See: https://www.facebook.com/neveragaincanada/videos/707057079460489/
The society admits as much, or why would the beater not show his face?
This is a HUMAN thing and a MALE/FEMALE thing.
Human nature has a dark side that exults in violence and if given the opportunity, finds excuses for it. The civilizing effects of the teachings of Jesus are seldom acknowleged. He said, "He who is without sin amongst you, let him first cast the stone."
Ironically of course, this has never stopped those professing Christianity, from doing outrageously cruel things to both their fellow man and animals!
Clearly religious belief is insufficient on its own, to ensure the milk of human kindness. In addition, there needs to be legal prohibition, based on the objective assessment that cruelty is intrinsically wrong and cannot be excused.
Nor should we overlook the fact that some men revel in violence, particularly directed at women. This is deeply embedded in nature and in the nurturing/socializing process (if you can regard the acceptance of caning women a "nurturing" process!)
I believe we are on firm ground when condemning absolutely the practice shown, but far less so, when expressing cultural moral superiority because of it.
First, it is only a couple of hundred years ago that we did precisely the same, and presumably justified it in a hard-hearted legalistic manner. Women were regularly whipped throught the streets of English towns, for a variety of misdemeanours and burnt at the stake if they were adjudged to have killed their new born baby or demonstrated strange behaviours that today would be put down to mental disorder or even just eccentricity.
To those that find two centuries sufficient exemption from blame, we need to remind ourselves that violence to women is still endemic in Western society, even if not officially endorsed. (Domestic abuse in the UK currently causes over one hundred female and about thirty male deaths a year and countless thousands of less serious consequences)
The obvious trap is to equate brutality with Mohammadism, whilst absolving ourselves as if we were superior.
Tell that to the individuals unjustly incarcerated for decades, some without even the pretence of a fair trial; or those tortured in dark CIA sites; or the innocents bombed from the air; or those drowning unrescued in the Mediterranean Sea. Over one hundred individuals in British gaols were so distressed by their treatment, that they ended their own lives and now even an American President supports the idea of torture!
So we should all be very cautious about falling for lazy opinion, that certain societies are less civilized than others, based only one deplorable example or that we are morally superior because of it.
Those empathetic humans who are disturbed and disgusted by the brutality demonstrated by one human to another, espectially where it has governmental or religious sanction, need to utilize every channel open to them, to urge restraint and compassion wherever it is revealed if we are not as a species, to sink ever lower into a cesspit evil.
As always Shakespeare said it best,
"The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
‘T is mightiest in the mightiest;
it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.
Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence ‘gainst the merchant there." (Merchant of Venice. Act 4, Scene 1)
Anyone who aspires to regard themselves as religious - whatever it be - or not, would do well to be as critical of themselves as of others ("Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Math. 7:3) in order that hatred be moderated by understanding, and ruthless behaviour by empathy and concern.
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Bourke
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Bourke
Appalled by the excessive punishments doled out to convicts, Bourke initiated the Magistrates Act, which simplified existing regulations and limited the sentence a magistrate could pass to 50 lashes (previously no such limit existed). The bill was passed by the legislature because Bourke presented evidence that magistrates were exceeding their powers and passing illegal sentences, in part because regulations were complex and confusing. However, furious magistrates and employers petitioned the crown against this interference with their legal rights, fearing that a reduction in punishments would cease to provide enough deterrence to the convicts, and this issue was exploited by his opponents.
In 1835, Bourke issued a proclamation through the Colonial Office, implementing the doctrine of terra nullius by proclaiming that Indigenous Australians could not sell or assign land, nor could an individual person acquire it, other than through distribution by the Crown.[2]
Bourke continued to create controversy within the colony by combating the inhumane treatment handed out to convicts, including limiting the number of convicts each employer was allowed to 70, as well as granting rights to emancipists, such as allowing the acquisition of property and service on juries. It has been argued that the abolition of convict transportation to Australia in 1840 can be attributable to the actions of Bourke.
Bourke abolished the status of the Anglican Church as the state church of New South Wales, declaring each religious denomination on equal footing before the law. He also increased spending on education and attempted to set up a system of public nondenominational schools. He was credited as the first governor to publish satisfactory accounts of public receipts and expenditures.
In 1837, the year of his promotion to lieutenant-general, he was made colonel for life of the 64th (2nd Staffordshire) Regiment of Foot. The same year, he named the town of Melbourne after Viscount Melbourne, the UK Prime Minister.
Bourke Street in Melbourne's central business district and the town of Bourke, New South Wales were named after him, in turn. The County of Bourke, Victoria, which includes Melbourne, and Bourke County, New South Wales, were also named after him. Elizabeth Street, Melbourne is generally considered to be named in honour of his wife.
The bronze statue of Bourke outside the State Library of New South Wales in Sydney was the first public statue ever erected in Australia. It was dedicated on 11 April 1842.[3] It records his accomplishments as governor in florid detail. It was funded by public subscription and made by Edward Hodges Baily in London.[4]
Bourke was promoted to general in 1851. He died at his residence Thornfleld, in County Limerick, Ireland, on Sunday 12 August 1855[5] and is buried in Castleconnell.
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