Melbourne Car Attack: Outstanding Questions.
Where did the FOUR official cars that followed down Russell Street DISAPPEAR?
Note direction of shadows cast.
Despite the police following this car and driver since early morning of the 20th January, 2017, and knowing he had stabbed his brother and taken a hostage (apparently), absolutely no attempt was made to disable him or the car in up to the ten hours involved and particularly at the Flinders intersection when there was more than adequate opportunity.
At least three unmarked police vehicles, several more marked ones and at least three armed policemen were on scene, yet none attempt to disable the car or driver, or even instruct him to desist? They can all be seen to sedately follow him down Russell Street, with not even an attempt to block his passage. Knowing his route and the threat that he posed, why were units not deployed to block his progress as would be standard practice in a case of this sort?
Had he been arrested at this stage, five lives would have been saved - if the reported deaths are genuine. Yet issues relating to the adequacy and competence of the intelligence and policing are not even raised let alone answered. If people have been injured and killed, isn't that partly the responsibility of the authorities, who in ten hours or so, failed to apprehend the assailant? What excuse could there be for this?
Further unexplained discrepancies that undermine the official story are detailed below. Why have none of these been addressed?
At least three unmarked police vehicles, several more marked ones and at least three armed policemen were on scene, yet none attempt to disable the car or driver, or even instruct him to desist? They can all be seen to sedately follow him down Russell Street, with not even an attempt to block his passage. Knowing his route and the threat that he posed, why were units not deployed to block his progress as would be standard practice in a case of this sort?
Had he been arrested at this stage, five lives would have been saved - if the reported deaths are genuine. Yet issues relating to the adequacy and competence of the intelligence and policing are not even raised let alone answered. If people have been injured and killed, isn't that partly the responsibility of the authorities, who in ten hours or so, failed to apprehend the assailant? What excuse could there be for this?
Further unexplained discrepancies that undermine the official story are detailed below. Why have none of these been addressed?
A still from the following video:
Watch at 1.42 - 1.49 mins. (7 seconds) video here:
Please note the offending car travels from RIGHT to LEFT. How can this be reconciled with the shown direction of travel west down the NORTH side of the Mall? The Mail reports he turned RIGHT into Bourke Street Mall. ("He first was seen doing doughnuts near Flinders Street Station before speeding up Swanson Street and turning right onto the Bourke Street mall." Read more: )
As can be seen from the map, this must be inaccurate, as he must have turned LEFT into Bourke Street.
As can be seen from the map, this must be inaccurate, as he must have turned LEFT into Bourke Street.
Further the above shop video can only be genuine if he drove the wrong way down the south side of the Mall. If he did, this then appears to conflict with the direction of travel indicated by the site photographs taken after the event!
Compare and contrast with this account from the Australian Daily Telegraph:
"Police are chasing a rogue car which has driven erratically through the Melbourne CBD.It’s feared at least one pedestrian has been hit in the Bourke Street Mall.A number of unmarked police cars and a police helicopter have been deployed in the chase.People ran for their lives as the hoon sped through busy and oncoming traffic, narrowly missing pedestrians.The hoon sped off down Swanston Street before police could arrive on the scene.
This account is clearly inaccurate as the police in three unmarked vehicles plus more marked squad cars (see videos at base of article) followed him from the initial circular display at Flinders, without any attempt to stop him despite knowing who he was at that stage as he had been previously tracked by helicopter. And if he had turned down Swanston, how could he end up between William and King Streets???? And on which side of the Mall did he drive down. You would expect it to be the North or RH side in which case the brief video cannot be right. However if it was on the South LH side, I can make no sense of the images of the injured that indicate right to left direction of travel when viewed from street. A witness confirms this. Perhaps someone can explain these apparent conflicting reports and impressions?Police chased the car down Bourke Street, where they opened fire on the vehicle between William and King Streets.The car then went off the road onto the footpath where a witness says it collected a baby in a carrying device or pram.The baby flew out from under the car and is being treated by paramedics on the side of the road." (
There has been no explanation and no supporting evidence as to how the extensive damage to the car, shown below, was caused!
There is no point in re-inventing the wheel, and Davidsson and Maxwell say it so much better than me. As regards likely fraudulent, state-inspired, "terrorism", the introduction to Maxwell's book, reprinted below, suggests the Cafe Lindt event in Sydney, was one such. The more recent Melbourne incident may well be another. It certainly has many of the signature features, disturbingly not least its desired effect on the public sympathy and blame attitude.
Common Features of these Recent Terrorist Events.
One of the major difficulties is distinguishing between elements that are true and false, because invariably there are both.
Some may indeed be killed or injured, but not necessarily those stated or in the way described. Some of those shown in video clips may be injured, others incredibly may be paid actors! Injuries may be real or fabricated as demonstrated in multiple exercises, as if the film industry was not adequate proof that this can be done realistically. The alleged or real damage may be done by the alleged perpetrator or vehicle or by different ones.
Careful inspection of the 'video evidence' immediately uploaded to the Internet and all media outlets - always to be treated with great caution by the way - may have been concocted, to provide additional drama. But often it is pre-prepared material that may give the game away.
One of the most notable examples of this was the video circulated of the attack on the Casa Nostra bar in Paris, where all initial reports (from official sources) put the death toll at five. Not only was no one killed there, the time stamp reveals an hour discrepancy and many other discordant features that I have discussed previously.
One of the major difficulties is distinguishing between elements that are true and false, because invariably there are both.
Some may indeed be killed or injured, but not necessarily those stated or in the way described. Some of those shown in video clips may be injured, others incredibly may be paid actors! Injuries may be real or fabricated as demonstrated in multiple exercises, as if the film industry was not adequate proof that this can be done realistically. The alleged or real damage may be done by the alleged perpetrator or vehicle or by different ones.
Careful inspection of the 'video evidence' immediately uploaded to the Internet and all media outlets - always to be treated with great caution by the way - may have been concocted, to provide additional drama. But often it is pre-prepared material that may give the game away.
One of the most notable examples of this was the video circulated of the attack on the Casa Nostra bar in Paris, where all initial reports (from official sources) put the death toll at five. Not only was no one killed there, the time stamp reveals an hour discrepancy and many other discordant features that I have discussed previously.
So have I discovered a video feature of the Melbourne attack that proves fraud at some level or other - probably a fraudulent reconstruction purporting to show the vehicle passing a shop in the arcade and people running to safety in panic?
So for better or worse, what are familiar features that yet again appear in the Melbourne case, almost as if there is a common director and a common script?
- Some form of pre-warning or 'exercise'. Warnings of likely attacks specific to Melbourne, including the arrest of six suspects, were issued with much fanfare in November and December. Channel 7 made much of an "ISIS" it had come by, making it clear that Melbourne was in its sights. I even found a dead body protest a few years back in the very same street this alleged attack took place.
- The assailant is well known to the police and may have spent time in custody.
- Despite this, an abject failure of intelligence or anticipation.
- An inexplicable failure of intervention despite a high level of risk and with police in close proximity. In this case there is literally no explanation for the non-intervention as the assailant had been identified and followed for no less than ten hours!
- Some brutal act before or during the event, preferably with a knife, to prove the primitive and desperate nature of the man (usually)
- Something to clearly link him to the Muslim faith. Shouting 'Allah Akbar' may suffice, but photographs or video in some militaristic or otherwise identifiable pose, that miraculously become available after the event (why never before?) may be even better.
- Some evidence of mental instability or extremist belief is helpful. And whilst we are at it why not throw in anything to colour his character in the eyes of media or public, such as questionable associations or activities, petty theft, violence, drunkenness, drug taking, sexual activity, even if to do so is likely to undermine the suggestion this is a person who takes his religion seriously. A hint that the person is homosexual (as in this case and others) can also be helpful.
- The choice of a name that embeds connotations of evil and clear links to Islam, should be included. Thus Mohammed or Ibrahim are popular, or names containing "bad" or "mad". In this case of course the name is "DIMitrious “Jimmy” GargaSOULAS".
- A hostage element either before, during or after the main event. In this case a mysterious woman in the car who somehow either escapes or is allowed to go. (Was this element required to excuse the fact that the police took no action sooner?)
- Filmed dramatic elements especially of people running in panic and aftermath scenes of the dead and/or injured. Red blood in some places but not others (real or imitation as the case may be) will be required.
- The perpatrator is often 'neutralised', or kills himself, or is otherwise removed and silenced. Note in this case the dramatic arrest and public undressing with red underpants. There is no explanation for the extreme damage to the car including the roof!
- If hired actors are involved these can sometimes over-act as in one specific case here.
- Heroes. These are useful to deflect attention away from a detailed examination of events or problems. In this case we have two specific cases: the two youths that supposedly try to stop the car doing its circular performance; and a taxi driver who lends assistance to a recumbant victim. In neither case can it be claimed heroism was demonstrated as indeed the taxi driver himself insists. But in the former case it is far more suspicious as it has to be asked why the lad was carrying a baseball bat and even more significantly why he just abandons it, to be picked up by another lad who had been standing on the opposite side of the junction.
- Inexplicable inactivity by the police when they had opportunity
- conflicting reports resulting from a pre-prepared script going to the media not able to reflect the developing action. In this case the number of deaths and identities were firmly three, but this had to be increased to five. Incidentally none of the video prior to arrival of ambulance men, gives evidence of victims equating to those described.
- Great prominance is given to a push chair and of reports that a child was hit by the car, but no actual evidence of such. Where was the injured child?
- Images of the alleged victims and biographical details immediately available. This was particularly notable in the case of the Bataclan despite the huge difficulty to obtain and collate the images.
- Victims should preferably be young with smiling faces and good looks
- Witnesses and those able to capture events on video appear to have a preponderance of links with the media or Jewish organisation
- Witnesses similarly tend to be young and attractive physically
- The video that is distributed by the media is highly selective and no one ever explains how that and nothing else is used by everyone.
- politicians immediately get in on the act expressing condolences and promising swift 'justice'. This is often by appeals to be 'calm' and not to blame any particular religious belief which makes them look 'liberal' and tolerant, but is largely irrelevant to the true impact
- a PR campaign is miraculously at an advanced stage such as "Pray for Paris"
- the event frequently coincides with ritual, religious, political or sporting events - in this case a tennis championship
- it is often used to disguise or distract from (military or political) events elsewhere
- public display of sympathy is orchestrated and encouraged. Large crowds, carpet of flowers and other outpourings common encouraged by the use of images that may be genuine or staged
- the event is subsequently unchallenged as to the facts and is used by politicians both at home and abroad to further both a domestic and foreign agenda, that may be short-handed as more repression and surveillance at home and war abroad.
Apologies if I have overlooked any of the common features of this fairly recent phenomenom that can usually be traced back to a relatively small, discrete and deeply immoral cobal centred on covert elements of certain nation government institutions and not necessarily those it is blamed on.
The people of the world need to be far more alive to this pernicious activity in order to prevent it. A first step is education and awareness. The second is scepticism. The third is detailed examination of every one, testing the story against the facts. The fourth subjecting politicians and representatives of the agencies involved to cross examination and accountability for what was done or not done as the case may be.
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Commonalities among Various Terrorist Operations
January 24, 2017 by 8 Comments
The Blue Man:
ReplyDeleteThe "Blue Man" pointing where to go:
ReplyDeleteGargarsoulas car route clarified and proof no one struck on Mall footpath:
ReplyDeletePeekay Truth has been silenced. A sad day in the truth community.
ReplyDeleteHarkin' to the truth:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThorough and excellent analysis. Those responsible (due to their inaction) have instead acted against the family of a respected Youtuber, and arrested the Youtuber instead of dealing with their own insane hypocrisy and misuse of public funds.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this blogger; It is critical that we find out who was driving the three silver state cars, and white 4x4, and who gave them orders. They are culpable, as are the bystanding apparent police people (apparent by their uniforms).
ReplyDeleteOver to you and like minded Australians Freddy! Someone has to challenge this stuff.
Deletethe latest coronial inquiry (sic) will have to ignore the photo discrepancies of pram on car and pram on footpath away from car????????????????????????/