"Plebs omnis plaudit ut me minore sepius audit."
Saturday, 24 April 2021
UK Column News - 23rd April 2021
Government lies and cover-up regarding the Covid vaccination programme.
A MUST-watch if you have any concern for freedom of speech, human rights or the public's heath. If this does not influence your view I will eat my hat!
NOTE: UK Column has been banned by YouTube for quoting and analysing the Government's own statistics, presumably because it does not accord or support the prevailing narrative! Goebbels would be proud.
Often in life words do not do justice to the spirit of an event, situation or person.
Yesterday was one such event.
Again I covered and witnessed with my own eyes between 500,000 and a million people from every corner of our nation unite and stand up for freedoms & rights.
55 minutes for people to pass from start to last person.
Once again the legacy, outdated and lying mainstream media have not only misreported to fit their agenda, but once again so predictably massively underplayed numbers and the kinds of people attending. Simply putting another nail in their own coffin & exposing how deceptive they are.
The whole day there wasn’t anything but energy, unity & goodness.
UNTIL (surprise,surprise) the police steamed into a group of people at the very, very end of the day to get their shots & story so they can paint the mistruths they do.
Anyone who knows anything about media and journalism knows that ‘shoot the script’ is so easy to do. ....decide the angle of the story upfront to fit your politics or outcome & then get the footage, camera angles & lazy and skewed soundbytes to fit the script. And also to try and negate and discredit the issue at hand by lazy stereotyping and labelling of people as opposed to actually addressing and discussing the deep topics & real & genuine concerns at hand. As per yesterday (again, yawn yawn )
Unfortunately the MSM is the window to the world so many people are buying as truth. If it happens to be yours please just be aware so much of it is not truth and is purposefully misleading or simple distraction.
My simple question - if one witnesses with their very eyes complicity and wide spread lying about an event (and many other events) across almost all main stream channels.... what else are we being lied to about?
And why do professionals, academics, scientists, grandparents, business owners, parents, children, nurses & people of every walk and location feel the need to travel and stand up together despite the ridicule and antagonism directed towards them? It’s not for fun & comes at a potential cost to many relationships (IF we let our differences come between our bonds).
It was a true honour to walk alongside this 100 year old 2nd world war veteran who said “it’s the most important time in our history and I’m doing it for the children - we can’t just sit back & have our freedoms stripped, my colleagues & friends died on the battlefield fighting for them!”
Spirit and truth can never be suppressed - even if it is denied & manipulated in main channels.
Everything is optics and narratives. We are not being given the full picture and 10000’s of professional & scientific voices & questions are being cancelled & censored.
Simply ask why? And who gains?
Truth, transparency & proper democratic debate would solve so much!
Whatever your personal beliefs, we as a human collective are not supposed to be divided.
Respect, appreciation and sovereignty for each of our 7.8 billion brothers & sisters living their truths & choosing what they believe to be right for them and their families. Do not be coerced, manipulated, bullied or ostracised. Everyone’s voice and opinion matters. Yours as much as mine and the next person’s.
Barbara Brennan Kerhoulas 1t4oSptonrssforhed · Hello my wonderful group. I have missed reading all of the posts and contributing. My husband of 43 years died on April 5th after being diagnosed 3 weeks before with lung cancer and complications from the covid vaccine.
Dear Ros, You and millions like you, were conned into believing you were at serious risk of death from this thing, when you weren't; to adopt unnatural attitudes and behaviours when they had absolutely no scientific basis or proven efficacy; to obsess over just one cause of illness, ignoring all the others; accepting a vaccination in a trial of an unapproved vaccine, that in the UK alone has caused thousands of adverse effects and deaths and may cause fundamental long-term complications; and taking all the propaganda from government and media as reliable, when it wasn't. Now when the arguable 'infection' is at an all-time low in Britain, the government and BBC want the population to believe we live in India! Why? Just to keep ramping up the fear. Don't you ever wonder why over generations, we have heard nothing of the countless millions of Indians who have died of starvation, TB and a host of other preventable diseases, but now suddenly have become oh so concerned about the people dying from a form of flu. Or why dreaded 'Muslim Terrorism' has suddenly taken a back seat? 'Coronavirus' has become the new weapon of inducing fear in the general population and facilitating the hidden agenda, which is becoming clearer and clearer as the months progress. Who said we are more concerned about a pain in our little finger than millions dying in poverty - that is until the media decide we should be? This is mass psychological conditioning, nothing short of it, and the only way is to become awakened to it or become slaves to it. Literally conditioned, compliant slaves. The last thing on the minds of the Indian victims and their families may well be causes and solutions, but it shouldn't be the last thing on OUR minds if we are to be concerned for the future of humanity.
You confuse me Ros. You say you don't want to discuss this issue but I would remind you that it was you who replied to MY post not the other way round. I do not mention this subject on your thread as you requested me not to although it is very much in the public interest to get a balanced view of the subject. You should not criticise me for replying to an unsolicited comment on mine. I quite appreciate, based on the epidemiological evidence available, despite the acknowledged unreliable nature of much of it, you may feel at greater risk from age and illness, and that is only natural. But the risk is still very small. The Standardised Mortality Ratio is still at its lowest for over fifty years. Less than 5% of deaths mention Covid as a contributory cause. The number of deaths registered remained below the five-year average for Week 13 in both England and Wales. (See: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending2april2021) Much of the death toll is merely a reclassification of upper respiratory infections that would otherwise have been stated as the cause of death. The average of someone said to have died from Covid is actually higher than average life expectancy! I have never been against a sensible approach to this particular infection, but I am against hyperbole and hysteria that has been promoted by Government and Media, that has never attempted to contextualise the figures or identify true causes, for example the scandal of the care homes that contributed more than half of deaths in the 'first wave'. In other words this is likely to have been as much an administrative cause as a biological one. Your fear of causing the death of someone else is a laudable and humanitarian one but if it was applied to to transport it is unlikely you would drive. To pass a bug on, with all its complications, you first have to have it yourself and if you are free of symptoms, it is highly unlikely that you will, added to which you have had the jab, which if you believe the promotional material, should give you even more confidence you won't get the disease or pass it on. As far as India is concerned, it is obviously a serious matter. Where the infection started, what caused it and all its consequences are yet to be determined. My beef is the way in which the issue is handled by the media in vivid contrast to the millions who die every year there from starvation, deprivation and infectious diseases. Yet again this smacks of hypocrisy and psychological manipulation of the general public. That it also conforms with a Gates prediction and de-population agenda should concern us all. x
Interesting thoughts Nigel. Thanks. You should not misquote me though: what I said was "thousands of adverse effects and deaths" i.e. not JUST deaths. The figures currently are: Pfhizer - 143,034 serious adverse effects; 334 fatalities! AZ - 548,595 serious adverse effects; 627 fatalities! https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/.../COVID-19... ; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/.../COVID-19... You will observe I was NOT exaggerating. Indeed it is recognised there is significant under-reporting using the Yellow Card system. Significantly, this information has been deliberately withheld from the British public although it was in line with predictions. However that is not an end to it. There are also long term concerns as it is a experimental gene altering therapy that may cause 'long covid' symptoms or other prion-type changes affecting the brain and other organs akin to 'Mad Cow Disease'. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the current Indian wave, may have been in fact caused by the vaccine programme. There are certainly precedents for that. The coincidence you highlight is no coincidence at all as the article on my blog illustrates. This is all happening to a publicly predicted and planned timetable. There is definitely a de-population agenda as there is a global warming one, and the same people and organisations appear in both. I have argued for years around the subjects of population and environment but not for starvation and disease as the means to do it. Paradoxically a raised standard of living equates to less reproduction, whilst increasing the amount of pollution. How these issues will work out is anybody's guess, but one thing is clear, we have been and are being, manipulated in this Covid thing, that seems to target men over women, black over white; old over young and infirm over healthy, whilst pushing an wholly experimental vaccination policy that may do more harm than good.
Annie Taylor We are in the competent hands of Boris and Hancock, advised only 'by the science'. We have nothing to fear and everything to be thankful for. Unfortunately the stuff coming out of government is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. It is partial, biased and unreliable to the point of being misleading. They get carried away with their own rhetoric which majors in hyperbole and exaggeration. Any factual information that might dent the unquestioning reliance on the government agenda and narrative, is actively discouraged. Critics of the approach and analysis of the figures are not allowed to reach an audience. Nor are those medical and scientific voices challenging the biology. Government does not even attempt to publicise adverse effects and continues to promote an experimental gene technology, even to those statistically not at risk, without explaining the possible dangers. The basic rule of 'informed consent' has been ignored and the elderly in care homes have not even been given the option. Hancock admitted in Parliament, no effort had been made to track deaths, particularly in the elderly, following vaccination, which must be negligent in the extreme. In contrast the complicated legislation to implement a national lock-down was worked on and prepared well in advance. This speaks volumes. There is no doubt that deaths in this group spiked significantly following introduction of the programme, a fact it conveniently chooses to ignore. Nor will the government admit deaths have resulted as much from policy as from a microscopic strand of RNA, nor that the injecting it into unsuspecting humans may cause more health problems in the future, than the initial Coronavirus flu bug ever would.
Nigel Glanvill It would be interesting to make a list of the things that are certain (beyond death and taxes) and those that not. From inception, brains in all animals are programmed to assess the world through the senses, which vary in acuity depending on the species, to create a picture (quite literally) of reality and decide what is threat and what is not. Every step is a step into the unknown projected on what has gone before. Disturb the psycho-motor synapse and the world becomes more dangerous. This is why drunks have more accidents!
Eric De Brabanter Iza De Gisse: - You've noticed we're no longer talking about conspiracy. It's over, it's not working anymore. The hour is serious and the consciousness awaken. In all countries around the world, people are on the street, fighting against the establishment of dictatorship under the pretext of health protection. More and more you are now understanding that it is not about protecting our health at all. This has nothing to do with it. The stakes are somewhere else, the machine is launched and don't expect a return to normal. There won't be any unless we all together oppose the regime being put in place. We explain, for example, that soon you'll have to have a health passport to move around the world, but also in your neighborhood, to go to shops, restaurants, cinema... Restriction of travel, division and opposition to weaken communities. The gag should have put the chip in your ear. I hope you have now understood that there is really no point in the public space, besides creating a border, a wall, apart from keeping you in fear and distrust. Come on, come on, think a little, a little. What should people be afraid of stung from those who are not? Millions of viruses are circulating, some causing contagious diseases, like tuberculosis, flu, colds, dengues, etc. All can become deadly on a weak organism. Are we doing so much to protect ourselves from pesticides that kill, cripple, devastate peoples and the planet? NO. NO. Have we stopped selling tobacco, sugar, industrial food products? NO. NO. And yet... What is the logic? Ask yourself, please. We've been living together for millions of years, exchanging our miasms, microbes, viruses, and this is how we build our immune system. So there is absolutely no reason to introduce restrictions on this virus. A virus that finally still keeps all its secrets. Who really died from it? No one exactly knows this, that's why doctors were asked not to distinguish between deaths due to the virus or with the virus. Only all studies lead to the same conclusion: in the Camembert of deaths, there is no part for people without any pathology. We no longer have time to procrastinate or hide behind the lies and propaganda of government, just because we are afraid to face reality. Reality is going to happen to us anyway. She won't go away because we don't want to see her. Castex's small steps aside and his slightly embarrassed look should not cheat on anyone. He knows he's screwing up. He knows he's lying. He knows he's planting a knife in our back. All these veiled and servile policies know that they are already ruined because their betrayal is such that they will no longer be able to support each other. For them there will be no forgiveness. But they don't have the reverse, and are too dumb to regret. Let's keep trust in humanity. We will come out of this fight against the invisible monster. But not without fighting. No savior, no messiah. Let's take charge. More than ever, let's stand together and don't get the wrong target. The target is not the non-vaulted or the non-muzzled. On the contrary, it represents hope, humanity's only hope before the machine becomes impossible to stop and where we will end up as in the multitude of narratives and fiction scenarios of visionary writers. And a little thought again: everything tidied up conspiracy by the very devoted shitty media comes out. Every announcement made today by the government has been previously considered plotting.
"What we need to know now, is whether the Covid vaccines are safe or not? It’s a simple question, but getting answers is like pulling teeth. As everyone knows, any information that doesn’t support the ‘pro-vaccine agenda’ is scrapped by the media and promptly removed from both FB and Twitter. How does that serve the public interest? How is “informed consent” possible without a thorough airing of contrary views in public forums and the media?
It’s not possible, and that seems to be the point. The managers of this campaign seem to prefer brainwashing and mass coercion over dialogue and debate. And their method appears to be working too. Just look at the way that pregnant women and children are being lured into vaccinations that pose significant risks to their health but provide no tangible benefit. The people in these age groups have a better chance of being struck by lightning than killed by Covid, so why take the risk? Why roll the dice on dizziness, nausea, migraines, Bell’s Palsy, myocarditis, blood clots or death, when there’s nothing to be gained? Check out this article in the UK Daily Mail titled “Pregnant women should be fast-tracked for Covid vaccines”:" FROM: https://www.globalresearch.ca/terminate-emergency-use-authorization-eua-complete-phase-3-trials/5743896?fbclid=IwAR2LQn47oZvzmZZ7_j96BDvdo20z0PJsgiDQfv0WCGU3C5Se6GSN0gXU6l4
https://www.aol.co.uk/news/island-paradise-highest-vaccination-rate-170412924.html Island paradise with highest vaccination rate reports world’s biggest Covid surge Yahoo News UK JAMES MORRIS 5 May 2021,
An obvious explanation may be that the experimental 'vaccine' CAUSED the outbreak. That of course could never be admitted.
M ore than 500 people who received their coronavirus jabs have been admitted to hospital with Covid-19, a UK study has found.
Researchers at Liverpool University said the patients had all received one dose of the vaccine at least three weeks before they were admitted.
They said the patients were largely frail and elderly, while the number of people who were hospitalised represented only around 1 per cent of the 52,000 people involved in the research.
All part of the sophisticated psychological conditioning, with only one objective: to make EVERYONE conform to an unnecessary and dangerous policy, extending even to those statistically NOT at risk. Even government now admits an AZ blood clotting risk and are offering alternative 'vaccines' to the under 50's. Of course this is not the only risk. Over 700,000 have proved this in the UK alone! But the program must go on. It is the mark of the beast, without which individuals will be socially and economically excluded, all based upon conjecture and lies, the infectivity of the alleged RNA agent never having been proved. In fact the absence of any outbreak of illness following the mass events observed, tends to the opposite conclusion. The long-term consequences of interfering with the human genome as regards reproduction, the auto-immune system and subsequent disease both in adults and their offspring, is completely unknown territory. Whether 'vaccination' drives an epidemic, has yet to be decided. It certainly appears to neither guarantee immunity or infectivity, yet earlier animal studies with SARS indicated fatal dangers when later exposed to similar agents from the bodies own allergic response. There is no evidence that masks, social distancing and the whole paraphernalia of hand and equipment sterilisation has had any effect at all. All the statistics relating to infection and death are as reliable as a leaky bucket, yet the myths are still being promoted and adverse consequences (the steep rise in alcohol disease and deaths, being but the most recent) pile up. The censorship by media giants at the behest of Government, of anyone that does not toe the approved narrative line, and the violent attempts to prevent public protest are truly chilling. Could there be a better illustration of the Hegelian Dialectic of "Problem. Reaction. Solution" and the idealisation of '1984'??
There is a consistent pattern, across numerous nations, of the death rate going UP sharply after the introduction of the Co vi d inoculation programme. Watch 'UK Column' for specific details.
FACEBOOK keeps censoring my posts. They say it is because they go against their 'standards' but of course they never explain how or why. In the absence of any factual errors, I can only assume it is because the views expressed differ from theirs and the MSM narrative or because in the words from a famous film "they can't handle the truth", ironically provided not from 'conspiracist' sources but from unimpeachable government ones. FB is neither a supporter of free speech or interested in promulgating the most basic safety information, enabling people to make up their own minds. Clearly that is what it is terrified of. It is in fact part of the international propaganda machine that allows only one biased opinion to be heard and considered, the very antithesis of an ethical 'social network'.
Barbara Brennan Kerhoulas
ReplyDelete1t4oSptonrssforhed ·
Hello my wonderful group. I have missed reading all of the posts and contributing.
My husband of 43 years died on April 5th after being diagnosed 3 weeks before with lung cancer and complications from the covid vaccine.
Dear Ros, You and millions like you, were conned into believing you were at serious risk of death from this thing, when you weren't; to adopt unnatural attitudes and behaviours when they had absolutely no scientific basis or proven efficacy; to obsess over just one cause of illness, ignoring all the others; accepting a vaccination in a trial of an unapproved vaccine, that in the UK alone has caused thousands of adverse effects and deaths and may cause fundamental long-term complications; and taking all the propaganda from government and media as reliable, when it wasn't. Now when the arguable 'infection' is at an all-time low in Britain, the government and BBC want the population to believe we live in India! Why? Just to keep ramping up the fear. Don't you ever wonder why over generations, we have heard nothing of the countless millions of Indians who have died of starvation, TB and a host of other preventable diseases, but now suddenly have become oh so concerned about the people dying from a form of flu. Or why dreaded 'Muslim Terrorism' has suddenly taken a back seat? 'Coronavirus' has become the new weapon of inducing fear in the general population and facilitating the hidden agenda, which is becoming clearer and clearer as the months progress. Who said we are more concerned about a pain in our little finger than millions dying in poverty - that is until the media decide we should be? This is mass psychological conditioning, nothing short of it, and the only way is to become awakened to it or become slaves to it. Literally conditioned, compliant slaves. The last thing on the minds of the Indian victims and their families may well be causes and solutions, but it shouldn't be the last thing on OUR minds if we are to be concerned for the future of humanity.
ReplyDeleteYou confuse me Ros. You say you don't want to discuss this issue but I would remind you that it was you who replied to MY post not the other way round. I do not mention this subject on your thread as you requested me not to although it is very much in the public interest to get a balanced view of the subject. You should not criticise me for replying to an unsolicited comment on mine. I quite appreciate, based on the epidemiological evidence available, despite the acknowledged unreliable nature of much of it, you may feel at greater risk from age and illness, and that is only natural. But the risk is still very small. The Standardised Mortality Ratio is still at its lowest for over fifty years. Less than 5% of deaths mention Covid as a contributory cause. The number of deaths registered remained below the five-year average for Week 13 in both England and Wales. (See: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending2april2021) Much of the death toll is merely a reclassification of upper respiratory infections that would otherwise have been stated as the cause of death. The average of someone said to have died from Covid is actually higher than average life expectancy! I have never been against a sensible approach to this particular infection, but I am against hyperbole and hysteria that has been promoted by Government and Media, that has never attempted to contextualise the figures or identify true causes, for example the scandal of the care homes that contributed more than half of deaths in the 'first wave'. In other words this is likely to have been as much an administrative cause as a biological one. Your fear of causing the death of someone else is a laudable and humanitarian one but if it was applied to to transport it is unlikely you would drive. To pass a bug on, with all its complications, you first have to have it yourself and if you are free of symptoms, it is highly unlikely that you will, added to which you have had the jab, which if you believe the promotional material, should give you even more confidence you won't get the disease or pass it on. As far as India is concerned, it is obviously a serious matter. Where the infection started, what caused it and all its consequences are yet to be determined. My beef is the way in which the issue is handled by the media in vivid contrast to the millions who die every year there from starvation, deprivation and infectious diseases. Yet again this smacks of hypocrisy and psychological manipulation of the general public. That it also conforms with a Gates prediction and de-population agenda should concern us all. x
ReplyDeleteInteresting thoughts Nigel. Thanks. You should not misquote me though: what I said was "thousands of adverse effects and deaths" i.e. not JUST deaths. The figures currently are: Pfhizer - 143,034 serious adverse effects; 334 fatalities! AZ - 548,595 serious adverse effects; 627 fatalities! https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/.../COVID-19...
ReplyDelete; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/.../COVID-19...
You will observe I was NOT exaggerating. Indeed it is recognised there is significant under-reporting using the Yellow Card system. Significantly, this information has been deliberately withheld from the British public although it was in line with predictions. However that is not an end to it. There are also long term concerns as it is a experimental gene altering therapy that may cause 'long covid' symptoms or other prion-type changes affecting the brain and other organs akin to 'Mad Cow Disease'. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the current Indian wave, may have been in fact caused by the vaccine programme. There are certainly precedents for that. The coincidence you highlight is no coincidence at all as the article on my blog illustrates. This is all happening to a publicly predicted and planned timetable. There is definitely a de-population agenda as there is a global warming one, and the same people and organisations appear in both. I have argued for years around the subjects of population and environment but not for starvation and disease as the means to do it. Paradoxically a raised standard of living equates to less reproduction, whilst increasing the amount of pollution. How these issues will work out is anybody's guess, but one thing is clear, we have been and are being, manipulated in this Covid thing, that seems to target men over women, black over white; old over young and infirm over healthy, whilst pushing an wholly experimental vaccination policy that may do more harm than good.
Annie Taylor We are in the competent hands of Boris and Hancock, advised only 'by the science'. We have nothing to fear and everything to be thankful for. Unfortunately the stuff coming out of government is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. It is partial, biased and unreliable to the point of being misleading. They get carried away with their own rhetoric which majors in hyperbole and exaggeration. Any factual information that might dent the unquestioning reliance on the government agenda and narrative, is actively discouraged. Critics of the approach and analysis of the figures are not allowed to reach an audience. Nor are those medical and scientific voices challenging the biology. Government does not even attempt to publicise adverse effects and continues to promote an experimental gene technology, even to those statistically not at risk, without explaining the possible dangers. The basic rule of 'informed consent' has been ignored and the elderly in care homes have not even been given the option. Hancock admitted in Parliament, no effort had been made to track deaths, particularly in the elderly, following vaccination, which must be negligent in the extreme. In contrast the complicated legislation to implement a national lock-down was worked on and prepared well in advance. This speaks volumes. There is no doubt that deaths in this group spiked significantly following introduction of the programme, a fact it conveniently chooses to ignore. Nor will the government admit deaths have resulted as much from policy as from a microscopic strand of RNA, nor that the injecting it into unsuspecting humans may cause more health problems in the future, than the initial Coronavirus flu bug ever would.
ReplyDeleteNigel Glanvill It would be interesting to make a list of the things that are certain (beyond death and taxes) and those that not. From inception, brains in all animals are programmed to assess the world through the senses, which vary in acuity depending on the species, to create a picture (quite literally) of reality and decide what is threat and what is not. Every step is a step into the unknown projected on what has gone before. Disturb the psycho-motor synapse and the world becomes more dangerous. This is why drunks have more accidents!
ReplyDeleteEric De Brabanter
ReplyDeleteIza De Gisse:
- You've noticed we're no longer talking about conspiracy. It's over, it's not working anymore. The hour is serious and the consciousness awaken. In all countries around the world, people are on the street, fighting against the establishment of dictatorship under the pretext of health protection. More and more you are now understanding that it is not about protecting our health at all. This has nothing to do with it. The stakes are somewhere else, the machine is launched and don't expect a return to normal. There won't be any unless we all together oppose the regime being put in place. We explain, for example, that soon you'll have to have a health passport to move around the world, but also in your neighborhood, to go to shops, restaurants, cinema... Restriction of travel, division and opposition to weaken communities. The gag should have put the chip in your ear. I hope you have now understood that there is really no point in the public space, besides creating a border, a wall, apart from keeping you in fear and distrust.
Come on, come on, think a little, a little. What should people be afraid of stung from those who are not? Millions of viruses are circulating, some causing contagious diseases, like tuberculosis, flu, colds, dengues, etc. All can become deadly on a weak organism. Are we doing so much to protect ourselves from pesticides that kill, cripple, devastate peoples and the planet? NO. NO. Have we stopped selling tobacco, sugar, industrial food products? NO. NO. And yet...
What is the logic? Ask yourself, please.
We've been living together for millions of years, exchanging our miasms, microbes, viruses, and this is how we build our immune system. So there is absolutely no reason to introduce restrictions on this virus. A virus that finally still keeps all its secrets. Who really died from it? No one exactly knows this, that's why doctors were asked not to distinguish between deaths due to the virus or with the virus. Only all studies lead to the same conclusion: in the Camembert of deaths, there is no part for people without any pathology.
We no longer have time to procrastinate or hide behind the lies and propaganda of government, just because we are afraid to face reality. Reality is going to happen to us anyway. She won't go away because we don't want to see her. Castex's small steps aside and his slightly embarrassed look should not cheat on anyone. He knows he's screwing up. He knows he's lying. He knows he's planting a knife in our back. All these veiled and servile policies know that they are already ruined because their betrayal is such that they will no longer be able to support each other. For them there will be no forgiveness. But they don't have the reverse, and are too dumb to regret.
Let's keep trust in humanity.
We will come out of this fight against the invisible monster. But not without fighting. No savior, no messiah. Let's take charge. More than ever, let's stand together and don't get the wrong target. The target is not the non-vaulted or the non-muzzled. On the contrary, it represents hope, humanity's only hope before the machine becomes impossible to stop and where we will end up as in the multitude of narratives and fiction scenarios of visionary writers.
And a little thought again: everything tidied up conspiracy by the very devoted shitty media comes out. Every announcement made today by the government has been previously considered plotting.
"What we need to know now, is whether the Covid vaccines are safe or not? It’s a simple question, but getting answers is like pulling teeth. As everyone knows, any information that doesn’t support the ‘pro-vaccine agenda’ is scrapped by the media and promptly removed from both FB and Twitter. How does that serve the public interest? How is “informed consent” possible without a thorough airing of contrary views in public forums and the media?
ReplyDeleteIt’s not possible, and that seems to be the point. The managers of this campaign seem to prefer brainwashing and mass coercion over dialogue and debate. And their method appears to be working too. Just look at the way that pregnant women and children are being lured into vaccinations that pose significant risks to their health but provide no tangible benefit. The people in these age groups have a better chance of being struck by lightning than killed by Covid, so why take the risk? Why roll the dice on dizziness, nausea, migraines, Bell’s Palsy, myocarditis, blood clots or death, when there’s nothing to be gained? Check out this article in the UK Daily Mail titled “Pregnant women should be fast-tracked for Covid vaccines”:"
FROM: https://www.globalresearch.ca/terminate-emergency-use-authorization-eua-complete-phase-3-trials/5743896?fbclid=IwAR2LQn47oZvzmZZ7_j96BDvdo20z0PJsgiDQfv0WCGU3C5Se6GSN0gXU6l4
ReplyDeleteIsland paradise with highest vaccination rate reports world’s biggest Covid surge
Yahoo News UK
5 May 2021,
An obvious explanation may be that the experimental 'vaccine' CAUSED the outbreak. That of course could never be admitted.
Yet more suggestive evidence of a connection between 'vaccination' and symptoms of the 'disease'.
ore than 500 people who received their coronavirus jabs have been admitted to hospital with Covid-19, a UK study has found.
Researchers at Liverpool University said the patients had all received one dose of the vaccine at least three weeks before they were admitted.
They said the patients were largely frail and elderly, while the number of people who were hospitalised represented only around 1 per cent of the 52,000 people involved in the research.
All part of the sophisticated psychological conditioning, with only one objective: to make EVERYONE conform to an unnecessary and dangerous policy, extending even to those statistically NOT at risk. Even government now admits an AZ blood clotting risk and are offering alternative 'vaccines' to the under 50's. Of course this is not the only risk. Over 700,000 have proved this in the UK alone! But the program must go on. It is the mark of the beast, without which individuals will be socially and economically excluded, all based upon conjecture and lies, the infectivity of the alleged RNA agent never having been proved. In fact the absence of any outbreak of illness following the mass events observed, tends to the opposite conclusion. The long-term consequences of interfering with the human genome as regards reproduction, the auto-immune system and subsequent disease both in adults and their offspring, is completely unknown territory. Whether 'vaccination' drives an epidemic, has yet to be decided. It certainly appears to neither guarantee immunity or infectivity, yet earlier animal studies with SARS indicated fatal dangers when later exposed to similar agents from the bodies own allergic response. There is no evidence that masks, social distancing and the whole paraphernalia of hand and equipment sterilisation has had any effect at all. All the statistics relating to infection and death are as reliable as a leaky bucket, yet the myths are still being promoted and adverse consequences (the steep rise in alcohol disease and deaths, being but the most recent) pile up. The censorship by media giants at the behest of Government, of anyone that does not toe the approved narrative line, and the violent attempts to prevent public protest are truly chilling. Could there be a better illustration of the Hegelian Dialectic of "Problem. Reaction. Solution" and the idealisation of '1984'??
ReplyDeleteEXCLUSIVE: Jailhouse interview with Pastor Artur Pawlowski
ReplyDeleteArrested by Canadian police for resisting police incursion into his church.
Fauci links: https://fb.watch/5vWJ9ytbbR/
ReplyDeleteThere is a consistent pattern, across numerous nations, of the death rate going UP sharply after the introduction of the Co vi d inoculation programme. Watch 'UK Column' for specific details.
Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's UK Column News.
FACEBOOK keeps censoring my posts. They say it is because they go against their 'standards' but of course they never explain how or why. In the absence of any factual errors, I can only assume it is because the views expressed differ from theirs and the MSM narrative or because in the words from a famous film "they can't handle the truth", ironically provided not from 'conspiracist' sources but from unimpeachable government ones. FB is neither a supporter of free speech or interested in promulgating the most basic safety information, enabling people to make up their own minds. Clearly that is what it is terrified of. It is in fact part of the international propaganda machine that allows only one biased opinion to be heard and considered, the very antithesis of an ethical 'social network'.