Friday 4 October 2024

The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See

7.10.2024: Are we witnessing a jewish-created armageddon? Will no one stop those psychopathic mad men? Israeli jews are now doing to Lebanon what they did to Gaza. Where is the military protection of that country by the world? What is wrong with them all? How can evil have such a hold on the world?
The West and its 'VALUES' are an utter disgrace. They actually support and facilitate TERRORISM. They are indeed TERRORISTS which supposedly they have criminalised. Has there ever been greater hypocrisy demonstrated by America and Europe in particular. I am surprised any western politician has the gall to open their mouths. A curse upon them and trheir evil zionist masters.

6.10.2024:  Ever since the criminal fraud of 9/11 and it's horrific consequences, I have warned of the brutal dangers posed by the corrupt and hegmonic relationship between America and Israel. We are now seeing that play out in both Ukraine and the Middle East - or as some prefer to call it, Western Asia. Israel is not part of NATO, but it just as well might be. Turkey is part of NATO but just as well might not be. What happens if open hostilities break out between those two? Where will NATO stand then? NATO countries have shown themselves to be deeply hypocritical and mendacious, pretending to value human life and international law, whilst disapplying it to the very people in need of its protection. They pretend to seek peace and settlement, whilst promoting and facilitating unrestrained carnage. They supply the very bombs and bullets and provide the electronic intelligence to make the attacks more deadly, unashamedly refusing to condemn and prosecute horrendous acts of child murder and civilian torture. And we in Britain, have we been part of despicable loss of morality; have we actually been complicit in genocide? We who were fundamental to the defeat of fascist regimes and the establisment of the very standards that are now being so blatantly disregarded? Do we support nation states carrying out assassinations abroad? Of random acts of mass terror? If so watch out each and everyone of us. We have entered a dark tunnel from which we may never emerge. For as long as Israel, with American backing, is allowed to rampage through the middle east, without condemnation, without sanction, the whole world is at risk of blowing up, and us with it.

6.10.2024:  Meanwhile the dis-United States has stood idly by and watched as tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed, captured, tortured, mutilated and dispossessed; their houses and public buildings demolished, herded like animals from one place to another to be bombed and targeted, and then pretend it is unable to intervene, is trying hard to secure a cease-fire, whilst continuing to supply the bombs and bullets. Why when the genocidal intents of those psychopaths became obvious, was a 'NO FLY ZONE' not declared over Gaza to protect civilians from Izraeli terror? You cannot be a party to a war and then act as honest broker and genuine negotiator for peace. Now the USA is coming out with the same impotent dribble concerning izrael's invasion of Lebanon. The world and the Palestinians have put up with that destabilizing, immoral, American project for long enough. If it could be created at the whim of the UN, it should be de-created in the same manner. It is long overdue that the jewish tail stopped wagging the global dog. The izraelibastards need to be told to stop bombing and shooting people. End of.

Not until Israel is stopped in its militaristic killing and invasion will these outrages be contained. Now the IDF's own death toll is mounting and will continue, unless and until, Israeli politicians are forced to see sense. Israeli deaths will also rise if Iran, Russia and Turkey are further drawn into the conflict and rocket exchanges increase. That war criminal Netanyahu and his gang, incredibly supported by America and the West, has no interest in peace or a settlement, only in ever more Nazi-style subjugation and dominance.

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