"That several months ago I reported the murder of a small girl called Clare to the British police. And they’ve asked me nothing more about her.
"Is that normal?
"Is it normal to report a murder to the British police and for them to not ask anything about it?
"I have emails from the police acknowledging the receipt of my statements. And what I have from them, mostly, is silence. Just silence."
Check out : https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=hampstead and https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=ricky and https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=sabine and https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=draper
Following from: https://karmapolice.earth/?p=443
Phoenix: I think the abuse that I was already experiencing at home put me in a position where, when I was ritually abused at the camp, I had already been conditioned to accept that type of abuse. To believe that was what men did to young boys. To believe that there was nothing I could do about it because it was the way the world was.
I knew in my family home that I couldn’t speak out about what my father and my mother were doing. This made me aware that there was really no one that I could turn to for support.
I think it was obvious to me, as a child, that if I told my parents about what had happened at the camp it would have raised too many questions about what was happening at home.
I already knew the unspoken rules of the society in which I lived: Adults sexually abuse children and the children must keep quiet.
So, when I was then taken to a camp where I was sexually abused, it seemed to just be a much more violent extension of what I’d already been exposed to.
I had already been primed to accept that type of abuse to accept it as normal. So, the context in which I was sent to the camp was one in which I had already been abandoned as a kid. I had no emotional connection to those around me. I was incredibly vulnerable to any display of affection or kindness from an adult, which would often turn into sexual abuse.
I was abused in a social context in which it was normal to abuse children.
Aria: You were taken to a location in the north. What happened there?
Phoenix: I was taken to camp run by an organization called Outward Bound. The place was extremely isolated. It was by a lake. The two most abusive teachers in that group that I remember were the history teacher, he was called Mr Newman an English teacher, who was called Mr Sewell. And they both worked at King’s House School in Richmond in London, where I was sexually abused many times by many different teachers.
We were driven to the camp in two different minibuses. I remember, when I arrived there, feeling very isolated. On the way to the camp, we’d stopped at Alton Towers, which is a theme park.
I remember the English teacher who has previously sexually abused me at the school… I think I had this growing awareness that those who were taking us to the camp seemed to be grooming different children in the group. So, I think, I already had this sense as we were travelling there that there was a lot in fear in me. There was a lot of fear in me that I disguised.
So many activities that I was taken on by abusers, there was this presentation of it being an adventure, of it being something fun. So, despite the fear, I wanted to go to the theme park, and I liked the idea of going on an adventure holiday because I had seen the brochures that they had at school.
I think I was hoping that, despite all the odds, despite the fact this seemed to permeate every aspect of society, I think I was hoping that perhaps this was an adventure holiday. Perhaps this was something enjoyable that I could participate in with adults. Perhaps it was an experience that I could be involved in without being abused.
When we got to the camp, I remember it being very isolated. There was a lake and a boat house. There was a small recreation room with a videogame inside it. It was one of the old video games that was kind of under a glass sheet. I remember it took twenty pence pieces and I remember that, between being abused, a lot of us would hang out in that recreation room. We’d put twenty pence pieces into the Space Invaders machine.
It felt like a way of distracting ourselves from what was happening. I remember being very worried, as I think the other kids were, that we’d run out of twenty pence pieces. It felt like this video game machine was the way in which we escaped from the camp. It was the only space in the camp where I felt like I wasn’t in the camp.
For a few minutes we could sit in front of this video game machine, this Space Invaders machine and not be there. I guess I never really acknowledged how much that game helped. I’m very glad that someone made that game and put it there. And later on I went on to design videogames. I feel like maybe some other kid played one of the games that we made and was able not to be where he was, or she was, too.
Then at night, men would visit the camp. Cars would pull up in the driveway. And men would come out of them. They’d take us into different rooms and they would abuse us. I could hear kids being abused in other room. I have my own experiences of being abused there. It seems typically happen quite early in the morning. Around 2 or 3 in the morning.
I remember dreading that moment in the night when I’d be woken up and taken out of my bed. I remember being burned by them after being abused. Often with cigarettes. I remember the violence of the rapes that I was subjected to. I remember they were dressed in different costumes some of them were dressed as police officers. Some of them wore masks. It was filmed.
I feel very, very angry at those men. I feel very angry at the school. I feel very sad at what happened to me. And I feel very strong. I feel like they relied on me never being this strong. They relied on the children they abused never being strong enough to speak out. And they did that through a series of practices which are well defined as ritual abuse techniques.
One of these techniques was to tie a child’s leg to the ceiling and to spin the child from the ceiling until the child was so disorientated that they would submit to anything; that the child would split themselves. They would do anything to avoid remembering or feeling the pain of what that experience was like.
After I was spun, I was also taken to the lake where the men would nearly drown me. They would push me under the water until I was nearly drowned and then they would drag me out from the water. And they’d keep doing it. And they’d keep doing it, and they’d keep doing it.
And they seemed to know when it was that they’d conditioned us deeply enough that we would never speak out because then we would start wetting the bed.
As soon as you’ve traumatized a child enough that you can regress them to an earlier stage of development then you know that you have done significant damage to their nervous system and you know that it’s very unlikely that they will ever speak out about what you’ve done to them because you have stored it in a pre-verbal form.
And those men used that: The fact that we started wetting the beds as an indication that they’d damaged us enough that they knew that it was safe to let us go.
And they kept other children at the camp. And there was a girl called Clare. And we became friends. I now know that they were doing this in order to create a bond between me and Clare which they would later abuse.
One of the evenings, I was taken into a shed on the grounds of the camp and Clare was there. And she was tied in a chair. One of the men who was stood around her, had a fork in his hand. He told me to stab Clare with the fork. And I refused, and I started shouting and then he grabbed my hand, with the fork in it, and he pushed it into Clare’s face. And he did that again and again.
After that, the men stood around me. And they shouted at me: Look at what you’ve done; look at what you’ve done; look at what you’ve done.
They kept shouting it until I believed that I had done that. But I had not done that. They had done that. And I don’t know how many children they had one that to, but they did that to me. I don’t want them to do it to any more children.
Aria: If you feel comfortable with this. Maybe you could talk about the rituals that you remember being forced to participate in?
Phoenix: What was done to me and to other children is that we were taken out into a space outside the camp. There were graves dug in the ground. We were put into the graves and then the graves were sealed and I was left there overnight. So I was essentially buried alive overnight.
I feel this is a big basis for my fear of death. I see no reason to fear death. It would just be a transition to another space. I think what I had always feared was being put back in those pits by those men. I think as a kid, I thought: this is death; being stuck in a pit. Time seemed to stop. I wasn’t aware of how long I’d been left there. I didn’t know if I would be taken out of the pit.
I’m also aware again that listeners are probably thinking: This sounds wild and implausible. If you feel that, then it worked. Then it worked. Then exactly what those men wanted you to believe, which is that this didn’t happen to me, that they couldn’t do this to children: It worked.
Just like they wanted to hide the holocaust but didn’t manage it. It seems like they have almost managed to hide this. So, there’s a few voices, like my voice and your voice, who speak out and other voices who are joining us around the world. It’s a very strange life to live, carrying this, but I’m glad that I’m speaking out.
I’m just thinking about Clare more. I really struggle with this. Regardless of what anyone listening thinks about this and is dubious of what I’m telling them, or disbelieving.
I think you have to consider this. And that is: That several months ago I reported the murder of a small girl called Clare to the British police. And they’ve asked me nothing more about her.
Is that normal?
Is it normal to report a murder to the British police and for them to not ask anything about it?
I have emails from the police acknowledging the receipt of my statements. And what I have from them, mostly, is silence. Just silence.
It’s 2018, I reported the murder of a girl called Clare to the British police force. And for months, there has just been silence.
Who are these people?
Aria: Did you try and tell anyone about what happened to you at the time?
Phoenix: It became quite clear to me, at the time, there was no one to tell. People at the camp who abused me appeared to be police officers. I was taken there by school teachers. My parents were sexually abusing me. It wasn’t apparent to me who I could tell. There didn’t seem to be an individual in that society in any position to listen or to help. Almost all of them seemed to participate. Either through abusing children, through denying that abuse was happening, or ignoring it.
When I came back from the camp, I, like many of the other children who were abused there, became very ill. And we were off school. I was off school for a very long time.
I have school reports that reference the time I was away. The story that the school told was that we had got ill on account of algae in the lake when we’d gone canoeing. But the truth was that I, like many of those children, was very ill because we’d been raped by men who came to that camp, who prostituted us. But that wasn’t the school’s story. It still isn’t the school’s story. The school’s story is: Silence. Complete silence.
I went to the school’s Wikipedia page and I added information about a teacher who had been convicted of pedophilia in the school. Someone at the school removed that from the Wikipedia page. And the comment that they left on wikipedia, after it has been removed, was something like: ‘This isn’t relevant to the school’.
This isn’t relevant to the school? The fact that there was a pedophile definitively operating at the school – I mean, in my experience there were many pedophiles there — but there was one individual who had been convicted. This wan’t relevant to the school?
Other information on the page included the facilities at the sports ground. That there was a hockey pitch. That there was a hockey pitch at the sports ground was more relevant to the school than the fact that pedophiles operated in the school?
I think I want to say, at this point, that: Imagine ten years ago, someone had said to you, “Bill Cosby is raping women. He’s drugging and raping women.” I think most people’s reaction would be, “No, no, he’s so lovely on television.”
Ten years ago, if you’d said to someone “Jimmy Savile he’s raped over a thousand children on BBC property.” People would say: “Oh, no, no, he’s lovely; he’s on television.”
I’m telling you now: There are deep connections between an elite British school; the monarchy; and a camp run by Outward Bound. And I’m sure many people out there are thinking: ‘Oh, no, no, no, they’re so lovely; they’re on television.’
I invite everyone listening, and I invite them in love: To seriously hear what I am saying. To seriously take account of this testimony. To seriously investigate what it is that I went through.
Aria: So my final, my last question is: How common do you feel this type of abuse is?
Phoenix: It’s hard for me to say how common it is. My experiences, as anyone’s individual experiences of anything, would give the impression that it’s the typical experience. I was born into a certain time and place. I only have my own experience. I saw it happened to children around me in their family homes. A very close friend of mine killed himself on account of what was done to him by that school. I can see reverberations of what was done to me in society. Others who were sent to that school are now in politics or entertainment.
In essence, many of the children that those elite schools, mine in-particular, are now managing the country. I think that’s terrifying. It’s terrifying to consider how many children were conditioned in this way and they’re now running things.
As for how generally widespread the practice is. I can only reiterate what I said earlier and that is: Now that I have reported this crime in extensive detail to the British police, they’ve asked almost nothing about it. They’ve asked almost nothing about it.
To me, that suggests a substantial institutional problem. In the same way, that for years and years those who worked at the BBC, walked around doing their jobs, eating in the canteen, speaking to colleagues, writing scripts, whilst they knew that a man called Jimmy Savile was raping children in the building. Whilst they knew that, they just carried on?
I can imagine in the police station that’s dealing with my case: With my report of the ritual abuse I experienced and the murder of Clare. I can imagine many of those policemen filling paperwork, chatting with colleagues. Doing… nothing. Doing nothing.
Silence. Just silence.
Aria: This relates quite a lot to the last question — But why don’t we hear more about this in the news?
[Laughs] I mean, this is a great question. I already anticipate the problem here and that is that a lot of listeners will not want to hear the answer to that question.
But I think the answer to the question is probably obvious at this point: And that is: Who owns the newspapers? Where does the money come from? In what ways are these people connected to those with money and power?
In which ways, for example, was the BBC connected to money and power? In which ways have the BBC hidden and concealed the abuse of children in the past?
Have they done that on a tiny scale? Have they just hidden one or two rapes here and there? No. They’ve consistently hidden over a thousand incidents of sexual abuse on BBC property. Never mind what happened outside BBC property. And there’s been no real reflection on what was done. there’s been no real investigation into how that happened.
Mark Thompson – who was working at the BBC during the time at which it was revealed that Savile has been raping all these children – he now works at the New York Times.
The man who oversaw the BBC as they were reflecting and attempting to understand what happened with Savile, he now works at the New York Times.
Now, I think there’s a problem here, because I think that a lot of people might think, ‘Oh man, this is some sort of weird anti media rant. I’m not anti-media, what I am against is those who have demonstrated themselves to be untrustworthy — those who have demonstrated themselves to participate in various ways in the abuse of children —should not hold positions in newspapers, no matter the name of those newspapers or their political leanings.
I have no objection to whatever a particular newspaper believes collectively. I have no objection to any particular title. I just have a big problem when those who control the media; those who define the parameters in which news is spoken, those who define the topics of the day; those who edit in essence the stories that we receive, I have a big problem when those people have demonstrated themselves to actively have participated in the abuse of children. Through negligence, or through cover-ups.
I think the tricky thing is that they’ve militarized us against awareness.
They even invented this name: ‘Conspiracy Theory’. So any time you say anything that questions the official narrative, defined by these individuals in the media, you are a conspiracy theorist. I mean, what does that actually mean? It just means that you considered information other than that that was presented to you.
Imagine someone saying ten years ago, ‘Oh, I’ve got this feeling that Jimmy Savile is raping loads of kids in the BBC.’
‘Oh, you’re a conspiracy theorist! You mad conspiracy theorist!’
Or: ‘I’ve got this feeling, you know Rolf Harris, he seems a bit weird. I think I saw him raping a child.’
‘No; you’re just a conspiracy theorist!’
Or: ‘You know Bill Cosby, my friend said that he’s been raping women. he’s been drugging them and raping them.’
‘Ah, you’re a mad conspiracy theorist!’
Or: ‘I’ve got this feeling the BBC might be institutionally covering-up the abuse of children by different presenters’
‘No, that’s a conspiracy!’
What does that mean? It just means you looked at the information available and reached a different conclusion from that which was presented to you by the powerful rich organizations who dictated it to you.
It’s not wild; it’s not mad; it’s very, very sensible. It’s very awake.
It’s very awake to question these things. It’s very awake to say, ‘No I’m not just going to accept what you told me.’
I feel like power and authority can’t just say: ‘You believe what I tell you or I’ll hurt you.’ They don’t do that anymore. They say, ‘You’re a conspiracy theorist.’
What shocks me is that the idea that an individual, or a group of individuals, would consider for themselves the facts and reach their own conclusion has become unacceptable. It has become unacceptable to reach your own conclusion baaed on the facts.
When I think about what they did to Clare, and I think about how many years I felt terrified and ashamed of what they made me do, I think what she would have wanted me to do, and what I’m doing, is telling everyone I can about what they did to her. And likely to many other children like her.
So, although there’s a lot of anger in me about what happened. There’s a lot of love. Because I know the way out of this isn’t to attack those who abused us, but to expose what they did.
I have no interest in attacking the school who sent me to the camp. I just want them to stop.
What The Good Schools Guide says..
Space is at a premium, the library fills in a corridor and a piano lesson seemed to be going on in a passageway. The IT room contained a lot of slightly restless boys learning computer basics. But, no worry, there is plenty of room for burning energy outside in the big playground which, cleverly, has a partially covered area. Communication certainly seems to be a great strength; no parent could say they are not kept fully up to date. From the headmaster’s termly letter to the weekly school newsletters, everything is covered...
Following from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_House_School
Historical case of child abuse[edit]
Former teacher Michael Porteous was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for sexually abusing a pupil at the school in the 1970s.[6] The school issued a statement, saying: "We are shocked that a former teacher of the school abused his position of trust in this way and committed a deplorable crime against a pupil in his care."

The sheep comforts the shepherd dog, after he fought the wolves. This image has a lot to teach us. https://www.facebook.com/Chaveszedroguinha/photos/a.374702536269446/557044844701880/?type=3&theater

Abuse and Intimidatory Harassment directed at me by the 'Hoaxstead' cohort, proving what a disreputable rabble it is:
Veaterecosan: See (above or below) how any genuine report of the mistreatment of children in an institutional context, now proved beyond doubt by the Government itself, brings the Hoaxstead mob out of their holes, confirming every doubt or reservation we ever had about them? Phoenix it would be helpful if you feel able, to indicate the time period to which your account relates and old you were then?
Done. If anyone in the future is curious about why some comments here were deleted: Someone was posting the same aggressive message using multiple accounts. They weren't adding anything to the discussion. I'm happy to respond to critique of the content of the video, but I'm not going to provide a platform for angry people to attack survivors and those supporting the healing process.
Phoenix and Aria speak out I appreciate your prompt action Phoenix. With literally millions of others, I was shocked by the detailed accounts of the 'Hampstead Children' and their subsequent rubbishing by police and courts, as well as the persecution of the mother and anyone prepared to believe or represent them. It will remain a classic case study of how state agencies work to close down any suggestion of coordinated institutional abuse. As the multiple personal attacks by either one or more of those involved here, using multiple anonymous avatars, illustrate, these are some very unsavoury characters, prepared to use the self-same tactics of publishing personal information and making threats, they complain were used against themselves. Perhaps I should make it clear, that as far as I am aware, I have never resorted to these underhand methods or involved myself in any form of personal harassment, unless discussing the reported and shocking widely publicised fact of the case in a public forum, can be considered to be so. The case still raises unresolved matters of grave public interest, namely can the British Police and Courts of Justice be trusted to act appropriately, when children provide candid, detailed and veracious accounts of abuse? The Hampstead case and your own reported experience would appear to confirm that it can't. If the organs of the state fail in this regard, I suggest only social media and publicity can partly fill the void, which partly explains why Western Governments are currently so intent in censoring it.
Phoenix I should be grateful if you would delete the inaccurate personal information and threats published below by 'Hoaxstead' individual or individuals (under anonymous avatars as usual) regarding me and my family. You may wish to block them from commenting as well as their intention is clearly to be offensive and intimidatory.
I was sexually abused by my 'family' and other teachers, and members of the 'community' throughout my childhood, from as early as I can remember until around 14 years old. I was around 10 years old at the time of the ritual abuse described in this video. At the time, I was at King's House School (whose 'teachers' organized the trip). I was enrolled there from the late 80s until the early-90s.
veaterecosan: @Phoenix and Aria speak out Perhaps it should be noted that "Elementary Penguin" (above) is part of the 'Hoaxstead' set-up, dedicated to pouring scorn on the Hampstead children's accounts very similar to yours.
Aria speaks out about her ritual abuse by the British establishment
Phoenix and Aria speak out
ReplyDeletePublished on Aug 7, 2019
Phoenix and Aria discuss their memories of being sexually abused at schools in London.
Aria describes her childhood abuse by teachers, and how she went unseen and unheard. Phoenix reflects on the structural problems with the student-teacher dynamic. He also describes how students at his school, King's House, were abused by the teachers and then silenced.
Richard Brenner Tim Veater you have literally shared a document in which you are accused of being a far right anti Semitic whites supremacist and in which you do not deny that
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· Reply · 11h
Tim Veater
Tim Veater Richard Brenner The allegation is patently rubbish. I have replicated it to demonstrate the nature of those actually displaying those extreme characteristics and the depths of abuse and concoction to which they are prepared to stoop. We appear to be in an era when individuals can engage in extreme, coordinated and unsubstantiated on-line abuse to distract from the substantive issue. The method and objective is clearly demonstrated by these texts which is wholly typical of the anonymous sender(s).
Tim Veater Richard Brenner Your page here: https://www.facebook.com/richard.brenner.1917/timeline... appears (as expected) very dodgy. It contains a link blogs.villagevoice'com that my computer warns me against visiting. Care to explain?
ReplyDeleteUPDATE: See teachers' reports and hear piano piece here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JINZkIRNnUQ