Thursday 3 December 2020

Paul Weston: A Message For Commissioner Dick - I Do Not Consent

Paul Weston: A Message For Commissioner Dick - I Do Not Consent

A natural biological phenomenon has been seized to make as a pretext for an unnatural political agenda. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Saturday, 26 May 2018

State of Policing. Or Police State?

Britain Aping Israel on the back of Zionist-Inspired Terrorism?

When did the British public agree to this fundamental change in the philosophy and practice of British policing?

Once upon a time, we believed the police were there to pursue the criminal and protect the honest citizen ; now we know they are there to intimidate, abuse and arrest the innocent on behalf of a corrupt government. The former gained our respect; the latter deserve our righteous contempt.


  1. Lou Casbarro
    28m ·
    If you don't know about the PREP ACT that was fraudulently added on to the back end of another bill and passed in December of 2005, you seriously need to look into it. This act prevents anyone from suing or levying any charges against the pharmaceutical industry when they get sick from any vaccine.
    If you accept the upcoming Coronavirus vaccine, and you develop cancer, go blind, or you suffer a seizure, aneurysm, stroke, paralysis or death, there is no legal course of action you or your family can attempt. Words have power, they cast spells, and your controllers understand this. That's why they carefully choose which words they disseminate to the people. There is a reason for every single word they speak or print. Nothing is coincidental, everything they do and say has an important reason behind it. The Coronavirus vaccine will introduce foreign RNA and DNA into your body, along with a substance called "Luciferase".. The power structure could have chosen any name they wanted to, but they picked Luciferase. Why?
    Our Creator designed us with DNA that contains a double helix, this double helix is what signifies us as a child of God. Luciferase will add a third strain of DNA to your unique double helix, so you will have two strains from the Creator, and a third artificial strain, an AI strain, and you will cease to be a pure human, you will become a hybridized human, part human, part artificial intelligence. This has been their goal from the beginning. Truth be known, this isn't a novel approach to obliterating Gods amazing creation, the human machine. This exact thing happened during the days of Noah, where they mixed the DNA of all species and created grotesque anomalies of species called chimeras. Luciferase hydro gel, which was created by the military and DARPA will alter your physiology on a molecular level, and the software program that will track your heart rate, body temperature, and many other vital signs, is called "Tiberius". Tiberius was the Roman Emperor that gave the order to have Jesus Christ crucified. Read between the lines, they are letting you know that the Luciferase will kill the Christ Consciousness that lives inside all of us. Please do some of your own research and stop acquiescing to this nefarious and totalitarian protocol. The beast system will NOT survive. Protect yourself and your loved ones with the truth. Knowledge is power. I love you all.

  2. Government picks up the bill for everything. The drug companies are charging anything from around £5 for two shots, to £30. Local GP practices are being paid £25.16 for two. To get a total bill just for the vaccination roll-out for 40 million doses we have a figure of around TWO BILLION POUNDS STERLING! This does not include the government grants to firms and universities to develop the vaccine in the first place, nor does it include the cost of testing ('OPERATION MOONSHOT': est. £100 BILLION!) and track and trace (£35 million plus) Has the government gone stark staring BONKERS?

  3. Add to this all the other economic, health and social costS of the lock down in BILLIONS. We are witnessing the bankrupting of the country in response to a hysterical reaction to an over-hyped flu bug.

  4. VICTORY!! PC Mark Knights is convicted for head-butting a driver.


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