Saturday 10 April 2021

No Smoke Without Fire Part 4 Vaccines : Lies Damned Lies & Statistics.

But none from flu this year apparently! 150,000 is unreliable as everyone, apart from you it seems, knows. First it is not the figure for the year but a running total but more importantly conflates the symptoms of flu with other primary fatal conditions it would appear just to make the SARS Cov-2 look more dangerous. There is a major disjoint between the notifiable disease statistics and the overall suggested covid deaths, reinforcing the view of statistical manipulation for political purposes. It is generally acknowledged that the PCR test, the figures for which have been used to spread alarm and require isolation, are utterly unreliable to indicate either infection or infectivity. Thirty seven billion pounds have been wasted on a useless 'track and trace' system. The wearing of masks, social distancing and banning of group meetings are based on nothing more than guesswork and have caused untold misery and illness. Information on the adverse effects of the jabs has been suppressed as has any alternative view on the efficacy of the policy. The public has been terrorised for no reason and the sooner people realise it, the better.

This government is absolutely OBSESSED with, for the majority of the population, a relatively low risk bug, whilst piling up and exacerbating other illnesses which have gone undiagnosed and untreated. This is inexplicable and unforgivable myopia. Now they are talking about two covid tests per week for everyone and obligatory covid 'passports' in order to live a normal life. What is wrong with them all? Are they all utterly mad or is there some other sinister agenda driving this thing? More and more sensible people think so.

It is not that I disbelieve there is a bug that can cause a serious disease but that I am very sceptical about how the risk has been presented, namely that everyone is at equal risk, requiring everyone to adopt the behavioural changes required by law. Nor do I accept that masks, disinfectants, closures, and social distancing have been in any way effective in controlling the incidence of disease. The media has uniformly ignored the epidemiological evidence of all the contributory factors that should have been the focus of control but hasn't been. Age, sex, race, disease and institutional settings have overwhelmingly affected the chances of contracting symptoms and subsequent prognosis but have not been addressed. Similarly the significant adverse effects of vaccination have been virtually ignored. All these factors should have required a much more nuanced public information campaign and public policy. For example normality of social intercourse and business should have been aimed at as a priority, whilst focusing on the cohorts at higher risk, rather than promoting a general paranoia and lock down, the economic and psychological consequences of which may be permanent. The most egregious example of bad policy was in relation to schools and school children. The evidence suggests that lock down policies do nothing to curb the incidence of disease, whilst at the same time causing many other profound adverse effects. Nor should generalised vaccination with substances, proved to involve serious biological reactions in about 3% of cases, be promoted to the low risk groups (healthy under 65's) Vaccination passports with their significant social and economic ramifications, should be out of the question. There needs to be a truly independent investigation into the Covid statistics, as to their accuracy (PCR tests are clearly unreliable) as is the actual cause of death in cases. This should be done in parallel with deaths that have followed closely on vaccination, ascribed to Covid, rather than the complications of the jab itself. Incredibly Hancock the Health Secretary admitted this had not even been thought about or catered for. Unfortunately, so much money (billions of pounds) have been expended by government on largely pointless policy, besides the vested interest of big pharma, a truly independent inquiry into these issues is highly unlikely, and as with 9/11, a largely false narrative and the wrong policy will continue to be promulgated to the general public

It is a well known fact that fertility in western men has dropped by about 50% in forty years, so the phenomenon, whether planned or not, is already happening. Further the four genetic 'inserts' in the coronavirus include one with HIV homology which may well have longer term adverse effects. The observed blood clotting in both 'cases' and post vaccination, point to the same biological process taking place, that should caution those not in high risk groups to avoid the jab, which suspiciously most governments are pushing like crazy. Why when there is no prophylactic justification?

The blood clot issue was early on, identified as one of the unusual side effects of the disease. The fact that it has now emerged as a side effect of the AZ jab, that has been engineered to mimic the disease itself, is a cause of genuine concern. The fact that it is in a relatively few number of cases, should not disguise the fact that this is but one of the many thousands of cases, both in America and Britain, where other serious adverse effects have been reported in relation to both the AZ and Pfizer products. This information, as a matter of government policy, has been supressed so as not to interfere with the vaccination programme. The 'vaccines' are novel and insufficiently tested, both for short and long-term consequences and by common consent are dubiously effective in either preventing infection or infectivity. There are worrying indications from the post roll-out spike in deaths, that in the elderly and infirm, the jabs may have hastened death rather than delayed it. They are now being promoted to age groups not at serious risk from the disease itself, including inexplicably and inexcusably, children. Those expressing grave reservations have been silenced by Government, media and professional bodies, so as not to 'rock the boat'. Only UK Column in Britain and a few other outlets, have highlighted the unreliability of the official narrative, designed to influence attitudes and behaviours far more than to protect the public from any notional or significant biological threat.


  1. "Dark Winters" and "Hot Summers". See how words are used to compliment covert plans for social unrest and control. Society is subject to infectious disease manipulation to facilitate a social and economic "reset". The more people realise it the better. Remember, "the time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted."

    Dark Winter
    Heiko Sch̦ning РVice president of World Freedom Alliance

  2. In America: While the problems with VAERS have not been fixed (as you can read about in this letter to the CDC), at the time of this writing, VAERS reports over 2,200 deaths from the current COVID vaccines, as well as close to 60,000 adverse reactions!

    "18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine"

  3. A MUST SEE! Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond"

  4. Dear Ros, You and millions like you, were conned into believing you were at serious risk of death from this thing, when you weren't; to adopt unnatural attitudes and behaviours when they had absolutely no scientific basis or proven efficacy; to obsess over just one cause of illness, ignoring all the others; accepting a vaccination in a trial of an unapproved vaccine, that in the UK alone has caused thousands of adverse effects and deaths and may cause fundamental long-term complications; and taking all the propaganda from government and media as reliable, when it wasn't. Now when the arguable 'infection' is at an all-time low in Britain, the government and BBC want the population to believe we live in India! Why? Just to keep ramping up the fear. Don't you ever wonder why over generations, we have heard nothing of the countless millions of Indians who have died of starvation, TB and a host of other preventable diseases, but now suddenly have become oh so concerned about the people dying from a form of flu. Or why dreaded 'Muslim Terrorism' has suddenly taken a back seat? 'Coronavirus' has become the new weapon of inducing fear in the general population and facilitating the hidden agenda, which is becoming clearer and clearer as the months progress. Who said we are more concerned about a pain in our little finger than millions dying in poverty - that is until the media decide we should be? This is mass psychological conditioning, nothing short of it, and the only way is to become awakened to it or become slaves to it. Literally conditioned, compliant slaves. The last thing on the minds of the Indian victims and their families may well be causes and solutions, but it shouldn't be the last thing on OUR minds if we are to be concerned for the future of humanity.


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