Friday 30 June 2023

 Nicola Bulley Inquest:  Further Observations.

Lancashire Senior Coroner:  Dr James Adeley

The Coroner had more than FOUR MONTHS to assess the evidence, as have we, yet he failed to challenge any aspect of the police theory.

Worse he failed to call any witness or follow up any line of enquiry that might be contrary to the approved narrative. In so doing he failed in his primary task and duty to diligently and honesty pursue the truth, as to the cause of Nicola's death. Not only did he let Nicola down, he let us all down. He proved the dead cannot rely on the police or Coroner to discover the true cause of their demise.

Dr James Adeley is an experienced Coroner. He is also no fool. The nature of the Inquest was wholly under his control. He had total discretion over who to invite as witnesses and who to exclude. He was free to ask any questions, to pursue any line of enquiry, seek any evidence or any clarification of it.

Given the time that passed between the recovery of Nicola's body and the Inquest, there can be no doubt that the way it proceeded and the verdict that was recorded was planned and intentional. No one is surely persuaded the judgement of 'accidental death' was only come to in the two hours in which he retired on the second day? To what extent was his verdict influenced or directed by outside forces? If it was his own, he must take responsibility for it.

Both the choice of witnesses and their largely unchallenged speculative opinions was all part of a carefully planned process to give the appearance of seeking the legal objective of the "who, how, when and where", yet failing abysmally on three out of those four. The purpose appeared to be to support and legitimise the police 'hypothesis' that Nicola fell in the river at the bench on the 27th January, 2023, died instantaneously and remained there for twenty-three days, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

She was not suicidal, she was not under the influence of alcohol; she was not on unfamiliar territory; the location was not particularly hazardous; the water is shallow at the edge; she was a strong swimmer; she would not have abandoned her dog Willow; it (Willow) showed no sign of following her into the water; multiple experts and searches proved she was not in the river or travelled down stream unimpeded and unnoticed.

Crime Commissioner "It's a Wrap" Andrew Snowden

And how was Crime Commissioner Snowden able to brag after the event that not only had the police theory been proved right all along but that they had even predicted accurately the exact day on which her body would be recovered? Why at the very least was he not called at the Inquest to explain how he was in a position to make such astounding claims?

The fact that on the morning of Sunday 19th February, police, Sky News, a camera man and so-called psychic were all in attendance, in fact in position, on site hours before the body was allegedly reported to police at 11.35 am, certainly adds weight to his claim.

If the body was not in the river for three weeks but turns up as predicted on day 23, only a dastardly crime, by a person or persons unknown, even implicating the investigators themselves, is the only rational conclusion. At the very least she could not have died 'accidentally'.

  • Email:

  • Position:

    Senior Coroner

  • Address:

    Coroner’s Court, 2 Faraday Court, Faraday Drive, Fulwwod, Preston PR2 9NB

  • Telephone:01772 536536
  • Society:

    North West and North Wales

  • Area:

    Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen

  • Date of Appointment:


(to be continued)

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