I always keep my eye out for indicators of contrivance or artifice in the public relations and news out following high-profile events, particularly those that come within the generic "terror" label.
There is a difference between the genuine and spontaneous outpouring of grief and sympathy on the one hand, and orchestrated and pre-planned campaigns in the mould of those used by advertising agencies on the other. Human emotions can be easily manipulated as we know from our own experience in the concert hall, cinema or pop concert such as that performed by the singer Ariana Grande on the night of the attack. In addition these same emotions can be manipulated by those who plan and carry out the attacks themselves. This does not need me to convince you. It is plain for all to see.
We arguably witnessed the modern phenomenon first following the very suspicious Charlie Hebdo attack, when what appeared to be the prepared meme of "Juis oui Charlie Hebdo" although its gestation can be traced further, particularly with the death of iconic figures. The Hebdo example appeared with remarkable speed on thousands of posters. It leads to the inevitable conclusion that this gesture was already to be rolled out within hours of the event.
By definition the production of a slogan requires unitary and central organisation. As far as I am aware no one has enquired into or revealed the actual mechanics of this. For example who came up with the slogan? Who transferred it to print? Who did the distribution?
These are all crucial details in choreography of terror but it would be hard to believe that it would be Jihadist Militants that would organise such a thing, nor could it be spontaneous and atomistic.
And of course if it was ready to roll, it means that whoever was behind it knew in advance what was to happen.
The same techniques have been employed since, as we have all witnessed, suggesting the "controlling mind" in such things, has the power and influence to operate across national boundaries. Clearly although the violence is ascribed to ISIS, it would be ridiculous to do the same for the management of the subsequent publicity. This has to be a reflection of WESTERN authorities.
So now moving to the Manchester incident, I have already dealt with some of the many 'coincidences', familiar and suspicious features that we have come to expect with these European terror attacks. Both government and media pour contempt on these reservations but never examine or address them. There are so many anomalies that keep being repeated, that only a fool or rogue would not concur there is something very strange - even suspicious - in the official account.
Here I want to concentrate on just one of those suspicious photographic examples. They have a clear message that both Jews and Muslims share a rejection of violence. This must be wholly good mustn't it?
The subliminal message may be less obvious but I would ask you to consider it. It parallels the meme of "togetherness", "love", "forgiveness" and rather weirdly "smiles".
If I give you all the examples I shall get side-tracked so I shall have to resist the temptation.
Of course these emotions are in stark contrast to what might be humanly expected or perhaps more importantly the military action that it propels.
As pointed out in earlier article, in the few days following the attack there were top level meetings of NATO, G7 and Bilderburg, with an American Presidential Middle East/European tour by Donald Trump thrown in.
The following Friday ex-President Obama landed in Edinburgh to give a speech to the Hunter Foundation "dedicated to poverty eradication and educational enablement". One of its 'partners' happens to be the Clinton Foundation and "Cash for Kids". Immediately after the Manchester bombing he tweeted to his 88 million followers, expressing his sympathy and praising the 'faith and character' of those affected by the blast.
Two days later Manchester United midfielder Ander Herrera dedicated their first-time Europa League triumph over Ajax Amsterdam to the victims of the deadly bomb attack.
The Aviva Premiership Rugby Final was on the following Saturday 27 May 2017 at Twickenham. In the County Championship on the same day in the same place, Lancashire beat Cornwall. (Manchester of course is in Lancashire)
The Manchester Run - a huge local charity event - was organised for the following Sunday (26th).
Call me old fashioned but these are some very BIG timing coincidences!
So in Thursday's edition of the London Times there was this photograph of two young and beautiful women sub-titled as: "... St Ann's Square Manchester where Renee Black, who is Jewish, and Sadiq Patel, a Muslim prayed for victims..."
I have searched in vain on the Internet for the actual image and text in the Times (obviously I have the original paper hard copy) but I am satisfied the image below is of the same two individuals from a different source. Note the white rose and tearless emotion!
The photograph has all the marks of a pre-planned publicity stunt, lacking any genuine emotion, however this is not the important point.
What is strange is that the by-line does not refer to the photograph of the two women or say who they are, only to Renee Black and Sadiq Patel in a very stylised demonstration of Jewish/Muslim 'togetherness'. However perhaps even stranger, the two unidentified women with the incongruous by-line, bear a striking likeness to two of the fatally injured - Eilidh MacLeod and Michelle Kiss. Of course this must be just a rather spooky coincidence.
The follow image and text refers to Eilidh MacLeod, one of the victims who died. It comes from the Telegraph here: As far as I am aware a reliable identity for the two above has never been provided.
"A "vivacious" teenager from the picturesque Scottish island of Barra has been confirmed dead by her parents.
"Eilidh MacLeod, 14, was killed in the blast at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester on Monday evening, which she attended with her close friend Laura MacIntyre, 15, who was located in hospital nearly 20 hours after the incident.
"Ms MacIntyre is recovering from severe burns, but her condition is not thought to be critical."
Then the woman on the left in this composite image said to be Michelle Kiss who was killed by the blast.
Michelle Kiss, Saffie Roussos and Georgina Callander

The grieving bye-stander on the left below certainly has more than a passing resemblance?
A girl is interviewed immediately after the event at 3.26 on the video here: This person obviously ALIVE bears a striking resemblance to this image of this person named Georgina Callender (or Callander) depending on

The following are the images and explanatory tags relating to the evidently staged photo-shoot of Renee-Rachel-Black and Sadiq-Patel, wrongly ascribed to the two anonymous grieving women above.
What should we make of all this?
On the face of it the message promoted by these images and slogans are good ones. Who could object to a coming together of what are ostensibly opposing religious forces after a terrible event, or indeed a recommendation for forgiveness, love and understanding? Trouble it is a rather superficial and inaccurate misrepresentation, that in the process denies any possibility of an analysis of the event itself or the underlying psychological purpose of the meme. Just a few examples of the slogan below.
(Incidentally this image link was not deemed safe by my computer!)
Nor are we allowed to examine the religious beliefs promulgated by the religions, or their ultimate consequences. The application of reason to faith is thereby stifled by such terms as "anti-semitism", "hate speech" and "political correctness". Britain has a long history of both tolerance and intolerance, but it is the application of reason to belief and action that is critical if we are to survive this current evil. An ostrich mentality will not help us. Nor can or should we ignore those elements embedded in religion that encourage hatred or violent or oppressive behaviour to others.
I would suggest the event and its subsequent handling have clear objectives, that have repeated time and time again throughout Europe. I believe that the terror and subsequent control of the messaging have common creative sources and controls. Does it not seem a a tad strange that the theme of "togetherness" so prominent in Manchester was the self same logo adopted for the NATO conference just a few days later and indeed for the whole of the EU that Britain is intent on leaving?
The apparent contrast between the violence and the reaction, is there to distance the two and implant the concept that 'we' and 'our' values are superior. We can abhor the sin whilst loving and forgiving the sinner.
Further that both Jewish and Muslim faiths are suffused with these attitudes and emotions. (Christianity meanwhile is relatively side-lined) whilst any serious examination of illiberal beliefs and actions in the two (or three) cultural and political spheres and territories can be skimmed over with aplomb - even a bomb! The inherent hypocrisy and egotism embedded in the reaction to these events is impossible to ignore.
However our opposition (note not hatred) is directed to the organisation labelled ISIS or Daesh. This is the camouflaged and real objective, because the terror meted on the streets justifies both domestic and foreign policy objectives aimed not only against ISIS but paradoxically those that are also opposed to it - namely Syria and Russia.
Note the speed with which this line was pursued at NATO and the G7, and undoubtedly Bilderburg also, where the real business strategy is agreed. And what is the real consequence of all this, which we are told was being pushed by the USA despite its President's diffidence? Well of course further military intervention in Syria and supporting an Israeli objective of destabilisation and domination whilst building up tensions with Russian and Iran that risk all-out war.
Happy Families?
Thus the populations of the west are herded in a miasmatic mix of pop sexuality, emotional grief, love and smiles, whilst the real power-brokers and decision-makers advance towards their political, territorial and natural resources goal unopposed by their respective electorates.
Note below the prominance of the heat blankets and the slogan on the bus.
One of the claimed missing, presumed injured or dead, had actually been murdered four years previously!
"Mum horrified after picture of daughter murdered by ex used in collages of 'missing in Manchester'
"Samantha Shrewsbury was shocked to see images of Jayden Parkinson, 17, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend and dumped in a graveyard, circulating online
"On Tuesday, she wrote on Twitter : "Why is my MURDERED daughter's picture being used in a collage of pictures of children missing dead after last night terror attack.(sic).""
Also see: "The Manchester Hoax Compilation"
As Home Secretary, Mrs May was in charge of MI5, and was MI5's choice for PM. Neither Parliament or the Manchester Arena were adequately protected despite being obvious targets when we are told the Country and the huge anti-terrorist estate was on high alert - essentially another huge fail on the part of MI5 yet not one word of criticism from its protege. Whether she ordered the attack or no, these two failures in security are sufficient to question the whole apparatus yet no one takes political responsibility. Why hasn't she resigned?
ReplyDeleteDrivel is it Frants? You would hardly expect any deep state organisation to leave a message, "Fair cop mate. We bin banged to rights for sure," would you? So hard evidence no, but how about the circumstantial? The attacker's family a long history of association with MI5. Multiple warnings ignored. Travel arrangements from known terrorist centre. Recent very suspicious attack on Parliament and high state of terrorist alert, but complete absence of security at an obvious target, particularly after the Bataclan. A replica event staged only a year before for 'training purposes'. The local hospital staged a mock terrorist event only a month before. Sixty(!) ambulances on scene IMMEDIATELY yet not a single fire appliance for 90 minutes despite explosion and possible fire risk or other devices. The adjacent station closed for repairs. Yet again no video of him entering or the actual explosion despite multiple CCTV cameras. Somehow next day New York Times knows where he and all the dead (22!) lay. Plus all that highly secret information that got to them somehow. No evidence of all the stated seriously injured in hospital. Inconsistences and lack of credibilty in televised statements. Repeat themes and memes. Timing with pre-planned top level meetings of NATO, G7 and Bilderburg immediately following subject to the prepared message of "Standing Together". A predictable part played both by entertainment and sport (I'll let you work out what and why) And all this without going into the finer points of detail none of which would be remotely under the control of ISIS. Still think that whilst a finger is pointed at ISIS, three don't point back at ourselves, and that any suggestion of deep state involvement for domestic and foreign propaganda purposes is "Drivel"?
ReplyDeleteOle Dammegard exposes international False Flag psyop corporate hub:!
ReplyDeleteAlfred Lambremont Webre
Published on 29 May 2017
Ole Dammegard exposes international False Flag psyop corporate hub responsible for 3/22 Westminster & 5/22 Manchester False Flag attacks:!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
This very reputable company and their skills can be found here:
ReplyDeleteAnd now, as if to add salt into the wounds of mass ignorance and stupidity we have this:
ReplyDelete"Take the Lead in Treating Manchester Terror Victims
by Staff | 05.31.17 2:55 pm
Israeli trauma experts have landed in Manchester in the wake of the attack on the Ariana Grande concert to treat victims and train medical staff on the ground, Breaking Israel News reported Monday.
The terrorist organization Islamic State has officially claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that left 22 people killed, many of them children, and injured 59 on May 22.
Rabbi Dov Benyaacov-Kurtzman, who has lived most of his life in Jerusalem and currently resides in Glasgow, where he created the UK National Emergency Response, Resilience and Treatment Programme For Stress and Trauma, rapidly mobilized teams of volunteers to assist the injured.
“We immediately erected a pop-up trauma center to deal with the city’s population who were in the aftermath of a terror attack, and by Friday morning we’d managed to open a mobile facility and gotten someone to donate a storefront in central Manchester to serve as ‘Ground Zero’ for our efforts,” Benyaacov-Kurtzman told TPS.
His efforts are supported by Prof. Yori Gidron of France’s Lille University, a native of Israel, who previously gained experience in international disaster and relief work during humanitarian catastrophes in Japan, Nepal, Haiti, and Israel.
Gidron flew out to Manchester in the immediate aftermath of the attack to both provide medical treatment and train local mental health staff. Several Israeli trauma specialists, including Dr. Moshe Farchi, the head of stress, trauma and resilience studies at Tel Hai College in northern Israel, have joined Gidron’s team. To date, they have trained 90 English mental health professionals in trauma care."
The miraculous surviving terrorist identity document:
Richard D. Hall:
ReplyDeletePublished on May 17, 2019
This is a 42 minute extract from Richard D. Hall's 2019 UK tour, where evidence from the 2019 Manchester Arena "bombing" is forensically examined, showing beyond reasonable doubt that the event was fabricated. If you would like to see the full lecture which covers other issues, it is available on DVD from
Richard D Hall presentation: