Tuesday 25 January 2022

 Statistical proof there never was an 'epidemic' as claimed.

Dear Friends,


From the depth of our hearts, a belated thank you for signing the Great Barrington DeclarationWith over 850,000 signatures, together we opened up the pandemic debate. While many governments continued with their failed lockdown and other restrictive policies, things have moved in the right direction. For example, most schools have re-opened, most countries prioritized older people for vaccination and Florida rejected restrictions in favor of focused protection without the negative consequences that lockdowners predicted.


While occasionally censoredwe have not been silenced. Since authoring the Declaration in October 2020, the three of us have actively advocated for focused protection through social media, op-eds and interviews on, for example, vaccine passports and natural immunity.


We have also launched Collateral Globala charity staffed with academics from across the world to document and disseminate information about the collateral damage of the restrictive measures so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of this pandemic and are able to inform future policy with evidence and analysis. Collateral Global is crowdfunding so that this work can be done to the highest possible standards. You are welcome to join us and help us in those efforts at www.collateralglobal.orgas well as follow us on Twitter, etc. We are also planning an initiative on scientific freedom soon.



With enormous gratitude,


Jay Bhattacharya    Sunetra Gupta    Martin Kulldorff


Twitter: @gbdeclaration@collateralglbl,


Facebook: GreatBarringtonDeclaration

LinkedIn: Jay BhattacharyaMartin Kulldorff



PS: We are just three scientists, not an organization, but we may send you a couple of updates per year. If you would like to unsubscribe, follow the link here


Great Barrington Declaration LLC

1621 Central Avenue

Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA

If this doesn't make you THINK, nothing will!

See also:  

You wanted 'science'?  Here's the science:

Basically if you've had the vaccine, you are more, not less, susceptible to later variants!

Tom Leet
Tim Veater Ha fair. Essentially they tested a load of people and found that people who had two doses of the vaccine within the last 5 months were MORE likely to test positive for Omicron than the unvaccinated.
The reason for this is not identified by this study. However, they mention immune escape i.e. the vaccine not protecting people from Omicron, because it's different to Delta. They don't mention "original antigenic sin" i.e. the idea that someone could be more susceptible to a future variant after being vaccinated with an old variant - but that's also a possibility.
The numbers for the finding above were in a similar range, so we shouldn't draw too many conclusions based on this preprint study alone. However, what is very clear - and that this study shows with strong numbers - is that the vaccines don't offer as much protection against Omicron and any efficacy they do provide in terms of reducing transmission wanes rapidly. So even ignoring the rather scary possibility of original antigenic sin, this alone should be enough to render the "vaccinate everyone" approach illogical - and vaccine passports cannot be justified, even if we were to ignore the freedom issues and focus purely on the medical rationale.


  1. I'm not sure the fact that there were parties in Downing Street is particularly important in the scheme of things. It just proves that Boris was never convinced in the spiel he was forced to give out. He was always a Covid Lock Down sceptic but pretended not to be. Of course it was blatant hypocrisy, but is anyone surprised at that? More fool the nation, taken in by it all. Now he is using Ukraine, fuel prices and an investigatory process to kick it all into the long grass. It's pretty obvious to my dog even. But the question is, would we be any better with any of the other hopefuls lurking in it?

  2. There is a fundamental rule of thumb: If someone is bribed, you cannot trust what they say. The media was bribed by the government with more than a billion pounds of our money, under the pretence of public information advertising. Can anyone forget the blanket wrap-around Covid advertising? Ergo?

  3. Unvaccinated - Death Rate by Age (Encouraging Data) Drbeen Medical Lectures


  4. We need a clear distinction between 'education' and 'propaganda'. It's an old debate. The Covid issue fell into the latter and proved we have a 'National Illness Service" NOT a National Health Service. As you point out, all the emphasis was on the 'magic bullet' approach rather than protective options. Of course it doesn't help if you only financially reward doctors for the former.

  5. Soo Sreye
    Tim Veater so basically the vax is useless!!!!
    Tim Veater
    Soo Sreye Or even, worse than useless if it makes you more vulnerable to variants and other adverse conditions as I've always suspected. How much has it cost. HOW much gone on fraud? Yet the politicians focus only on a lock down bun fest. That is the trick. Trivia always beats substance.

  6. Parliamentary Debate, the Gray Report: The lock-down rules were medically bollox. They were the result of government panic. Boris found himself between a rock and a hard place and understandably yielded to the doom merchants that he was surrounded by. Who could have resisted such wildly pessimistic prognostications and inaccurate interpretation? People were persuaded by blanket propaganda. Now making political capital out of misinformation and a huge scam, is little more that rhetorical hum bug. Perhaps time and history would be better served if attention was rather devoted to how and why this catalogue mistakes was hoisted upon the British people, resulting in billions of pounds of unnecessary expenditure, corrupt payments and fraud on a scale never before seen. That is a much bigger issue than illegitimate parties by a privileged few when the rest of the nation was told to comply with ridiculous rules.

  7. As the computer saying goes: "Rubbish in; Rubbish out." Since this so-called 'epidemic' began, I have applied my puny efforts to resist the unjustified, and more important useless, measures introduced by the government. As we now know they were in fact positively harmful across the board. But still the media is addicted to scare-mongering and misleading headlines such as this one. Death and taxes are the only certainties in life. The average age of someone dying with covid is higher than average life expectancy. A positive PCR test proves neither infectivity nor illness and dying from other causes within 28 days of having one means almost nothing. To then infer that "one person a day has died from covid" based on these inputs, is not only fundamentally inaccurate but also highly irresponsible. All those who have contributed to the quite unnecessary national panic, lock-down and vaccination programme, with all their adverse effects, should feel deeply ashamed. VEATERECOSAN

  8. VAERS COVID Vaccine
    Adverse Event Reports
    Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Our default data reflects all VAERS data including the "nondomestic" reports.
    All VAERS COVID Reports
    1,071,854 Reports (incl. 22,000 deaths!)
    Through January 21, 2022


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