The following article republished unedited from here:
Twelve killed and thirty-nine injured in twin 'IS' attacks on Iran’s parliament building and Khomeini mausoleum on 7.6.2017.
Times of Israel
Gunmen and suicide bombers stormed Iran’s parliament and the shrine of its revolutionary leader on Wednesday, killing 12 people and injuring 39 in the first attacks in the country claimed by the Islamic State group.
The attacks ended after a standoff lasting several hours, during which the gunmen holed up in parliamentary office buildings.
IS released a video of the attackers from inside the building via its Amaq propaganda agency — a rare claim of responsibility while an attack was still going on.
A voice on the video praises God and says in Arabic: “Do you think we will leave? We will remain, God willing.” Another voice repeats the same words. The two appeared to be parroting a slogan used by IS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, who was killed in Syria last year.
Police said all the attackers had been killed by around 3 p.m. (10:30 GMT), some five hours after the attack started.
The Sunni jihadists of IS consider Shiite Iran to be apostate, and Tehran is deeply involved in fighting the group in both Syria and Iraq.
The assaults began mid-morning, when four gunmen burst into the parliament complex in the center of Tehran, killing a security guard and one other person, according to the ISNA news agency.
An interior ministry official said they were dressed as women and entered through the visitors’ entrance.
The image of a 'real' incident in Pakistan (in contrast to fabricated Western ones!) where many were killed. At least 65 people were killed and 280 others, mostly women and children, wounded after a bomb went off outside a park in the city of Lahore in northeastern Pakistan on Sunday 26.4. A faction of Taliban, which calls itself Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, claimed responsibility for the attack. On Friday 24.3, a bomb explosion at a soccer stadium near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, claimed the lives of 41 people and injured 105 others. The Takfiri Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for that bombing attack. Of course there have been many more since. These elicit virtually no manufactured public reaction in the West.
At roughly the same time, a team of three or four assailants entered the grounds of the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the 1979 Islamic revolution, killing a gardener and wounding several other people.
Iran’s emergency services said a total of 12 people were killed in the two attacks and 39 were wounded.
Two of the attackers at the shrine, one of them a woman, blew themselves up, while another detonated a suicide vest on the fourth floor of the parliamentary office building.
A picture on social media showed police helping staff escape through windows.
Large crowds gathered around cordons to watch as police struggled to disperse the crowds.
Parliament was in session as the attacks unfolded and members were keen to show they were undeterred, continuing with regular business.
Some posted selfies of themselves looking calm, even as gun battles raged in surrounding office buildings and snipers took position on nearby rooftops.
The speaker of Iran’s parliament described Wednesday’s terror attack as a “minor incident,” the Iranian Mehr news agency reported.
Ali Larijani chaired business-as-usual proceedings within the parliamentary chamber while gunfights went on elsewhere in the building.
He described Iran as an “active and effective hub for combating terrorism” and said terrorists wanted to undermine this.
As he spoke, some lawmakers shouted, “Death to America.”
State news channels said parliament had gone back to work shortly after the first reports of gunfire, while other channels avoided reporting on the attack altogether.
An official at Khomeini’s mausoleum in south Tehran said “three or four” people had entered via the western entrance and opened fire, according to the Fars news agency.
The intelligence ministry said there had been a third “terrorist” team that was neutralized before the attacks started.
The city was on lockdown for several hours, with streets blocked and parts of the metro closed. Journalists were kept away from the shrine by police.
“I was passing by one of the streets. I thought that children were playing with fireworks, but I realized people are hiding and lying down on the streets,” Ebrahim Ghanimi, who was around the parliament building when the assailants stormed in, told The Associated Press. “With the help of a taxi driver, I reached a nearby alley.”
Police helicopters circled over the parliament building and all mobile phone lines from inside were disconnected. The semi-official ISNA news agency said all entrance and exit gates at parliament were closed and that lawmakers and reporters were ordered to remain in place inside the chamber.
Interior Minister Abdolrahman Fazli told ISNA he had convened a special meeting of the country’s security council.
Jihadist groups have clashed frequently with security forces along Iran’s borders with Iraq and Afghanistan, but the country has largely escaped attacks within its urban centers.
The intelligence ministry said in June 2016 that it had foiled a plot to carry out multiple bomb attacks in Tehran and around the country.
IS published a rare video in Persian in March, warning that it “will conquer Iran and restore it to the Sunni Muslim nation as it was before.”
Iran, the predominant Shiite power, has been helping both Iraq and President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria to battle IS.
The jihadist group is under increasing pressure in both countries, having lost significant territory in the face of offensives now targeting its last two major urban bastions, Raqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq.
Militant groups are also known to operate in Iran’s southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan province, which borders Pakistan and has a large Sunni community.
Jaish-ul Adl (Army of Justice), which Tehran accuses of links with al-Qaeda, has carried out several armed attacks on Iranian soil in recent years.
The Kremlin, which has been fighting IS in Syria and Iraq together with Iran and Syria’s Assad, condemned the attacks in Tehran and called for greater coordination in the fight against the group.
“Moscow decisively condemns such terrorist attacks,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, adding that “the continuation of a series of terror attacks again underlines the need for coordinated actions in the fight against terror and IS.”
United Arab Emirates also condemned the attacks.
“Our position on terrorism is very clear… Any terrorist attack in any country, in any capital, directed at innocent people is something that the UAE abhors and the UAE condemns,” state minister for foreign affairs Anwar Gargash told AFP.
The European Unions high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, Federica Mogherini, sent her condolences to the victims of the Tehran attacks and said she was following events very closely on this “very sad day again.”
and from this: http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/isis-puppet-show-philippines-oz-uk-iran/?utm_source=Freedom+Articles&utm_campaign=329171def7-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cc6823db53-329171def7-149278469&mc_cid=329171def7&mc_eid=d3793cdd9b
The ISIS Puppet Show shows no sign
of abating in recent weeks, with the fanatical mercenary group miraculously branching out to somehow attack the Philippines, Australia, Britain and now even Iran. Yesterday on June 7th, 2017, ISIS has claimed responsibility for what was actually a twin attack on Iran. The attackers (some of whom were disguised as women) shocked Iran by simultaneously striking its Parliament building and the tomb of its revolutionary founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 revolution. It was the worst terrorist attack in the Islamic republic for a long time, with 46 wounded and at least 12 killed. By calling it the “ISIS Puppet Show”, I am in no way implying that the attacks are faked or hoaxed, nor am I making light of the fact that real innocent people are dying whenever ISIS carries out its brutal and barbaric attacks. However, the ISIS phenomenon always leads to more questions. How on earth is ISIS able to export its terror to both hemispheres and virtually every continent on earth? How is it able magically bypass the security of all these nations? Who is pulling the strings of the ISIS Puppet Show?
Bomb blasts as ISIS attacks Iranian Parliament. Image credit: PressTV & JamaranNews.
Twin ISIS attacks in Tehran, Iran. Image credit: PressTV
ISIS Attack on Iran: Both In Accord and Not in Accord with the Zionist-US Script
You can look at the ISIS attack on Iran from different perspectives. On one hand, is surprising since it appears to contradict the line that you hear coming from Israel, the Zionist Trump Administration and the US Deep State (Military Intelligence Complex) that Iran is “the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world”. Those groups are pushing that lie because they want to an excuse to subjugate and overtake Iran, who thus far has successfully resisted the Zionist-Saudi influence in that region. In many ways this ISIS attack will generate sympathy for Iran. Unfortunately for the propagators of the “Iran sponsors terrorism” myth, this ISIS attack on Iran contradicts the idea that Iran is the biggest funder of terrorism. It’s giving Iran a platform to (rightfully) accuse Saudi Arabia, the home of the extreme Wahhabi brand of Islam that ISIS embraces, as being the true source and funder of international terrorism.
Are the Saudis Sending the Iranians a Message with their ISIS Takfiris?
However, on the other hand, it’s important to remember the ISIS puppet show is a tool in the hands of US-UK-Zionist New World Order – and it’s a tool that can be wielded in many ways. Up until a few months ago, ISIS was for 2 main purposes: to attack Assad in Syria and help allow US proxy forces to overthrow him, as well as to scare the crap out of the general public in Western countries like the US, UK, France, Germany, Australia and Canada with occasional false flag ops. Now, the scope has broadened; with ISIS attacking both the Philippines and Iran, it appears that the US-UK-Israeli puppetmasters are embarking upon a new strategy of directing their pet Frankenstein against “recalcitrant” leaders and nations that aren’t falling into the line with the globalist NWO plan.
By using ISIS to directly attack Iran (who is both Israel’s and Saudi Arabia’s arch enemy), Saudi Arabia, emboldened by its recent weapons deal with the US, is no doubt sending a warning to Iran that it means business. Furthermore, this attack is sure to stir all sorts of up trouble in the turbulent Middle East. As mentioned above, Iran already reacted very quickly to the attack by accusing Saudi Arabia of masterminding it. This comes on the heels of stunning recent developments in the Gulf as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and UAE (United Arab Emirates) have all cuts ties with Qatar (all of whom are members of the oil-exporting GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council]). Saudi Arabia has even closed its land border with Qatar! Why? Because the Saudis are demanding loyalty from Qatar and don’t like how Qatar is maintaining friendly ties with Iran. Consequently, Qatar is now looking to Iran and Turkey for food supplies in the coming weeks.
Saudi Pot Calls the Qatari Kettle Black
On top of all that, Saudi Arabia is claiming that it’s cutting off ties with Qatar because Qatar is funding too much terrorism! Pot calling the kettle black couldn’t even begin to describe that one. It’s an open secret that Saudi Arabia is hands down the biggest funder of terrorism in the entire world. Here is a quote from the article How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism:
“It would be troublesome but perhaps acceptable for the House of Saud to promote the intolerant and extremist Wahhabi creed just domestically. But, unfortunately, for decades the Saudis have also lavishly financed its propagation abroad. Exact numbers are not known, but it is thought that more than $100 billion have been spent on exporting fanatical Wahhabism to various much poorer Muslim nations worldwide over the past three decades. It might well be twice that number. By comparison, the Soviets spent about $7 billion spreading communism worldwide in the 70 years from 1921 and 1991.This appears to be a monumental campaign to bulldoze the more moderate strains of Islam, and replace them with the theo-fascist Saudi variety. Despite being well aware of the issue, Western powers continue to coddle the Saudis or, at most, protest meekly from time to time.”
Think about those numbers for a moment. Russia’s $7 billion on funding communism vs. Saudi Arabia’s $100 billion on funding Wahhabism (which espouses violence and promotes Islamic terrorism). Think about how much war and destruction was undertaken by the US in the name of stopping the spread of communism. Yet, Saudi Arabia spends over 14 times more than Russia on a dangerous ideology and the US supports it with open arms, billion-dollar arms deals and the petrodollar arrangement.
Look who’s behind the ISIS puppet show.
Islamic Terrorism: An Old, Old Game of the US-UK-Israeli Axis
Islamic terrorism, or more accurately, the Islamic terrorism psyop, is an old game that has been played for a long time by Britain, Israel and the United States. In the article Zionism vs Islam – Which is More Dangerous?, I discussed how the Israelis (especially agencies like the Mossad) have perfected the art of framing Arabs and Muslims for their Zionist terrorist attacks and false flag ops. Israeli leaders have created “Zio-Islamic terrorism” which has fooled most of the world into hating Muslims for the evil things that Israel planned.
The US has a history of using Islamic terrorism to its advantage too, starting in 1979 with the infamous mujahideen of Afghanistan who were tricked into helping the US achieve its geopolitical objective by pushing back against the USSR. The now deceased arch globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski always comes to mind when I think of how the West used Islamic terrorists as cannon fodder when he told them that the fight was just and that god was on their side.
The truly brilliant article Islamic Terrorism: Our Ally for 38 Years goes into great detail about the use of Islamic terrorism by the US for almost 4 decades, long before the ISIS puppet show:
“Islamic terrorists are wonderful instruments for proxy wars – they cost very little but fight fearlessly. They are a global resource that can be brought into any local conflict. They are also expendable – we use them when convenient and kill them when inconvenient.If this shocks the conscience of people, it just means they haven’t been paying keen attention. Consider the following examples:
- Thomas Friedman of The New York Times wrote that we shouldn’t attack ISIS in Syria; and we should even consider arming ISIS to overthrow Assad
- John Kerry admitted, “U.S. tried to use ISIS to force Assad into negotiations.”
- Israeli military chief explained, “Israel prefers ISIS to Assad”
- Israeli defense minister recounted, “ISIS never intentionally attacks us; and when it happened once, ISIS apologized immediately.” Hello!
- Hillary Clinton wrote, “Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund and arm ISIS.”
- Joe Biden, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Gen. Wesley Clark all have stated that US allies in the Middle East arm and fund Al Qaeda and ISIS.
- Several State Department cables have clearly laid out how Saudi Arabia is the #1 source of funding for terrorism around the world – not just in the Middle East.
Ever wonder why we never go to war against or impose sanctions on these sponsors of terrorism? Heck we don’t even condemn them!What goes through a reader’s mind when they see an article titled “Accepting Al Qaeda” that is published by Council on Foreign Relations – the think tank behind US foreign policy? Or when Hillary Clinton’s chief foreign policy advisor wrote to her, “Al Qaeda is on our side”?”
See the original article for links to back up all its quotes. The game is rather obvious if you’re paying attention – and rather funny when you consider that ISIS recruits were caught ordering the “Koran for Dummies”. There are many more than 10 reasons that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation. The article continues on by referencing the spread of Islamic terrorism and ISIS throughout the world, particular to the Philippines:
“In Asia, we need to prevail upon Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Without them, we lose much of Asia to China. Sharia Law and Salafism are gaining momentum in Indonesia, which is a positive sign. Philippines’ crazy leader, Duterte, has been too friendly with Russia and China. He will lose his popularity and get replaced if the ISIS affiliate – Abu Sayyaf – causes enough problems. If he fights back against ISIS, we will cry “human rights” and “Islamophobia” at the UN and impose sanctions.”
The ISIS puppet show teleports itself to all corners of the earth, and now just happens to attack the Philippines. Image credit: David Icke
Finally, the article alludes to the possible plan the NWO conspirators may have to even use Islamic terrorism against China, the last of the 2 big enemies (alongside Russia) to be encircled and conquered:
“Moving forward, the biggest economic challenge for us will be China. However, it has an Achilles heel – the western province of Xinjiang that is predominantly made up of Muslims. With help from Turkey, we have already created in Xinjiang an Islamist movement that is calling for secession. China’s One Belt One Road is very dependent on freight trains safely traveling through that region on their way to Europe. Our future Mujahideen in Xinjiang will come in handy if China starts to misbehave.”
Why the US Love the Saudis So Much
The US loves Saudi Arabia, no matter how many women it stones to death, how many people it beheads and how many lashes it doles out to its free speech bloggers. What can compare with the Saudi network of mosques and madrases teaching militant Wahhabi Islam? The Saudis help the US do its dirty work in a way that no other nation can, as this article explains:
“It is clear that despite the New York Times attempting to make a connection between Saudi-funded indoctrination at mosques and madrasas and terrorism as ambiguous as possible, Saudi funding is the primary factor driving extremism and filling the ranks of terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.Coupled with covert, indirect and direct military support when these extremists reach various battlefields around the world, Saudi-funded extremism represents what is essentially a mercenary expeditionary force, auxiliaries used in pursuit of modern day empire.As witnessed in Libya and Syria, the purpose behind the United States and Europe supporting Saudi Arabia and turning an intentional blind-eye to its global network of extremist indoctrination and the terrorist organisations these networks feed into, is targeting and overthrowing governments the United States and Europe are incapable of overthrowing directly with military force.Saudi-funded indoctrination filling the ranks of this virtual global mercenary force, can be used as a tool for regime change. Saudi-funded extremists were instrumental in overthrowing the Libyan government in 2011, and have led the fight to oust the Syrian government.“
The ISIS puppet show is the latest installment of a decades-old plan to use fanatics, fools and mercenaries to get the job done.
Expect the ISIS Puppet Show to Continue
So now Iran has been hit. Will it stop here? No. Expect the ISIS puppet show to continue showing up in nations around the world who aren’t toeing the NWO line. However, there’s one place that ISIS has never hit, despite that fact it’s right next door to their home base, and despite the fact they follow the kind of doctrine that encourages them to hate Christians, Shiites and Jews. That nation is Israel.
Wonder why?
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
Here we have Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacher suggesting that American support for ISIS terrorists used against Iran - and presumably Syria - is a 'good thing'! From Wikipedia: " Following the ISIS terrorist attacks in Tehran on June 7th, 2017, in which 17 innocent civilians were killed, he suggested that the attack could be viewed as ‘a good thing', and surmised that President Trump might have been behind the coordination of this terrorist attack."