Tuesday 1 October 2019

9/11 In Plane Site - Directors Cut. An old but still impressive video proving 9/11 was a huge government criminal fraud supported by the British Government. Isn't it time that full political implications of this materialised?

1 comment:

  1. It's old but the points made are unanswerable. If the American Government supports a pack of lies, as it clearly does, it is also implicated in the causation of them. Only a culprit would lie in that way. Undoubtedly responsibility for the heinous crimes of 9/11 and those that followed, rests with the American Government, first in organising it with others, and second in covering it up. The psychological barrier to accepting a democratic government would do that to its own people for geo-political purposes is immense, and has stood in the way of acceptance of the undeniable fact, that no plane flew into the Pentagon, and that's just for starters.


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