Saturday 16 May 2020

Are 'Brits' America's worst enemies?

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"Every part of our lives will be subject to control. This virus is about training us for submission, training us to do what we're told. To not go to the beach unless we're told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their permission. They're turning us into production units and consuming entities. They are going to rob us not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls. They are going to inject us with the medicines they want and they're going to charge us for the diseases they give us. They are going to control every part of our lives. What we are doing at Children's Health Defense is using the last instruments of democracy we have left - the Courts - to fight them." We are in the last battle. We are in the apocalypse. We are fighting for the salvation of humanity. We all knew this was coming, though I never believed it would come in my lifetime. But here it is."
-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Ross Cowan im always interested about monarchies... what are your feelings about the monarchy Tim! especially this one...

Tim Veater The British Monarchy has (at least) a thousand years of history. The present occupant has broken all records for longevity and probably popularity. That cannot be said of all her extended family that undoubtedly damaged the institution. The transmission on her eventual and unavoidable demise is subject to debate and likely change. I believe she is an honourable and conscientious person who never sought the top job and amazingly hasn't put a foot wrong in nearly 70 years. In political and constitutional terms, that is quite an achievement! Her current situation is unprecedented and precarious. My belief is that the coronavirus scam has been used to isolate her and it with the next in line. She has been wheeled out to support it in an admired TV broadcast. For some reason she has a deep and lasting aversion to the BBC. With all that experience of government, she cannot be naive but she is also a pragmatist. She may be prepared to be used to preserve the Monarchy in a longer game. If nothing else, monarchy develops a long view of history. Political leadership, including tyranny, is transitory. Corona is an international, deep state operation, part of which has been to damage (cite Prince Andrew/Epstein timing) the monarchy and constitution and the isolation of possible obstruction to the master plan. Everything is being done super smooth so as not to frighten the horses (or the people). That's my take on it any way and only time will tell if I'm right!

Tim Veater The world situation is so complex it's hard to locate the loci of evil but America and NATO appear central to it. I believe that British security has been taken over by the CIA for some years and that both have been party to all the 'terrorism' we have witnessed.

Ross Cowan Tim Veater the Brits have never stopped since 1776, 1812, they are indeed Our Worst Enemies..

Ross Cowan there is a well penned piece on Why England is our #1 Enemy.. its not China nor Russia.. England has never gotten over the Rebels.. they fomented the Civil war.. . I vote Off with Their Heads... there is absolutely no rationale for any monarchy including the Thai King Vinjakiddieporn... and Lizzie the Reptile Queen and her cousins, all need to go to Hell where they can have loving company

Ross Cowan except Harry.. but can we let him live.. he might breed another Royal.. but low chances let him love to be a living example of what the world thinks of his mum and aunties and uncles

Ross Cowan (Reply) We are all part of world history. It happened and is unchangeable, although our interpretation of it varies according to our own individual interpretation dependent on all the educational and cultural factors operating on us, including it must be said our own unique personalities. "Lizzie the Reptile Queen", a concept originated by David Icke if I'm not mistaken, and your other observations about Britain's evil influence on America, makes it clear where you are coming from Ross.

As you know I am very sceptical about power politics and the way the public's mind is influenced by deep state activities, but we shall have to agree to disagree on your extreme interpretation and solution I'm afraid although I believe all Western Governments were complicit in the 9/11 debacle, if not in causation at least in being party to the true circumstances and perpetrators, and deciding to go along with the lies, presumably so as not to undermine the grand alliance.

So from 2001 at least, all Western Governments and many others, have been party to a grand conspiracy, to conceal the truth and stand condemned for it, a position that has subsequently been repeated in the fabricated and fake extremist terrorism meme. That of course is not to say that terrorist events are not real or that people do not die in them.

So going back to the so-called "special relationship" between America and Britain, I see it in the context of Greece and Rome.

Up to the end of the 19th Century, for all the well known reasons, Britain became the dominant world power with an empire comprising perhaps a third of the world's population. The USA would have been part of that had it not been for the 1776 revolution, ironically much inspired by British philosophers (John Locke) and dissidents (Thomas Paine).

From the 20th Century onward, accelerated by the bankrupting two world wars and American industrial and economic ascendancy, the scales of global power reversed, with the USA the acknowledged super power, until at least the end of the century with the emergence of China, although of course the USSR was for about forty years viewed as the enemy.

Despite this change in global power vis a vis Britain and the US, the fact that Britain provided the first settlers, the language, the religion, the laws and constitutional framework, have had a lasting and largely, I would argue, beneficial effect for freedom of the individual, scientific and commercial prosperity and political stability.

Though in theory antipathetic to empire, in practice America has done just that and pursued global hegemony financially through the petrodollar, politically through puppet dictators and militarily through constant wars and invasions of foreign territory. These activities were all domestically initiated and supported and I fail to see how wicked Britain and its Crown can be held responsible for them.

Throughout, Britain has been pressured to support American policy and got into deep trouble, as with Harold Wilson and Vietnam, when it didn't. Since at least the 1950's Britain has been in hock to America. This is even more so today, though I grant you Tony Blair provided support, even inspiration, for the intervention in Iraq, following 9/11. He also was the principle reason why Clinton backed Kosovo and the attack on Serbia but neither of these fully supports your charge that America is the slave of British Monarchy and that Britain is the enemy of all things good or decent.

Indeed I believe the reverse may be the case, as witnessed by the actions and associations, particularly in the Middle East, of the USA over the past half century and the role of embedded criminality closely tied to those who wish to see a 'New World Order' as announced by George Walker Bush in the early' 90's, and pursued by later incumbents and legislature, the fruits of which since 9/11 have increasingly revealed themselves to have very sinister, anti-democratic and anti-libertarian overtones.

Whatever system of politics is adopted, there is always someone at the top. The American system of maximum two terms, attempts to prevent him or her becoming a tyrant. Russia has a similar system that Putin has cleverly manipulated to his advantage. China doesn't bother with such trifles. The British constitution from 1688 developed in such a way as to maintain an hereditary head of state with all the glamour and ritual but subject to an elected Parliament, a system that seems to have worked quite well up to now. However I fear dark forces are now at play to disrupt and undermine constitutional principles, to the detriment of individual freedom and that rather than the cause, the monarch and her progeny may be the victims of it too.

1 comment:

  1. An example of the deceit of the evil empire!

    Bombshell: Syrian Gas Attack Was Faked & Whistleblower Smeared.


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