Thursday 10 October 2019

A journey into the minds of those that abuse children. FBI-Trained Sex Crime Profiler Interview | Carine Hutsebaut

1 comment:

  1. Not once in this interview a mention of pleasure as a motivator. Human action is largely a matter of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain - the classic 'carrot and stick'. Sexual experience is no exception, in fact a primary exemplar of the principle. Children need to be protected from adult fantasies, desire and action but we need to appreciate that adults, to a greater or lesser extent are still children and children are adults in the making. Both spend their pursuing their physical and emotional objectives, which in large part are hard-wired, though moderated to a greater or lesser extent by social and cultural norms. Every human-being shares common aspirations and aversions, although the impact and nature of them vary and in some turn into pathologies. I am quite sure that children that experience one of the five mistreatments described in the video, are more likely to experience emotional problems related to them in later life but the situation is hardly linear or predictable. Well treated children can turn out to be criminal (see:; abused children can turn out well, though scarred (see: This is not an abuse apologetic but it is a glimmer of hope for affected children, adults and the world.


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