Sunday 12 February 2023

International concern, excess deaths


Richard Rawsthorn
60,000 excess deaths in the UK! But let’s get a sense of proportion: that’s less than 1% of the population.
I’ve been a constant critic of our government and news media for getting so excited about the prospect of 500,000 covid deaths (a “reasonable worst case scenario” predicted in March 2020), saying that this exaggerated figure represents only about 0.75% of our population and I think our view of the excess deaths figure should be viewed in the same way, proportionately.
My big concern is, although it’s no cause for panic, the 60,000 figure should be worrying the media and the people who purport to look after our health but we’re seeing signs of a cover up. What are they hiding?

Reply to Richard Rawsthorn: 
Join the club Richard, I have been a constant critic too! There is no doubt in my mind that statistically and anecdotally, 'co v id caused deaths' were manipulated and exaggerated to cause panic and a raft of unnecessary and perverse policies which included mass vaccination. Crude death rates and their causes depend on many factors and have to be interpreted. They have to be viewed in the round. There is no doubt in the 'first wave' in March/April 2020 more people died but this was predominently in old and vulnerable persons in institutional settings, subject to a new regime and protocol. It is a moot point whether they were killed by the former (co v id) or latter (the regime) I believe it was predominently the latter. Added to which must be subtracted the expected flu-type causes of death in the elderly appearing on death certificates. When these are factored in there is little to support the claim of a 'epidemic' let alone a 'pandemic'. Now the increased death rate following introduction of a proven dangerous vaccine is a different matter as it is in addition to the old, injuring and killing a younger healthy cohort. The increase above a pre-pandemic five year average which at times has touched 30%, if anything is an underestimate, because the earlier increase referred to, should have reduced, not increased the death rate thereafter, if the vulnerable had already been decimated. Dr. Campbell is therefore quite right in drawing attention to it and the inexcusable government failure or acknowledging and addressing it, for which only reckless negligence and 'cover-up' are appropriate adjectives.

Richard Rawsthorn
Tim Veater We’re mostly agreement.
The government admitted ages ago that it used its psy-ops team to make the public terrified of covid and the MSM supported this, under the enforcement by Ofcom.
2. Part of what I call “project covid fear” was to exaggerate the number of covid deaths by broadcasting and publishing numbers of deaths “with covid”, a far greater number than the deaths caused by covid. Also, the Coronavirus Act 2020 absolves hospitals from conducting the usual post-mortem procedure in cases of covid deaths. The led hospitals to record covid as the cause of death even in cases where the deceased had tested negative, in order to save work. I know one specific case of this happening.
3. The government and the MSM misled the public into believing that the vaccines were safe. Around March 2021 I read the NHS guidance on vaccines. It didn’t say the vaccines were safe but one needed to read the wording very carefully to see that. To a less careful reader, the impression given was that they were safe. In fact the NHS had no idea whether or not the vaccines were safe because there had been no time in which to test them.
4. I think the meanings of the words “epidemic”and “pandemic” are widely misunderstood. Here are the OED definitions:
Epidemic: “a sudden outbreak of infectious disease that spreads rapidly through the population, affecting a large proportion of people.”
Pandemic: “an epidemic occurring over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries, and usually affecting a large number of people.”
So it all depends on whether covid affected a large proportion of people - how large is large? In my opinion, if the disease of, say, mumps or measles had affected the same number of people worldwide as did covid, we’d have had no difficulty in saying it was a pandemic.
5. Of course Dr. Cambell is right to draw attention to the large numbers of excess deaths worldwide but don’t let the bald figure of 60,000 in the UK throw us into shock-horror mode, or we’ll have calls for more lockdowns to prevent them!

And now as predicted 'spike protein' cancers !

'Fact Checker' take on claim here:

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