelligence sources. This all seems rather convenient as does the rather strange title to the photographs, "3&theatre".
It appears in rather 'iffy'videos such as here:
I have no idea if this has significance or not.
From the accused individual's public Facebook page, a certain Hussein Khavari:
Apparently the "Heart" gesture craze was started by Taylor Swift who has a long history of adopting illuminati symbolism to project herself and her products. For a compendium see the article here:
This is her quote from:
"A commenter going by the moniker Longlivetaylor wrote that it was “like a code word almost, special to us swifties and now everyone is going to start doing so it won’t feel special anymore.”"
In following, note double-parked or moving car with headlights on during daylight hours.
Not reproducible:
Note Sony head phones in above image but similar but different brand in image below.
Can anyone translate?
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